Friday, October 31, 2014

Today's discovery

Every time I feel led to write here, I ask the Lord what He would have me to share with His people. This morning I felt led to go to Youtube and search for lily pond.  This is what I found.  It made me miss sweet Summer all over again.  When will I ever learn to love the Fall season????

Happy Sabbath beloved friends!


Monday, October 27, 2014


PLEASE pray for me today!  I don't know what is holding up my Stemtech order but the pain is INTENSE today.  This song is a great comfort as I try to find some way to bear this never-ending pain of MSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!


Saturday, October 25, 2014

Just reminiscing

HAHA Robert was just teasing me about getting my dad's little Massey tractor stuck more than 35 years ago.  I was describing it to the children when Jacob told me that there is a song about tractors like that.  Here it is!  Dad's was red not grey but, if you watch carefully, you'll see one just like it right after this one.

Oh yes, happy Sabbath everyone!


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

How I wish

How I wish that I had $1,300 just laying around doing nothing because I KNOW what I would do with it.  I would loooooooooove to take Andrea Beaman's "Healing your Thyroid" class!!  Instead, I will order one of her DVDs and get started healing my thyroid in that way.  You can too by learning  Andrea's methods at her website here:

Even though I only found Andrea last week, I already love her!!!  She has given me hope that, WHEN my thyroid is healed, the excess weight (and all of the other ugly parts of my life) will be a thing of the past. 

And now, meet Andrea!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Wavering faith?

Is your faith wavering today?  WATCH THIS VIDEO!  Boy, mine sure wavered yesterday.  Just ask Cora if you think I'm exaggerating!  God took that stress and uncertainty, though, and MOVED me to make changes in my life and today I FEEL BETTER!!!!!!!!!!

I like when Lisa said, "It's not when you're up that you're the biggest winner.  It's when you're down and you GET BACK UP AGAIN!!!" 

You can do it!!!  If I can, anyone can!  After incest; farming in a desert; repeated miscarriages; home schooling my 3 children when I could hardly get out of bed; recurring cancer; shingles twice; and finally MS--if I can get back up and keep searching for ways to CONQUER THE ENDLESS PAIN, then YOU CAN DO IT TOO!!! 

First get down on your knees and beg God to give you the help that you're needing then get BACK UP and see how He will move mountains for YOU.  WHY?  Because He loves you like His own child.  Chew on that for a little while and see if you don't get up and wrap your arms around someone who is worse off than you are!



Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Ugly Duckling

My all time favorite children's story (other than Bible stories) is "The Ugly Duckling."  I watched this version with Cora's little charges this morning.  It STILL gives me a thrill to see what happens to us when we finally get in touch with the "Right" ones for us.  My mom used to say, "Chin up" when someone would stomp on my feelings.  It's still good advice!


Sunday, October 12, 2014

He's right!!!

As I was clicking away on my computer, knowing that my 3 children were clicking on theirs, God led me to this.  WOW  HE'S RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

What salvation's done for me!

This song touched my heart just now as my home emptied out and a wave of longing for the years when the children were small swept over me.  Cora is off babysitting.  The boys are down in Kintyre picking up pallets to burn this Winter.  Robert is off on another day of grain cleaning and I have no more students in my school to teach!!!!!!!!!!  What a terrible emptiness I was feeling until my loving Heavenly Father directed me to listen to this song.

I BEG you to take 5 minutes to really listen to these words.  Is this the life you live?  Are YOU forgiven of all your sins?  If not, just talk to Jesus and tell Him that you're sorry for hurting Him.  Yes, every time you exclude this perfect one who died on the cross so that you can know peace, YOU HURT HIM!!!!!!!!!!  What's more, you hurt His incredibly loving Father who gave His son so that we CAN be forgiven of all of our sins!!!

All you have to do is tell them that you're sorry and that you want them in your life to set you free from all the shame that you're carrying around!  Do it NOW!  Join the millions of us around the globe who can sing this right along with the Booth Brothers.  "What Salvation's done for Me," CAN be your story when you open your heart to Jesus/Yeshua.  Just say, "YES" to Jesus NOW!!!

I invite you to truly listen to the words of this song, along with me, and let them lead you to the peace they just brought me!  NO MORE SHAME!!!!!!!!!!  Amen?

Lots of love,



                                         By the Booth Brothers

I used to feel so lonesome--never had a friend.  Always looking out for Number ONE!  Didn't know where I was going--didn't care where I had been.  The life I lived had me on the run.

One day Jesus found me and took my sin away.  He showed me what I thought I'd never see.  He put me in His family and He's with me to this day.  Let me tell you what salvation's done for me.

I used to be a blind man but now my vision's clear.  Mercy came and drove the shame from me.  There's peace of mind with Jesus that drives out everything.  I'm stronger than I thought I'd ever be.

I can't tell you why He loves me as bad as I had been.  Why I'm worthy of this life of victory.  No, I'm not a scholar, just a sinner saved by grace but I can tell you what salvation's done for me.

One day when life is over, I'll go to my reward for Heaven waits for those who've been set free.  With saints from all the ages in the presence of our Lord.  This is what salvation's done for me.

I used to be a blind man but now my vision's clear.  Mercy came and drove the shame from me!  NO MORE SHAME!  This peace of mine with Jesus drives out every fear.  I'm stronger than I thought I'd ever be.

I can't tell you why He loves me as bad as I had been or why I'm worthy of this life of victory.  No, I'm not a scholar, just a sinner saved by grace, but I can tell you what salvation's done for me. 


Thank you, Lord!!!

Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

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