Sunday, December 4, 2016

GREAT imagination

It's been a LONG time since I've had this much hope for my country!!!  Many of us, who have been watching our freedoms dissolve right in front of our eyes, are hopeful that our country maybe really CAN be great again!!!!
Now THIS took a great amount of imagination and just the right amount of hope!

Friday, December 2, 2016

I'm not the only one

Now that the time of Andrew and Marie's wedding date can be counted in the single digits, I have been finding myself crying quite a bit.  I worried about it.  I thought it meant that I was a rotten mom and I was filled with remorse for all my failures.  Truly that IS a part of it but mostly I am crying for all of the years that went too swiftly!  Where did my little boy go?????????
Well, I saw this speech today and I felt a whole lot better.  Mothers crying about their children leaving the family and starting their own must surely be normal.  What a comfort to know!
Maybe I should jot down some notes just in case someone asks me to give a speech at the rehearsal.  HMMMMMMMMMMMM
I covet your prayers as we travel far to an unknown land to unknown people to give away our son in marriage!
PS.  Anyone have a Kleenix?

Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...