I just received this email and, for the life of me, I cannot fathom why I would receive it. I am NOT in favor of "Gay rights!!!"
Why would I be in favor of something which destroys people? I have the power within me to commit suicide but you probably would not be blessed by it. No, resisting that temptation every time that it lifts it's ugly head in my life makes me the victor over my natural desires from having grown up an incest victim. It means that I'm here for my family and friends instead of buried in the cemetery lying there forgotten and useless to God.
People have the right to break all of God's laws if they insist upon it. They have that right to destroy their lives if they insist upon it. The Bible is full of "Do this" and "Don't do that" and every one of them is for our GOOD!!!
When will we people realize how much God loves us?????????? I know that it took me decades and I still struggle at times grasping how much God is for me. Pastor Joseph Prince of Singapore(www.josephprince.org) has helped me more than any pastor to help me to grasp God's grace extended towards me from the cross. His series, "Condemnation Kills" has freed me from the self-hatred that fuels my suicidal tendencies. When I truly feel God's love for me, all I want to do is run towards him and soak it all up. All I want is to live for Him and share His love with everyone. Yes, once a person learns to accept God's grace they can learn how to truly love themselves. Only then is loving others even a possibility. I am positive that God loves gay people as much as He loves everyone else. I know that I sure do.
However, if someone were to come into my office and share with me that they're fighting suicidal tendencies, I would feel led to help them get the help that they need to keep living the life which God has for them. I would do the same for someone who came to me for help with the miseries that their gay lifestyle is causing them.
I firmly believe that if a person fully grasped how much God loves them, they would no longer want to keep hurting themselves as a gay person. Why don't they feel God's love? I believe that it is because of feeling condemned all of their lives for every little thing that they do. Where does this come from?
I believe that it comes from the churches. Pastors haven't grasped God's grace and they're not teaching their parishioners to extend it to everybody. Condemnation, like cancer, grows and spreads and takes over whole organizations. Pretty soon everybody who enters the doors feels, as I have felt in nearly every church that I belonged to, that nothing they do is ever good enough.
After a lifetime of this kind of condemnation, people start linking the condemnation that they're feeling in organized religion with God which couldn't be further from the truth! God blesses (read The Power of Blessing by Kerry Kirkwood) everybody!! In fact, I learned in that book that if I ever condemn others with a superior attitude, then I have just placed myself in direct opposition to God!!! He then must condemn me for my Pharasitical attitude and the blessings stop flowing into my life and who wants that?
No, I do not condemn the people who wrote this email or those who cheered as our US Supreme Court brought condemnation upon itself by ignoring Scripture. What we followers of God, our creator, must do is start blessing all involved in this type of thinking. Let the church bless ALL people and it will again prosper and be a light in the darkness that it once was before condemnation took over and choked out God's love. Let's let the judging of the Supreme Court rest in the hands of the Almighty and let's just bless EVERYBODY so God's love can again flow to ALL the hurting in our land!!
God bless,
Dawn PS. Yes, I did unsubscribe to their emails but I also want to take this opportunity to educate and to bless you all with God's sweet blessings of love, compassion, and sympathy for all who are hurting! Today we celebrate love and equality. The Supreme Court struck down the crushingly unjust "Defense of Marriage Act," which barred same-sex married couples from recognition by the federal government along with the rights and benefits (like Social Security) that comes with that recognition. And for gays and lesbians in California, the justices ruled that a lower court's ruling stands, ending enforcement of Proposition 8 and allowing all couples the freedom to marry under state law. Join us in this exciting moment in celebrating today's historic victory for equality. Share the image above with your friends and family on Facebook: ![]() Thanks for your activism, which has made a difference. Jordan Krueger and the entire CREDO Action team CREDO Action
1. "Gay
Rights Supporters Erupt in Cheers Over Ruling," Associated Press, June 26,
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