Thursday, December 24, 2015

Peace on Earth

The night that baby Jesus was born, the angels sang, "Peace on Earth, good will to men!" 

I rejoice greatly that the only living God is good and kind and that He loves us all and wants us to have peace in our lives!!!

 I rejoice that He gave us His only son to die on the cross to pay the price for all our sins. 

 I rejoice that His son was willing to come here and show us the Father's love.

 I rejoice to have been raised a Christian and to have been taught to strive always to please my loving Heavenly Father !!!

 I rejoice to know the truth, no matter how gruesome, because the truth sets us free from evil.

 May God bless you for coming here and watching this video and seeking the truth about this treacherous time called Christmas.  May He guide your footsteps as you seek peace about how to walk away from all of the traditions and seek only to please your Maker!!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Resting up

Hi everyone,

I'm resting up.  YES, I'm just resting up!  One friend suggested that I take this time to just rest up and I am taking her advice! 

You see, 3 weeks before Cora and Michael's wedding I had a mild heart attack.  I praise God that He had given me the wonderful goDesana essential oils before this as I kept using them, plus taking cayenne pepper, and it was over in about 6 hours.

I didn't want to talk about it as I didn't want to upset anyone before the wedding.  Then it seemed unimportant in the mad rush for my family to go to SD to work on dismantling those 2 huge buildings they bought online. After all, what is one little heart attack in the midst of our Earth's great difficulties these days? 

Well, if you know me at all, you know that writing is one of my very favorite healing tools.  I doubt that anyone will read this anyway, as I have been so neglectful of my blog since I joined Facebook.  Still, somehow this afternoon it seems important to say to whatever readers may find their way here that I am tired of covering up my problems just because someone might get upset by them.

I learned to hide my needs and feeling early in life!  As a survivor of incest, it was safest to keep my mouth shut and maybe nobody would notice me--maybe I'd be safe this time when dad and mom left me home alone.  I saw much of the drug problem in our town but it seemed best to me to say nothing.  Later I learned of others cheating in school and in marriage and in business but it was safest, once again, to keep my peace.

It's not so much that this post is about talking about all of that stuff.  You can hear all kinds of crap just listening to the news all day long.  What I feel nudged to share with you, dear readers, is how very harmful it is to live a life never sharing your heart and your true feelings no matter how ugly they may seem!!  "Keep your mouth shut and keep the peace in the family," may have been good advice as a newlywed but who can say how much it contributed to the heart attack I suffered through?

Basically what I'm trying to say is that if you are keeping your mouth shut about EVERYTHING that you see wrong in your life, you may be setting yourself up for heart problems and who knows what else.  Support groups have tremendous healing potential for those who don't have people that they can trust with the ugly truths of their lives.  Most pastors would sit and listen and I'm sure that everyone must have some trusted old granny or gramps in their lives who are aching to be useful to somebody!

You've GOT to talk about it if you will ever get well!  That's my advice today for any of you who have chest pains that you're ignoring like I did before my heart attack.  Most likely it won't get better on it's own. 

At any rate, PLEASE rest when you're tired!  Just sit down and rest for a few minutes and read or listen to music and calm yourself down.  This is NOT something to feel guilty about!! You'll wish, if you ever have a heart attack, that you had done it a few minutes a day instead of feeling helpless, weak, and hopeless for months afterwards as I am these days.

Here's one more piece of advice that the Lord sent me last night as I was resting.  As always, music lifts my spirits so when I felt the nudge to watch " Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" I decided to follow that inner suggestion.  Little did I know how I would laugh and smile and sing just as though I had no problems in the world whatsoever.  When Rebecca sang, "Come and Get your Happiness," something sad and lonely in me melted.  THAT WAS WHEN  I KNEW THAT IT WAS UP TO ME TO FIND MY JOY EACH DAY!!!

Dear tired, sad, lonely one PLEASE give yourself this treat as a gift from me to you.  Let's rest together!


Sunday, November 1, 2015

Cora and Michael's wedding

Yesterday Cora and Michael were married one week!

 What can I say?  I survived the wedding!  I LOVED it!!!   I was so proud of my girl to attract such an awesome man as Michael.  I am now a "Mother-in-law!"

If you'd like to read the wedding report, bit by bit, that I am doing on Facebook, you can go here:

If you don't want to wait that long to get to the end, you can watch it all here!  Andrew set up the live stream so all the credit for this goes to him.  It has been VERY interesting to hear all of the places that it was watched in, including the Mall of America! 

Yes, I am needing prayers to do well with all of the adjustments that are required of me right now! 


PS.  Yes, it was me singing the song as Michael and Cora poured the sand together depicting their 2 lives coming together.  They chose that song from all of the ones I played and sang for them and I loved it.  GOD HAS GIVEN YOU TO ME!!! 
PPS. Cora and Michael's slideshow begins around 54 minutes into the video!

PPPS.  The Kingery concert begins at 2 hours and 2 minutes.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Labor Day family camp

Once again we are indebted to the Sip family for hosting family camp for the home schoolers of the upper Midwest!  The site was Crystal Springs Baptist Camp and it was held last weekend.

  The lake was beautiful as usual and the fellowship sweet.  I can't say enough about the blessing that family camp there has been to our family-both when we were Baptists and now as a home schooling family joining with other home schooling family for support, encouragement, and continuing education.

Enough said, this video (produced by the Sip family) says it far better than I am doing here with the limited time that I have right now.  Watch for Andrew B running around 4 1/2 minutes.

Here's to the Sips!


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Coming out of the pit

I am sitting here crying but it's NOT what you may be thinking.  Actually I am sitting here crying tears of joy because I am feeling sooo much better!!!!  Can it be that I am really coming out of the deep, dark pit that I have been living in for several years??? 

I do MANY things for my health--to try to keep living!  The ones that have helped me the most are BodyTalk; radionics; Kangen water; BETAR sound therapy; GoDesana essential oils; Kyroback; hydrotherapy with Epsom salts, Castor oil packs; onion poultices; salt cave visits; balanced coffee; and Emotional Freedom Technique!  These I resort to all day long, and on the pain-filled nights, and they keep me going.

The daily supplements I use, which seem to give me energy and stave off the pain, are Biotrust's Low Carb protein powder; BioTrusts's probiotic, OmegaKrill, and digestive enzymes; Unique E complex; Omega K; Sonne's herbal supplements for bowels; Emergen C; Angstrom Magnesium; and American Biologics thyroid glandular.

Now, I have found another super supplement from StemTech called SE2 which I have been taking for about a year now.  This is the improved version of their first product which helps to stimulate the bone marrow to release it's stem cells.  The body naturally does this all of our lives but, as we age, the stem cells get more and more sticky so they aren't released.  They're available for the body but they can't be used because the stem cells are stuck inside the bones.  SE2 helps to release the stem cells better than the original Stem Enhance did.

SE2 has helped me a lot with the muscle spasms of MS. It also helps to keep the burning sensation suppressed somewhat in my feet so it has been a valuable tool as I struggle to regain my health.  However, I just was not having the incredible results that other people were having with the SE2.  Something about it seemed to irritate my kidneys and that's no fun either.

Now, the company has done additional research and released a new version which is called SE3!  This new version of Stem Enhance seems to be exactly what I've been needing!!  Almost immediately I had more muscle control; increased brain function; and LESS pain without the kidney discomfort!!  YAYYYYYY!

When I took advantage of the company's introductory offer and bought 6 bottles of SE3, I was given the opportunity to make SE3 available to 5 of my friends, clients, or relatives for FREE.   That's right!  The company just knows that YOU will feel much better too so they're putting their money where their mouth is.

If you would like to try a free bottle of SE3, just message me here and I'll have them send you a bottle.  This is NOT going to set you up for an autoship, and you'll need to pay the shipping and handling, but 5 of you who take the time to read this can have Stemtech International Inc. send you a $59 bottle of SE3 for FREE.  It's a great opportunity for try this awesome product and get your very own stem cells circulating and bringing healing where you need it the most.

I hope that I have wet your curiosity to check out the information about SE3 on Stemtech's website. Here's the link: 
What an awesome time in history to be alive!  I praise God for all the tools that He had given me to help me recover first from shingles on the brain and now from MS.  Once my chiropractor said, "Dawn, there is an exact recipe that will return your health but it takes work, time, and patience to figure it out!"  I agree and am fully convinced that SE3 is going to be part of my recipe for wellness for the rest of my life!!
I hope that you enjoy this movie by the creator of the Stemtech family of products.  Let me know if you want to be 5 of the super-blessed friends of mine to receive a FREE bottle!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Paul Harvey on Indepdence Day

Many losses have I suffered since our last Independence Day.  So great have been my sufferings that I have despaired of carrying on.  I think that's why God led me to this today.  WOW!!!

Happy Independence Day everyone.  I pray that this will bless you as it has me.  Certainly we are blessed!!! 


Monday, June 15, 2015


1 John 14:27  Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth give I unto you; let not your heart be troubled; neither let it be afraid.

This verse has been my constant companion since the start of my struggle to keep living in 2006. At that time, I printed the verse with a beautiful dove in the background, and put it on my refrigerator.  I "FED" myself this thought multiple times a day until peace became the goal in all of my decision-making.

With all of that said, I am not ashamed to admit that it's been incredibly nigh unto impossible to be at peace this Spring!!  This verse, though, has paved the way for peace to accompany me into many a lion's den!  Peace, how I love thee!  Let me count the ways!!!!

First of all, we were forced to sell our cattle herd!  I say, "Forced" because we couldn't afford the nearly million dollars that the pasture we rented in the Summers sold for.  This has been a very difficult decision to make, as we could have borrowed the money to buy it, but it doesn't make sense to work only to loose money!  Still, I have been around cattle all of my life, and this change has brought many tears already.

At the same time that we were sorting and loading our cattle onto other people's trucks, our new house arrived here.  Yes, it's a dream come true but even good things are stressful!  We're only moving across the road but everything will have to be sorted out and taken or left behind.
If you would like to see what our new home will look like when we're all finished with it, feel free to watch this video.
The biggest stress for me is that Cora and Andrew have decided not to move with us!  I understand that they want to be independent but it will still be sad not to have all of our meals together anymore and many other changes will come with this move.  If you would like to see how our new house will look when it is all finished, you can watch this video.

We're STILL waiting for my dad's estate to get settled but I could write a book about THAT irritation.  There is a certain lawyer who deserves to be disbarred for incompetience of GROSS proportions but I better move away from this subject soon as the way I survive, as I have already stated, is to seek peace in even the most difficult situations.

Now our latest struggle is the news that my father-in-law is at the end of his journey here on Earth.  Any day now he will leave us and a very, grieved wife!!! 
Between grain cleaning; calving; and preparing the site for our new home the guys were swamped.  Needless to say, our garden is sadly lacking in care too!  So many times, my head just spins with what to do next.  That's when I take a moment to ponder 1 John 14:27 and it all comes back to me.
  Peace is God's gift to us that no matter what we are going through, HE is there too!  YAY for peace!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Terrible day yesterday

I can recall, when I lay dying in 2006, that a friend loaned me her copy of TRUTH TALK.  I remember clearly the lesson in the book on not calling everything, "TERRIBLE!"  By calling EVERYTHING terrible, there is no room for lesser traumas like just "Rotten," or "Crappy," or just plain old "Feeling BAD!"  Then, too, if one terms everything as terrible, who is going to believe you when you truly do feel absolutely, certainly, unmistakably TERRIBLE!!! 

Well, yesterday was TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!  I learned that a special friend is very close to dying!  Also, I was feeling so rotten that I wished that I could go with her! 

This morning, I told myself that my thinking has got to change even though I'm still feeling VERY badly.  I recall reading how laughter can help the body heal so I pondered on what would be the funniest video to watch and I knew that the Carol Burnett reruns were just the thing.

So, with no more explanation and no complaints about the WIND, I give you a touch of growing up in the 70s.  I laughed the whole way through, and watched others too, so I'm hoping that this current terrible will disappear SOONNNNNNNNN! 

Here's to laughter,

Friday, April 3, 2015

Great upheavel

If I could only write about all that is happening in my life right now, I would feel greatly relieved, but I can't and that's that!  Legal considerations constrain me so I must wait to share here the things that only my dearest of friends are aware of. Sometimes I feel like I am being torn apart at the thought of the changes that MAY be coming!  How can I possibly bend THAT far??????????

It's the waiting that is excrutiatingly EXASPARATING.  WAITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Waiting for lawyers to get their work done; for doctors to give good reports; for those we thought of as partners to make up their minds; for bankers to finish their paperwork; for Winter to end; for the rocks to move themselves to the rock pile; and for PATIENCE!!!!!

I'll admit freely that all of this mental stress has taken a toll on my health--it's been worse here lately!  One day I had to do a radionics broadcast for myself which was to get rid of "Mental TORTURE!"  That made me realize how far it had gone for my mind and I became aware of the necessity of finding ways to RELAX!

Gospel music has always been relaxing for me.  While it is exhilarating at the thought of being a part of God's family, it is relaxing to know that I am right with God--that I am loved by Him no matter what stupid things I do to myself and/or others!

I am sharing this song with you because it just ministered to me.  This is the brand new Jim Brady trio and this is the very first time that they sang in public together at the beginning of 2015.  We "Met" Jim when he sang with the Booth Brothers and now he sings with his wife and friend.  Jim left the comfort of the known; formed a new group; and started the next chapter of his life.  It took a lot of faith so they named this song, "Steppin' out in Faith." 

That's what our family is doing too right now.  There are so many factors swimming around us that make our heads spin.  I can't ever recall a time when our family was so pressured with life-changing decisions to make all at once!  It all has to fit together for things to either keep working as they are or for us to make the massive changes that we are contemplating making.

Will you please keep our family in your prayers?  As a thank you for reading this, I bless you with this awesome song sung by the JIM BRADY TRIO!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Jim did it again!

I'm sure that any of you who have been reading here for awhile know that my very favorite singing group is the BOOTH BROTHERS.  Well, being an intensely loyal type of person, I was less than thrilled last year when they announced that Jim Brady was going to be leaving their group after over a decade of praising the Lord together. 

However, I do get curious about new developments once in awhile, so I just checked on youtube to see if the brand new group, the Jim Brady trio, had shared any of their songs.  This is what I found and all I can say is, "Jim, did it again!"

Jim Brady has a way of writing songs that touch my heart in a special way.  I think it's because they so very clearly show how much God loves me--He REALLY does!!!  When I listened to this song, I got that old "Warmth in my belly" feeling that the Booth Brothers songs create in me.  It's the feeling that, "WOW the world is FILLED with God's love!  I've been looking at it all wrong."

I hope that you'll enjoy this as much as I did!  Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome with me

Monday, February 16, 2015

New theme song

Good morning everyone,

How are things in your part of the world today?  Here it is a pretty-warm February in North Dakota day with sunshine; no wind; and 12 degrees.  It's a regular heat wave!!!

Do you have a theme song for your life?  I have had many.  I'm going along, minding my own business, and all of a sudden this song jumps out at me.  As I listen I just know that it is the  new theme song for my life.  It's something that God wants me to focus on, as I deal with my struggles, and thereby put all of what's happening in my life into that perspective. 

I have shared several of my theme songs here on my blog.  I recall when Paul Overstreet's "Heroes, you're nothing but a hero" was "IT!"  Next came one of the Booth Brothers songs called, "Standing tall" and I listened to it over and over.  As the message of that song seeped into my soul, I knew that God was pleased with how I have chosen to live my life for Him and WOW that sure gave my a level of confidence that I have never known.

Well, here is my newest theme song and only God knows how long it will remain so.  I was listening to the Booth Brothers on Sabbath and this song stirred me inside.  "WHAT?" GOOD IS ON IT'S WAY???

That was when I was reminded of all my lessons of late from Zig Ziglar, and others on Facebook, that it's just as easy to put energy into being happy as it is to put it into being discontented!  I'll let the song say the rest of what is in my heart today.  I trust that you will all have a great week serving the King watching in earnest expectation for what good He is bringing to you!

Lots of love,


Saturday, January 31, 2015

Not so simple

I used to think, when I would hear of things like this, "Why don't people just home school their children and prevent this sort of garbage in their lives."  Now that I've become more aware of how invasive Common Core is into the lives of ALL children in the system, it has just plain old made my blood boil.  NOBODY should have to live under constant surveillance--let alone little children.

Let's join together to stop this outrageous encroachment on our freedoms!!!  Those who can't come to the capitol on Monday, PLEASE pray for those who can!!!
For freedom! 

Friday, January 30, 2015


I remember the first time that I heard this song.  I was a young mom PLUS was doing day care and I was exhausted most of the time.  I can recall hearing this song playing one Sunday morning as we were getting ready for church.  It was "Just perfect" and I fell on the floor beside my couch and cried and cried. 

"Oh, it IS ok to take a break and feel exhausted AND feel like a total failure," I thought and felt much better.  To all of you soldiers of the cross, this for you!

Happy Sabbath loved ones and take a break!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

David and Becca's courage

Somehow I found myself watching David and Becca's story and I can't stop crying!  How this touched my heart especially the suicidal part!!!  They said what I have felt all my life--unloveable!

If they can do this, I CAN and WILL put this MS into remission and get thin again!  What an inspiration of hope and courage and strength that was unknown to them!!!  I press on............

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Dear friends, I KNOW this! I know it and I understand this! I know it and I believe it and I comprehend it and I GET THIS!!! Still, I forget it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is it about living in this world which condemns me over and over and over again? I have been a follower of Jesus Christ/Yeshua, the son of God, for 46 years and STILL I struggle with self condemnation. I'm going along, thinking that I truly grasp how much God loves me, and then WHAM I doubt it all over again. Sometimes I don't even realize that I have fallen into doubting God's love for me. I can be going along feeling totally loved by him and then, it's like dust collecting on my clothing, all of a sudden I realize that I DON'T feel loved by God any more. That's how it is this morning. I just came off of a wonderful Sabbath day of rest with my precious family. We studied God's word together. We sang hymns together. We feasted; we celebrated; we rejoiced in the goodness of God to us; we rested together. What could be more wonderful??? I am most certainly blessed by God above I could ever have imagined! I am truly a special child to Him for Him to have blessed me so greatly!!! Then I read Pastor Prince's words just now and it hit me square in the face! I have once again fallen out of understanding with how much God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy Spirit really truly do LOVE me!!! How can this be?????? The world must be so full of hatred that it is impossible to go through it without being poisoned by the stuff. If anyone knows a method to keep basking in God's love, please share it here! I would love to share with you how God keeps bringing me back to Himself. It's by reading the daily devotional of Pastor Prince from Singapore. As I read his thoughts this morning, it came back to me fresh and new like a Spring breeze: GOD REALLY, TRULY, SINCERLY LOVES ME!!! WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guess what. He feels this way about YOU too! Go on and read this. I dare you to do so and not be refreshed again in a clear understanding of how VERY much God loves you! Jan 25 Matthew 27:46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” ribbon end Do you know that it was at the cross that Jesus addressed His Father as “God” for the first time? He had always addressed His Father as “Father”. But at Calvary’s tree, He addressed His Father as “God”. Jesus lost that Father-Son relationship when He was representing you and carrying your sins at the cross so that today, you can call God “Abba! Father!” (Romans 8:15) and have a loving father-son relationship with God forever. Jesus was forsaken by God and His world became very dark on that lonely hill so that in your darkest hour, God will always say to you, “I will never leave you nor forsake you!” (Hebrews 13:5) At the time when Jesus needed God most, God turned His back on Him. God had to turn His back on His Son because His eyes are too holy to behold all the sin that was in His Son’s body. And because God turned His back on Jesus, He will never turn His back on you. Instead, you will see God’s face of favor shining on you all the time! Jesus also took your place of no protection at the cross. For the first time, He gave up divine protection so that you can have it every day of your life! And because He became sin, He took your curse at the cross so that today, as you take His gift of righteousness, you receive only blessings from God. Jesus received the full brunt of God’s wrath in His body once and for all when He carried your sins. All of God’s anger and condemnation fell on Him, consuming all your sins until God’s wrath was exhausted. Today, God is not angry with you. The body of Jesus absorbed everything—your sins, curses, and God’s anger and condemnation. So live life expecting to see not the judgment, but the goodness and blessings of God!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Laughing with my boys

Hi everyone,

Today finds me light hearted as things are FINALLY (8 months after his death) progressing with the settling of my dad's estate!  Also, I took a 2 hour soak in my whirlpool last night and I feel relatively fine! 

Then, too, I found myself doing dishes with my boys and they treated me to some "Good, old days" music with a new twist.  I dare you to stay straight faced while listening to THIS!  I suppose if you're too young to remember any of the originals, THEN you would probably be able to listen to the end without laughing your head off--as we used to say in Eureka when I first heard the originals in the 70s.

Happy today!


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Missing Ellen

A dear friend, Ellen Johnson, died today.  I miss her.  Right now I miss many things--mostly the community togetherness of Lark Rise I guess.  Whatever happened to communities????

I'm just not feeling profound but I wanted to share this song with you as I recall singing it several times at funerals over the years. 



Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...