Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Mercury: a common enemy

Autoimmune disorders[edit]

Dental amalgam has been found to be a frequent contributor to oral lichenoid lesions[21] and is possibly a variable associated with an increased risk of other autoimmune conditions such as multiple sclerosis, lupus, thyroiditis and eczema.[22]

Tomorrow is a BIG day in my life.  I'm going to get the visible mercury fillings removed from my mouth for the above reason.  Please pray for me!  

I have hopes that this procedure will make a remarkable improvement in the MS that thinks it has a right to live in my body.  I'm enclosing a slide show on MS for those of you who are unfamiliar with how dreadful of a disease it is to live with.  OH TO BE ABLE TO WALK WITHOUT LIMPING AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Musical fun!

Cora just shared this with me and I just HAVE to share it with you!

 Happy today!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The perfect family

As those of you who REALLY know me can tell, I so DESPARATELY want to be PERFECT!!  This drive for perfection has helped me in many ways but, to be perfectly blunt, it has nearly killed me more than once!!!

I so love my family, though, and they know it and this is probably my greatest source of joy in life!  What is REALLY funny is that, just as I have learned a bit about dealing with imperfections in myself and my family, THEN God gave me this poem.

I dedicate this to all of you out there who want to have the perfect family!  This is how to do it!

How To Create The Perfect Family

Monday, December 1, 2014

Missing dad on his first birthday after his death

My dad loved 4 part harmony and he taught me to value it highly also.  Today dad would have turned 85 and I'm missing him like I never thought I would.  I offer this collection of men singing praises to God just like my dad did most of his life.  I hope that you enjoy it as much as I am.

A bulldog

You may think that bulldogs are beautiful.  I just saw a site that swore up and down that they are but I have never thought so.  Maybe it's because, when I'd look at my sad expression in the mirror while growing up, I looked too much like this!  I mean what was there to be happy about????

Now, as I searched for a photo to depict my endless search for good health, I thought of this image.  I cannot count the times that I gave up at the end of a long day of reading and pondering and experimenting.  I can't even imagine how many times I prayed that death would come during the night so that I wouldn't have to face another day of endless, constant, never-ending pain.

Physical pain; emotional pain; mental pain; spiritual pain; familial pain; Earth-concerns pain; farmer related pain; child raising pain; home schooling pain; lost another baby pain; gardening failures pain; big, fat, pig pain; failure at business pain; failure with my health pain; never-ending, ever-growing, wishing-I-was-dead PAIN!!!!

I firmly believe that, if I were not madly in love with the God of the Bible who brought me through EVERY pain that I have had to endure, I would have shot my brains out countless times already.  I really have lost track of the times that He talked me out of it--or out-and-out prevented it.  I only know that He was ALWAYS there to help me see some small glimmer of hope that tomorrow may bring to my weary body/mind. 

Recently my King chose to answer my countless questions for how to heal my thyroid (which affects almost every aspect of health) in a marvelous way.  It's called, "THY HYPOTHYROIDISM REVOLULTION."  Please do not Google Tom Brimeyer and read what a quack he is.  Of course the medical community is doomed to close their minds to the true answers that God gives His people through independent researchers who aren't bound to close their minds to the real answers many people in pain are searching desperately for. 

Instead I urge you to listen to this video and see if it doesn't make sense to you as it did to me.  Then dig into this health program like a bull dog.  Read it all and start just one part of it and see if you don't feel a little better.  Start drinking orange juice with gelatin added and see if your bowels start working on their own for the first time in decades.  Do it at night and see if you start sleeping better.  Cut out grains calmly as you add in healing broths to help heal the gut.  Cut out foods that are harming your thyroid and start to have more energy. 

Learn all about this amazing new approach to healing the thyroid here!  I have found it to be well worth my time and money to study Tom's approach.   http://www.hypothyroidismrevolution.com/

GO ON.  Let the bulldog in you try once again to find the answers to your many health challenges that most likely are linked to poor thyroid/liver function.  What have you got to loose but a grumpy expression.

Here's to US survivors!  I am so proud of us and I am positive that God is pleased to!!!



    File:Female English Bulldog.jpg 

Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...