Wednesday, June 19, 2024


 Hi everyone,

  My calandar says that tomorrow it is SUMMER!!!  How can that be?  

  I must admit that this Spring has gone way too fast and I still don't have my garden all planted.  First I helped with Spring planting by helping to move equipment and run for parts.  I packed lunches and helped move equipment to the next field.  

  Before that I helped take down half a mile of fenceline on the new land the Lord opened the doors for us to buy.  We had to take down fence; pull out trees that were in the fields; work the ground which brought up the rocks.  Then the guys picked rocks for several days and then worked the ground we were breaking again.  Finally it was ready to be seeded!!  

  After that I started planting my garden but almost every day the wind was incredible or it was raining.  Then I worked the election and had to take the training for that.  I am an election Judge which means that I hand the paper ballots to voters and made sure that no funny business took place.

  Sometime in there my daughter and her family came to visit for her dad's birthday.  OH HOW WE PARTIED.  lol  We made his rhubarb pie together this year and we had our first picnic on the deck with all 6 of our grandchildren dining together.

  I may have mentioned that we are getting 2 new grandbabies this year so I've been doing lots of BodyTalk sessions for the pregnant Moms.  

  There was always SOMETHING keeping me from planting the rest of my garden.  PLEASE pray that I get it done this week.  It's hard to get back to a project that large when once interrrupted but I have plants sitting on the deck that MUST get put in the ground!!

  Well, that's a short summary of what's happening around here.  Oh yes, I'm part of the ND delegation to the RNC next month so we've been having Zoom meetings.  One begins in 4 minutes so I say HAPPY SUMMER!!


Dear God

I adore how beautiful

the glimpses I get of You

through the fragrance of sweet summer

and by the rainbow of her blooms


I adore how lovely

the glimpses I get of You

through the birdsong in my garden

and by the flouncy flowers too.

~ wlm

A Dear God Summer #Poem #mygarden


But you remain the same, 

and your years will never end.

Hebrews 1:12 NIV

A Dear God Summer #Poem #mygarden

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Do you know what to do?

 Hi everyone,

  We were at a graduation party the other day when our host took his phone around to the group.  On his screen there was a picture of a tornado that was spotted only a few miles away from where we were.  Now that makes a person think.

  Although God protected our family from harm when a tornado went through our farm on July 3rd, 2018, it almost completely ripped our farm apart.  Huge trees were sawed off as if by a mighty chainsaw.  Buildings were demolished.  A rather large calf shelter went flying over the quanset and the shelterbelt to end up on a rock pile North of the farm.  Our daughter's grill went flying off of the deck never to be seen again.

  That got me thinking that the greatest planning a person needs to do is to know that God will protect you from harm.  Not one shingle was ripped off of either one of our houses.  Not a hair on our heads was scratched.  In fact, we slept through the whole thing although we dimly recall the sound of a freight train driving by our family room.  

  That being said, I feel the need to share this article with folks.  It's about how to prepare for a tornado and what to do if one is heading for your location.  Again, prayers for safety is the biggest priority every single day!!!  May it bless you to have this information but may you never need to know it!!

  I'm not sure why the article won't center on the page for me.  I'll see if I can figure it out.  Perhaps a tornado went through my post.  UGGGG

  Be safe! 


Thursday, May 30, 2024


 Hi everyone,

I decided after that sad post last time, we all needed something to laugh about.  I didn't grow up with all of the funny farm slogans I shared below but many of them are familiar to me.

Robert and I have been farmers all of our lives except for our years in collage and 4 years of living in the city.  Those were looooong years when we tried to forget that we're farmers.  

It truly is in one's blood, though. When the soil in the Spring warms up and animal babies start arriving on the Earth, we MUST plant seeds!! 

Our guys finished planting in the fields yesterday.  Now that I'm done running for parts; packing lunches; helping move equipment around, I can FINALLY turn my attention to my garden.  YAY.

Here's to rains coming at the right times and great prices for what we produce here on our farm.  


PS.  That extra seat is sure nice for Grandmas and Littles to catch a ride comfortably!

75 Funny Farmer Slogans and Sayings

Farmers are the backbone to any nations food supply. These great funny farmer slogans and sayings highlight the invaluable contributions and hard work of the agriculture industry.

A decision for nature.
A Hard Row to Plow.
Acres or inches? Size matters.
Agriculture is the most healthful, most useful and most noble employment of man.
Agriculture looks different today – our farmers are using GPS and you can monitor your irrigation systems over the Internet.
Agriculture: You Can’t Live Without It!
As a farmer, I am simple outstanding in my field.
Be natural.
Bringing growth, ingenuity, and experience to market.
Does your soil have what it takes?
Don’t let them pull the wool over your eyes.
Eat Clean And Green. Eat Organic.
Factory farming came about from a moral race to the bottom, with corporations vying against each other to produce more and bigger animals with less care at lower cost.
Farm = Fiber + Food + Fuel Series.
Farm Rule #1: Feed The People.
Farmer: We Feed The World.
Farmers are respectable and interesting to me in proportion as they are poor.
Farmers are the founders of human civilization.
Farming Is A Profession Of Hope.
Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil and you’re a thousand miles from the corn field.
Farming with live animals is a 7 day a week, legal form of slavery.
Farming: The Original Survivor
Feeding the world, caring for the Earth.
Fences should be horse-high, pig tight, and bull-strong.
Food, water, and energy for a hungry world.
Getting Our Hands Dirty; Putting Food in Yours.
Good for nature, good for you.
Good health and conscious living.
Grab a sheep.
Grass fed beef, the new old – fashioned way.
Growing Community By Inspiring Healthy, Whole, Abundant Living.
Growing Green Fields And A Green Environment.
Grown By Nature.
Hungry. Naked. Where Did All The Farmers Go?
Hungry? Why Wait?
I Farm, You Eat.
I Live My Life By The Seeds Of My Plants.
I Ranch for You.
If we estimate dignity by immediate usefulness, agriculture is undoubtedly the first and noblest science.
If you ate today, thank a farmer.
If you tickle the earth with a hoe she laughs with a harvest.
Improving agriculture, improving lives.
In goodness we trust.
In Nature We Trust.
It is thus with farming, if you do one thing late, you will be late in all your work.
It never rains in a dry time.
It’s in our nature.
Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food.
Life on a farm is a school of patience; you can’t hurry the crops or make an ox in two days.
Like a gardener I believe what goes down must come up.
Local. Natural. Sustainable.
Make hay when the sun shines.
My Tractor Costs More Than Your Beemer.
Never answer a question from a farmer.
Old Farmers never die, they just go to seed.
Our farmers round, well pleased with constant gain, like other farmers, flourish and complain.
Producing more. Conserving more. Improving lives.
Providing the finest products to the best feed suppliers.
Putting Mother Nature In A Better Mood.
Re-imagine farming.
Simply good.
So organic farming practices are something that, to me, are interlinked with the idea of using biodiesel.
Solutions for the growing world.
Sowing is not as difficult as reaping.
The farmer has to be an optimist or he wouldn’t still be a farmer.
The leader in the field.
The natural choice.
The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings.
There are only three seasons for farmers: before harvest, harvest and after harvest.
To make agriculture sustainable, the grower has got to be able to make a profit.
Trespassers will be shot, survivors will be prosecuted.
Urban farming is not only possible, it is crucial. But it can’t be like the farming techniques of yore.
We have used cows for sale !
Wickedly good.
You can make a small fortune in farming-provided you start with a large one.


  Hi everyone,   My calandar says that tomorrow it is SUMMER!!!  How can that be?     I must admit that this Spring has gone way too fast an...