Saturday, February 23, 2013

Day of Resistance

Happy Sabbath everyone,

I just received this email which states that today is a day to resist big government's attempts to take over every aspect of our lives.  When I read the book, "1987" in high school English class, I was shocked to think that people could ever be forced to live like that.  If we do nothing to resist it, I believe that we WILL live like those people depicted in 1987. 

At the very least, everyone needs to read 1987 and that will wake you up.  We need EVERYBODY awake in order to thrust off of us the chains that are already forming around our daily lives.  We need to firmly and repeatedly tell Washington, and our State legislators, that we will NOT be pushed around by them EVER!!!

Please read this email and act on it.  May God bless you richly for becoming an active citizen of this incredible nation that we've been given. 


Dear Patriot:

The Day of Resistance is almost here. On Saturday, February 23rd ,121 groups around the country will take stand against the freedom-bashing, big government agenda of the Obama regime, in peaceful demonstrations that say loudly “We’re not going to take this anymore!” Help us send this message loud and clear HERE.

For most of my adult life, I was complacent. Many of you were likely the same. I naively believed that the people in Washington, D.C., who swore in their oath of office to protect and uphold the Constitution, were doing the best thing for the country and her citizens, adhering always to the Constitution and acting in the nation's best interests. What awakened me was when then President Bush allowed himself to be used in the midst of a ‘crisis’ and stated that he was abandoning his belief in free market principles to "save" the free market. What he should have said was, “Welcome to Big Government 101” or "I don't actually believe in free markets, including the vital "stick" of allowing failure when businesses make poor decisions. Bailouts are anything but "free market."

This act opened the door to four years worth of usurping the Constitution and attacking our freedoms. For the last four years, we have had our freedom attacked at every angle, over-and-over again. At times, throughout Barack Obama’s presidency, I have felt like the American people were a punching bag as we were thrashed with bad policy, backbreaking debt, and freedom destroying mandates and laws, like ObamaCare and "Porkulus." While I woke up four years ago from my lulled sleep to the reality of the cesspool of D.C., for many, the straw that broke the camel's back was the use of the loss of innocent lives at Sandy Hook Elementary by the left to attack and limit our 2nd Amendment rights. What part of ‘SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED’ do they not understand?!

Do the "intellectual" elitists not understand what a "right" is? Do they want us to register our First Amendment or the remaining ones as well? Rights, as the Founding Fathers properly proclaimed, are given to us by God. They are inherent. They are...NOT NEGOTIABLE, nor are they debatable! Will you stand with us to send this message at a DAY OF RESISTANCE rally near you?

If you have not connected with a group in your area, then you can find a rally near you at If there is not one in your area, then consider gathering like-minded friends together in your own, private event to stand together in this fight for freedom. Please also share the event with your friends and followers on Facebook and Twitter using the hashtag: #DayOfResistance

The Second Amendment exists in granting Americans the right to bear arms as a last means of protection against a tyrannical, abusive government. While the likes of redcoat Piers Morgan wants to ask if we really believe our government would turn against us, I assert that in many ways, it already has! We are ready to stand and fight; to be a voice for freedom in the midst of a glaring attempt to silence it. We ask humbly, but boldly, that you help us to do so HERE.

Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

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