Sunday, March 27, 2016

He's ALIVE!!

What that must have felt like!  To have seen Jesus murdered and buried with your very own eyes.  Even though you may have heard Him say repeatedly that He had to die; be buried; and that He would rise again, how could the human mind grasp it? 
 To think of someone dying and then raising from the dead.  How could they "Get it?"  Sure, they had seen Him raise Lazurous from the dead but He was alive then.  What hope was there with Him dead?
Still, what it must have felt like to see Him alive again!!!!!!!!!!!
Praise God!!!
Here are 2 of my very favorite singers expressing all of my thoughts oh so grandly.  This is one of my favorite songs!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


I listen to the Booth Brothers almost all day long on rough days and this song melts away those doubts that I'll ever be strong again. 
It is our part to receive all good things from our loving Heavenly Father who WANTS to flood us with His blessings.  Amen?


Monday, March 7, 2016

Throw sadness away

Today is not the best day in the world.  Although it's Cora's birthday, and I am so thrilled to honor my daughter today, I just don't feel well.  I mean I truly haven't felt WELL in so long that I'm not sure what it would feel like.  However, today is a worse day than normal meaning my stomach hurts; my head hurts; and I can't think very well.
At such moments, I know that I can no longer press on thinking of EVERYONE else's needs before mine.  It is PAST time to take care of me!!!  Being it takes awhile to fill the whirlpool I decided to lie down on my BETAR table for awhile.
"Now which of the 14,000 songs in my music library, do I want to listen to today?"  I asked myself.  Too loud would upset my stomach more but too soft wouldn't be enough to shake the headache loose.  It's an art, you see, setting up a play list for someone--especially when one is not feeling the best.
I finally settled on a favorite from my youth--the Carpenters.  So I was lying there about 15 minutes ago, nearly asleep, when this song came up in the rotation.  I was deeply relaxed and starting to feel better when these words leaped out at me.  Why had I never heard them before?
At that moment, my 8 1/2 years of training my intuition to listen to the prompts of the subconscious came in very handy.  I simply envisioned a  big red balloon with all of my sadness from my entire life in it.  The string was in my hand so I opened my hand, in my imagination, and let it go up and up into the sky until I no longer saw my sadness any longer.
Now, that is still processing but I can tell you that it felt wonderful and I just HAD to share it with all of you.  This is a wonderful healing concept!!!!!!!!!!  I urge you to give it a try if you are sad today.  Thanks to the Carpenters we can just throw it away with the garbage.  God means for us to have joy and this is a way to get back to our natural state of JOY!
Thanks for listening and I hope that you give it a try!
Lots of love,


Thursday, March 3, 2016


I have been in pain so long that I don't even remember not hurting in some fashion--emotionally or physically!!  Certainly the past 10 years have been the most painful years.  I would have done myself in many times already if it weren't for this one thing--HOPE!!!!!
Hope has taken many forms for me in the past 10 years.  First I learned BodyTalk and that continues to be the strongest healing tool that I have.  Then I learned radionics, which is also incredibly powerful, and it added another layer of healing. 
I have gotten relief countless times with the tool called Emotional Freedom Technique.  Kangen water has helped immensely and so have many herbal remedies to help the body cleanse and heal like goDesana's liver care program.  Want to know a secret?  I have even followed the principles in the book YOUR OWN PERFECT MEDICINE which you'd have to read to grasp.   
There are times when I absolutely would scream from emotional turmoil if it weren't for my BETAR table which is like a musical massage.  Regular massage has helped at times also--when I could handle the pain of it.
Hydrotherapy, meaning time spent in my whirlpool with Epsom Salts, has saved the day countless times.  Visits to the Salt Cave have also gotten me through many hard times and learning how to use Pink Himalayan Salt has helped so much! 
Prayer warrior friends have carried me through the night more times than I know!!  Also my family has been as supportive as they can be while protecting themselves from the exhaustion that families of chronically ill individuals have to face.  Please keep them in your prayers! 
Even with all of these tools, though, I would give up hope of ever being well if it weren't for this one thing.  My clients need me to stay strong for them.  I feel like I have done well by my family!!! Now my children are strong, independent young people who don't really need me any more and that hurts more than anyone could imagine if they hadn't spent 22 years home schooling their children!
So, today, as I pondered continuing the struggle of life, God had me watch this movie.  I see, in a fresh light, that I am here for a reason.  I am first and foremost a wife and mother but what after that?  I am a teacher--I am a teacher too!! 
This blog has been my attempt to teach things that I find to be helpful in life.  This blog is my attempt to share what I've learned and that is commonly called teaching.  Today it seems immensely satisfying to urge you all to reach out and teach someone the things that you know.  It doesn't do any good to feel sorry for ourselves because we are older or in pain or washed up or shrunk down to nothing.  If you have something to teach, teach it to whoever will listen, and then see how wonderful you will feel!  Maybe someday someone will actually thank you for it!!
God bless,



Tuesday, March 1, 2016

A cripple can be used too!

As I have become more and more crippled from MS over the past few years, my hopes of doing anything really great for the Lord grew dimmer and dimmer!  Some days it's hard to see the screen as I write.  I LOVE to write.  It's always been wonderful therapy for me, but what happens if I can't ever see to do it?  What then??
Well, you can imagine (I hope), how much Pastor Prince's meditation today means to me!!!  Is it REALLY possible that HE now has me where He can REALLY use me?  Has He shaped me through these years of pain to do something totally WONDERFUL for Him? 
This concept is flooding me with hope this morning.  I started this blog originally to share hope with others who are suffering too.  May these words stir up hope in you today, as they have in me, to open your mind to see where God is taking you from here.
God bless you all and God bless Pastor Prince whom God has used to bless this weary one!!!

PS.  I daily covet your prayers as I search for meaning and purpose to keep going!

    1 Corinthians 1:26
For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called.
ribbon end
You may think that you are a nobody, maybe even a has-been or a loser in the eyes of the world. Take heart because God’s Word says that if you are not wise, not mighty or not noble according to the flesh, then you are a prime candidate for Him to call on! And when He begins to use you, you will see His favor, power and increase change your life.
In the eyes of the ancient world, Moses was the rising star of Egypt. The Bible tells us that in the first 40 years of his life, “Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and deeds”. (Acts 7:22) But God could not use him then because he was too smart, strong and full of himself.
It was only 40 years later, after having been in the unglamorous desert of Midian, emptied of himself and thinking that he was a has-been, that God sent him to confound the might of Pharaoh.
The world may pass them by—the weak, the small, the forgotten and the losers, but God chooses them to confound those mighty in the world.
I know this to be true. As a little boy, I grew up facing rejection and ridicule because of my Indian-Chinese racial mix. And as a teenager, I was the butt of many jokes because of my stammering and stuttering.
When I was in my teens, I remember praying to God, “I don’t know what I can do for or give You, but You got me—spirit, soul and body.” I don’t know how many times I prayed that prayer. But I knew that God heard me because He called me. Only God would dare choose me, a stammerer and stutterer, to pastor a church for Him that has since grown to more than 30,000 members today.
I know what I was and where I came from. I know I have done nothing and can do nothing apart from His anointing and grace in my life.
My friend, when you think that you are weak and small compared to others in the world, that is when God can use you to do great and wonderful things for Him!

Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...