Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Terrible day yesterday

I can recall, when I lay dying in 2006, that a friend loaned me her copy of TRUTH TALK.  I remember clearly the lesson in the book on not calling everything, "TERRIBLE!"  By calling EVERYTHING terrible, there is no room for lesser traumas like just "Rotten," or "Crappy," or just plain old "Feeling BAD!"  Then, too, if one terms everything as terrible, who is going to believe you when you truly do feel absolutely, certainly, unmistakably TERRIBLE!!! 

Well, yesterday was TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!  I learned that a special friend is very close to dying!  Also, I was feeling so rotten that I wished that I could go with her! 

This morning, I told myself that my thinking has got to change even though I'm still feeling VERY badly.  I recall reading how laughter can help the body heal so I pondered on what would be the funniest video to watch and I knew that the Carol Burnett reruns were just the thing.

So, with no more explanation and no complaints about the WIND, I give you a touch of growing up in the 70s.  I laughed the whole way through, and watched others too, so I'm hoping that this current terrible will disappear SOONNNNNNNNN! 

Here's to laughter,

Friday, April 3, 2015

Great upheavel

If I could only write about all that is happening in my life right now, I would feel greatly relieved, but I can't and that's that!  Legal considerations constrain me so I must wait to share here the things that only my dearest of friends are aware of. Sometimes I feel like I am being torn apart at the thought of the changes that MAY be coming!  How can I possibly bend THAT far??????????

It's the waiting that is excrutiatingly EXASPARATING.  WAITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Waiting for lawyers to get their work done; for doctors to give good reports; for those we thought of as partners to make up their minds; for bankers to finish their paperwork; for Winter to end; for the rocks to move themselves to the rock pile; and for PATIENCE!!!!!

I'll admit freely that all of this mental stress has taken a toll on my health--it's been worse here lately!  One day I had to do a radionics broadcast for myself which was to get rid of "Mental TORTURE!"  That made me realize how far it had gone for my mind and I became aware of the necessity of finding ways to RELAX!

Gospel music has always been relaxing for me.  While it is exhilarating at the thought of being a part of God's family, it is relaxing to know that I am right with God--that I am loved by Him no matter what stupid things I do to myself and/or others!

I am sharing this song with you because it just ministered to me.  This is the brand new Jim Brady trio and this is the very first time that they sang in public together at the beginning of 2015.  We "Met" Jim when he sang with the Booth Brothers and now he sings with his wife and friend.  Jim left the comfort of the known; formed a new group; and started the next chapter of his life.  It took a lot of faith so they named this song, "Steppin' out in Faith." 

That's what our family is doing too right now.  There are so many factors swimming around us that make our heads spin.  I can't ever recall a time when our family was so pressured with life-changing decisions to make all at once!  It all has to fit together for things to either keep working as they are or for us to make the massive changes that we are contemplating making.

Will you please keep our family in your prayers?  As a thank you for reading this, I bless you with this awesome song sung by the JIM BRADY TRIO!!!

Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...