Sunday, August 28, 2016

WE EXIST!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One year for Robert's birthday, I gave him a precious book called THE JOURNEY!  It's a beautiful story about how we are taught to believe that the end of all things is the goal.  We work our rears off to get an A; to win the race; to earn the raise; to have a loving family; or to loose weight.  We think that some day we can be happy IF......................... 
This lovely book helped me to see that every day IS a treasure.  Each person we meet along the way IS a rich reward from God.  Every time I am kind, whether to someone else or to myself, I WIN!  So, I know this to be true.
However, when I watched this video just now, it really sunk in!! My sitting at this computer writing to you, my dear readers, IS important.  Right at this moment, in all the world of choices that I could be making to spend my precious time on, writing to you IS what matters most as it is what I am supposed to be doing.
I live in the middle of nowhere.  Many days I see nobody but my dogs; my garden; my clients on Skype; and my menfolks at suppertime.  Nevertheless, I AM making a difference by sharing with all of you invisible readers that you matter to me!
Did you catch that?  YOU MATTER TO ME!!!!!
We all took a wrong turn somewhere when we started to judge others based on how much stuff they have.  Who cares?  With nothing we came into the world and we can take nothing out with us when we leave it so why would stuff matter at all??
Sure we need shelter and clothing and food BUT we need companionship and encouragement and support and love MORE!!  Do you agree?  I grew up being taught the Bible and I agree with it that it is better to eat a simple meal with someone you love than a feast with those who despise you.  However, have I REALLY grasped this in every cell of me?  Is it even possible?
Well, I can see clearly how God leads me into truth one lesson at a time and I am certain that He does the same for you.  So, if you have lost touch with the joy of your own existence, then please WATCH THIS VIDEO!! For me, it put another brick in my wall of "I matter because I exist!"  In other words, I am here for a purpose and I believe that to be to give others HOPE that they can be well and happy if they will only surrender their lives to the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ!
I hope that you will give yourself the treat of watching this video today.  I pray that you will enjoy your day like never before BECAUSE YOU EXIST!!     YAY YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! and YAY  ME!!!!


Thursday, August 18, 2016

A bulldog for freedom

Sometime in this past year I discovered Jay Sekulow and the organization he formed which is called THE AMERICAN CENTER FOR LAW AND JUSTICE!
Ever since then I have been TRYING to get people to learn about him and the good work that the ACLJ does to help keep the world free from tyranny.
Actually, I've been disappointed in my attempts to "Share" Jay with the world!  I was hoping to be able to help people see this American hero who has been fighting for freedom VERY successfully for nearly 4 decades.

When I discovered this biography on Jay just now, I decided to share it for I believe that it captures Jay's passion for freedom and equality for all!  If YOU have been looking for a hero, you can look no further!
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to Jay Sekulow!!


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Tears are a Language God Understands

I recall one day about 8 years ago, as I listened to Rejoice Radio, I was crying about something.  It could have been about  missing my Heavenly children but my heart was so heavy and there was just no way that I could find happiness that day.
Now, I was raised in a musical family and some of my earliest memories were of my father singing close harmony in the men's quartet he was singing with at the time.  I can vividly recall playing on the floor with my friend; my mother was at the piano; and my father with his strong Baritone voice blending with the other 3 neighborhood men. 
All of a sudden it was magical.
The setting sun fell on the carpet where I sat while Heaven came down and touched my desperately lonely heart with the wonders of close harmony and I've been hooked ever since!
It's no wonder, then, that my weary day following a miscarriage should be touched with the excellent close harmony of this group.
As I listened that day, the Lord once again touched me with the immense satisfaction that I feel when good singers sing close harmony! 
I began to listen more intently to the words of the unknown group singing on the radio and I was sooo blessed to hear this song, "Tears are a Language God Understands!"
I recall sitting on the floor, once again as the soft sunlight surrounded me, and I felt the presence of  God as when a little abused child heard the wonders of music for the very first time.  I was mesmerized by these 3 voices and I had to know who they were.
When I recovered myself, I quickly wrote an email to Rejoice Radio and asked them, "Who is the group that sang a song about God understanding when we cry about 15 minutes ago?"
The reply came back, 'Their name is 'The Booth Brothers!'"   I instantly became a fan and have traveled several times to hear them singing in person since that time.  Each time their tight harmonies captivated me BUT the best part about their music is how they portray God's love for us through every song in one way or another!!!
I AM HOOKED!  Also, I am not ashamed to admit it.  ;)  Nearly every morning I listen to a Booth Brother song to remind myself that God loves me AND He loves EVERYBODY!!!
I invite you to listen now to TEARS ARE A LANGUAGE GOD UNDERSTANDS!
PS.  Let me know if you need a Kleenex.  ;) 

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

"My" Jesus wants to be your Jesus too!

This is how I grew up thinking that Jesus must have looked when He walked the Earth over 2,000 years ago.  I suppose that all cultures view Him looking like them.  Actually as a Hebrew, most likely His skin was much darker than this and I doubt that He had blue eyes.  Most likely they were a lovely brown which oozed out love for the people and anger at those who were harming His people. 
At any rate, I am sure that He was very handsome as He had NO imperfections!  I wonder what it would have been like to look into those eyes of wisdom and compassion!  The Bible says that, at our deaths, we will see Him when we stand before Him to be judged.  Oh, how I long to hear Him say to me, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant!"  That really IS my life motivator!!!!!!!!!!!
I receive my inspiration to keep following Him through prayer and digging through my Bible.  He also inspires me through friends; through reading; through music which praises Him; through spending time with His gentle creatures; through caring for "The" garden He gave us; and through studying the marvelous human body which He created and gave to us as a tremendously wonderful gift!!!
Today I'm so very thankful to share "My" Jesus with you.  I pray that each reader around the world can sense His love for them right now!!!  I love this hymn, "My Jesus I love thee," because it's something that I can give to Him.  I can give Him my praise; I can give Him my gratitude; AND I can give Him my love!  That's what He longs for folks, just to be loved by YOU and by ME! 
My Jesus I love Thee, I know Thou art mine,
For Thee all the follies of sin I resign;
My gracious Redeemer, my Savior art Thou;
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now!
I love Thee because Thou hast first loved me,
And purchased my pardon on Calvary's tree;
I love Thee for wearing the thorns on Thy brow,
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now!
I'll love Thee in life, I will love Thee in death,
And praise Thee as long as Thou lendest me breath;
And say when the death dew lies cold on my brow,
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now!
In mansions of glory and endless delight,
I'll ever adore Thee in heaven so bright;
I'll sing with the glittering crown on my brow,
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now!
Why do I love Him soooooooooooo much?  That's easy to answer for me.  I love Him with all my heart because of all that He has brought me through.  Listen to verse 2 of this song.  Those who have been through unbearable loss--THAT'S ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and STILL HE HAS KEPT ME ALIVE!!!  I LIVE TO SERVE HIM AND TO GIVE HIM PRAISE AS THESE FELLOWS DO!!
You see, He's brought me through 7 years of incest; loosing my possessions to a house fire; 17 miscarriages; repeated cancers in my body; shingles TWICE--the second time on my brain; 750 beestings as I recovered; MS; full-body mold toxicity; some form of pain almost constantly my 58 years on this Earth BUT still I live.  Even when I no longer wanted to live, I LIVE!!  It's only because of His living in me that I could ever bear all of that and still remain sane.  HE KEEPS ME SANE and HE KEEPS ME GOING!!!
It's HIS grace poured out on me that has brought me to this day and I LOVE HIM with all my heart!!  I hope that you enjoy this song by my very favorite singers as much as I do.  Let's look for good today.  We can do that, can't we?

PS.  Guess what?  The Lord told me, as I watched this song again, that the time to spill my secret to my readers is NOW!!
Ten years ago, as I lay dying with shingles on the brain, I went to a friend's health center to die.  I could not bear the to see the suffering on my children's faces any longer so I was able to leave my precious family.
After we began the bee sting therapy up at the health center (yes, that means real live bees stung me in the head), the Lord told me that some day I would open up a health center here on my farm.  I laughed, knowing that I would die soon!  However, when the bee venom started to work it's healing, I started to ponder that concept.  What if God really DID want to use me to bring healing to many hurting ones as I was at that moment?
That dream has grown quickly as I see God bringing me tool after tool to ease suffering and heal His people and their relationships.  For every suffering that I have endured, He has provided a tool not only for my relief but for the relief of others and I marvel that He could use one as ill as I was to help bring healing to His world!!!
He even gave me the name of the health center which He will build here sometime in the future.  It is to be called, 'Dawn of Grace" meaning that grace grows slowly in each of our lives as we recover from all of the pain that the world throws at us.  When people come to us, it will be the start of God's grace entering their lives and showing them His way to their full recovery.  Once grace starts it's work, though, healing eventually comes--that has been my experience over these past 10 years.
Now, He just showed me that the Booth Brother's song I SEE GRACE will be our theme song at our healing center.  HOW PERFECT IS THAT????
SSSSSHHHHHHH  This is a secret, you know!  ;)

Friday, August 5, 2016

Introducing my newest hope

Hi everyone,
I named my blog A RAY OF HOPE when I was recovering from shingles on the brain and quite desperate to find ANYTHING that would help me to heal again.  That was 10 years ago.
So for the past 10 years I have tried many tools, any and all of them that crossed my path, and several have remained keepers.  That's not what this blog post is about.
Basically, the pain in my body on an average day is anywhere from a 7 to a 10.  I'm happy when I can use my tools to NOT take any pain killers but I work at it--often all day long!
Now, I found THIS tool which I believe explains why I have continued to deteriorate in my health no matter how much I do every day to prevent that.  I share this for those of you who sincerely have tried everything to get well and just haven't gotten there. 

I urge you to give this a try!!  This article covers the science behind the tool so dig in and by all means, buy yourself a fascia blaster and started blasting away all the PAIN!!!
Hopeful again,

PS.  I tried to copy the article but it wouldn't copy so check it out here instead!

Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...