Thursday, January 16, 2025

Endurance brings JOY?

 Good morning everyone,  

  How are you doing today?  

  I am loving writing again!  It's such good therapy for me to put my thoughts in writing.  To think that there are those, out there in the world, who have the same problems that I have and who are searching for answers from God is strengthening.

  Yesterday I got to lead our neighborhood lady's Bible study.  I had been praying about what to speak on and the word ENDURANCE kept coming up. 

  I went in search of an article about endurance and I found this wonderful word on how endurance brings us JOY in the long run!  I urge you to all go and read this article if endurance is a four letter word to you.  lol

  This morning THE PASSION TRANSLATION wrote about a higher way when we follow God.  It fits so perfectly with our Bible study yesterday that I decided to share it here too at this time.

  We need to remind ourselves, as we follow the Lord, that conquering our trials through faith in our loving Heavenly Father makes us stronger.  This brings us JOY.  Then we know, when the next big trial comes along, that we will be stronger when we get on the other side of it and THAT will bring us joy!  That's what faith is!

  One of the most interesting points in our study yesterday was pondering that those we love are on the same journey.  At times, we will need to encourage them as they climb their mountains.  However, at other times they may need to be reminded that God can get them through ANYTHING!  We can pray for them but they must learn endurance too.  If we try to keep them from their struggles, as parents often do, we can be stealing their joy that will come from them developing endurance in the struggle.  WOW!!!

  As I listened to the ladies share their stories yesterday of how God gave them endurance, during their most difficult trials, I saw even more how lovingly our Father leads us in the ways that we need to go.  He is pruning us of harmful/sinful patterns in our lives so we can live a life of JOY!!   How cool is that?

  So I urge you, if you're in a "When will this ever end?" time in your life, it WILL end!!  Keep clinging to the Lord, reading His word, reaching out to your friends who may not even know you're in a crisis time, and KNOW that He is working all things out for your good!

  My very favorite verse growing up as an incest victim was 1 Corinthians 10:13 "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to man.  God is faithful and will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear but will, with the temptation, provide a way of escape that you may be able to bear it!"

  My prayers go out to all of you who are pushing towards joy in your life.  It's coming, dear friends, it is on the way!!

  Love always,



Encounter God’s Heart…

A Higher Way

The privileges and blessings of the children of Israel have been passed down to all who have confessed their faith in Jesus Christ. Now, we are a part of his family, set apart ones who receive favor and righteousness all because Yahweh calls us his own.

Jesus has become our Portion, our Way-Maker, our Living Example. As we walk in the light of his presence, we exude the glory he’s entrusted to us. We are favored. We have been called to a life of divine victory, uncommon peace, and exquisite joy. These are the paths we were created to walk upon, but first, we must believe it. We must set our sights on a higher way and connect our faith to the truth. All we need to live a fulfilling life is found in him.


Father, I offer you the disappointments of the past and look to you with hope and expectancy. You have destined me for a life of victory and deep-seated joy and peace. Lead me by your Holy Spirit to paths of freedom so I won’t wander in vain. In you, my victory has been sealed.


From I Hear His Whisper for Women written by Brian Simmons

Isaiah 45:25

The Passion Translation


“In YAHWEH, all of Israel’s offspring will triumph and shine!”

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Meet Dr. Ardis: a TRUE Healing Pioneer

 I cann't overstate that Dr. Ardis is an AMAZING man of God and digger of truth.  Few people have earned my respect and admiration as Dr. Arids has!  

My wonderful neighbor introduced me to Dr. Ardis's work in THE ANTIDOTE.  If you're suffering from long Covid symptoms, please find that video on YouTube and study it!!  For my last birthday, my neighbor Luci gave me Dr. Ardis's new book COVID 19 LIES and I am greatly saddened to learn what he learned when his father-in-law died during that time period.

So I've been wanting to share with my readers about Dr. Ardis but I also want to introduce you to him in as UNcontraversial way as possible.  Yes, Dr. Ardis is not afraid to share with the world what he learns in his research even if he is all alone doing so.  That's what's so amazing about him!!  I know that my health would not have improved as it has in the past year had I not watched and implemented what I learned in THE ANTIDOTE!  Please watch it!

  Today I choose to share this video of Dr. Ardis as he talks about allergies.  Who has or knows someone who has an allergy?  May this video help you feel the heart of Dr. Ardis and hopefully inspire you to watch THE ANTIDOTE.

  Here's to abundant health,


Friday, January 10, 2025


 It was such a better night last night and I know it's because you prayed for me!!!  May God bless you for helping me through that hard time yesterday!!!!  I love you all!

  I've been promoting THE PASSION TRANSLATION here because of how it is changing how I feel about God the Father.  I've always loved Jesus since I was a little girl in Sunday School.  However, God the Father seemed like a bad guy to me.  I'm sure it's because my Earthly father was a bad guy and we often lump God the Father in with our Earthly fathers which isn't fair at all to the one who loves us so much!

  THE PASSION TRANSLATION has helped me grasp how much God the Father is like Jesus.  I should maybe say that I can see how much Jesus is like His father now that I'm reading THE PASSION TRANSLATION!  I am hoping that those of you who had bad Earthly fathers will begin reading it too as there is so much more passionate love available to us than I could ever have imagined!!!

  This is what the website says about the translators of  THE PASSION TRANSLATION!  WOW!  They have served God in so many marvelous ways!  

  My prayer for you is to open your mind to see HOW MUCH God loves YOU!!

  Happy today!


  PS.  I'm sorry I don't know how to reformat this so it's easier to read!!

Brian and Candice Simmons have been described as true pioneers in ministry. Their teaching and spiritual gifts have opened doors into several nations to bring the message of authentic awakening and revival to many. For the last forty years, they have labored together to present Christ in his fullness wherever God sends them. 

Simmons is also the lead translator of The Passion Translation®. The Passion Translation (TPT) is a heart-level translation that uses Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic manuscripts to express God’s fiery heart of love to this generation, merging the emotion and life-changing truth of God’s Word. The hope for TPT is to trigger inside every reader an overwhelming response to the truth of the Bible and to reveal the deep mysteries of the Scriptures in the love language of God, the language of the heart. Brian is currently translating the Old Testament. Most recent releases include Genesis: Firstfruits and Isaiah: The Vision.

After a dramatic conversion to Christ in 1971, Brian and Candice answered the call of God to leave everything behind and become missionaries to unreached peoples. Taking their three children to the jungle of Central America, they planted churches for many years with the Paya-Kuna people group. Simmons established leadership for the churches that Jesus birthed and assisted with the translation of the Paya-Kuna New Testament.

After their ministry overseas, Brian and Candice returned to North America, where Brian began to passionately work toward helping people encounter the risen Christ. Brian and Candice planted numerous ministries, including a dynamic church in Connecticut. They also established Passion & Fire Ministries, under which they travel full time as Bible teachers in service of local churches throughout the world. 

Brian is the author of numerous books, Bible studies, and devotionals that help readers encounter God’s heart and experience a deeper revelation of God as our Bridegroom King, including I Hear His Whisper: Encounter God’s Heart for You, 365 Daily DevotionsPrayers on Fire: 365 Days Praying the PsalmsThe Image MakerThe Wilderness: Where Miracles Are Born, and The Sacred Journey.  

Brian and Candice have been married for more than forty-eight years and have three children, six grandchildren, and three precious great-grandchildren. Their passion is to live as loving examples of a spiritual father and mother to our generation.

Thursday, January 9, 2025


 Not so good morning,

  I can use your prayers today.  I was attacked by the enemy in the night!!  I've had a cold for about a week but yesterday it was almost gone.  Then during the night I suddenly couldn't stop coughing and I mean coughing.  There was fear too--fear that I couldn't get another breath.  Fear comes from the enemy.  2 Timonty 1:7  "For God has not given me the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind!"

  During the attack last night, though, I went into panic mode and guzzled lemon juice with vital reds.  That's how I recovered from swine flu about 5 years ago.  Still I couldn't stop coughing.  I kept crying out to the Lord and He reminded me how I used reflexology when I couldn't stop coughing this last time I had Covid.  The throat reflexes are at the base of the thumbs so I pressed there and worked out the painful spots.

  Finally I fell asleep somewhere around 3:00.  I woke up about 9:00 this morning without a cough--NO COUGH.  My throat is sore from last night but I don't even feel sick--just tired.  That's what makes me think the enemy of my soul attacked me during the night.  The fear that was present also has me convinced that they were trying to take me out--again.

  I do realize that I sound paranoid!  However, when I ponder how my Christian energy work is destroying the lies those creeps so carefully get people to believe about themselves, of course they want me dead.  I guess the Lord still wants me here so I'm here.  I really need your prayers today though!!

  In my last post I shared how THE PASSION TRANSLATION is encouraging me in ways I never have been before.  Recently I found their daily email which is full of love for God.  The passion that God has for you and me is real.  We just have to tune into it.  It's like the old radios that were scratchy, then fuzzy, then clear as you searched for the station.  

  Here's today's devotional.  Feel free to sign up for them yourselves here: 

The Passion Translation 

  Once again, please keep me in your prayers today.  Also, as the Holy Spirit leads you, please keep my work here at "Links to Healing" in your prayers.  I sense there is a pretty important session I am to give someone today.  Why else would the dark side fight so hard to take me out last night?  I NEED your prayers to continue!  May God bless you for each one!!!


Encounter God in Prayer…

Holy Devotion

Lord, unite my will to yours. Spirit, soul, and body—I consecrate myself to you and depend upon your grace. Let me be so fully devoted to you that nothing will ever turn my heart away. Remove the barriers I have unknowingly created. Burn away everything that is contrary to your Holy Spirit. I want every moment of my life to revolve around loving you. Whether in worship or in my daily tasks, guide me into a lifestyle of adoration. I want to be continually aware of you—the beginning and end of all I think and do. No matter what is happening around me, may I be eternally drawn to your presence.


In you I lack nothing. Your very name is power and majesty. Your presence is peace, joy, and full provision for every situation. I want to experience the fullness of your love. To worship you in spirit and truth—with unrelenting, unyielding devotion. May everything I do flow from a heart of pure and holy devotion. I give you the pleasing offering of my life.


From Prayers on Fire written by Brian Simmons and Gretchen Rodriguez

Psalm 54:6

The Passion Translation


Lord, I will offer myself freely, and everything I am I give to you. I will worship and praise your name, O Lord, for it is precious to me.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Anyone miss me? :)

 Hi everyone,

I have thought of my readers often.  I have prayed for you too but one thing I could not do is I could not write to you.  It's not anything to do with you, it's that life was way too exciting/overwhelming to put into words.

To summarize the last half a year would go something like this which does not do it justice.

Andrew and I got to attend the RNC in Milwaukee in July.  It started 2 days after President Trump WAS SHOT.  We were all praying for him as he looked horrible the first couple of nights at the RNC. 

Andrew and Marie had their 4th son born a couple of weeks later so they have 4 sons.  Cora had their third daughter born in September so they have 3 daughters and 1 son.  I got to spend quite a bit of time with their family as the baby was another premie and they needed my help watching the older children while Cora was with the baby in the NICU.

Then came the election and I worked it again as an Election Judge.  Praise the Lord that Donald J Trump is our next President!!!!!!  Robert and I watched until 2:30 that morning to see him make his acceptance speech and we were/are soooooooooooooooooo happy that he won!

In November our family has 4 birthdays plus Robert and I host Thanksgiving for everyone.  We had a blast with all 8 grandchildren in the house all day!  Then we took family pictures.  Robert's Mom was with us as was Jacob's girlfriend.  This is such a special picture to me!!

Andrew brought his nice camera and took these so I am very grateful for him.  Each family took pictures and Robert and I got this one of us with all of our wiggly silly grandchildren.  lol

I had a happy birthday on Christmas again and then we went to Michael and Cora's for Caleb's birthday party.  Then the year ended with friends and family here for our New Year's Eve party.  We had a special time together and then 2024 was over.  How can that be?

One change this year was finding the PASSION TRANSLATION's daily mediation.  I've been reading that translation of the Bible for a couple of years and have slowly been able to see God the Father as loving and kind.  Sure He's the Judge but He is also the one who sent Jesus to the Earth to die on the cross for our sins because He loved the world sooooo much!!!!  John 3:16

Well, I have been wanting to write here more regularly but often I have felt like I didn't have anything interesting to say.  This morning when I read the meditation below, I decided to share it with you every day.  That way, if nothing interesting happens around here, I will still have something important that I can bless you all with! I pray that this blesses you!



I Hear His Whisper...

You are stronger than you think.

Shake off that heaviness. Stop agreeing with defeat. Don’t align yourself with any reasoning that comes from the pit of hell. I am your Champion, your Hero. I didn’t lay my life down for you and then leave you defenseless. You have my Spirit—the same Spirit that raised me from the grave lives inside of you!


Situations may have left you feeling overwhelmed, but it’s not the end. I make all things new, and I refresh you in the process. My Spirit is a wellspring of joy when you feel dry and depleted. Rest if you need rest. Cry if your heart is grieving. Talk to me about your anger. Process these feelings with me. But don’t stay in this place of weariness. I am not only your Helper, I am your Counselor and Deliverer. Let my love seep into every dry and cracked place. Come away with me, and I will restore you. My strength will become yours, and I will set you on the mountaintop once again.


I Hear His Whisper written by Brian Simmons and Gretchen Rodriguez

Psalm 28:8–9

The Passion Translation


You will be the inner strength of all your people, YAHWEH, the mighty protector of all, and the saving strength for all your anointed ones. Save your people whom you love, and bless your chosen ones. Be our shepherd leading us forward, forever carrying us in your arms!


Wednesday, June 19, 2024


 Hi everyone,

  My calandar says that tomorrow it is SUMMER!!!  How can that be?  

  I must admit that this Spring has gone way too fast and I still don't have my garden all planted.  First I helped with Spring planting by helping to move equipment and run for parts.  I packed lunches and helped move equipment to the next field.  

  Before that I helped take down half a mile of fenceline on the new land the Lord opened the doors for us to buy.  We had to take down fence; pull out trees that were in the fields; work the ground which brought up the rocks.  Then the guys picked rocks for several days and then worked the ground we were breaking again.  Finally it was ready to be seeded!!  

  After that I started planting my garden but almost every day the wind was incredible or it was raining.  Then I worked the election and had to take the training for that.  I am an election Judge which means that I hand the paper ballots to voters and made sure that no funny business took place.

  Sometime in there my daughter and her family came to visit for her dad's birthday.  OH HOW WE PARTIED.  lol  We made his rhubarb pie together this year and we had our first picnic on the deck with all 6 of our grandchildren dining together.

  I may have mentioned that we are getting 2 new grandbabies this year so I've been doing lots of BodyTalk sessions for the pregnant Moms.  

  There was always SOMETHING keeping me from planting the rest of my garden.  PLEASE pray that I get it done this week.  It's hard to get back to a project that large when once interrrupted but I have plants sitting on the deck that MUST get put in the ground!!

  Well, that's a short summary of what's happening around here.  Oh yes, I'm part of the ND delegation to the RNC next month so we've been having Zoom meetings.  One begins in 4 minutes so I say HAPPY SUMMER!!


Dear God

I adore how beautiful

the glimpses I get of You

through the fragrance of sweet summer

and by the rainbow of her blooms


I adore how lovely

the glimpses I get of You

through the birdsong in my garden

and by the flouncy flowers too.

~ wlm

A Dear God Summer #Poem #mygarden


But you remain the same, 

and your years will never end.

Hebrews 1:12 NIV

A Dear God Summer #Poem #mygarden

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Do you know what to do?

 Hi everyone,

  We were at a graduation party the other day when our host took his phone around to the group.  On his screen there was a picture of a tornado that was spotted only a few miles away from where we were.  Now that makes a person think.

  Although God protected our family from harm when a tornado went through our farm on July 3rd, 2018, it almost completely ripped our farm apart.  Huge trees were sawed off as if by a mighty chainsaw.  Buildings were demolished.  A rather large calf shelter went flying over the quanset and the shelterbelt to end up on a rock pile North of the farm.  Our daughter's grill went flying off of the deck never to be seen again.

  That got me thinking that the greatest planning a person needs to do is to know that God will protect you from harm.  Not one shingle was ripped off of either one of our houses.  Not a hair on our heads was scratched.  In fact, we slept through the whole thing although we dimly recall the sound of a freight train driving by our family room.  

  That being said, I feel the need to share this article with folks.  It's about how to prepare for a tornado and what to do if one is heading for your location.  Again, prayers for safety is the biggest priority every single day!!!  May it bless you to have this information but may you never need to know it!!

  I'm not sure why the article won't center on the page for me.  I'll see if I can figure it out.  Perhaps a tornado went through my post.  UGGGG

  Be safe! 


Endurance brings JOY?

 Good morning everyone,     How are you doing today?     I am loving writing again!  It's such good therapy for me to put my thoughts in...