Wednesday, January 22, 2014

HE shines through our darkness!

Steve Green is still my favorite male singer decades after I first heard him! 
 Perhaps the wonder of this song may only be fully grasped on minus 20+ degrees BELOW zero nights after freezing one's hands milking the family dairy cow???
Anyway, the message of this song is that we don't have to have our lives "Together" before we come to God!  Instead, through the piecing together of our messed up lives, GOD is glorified!  In our brokenness, HE shines in true beauty and oneness.
I pray that you will be as blessed as I was by this song tonight!  I hope and pray that it will warm your heart through and through!
Love to all!


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year!

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!  As I pondered what to share here, at the start of another year, I prayed for just the right thing to inspire you to greater confidence in God's love for you.  This is IT!

Please keep us covered with your prayers this week as we ponder the future of our family!

God's best blessings on all of you now!


Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...