Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Coming out of the pit

I am sitting here crying but it's NOT what you may be thinking.  Actually I am sitting here crying tears of joy because I am feeling sooo much better!!!!  Can it be that I am really coming out of the deep, dark pit that I have been living in for several years??? 

I do MANY things for my health--to try to keep living!  The ones that have helped me the most are BodyTalk; radionics; Kangen water; BETAR sound therapy; GoDesana essential oils; Kyroback; hydrotherapy with Epsom salts, Castor oil packs; onion poultices; salt cave visits; balanced coffee; and Emotional Freedom Technique!  These I resort to all day long, and on the pain-filled nights, and they keep me going.

The daily supplements I use, which seem to give me energy and stave off the pain, are Biotrust's Low Carb protein powder; BioTrusts's probiotic, OmegaKrill, and digestive enzymes; Unique E complex; Omega K; Sonne's herbal supplements for bowels; Emergen C; Angstrom Magnesium; and American Biologics thyroid glandular.

Now, I have found another super supplement from StemTech called SE2 which I have been taking for about a year now.  This is the improved version of their first product which helps to stimulate the bone marrow to release it's stem cells.  The body naturally does this all of our lives but, as we age, the stem cells get more and more sticky so they aren't released.  They're available for the body but they can't be used because the stem cells are stuck inside the bones.  SE2 helps to release the stem cells better than the original Stem Enhance did.

SE2 has helped me a lot with the muscle spasms of MS. It also helps to keep the burning sensation suppressed somewhat in my feet so it has been a valuable tool as I struggle to regain my health.  However, I just was not having the incredible results that other people were having with the SE2.  Something about it seemed to irritate my kidneys and that's no fun either.

Now, the company has done additional research and released a new version which is called SE3!  This new version of Stem Enhance seems to be exactly what I've been needing!!  Almost immediately I had more muscle control; increased brain function; and LESS pain without the kidney discomfort!!  YAYYYYYY!

When I took advantage of the company's introductory offer and bought 6 bottles of SE3, I was given the opportunity to make SE3 available to 5 of my friends, clients, or relatives for FREE.   That's right!  The company just knows that YOU will feel much better too so they're putting their money where their mouth is.

If you would like to try a free bottle of SE3, just message me here and I'll have them send you a bottle.  This is NOT going to set you up for an autoship, and you'll need to pay the shipping and handling, but 5 of you who take the time to read this can have Stemtech International Inc. send you a $59 bottle of SE3 for FREE.  It's a great opportunity for try this awesome product and get your very own stem cells circulating and bringing healing where you need it the most.

I hope that I have wet your curiosity to check out the information about SE3 on Stemtech's website. Here's the link: 
What an awesome time in history to be alive!  I praise God for all the tools that He had given me to help me recover first from shingles on the brain and now from MS.  Once my chiropractor said, "Dawn, there is an exact recipe that will return your health but it takes work, time, and patience to figure it out!"  I agree and am fully convinced that SE3 is going to be part of my recipe for wellness for the rest of my life!!
I hope that you enjoy this movie by the creator of the Stemtech family of products.  Let me know if you want to be 5 of the super-blessed friends of mine to receive a FREE bottle!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Paul Harvey on Indepdence Day

Many losses have I suffered since our last Independence Day.  So great have been my sufferings that I have despaired of carrying on.  I think that's why God led me to this today.  WOW!!!

Happy Independence Day everyone.  I pray that this will bless you as it has me.  Certainly we are blessed!!! 


Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...