Wednesday, June 19, 2024


 Hi everyone,

  My calandar says that tomorrow it is SUMMER!!!  How can that be?  

  I must admit that this Spring has gone way too fast and I still don't have my garden all planted.  First I helped with Spring planting by helping to move equipment and run for parts.  I packed lunches and helped move equipment to the next field.  

  Before that I helped take down half a mile of fenceline on the new land the Lord opened the doors for us to buy.  We had to take down fence; pull out trees that were in the fields; work the ground which brought up the rocks.  Then the guys picked rocks for several days and then worked the ground we were breaking again.  Finally it was ready to be seeded!!  

  After that I started planting my garden but almost every day the wind was incredible or it was raining.  Then I worked the election and had to take the training for that.  I am an election Judge which means that I hand the paper ballots to voters and made sure that no funny business took place.

  Sometime in there my daughter and her family came to visit for her dad's birthday.  OH HOW WE PARTIED.  lol  We made his rhubarb pie together this year and we had our first picnic on the deck with all 6 of our grandchildren dining together.

  I may have mentioned that we are getting 2 new grandbabies this year so I've been doing lots of BodyTalk sessions for the pregnant Moms.  

  There was always SOMETHING keeping me from planting the rest of my garden.  PLEASE pray that I get it done this week.  It's hard to get back to a project that large when once interrrupted but I have plants sitting on the deck that MUST get put in the ground!!

  Well, that's a short summary of what's happening around here.  Oh yes, I'm part of the ND delegation to the RNC next month so we've been having Zoom meetings.  One begins in 4 minutes so I say HAPPY SUMMER!!


Dear God

I adore how beautiful

the glimpses I get of You

through the fragrance of sweet summer

and by the rainbow of her blooms


I adore how lovely

the glimpses I get of You

through the birdsong in my garden

and by the flouncy flowers too.

~ wlm

A Dear God Summer #Poem #mygarden


But you remain the same, 

and your years will never end.

Hebrews 1:12 NIV

A Dear God Summer #Poem #mygarden

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