Thursday, April 14, 2016

Our Father's love is REAL!

To anyone who has read ANYTHING at all on this blog, you already know that I am a survivor of the WORST type of abuse imaginable--incest!  Although my earthly father did not walk out of my life at my birth, as Vicki's did in this video, sometimes I wish that he had!!  I think that having an absent father entirely would have been easier to bear than one who was present but did nothing to protect me!!
Because of the wretchedly awful father that I had, I believed that God the Father was like this too!  Of course, I learned to love Jesus at an early age, thank God, but His Father was not someone that I ever cared to get to know.
It took my nearly dying 10 years ago from shingles on the brain to FINALLY feel the Father's love for me.  Every agonizing day He was there helping me through it--guiding me and showing me the way to ease the pain if even for a few minutes!!!
Over the past decade I have learned to cherish the Father of Jesus as much as I cherish Jesus Himself!  Now it bothers me when others hate Him because of what sinful humans have done to them!!  It bothers me that there are so many songs and stories about Jesus's love and compassion for us while continuing to paint a wretched picture of His Father.  THIS DOES NOT MAKE SENSE TO ME!
Being Jesus is perfect, so is His father!  Being Jesus is loving beyond measure, so is His father?  Being Jesus is always with me, helping me through every imaginable pain, so is His father!  I would have you open your heart to the Father of Jesus today just as easily as you open your heart to Jesus himself!
I understand if this is VERY difficult for you to do if your earthly father was as far from a Godly example that ever walked the Earth.  I get that.  I truly do!!  However, God the Father is just as wonderful as God the Son and God the Spirit are!  HE REALLY LOVES US!!!
My prayer is that you will watch this video, along with me, and open your heart to the love that is aching to reach out to you and fill your heart with hope!  God loves you sooooo much!
Feeling treasured today,


Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

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