Sunday, June 26, 2016

Mobilize those chemicals inside and GET WELL!

If you have a toxic chemical load in your body from vaccines; a poor food supply; living in non-organic agricultural areas; living by factories; war; OR yo-yo dieting then PLEASE listen to this video!
Dr. Yu outlines a very simple method that he uses with his patients to mobilize the chemicals in the body and then help the body to excrete them!  He has helped many people to mobilize the chemicals in their body out of the fat; into the bloodstream; and out through the skin and the bowels.
This is a VERY impressive video!  It takes very little time to incorporate these few changes into one's life!  I'm going to start doing this because I STILL am not well after 10 years of trying to recover from shingles on the brain!
Dr Yu mentions that this helps with infertility issues too.  It sure does make me wish that I had known this 20 years ago! 
Here's to YOU, Dr. Yu and Dr. Mercola for sharing this with us!!  God bless you both!


Friday, June 24, 2016

God leads CLEARLY

Hi everyone,

 I am very reluctant to recommend ANY supplements to people as they may help some but, other than Stem Tech's products, I haven't found anything that lives up to it's claims. 

This product came to me after MUCH prayer so I just went with it.  At this point, I have been using Nopal Cactus for 3 days and I am amazed at the amount of energy I have.  Mostly, though, the constant inflammation that has kept me in constant pain for decades is already starting to lessen.

I'll keep you posted as things progress.  Now I'm not saying that this will solve all the problems of the world!  What I am saying is that this product seems to be helping ME with some very old problems. 

I urge everyone to read this short article and see if it sounds as though something that will help you to feel better too.

Keep praying and keep searching and keep believing that you will be totally well and some day you will. God is good and leads us step by step to the answers you are needing to be who God designed you to be.

Hope it helps,


Friday, June 10, 2016

Appleseed here tomorrow

What can I say?  I did my very best to get a nice firing line put together but God knows best and it looks as though it will be a very small shoot after all.

 At any rate I have been doing a lot of sharing about Project Appleseed with my FB friends and decided to share with you also.

You can read all about the Appleseed program here:  Hopefully this post will inspire somebody somewhere in this country to attend a shoot this Summer.  Perhaps some of you will be able to come to our late Summer shoot????

At any rate, I love to shoot so I'll share a photo of me at the shoot we held here at our farm in 2012.  YAY Appleseed and YAY ME!!!

For freedom,


Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Four more days

In only four more days the magic of an Appleseed shoot will take place here!!  We've hosted about a dozen shoots in the past decade and each one is incredible!! 
Those in attendance learn how to shoot better but it's much more than that.  People learn the price that was paid for our freedom in the early days of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!  Once this registered for me, I had a much greater appreciation for the freedoms that we have been given and that is mammoth in our age of Christian complacency!!  I had to ask myself, 'Is there any sacrifice too great to save freedom?" and the answer that keeps coming back is a resounding, "NO!"
For those who don't live anywhere near us, you can find a shoot in your area by going to the Appleseed website: 
Here's a photo from a shoot I attended at a friend's farm in June of 2011.  To be a part of a firing line, at an Appleseed event, is simply unforgettable!  I challenge each reader who truly loves freedom to take the plunge and attend an Appleseed shoot near you!!  It WILL make you a better person!!
I also love that Appleseed shoots are family events.  I grew up saying, "Families who pray together, stay together!"  I wonder what happens to families who shoot together?  They have a hoot together???  ;)
Come on over, those of you who live nearby.  You'll be glad you did!


Wednesday, June 1, 2016

It's Appleseed time again!

In less than 2 weeks, we'll be hosting our first shoot of 2016.  Will YOU be able to join us?  Perhaps this may inspire you to take the leap and attend an Appleseed shoot?  You will LOVE it IF you love America.  That's the only prerequisite in my opinion.  Anyway, I just copied this from the Appleseed website to inspire you to attend.  If not here, if not ours, then PLEASE consider attending an Appleseed shoot somewhere this Summer IF you want to be inspired as to the greatness of our wonderful country!  To find locations of all shoots in our country, and to read about this fantastic volunteer program, check out this page:
Why should I come?
Why should you come?
Well, for one thing, to see what this Appleseed stuff is all about. To find out why one well-known gun writer who was there said, "This is going to be the next big thing that nobody saw coming."
Another reason...
To learn to shoot a rifle well — to learn to shoot it just as well as your forefathers.
Another reason...
To hear the story that every American should hear. About how your forebears took up arms, on the first day of the American Revolution, and did things no other people in the world have ever done. To learn things you don't learn in school, about that day. About where the Revolution really started — it did not start in Lexington, nor did it start in Concord. According to John Adams, it was over before it started. Be there to hear The Story, because to hear it is to remember what they did, that day. And to remember, is to honor them for doing it.
Another reason...
To gather new hope for the future. To see Americans — volunteer Americans — not sitting around complaining: no sir, out doing something about it — like saving their country, one person at a time.
Another reason...
To meet other Americans with whom you can enjoy learning to shoot, and learning more about the momentous events of April 19th, 1775. So you'll go home with your hope for America re-kindled and enlarged because you know that there are others just like you.
Another reason...
To qualify to purchase an M1 Garand — still one of the world's finest battle rifles — and a true piece of American from the Civilian Marksmanship Program for a price several hundred dollars under market.

Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...