Thursday, July 27, 2017

Tea anyone?

It was my turn to host our monthly tea party yesterday and it was a delight even though my cream puffs collapsed.  I did learn, from one of my guests, that you need to leave them in the oven longer than one would think so that they get nice and firm.  Then take them out of the oven and fill with cream and other delightful things.

What was wonderful about yesterday's tea party is that, even though the cream puffs didn't look like I had imagined they would, my guests were just as delighted being together as if the cream puffs had turned out perfectly.  We laughed and piled our cream and raspberry jam and chocolate pieces high and indulged--not only in the food but in the friendship!
At one time in my life, I would have hated myself the whole time because I failed to provide a perfect event for those who came for it.  Now, I got off my high horse, laughed with the others and had the time of my life.  Here are my guests.  Do they look happy they took time for tea? 
I'm hoping that I inspired at least 1 person to have a tea party.  If so, you may find the article below helpful.  I do want to assure you, though, that there are NO tea police.  In fact, most of my guests didn't have tea at all.  ;)
Here's to friendship--new and old.  Can you guess who my newest friend is in this photo? 

PS.  I'm so glad that I don't freak out over every little thing anymore.  Otherwise, I'd not even post these comments as I cannot figure out why I cannot get the font uniform in size.
Image may contain: 5 people, people smiling, people standing and indoor

How to Host a Tea Party

Ideas for a Tea Party
Tea is to a tea party what beer is to guys' night in the man cave. Tea isn't the only requirement, though. A good tea party is about creating an old timey, gracious ambience, and that requires attention to detail. You don't have to live in a palace, serve lots of expensive food or hire a wait staff to do the honors. A tea party can be a late morning to late afternoon affair. It can be held indoors or outdoors, and it can include from as few as two people to more than a hundred.
You should also observe some practical rules:
  • Send invitations -- A written invitation will set the perfect tone for a tea party. Remember, a tea party usually conjures visions of rose bouquets, lace, bone china, delightfully decadent sweets and cunningly crafted sandwiches. You may not be including all of those things in your party, but putting together an invitation that plays to those ideas will get people in the mood. Your invitation should also include the date, time, location and planned duration of the party. Request an RSVP, and send the invitations well in advance, too. Six weeks ahead isn't too soon.
  • Consider a theme -- Beyond feeling nostalgic for the good old days, there are lots of reasons to host a tea party. It could be part of a larger wedding celebration. It could also be for a graduation, birthday party or retirement celebration. It isn't too hard to integrate a theme like retirement (think leisure activities like gardening or travel) or graduation into a tea party in the table decorations, invitations and food. You can also stick to classics like a spring fling with lots of flowers. If extravagance is more your thing, think along the lines of Alice in Wonderland/Queen of Hearts, a derby party or a Japanese tea garden. Picking a theme, even if it's just a color scheme, it will be easier to come up with good, specific ideas. Knowing that you'll be using a bouquet of light yellow roses as a centerpiece will make it easier to decide on things like the cake frosting and table cloth design.
  • Establish a dress code -- Tea parties can run the gamut from dauntingly formal to hole-in-your-running-shoe casual. Mention the dress code in your invitations. You don't need to go overboard, but you can, say, recommend dresses for the ladies (oh, and maybe hats!), and dress slacks for the men. If you want things comfortably casual, let folks know that, too.
  • Savory, sweet or both -- Tea party refreshments can be playful and understated with cookies and petit fours. They can also include more robust appetizer trays that add finger sandwiches and other two-bite specialties. You can also host a tea party that includes a complete buffet service. You should keep in mind that "tea" doesn't mean "luncheon," so your invitations should spell out what guests can expect. As important as the food will be, it's the presentation that will win the day at a tea party. Keep the serving sizes on the small side, and pay particular attention to the way food is plated. Stacking cold cuts on a platter may be good form for an office party, but you should include some creative flourish with tea party fare. Roll those cold cuts and include some greenery and nicely displayed fruits and cheeses. Tasty is good, but pretty and tasty is even better.
  • Include entertainment -- Sipping tea to classical music may seem refined, but it gets boring fast. Make sure your tea party is a success by incorporating some entertainment into the afternoon. You can play games, include a craft presentation or even host a jewelry or fashion show. There's lots of potential for innovation here. If you know your friends' particular likes, you'll be able to come up with some great options.
  • Don't forget the tea -- Yes, tea parties include tea, and even if you aren't a fan of the brown stuff, there are some variations that are sure to work for your party. You can go with serving classic teas like Darjeeling, oolong, Earl Grey and English breakfast, or opt for iced tea or sun tea. Iced, fruity teas work particularly well for a spring or summer tea party. You can try something new like chai tea, too. It's a blend of cinnamon, allspice and other spices served with milk. It's a bit like Christmas in a cup. If there will be tea purists present, make sure to brew loose rather than bagged tea, use boiling water (not just hot -- unless it's green tea), and steep the tea precisely. Otherwise, the tea police may cite you for beverage abuse.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Noone should eat alone

I had the most delightful lunch today.  Both of my daughters joined me and it was simply marvelous!  Thank you ladies--you made my day!
I’d like you to bring me a dinner for two -
A serving for me and a serving for you.
I’ll order up something that we two can share.
Please bring it, then sit with me! Pull up a chair!

We’ll start with a salad. I hope you won’t mind 
this salad will be of the specialty kind, 
the kind made of rainchokes and fiddlehead roots,
and topped with wassava and sharkflower shoots. 

And after our salad, we’ll have the main dish:
some Teek Bourguignon, or lardines if you wish
See, it just doesn’t matter what food that we eat,
as long as you join me! Please, pull up a seat!

Then after our meal, some dessert will be nice;
I’ll order us up some sweet cragberry ice!
We’ll top it all off with some coffee flown in 
especially from the small island of Dwin.

I’ll thank you, dear waiter, for serving my needs;
I’ll tip you with plenty of Dol-yapper seeds
For, you see, I don’t eat alone, not anywhere!
So bring it, then sit with me! Pull up a chair!  

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Groaning today

Pastor Prince's devotional was perfect for me today!  I just love it when God does that to help His people!!  With our crops shriveling up and my dog dying, plus all of the normal health struggles of living with MS, it's another Summer of groaning for me.  I certainly had hoped that those were behind me, but life hangs on, and I must deal with it. 

Longing for home,


JULY 16 -

Once, when my father was hospitalized, I remember driving as fast as I could to the hospital to see him because his condition was deteriorating rapidly. I was just sobbing in my car on the way there. I didn’t know what to pray. So I just cried and prayed in tongues, groaning in my spirit.

I believe that at that very low point, the Holy Spirit was helping me in my weaknesses—“For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered”.

The events that soon unfolded in the hospital convinced me that just a groan or sigh will reach the throne of our Abba Father.

I managed to reach the hospital just in time to clasp my father’s hand before he was wheeled in for surgery. The surgeons came out of the operating theatre some time later to inform my mother that they didn’t need to do anything after they had opened him up because they discovered that “surgery” had already been done on him!

Surprised, my mother answered, “He has never been operated on. I am his wife. I should know.” Not convinced, the surgeons told my father when he regained consciousness, “We opened you up and found that surgery had already been done. Whoever did it did a perfect work.”

Equally surprised, my dad told them, “I have never had surgery done on me.”

“No, you have!” the surgeons insisted.

As my parents and the doctors continued arguing, I found myself thinking, “My goodness, I didn’t even pray for a miracle on my way to the hospital. Yet, a miracle has just happened!”

My friend, when we who are God’s children groan as we pray in the Spirit, the Holy Spirit makes intercession for us with groanings which will reach the throne of our Abba Father, and cause Him to move powerfully on our behalf!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

A Summer poem

                            Summer Lovin’ ~

Summer Lovin by Cameron Fries Creation Swap
Give me the sun on the hazy horizon,
the sherbet color morning sky above
give me a clear cloudless day
then you’ll know ~ why God I love.
Give me the shade of the golden willow,
the Good Book for me to read
give me something refreshing to drink in
and I’ll have close ~ to all I need.
Give me a creek’s memorizing humming,
chirps coming from a robin’s nest
give me a green pasture with my Lord
well ~ you can picture the rest.
Give me the sounds of children playing,
the laughs and giggles of youth
give me the peace of a summer’s sigh
when God reveals to me ~ another truth.
Give me the soft breeze of the ocean,
as I watch the sun paint its dazzling set
give me a cool night in the moonlight
and I’ll be as close to heaven ~ as I can get.
Give me a day in the radiant Son shine,
let me bask in God’s glorious love
give me a summer day to spend reflecting
on all the splendor ~ He sends from above!

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Sabbath worship


I find myself alone this Sabbath morning which is certainly a rare occurrence for me.  In the past, I haven't enjoyed being alone, but I've become better company as I've dealt with the pain of my childhood for nearly 3 decades.

Recovery is a journey.  That used to be discouraging to me.  I used to think of that concept as TERRIBLE.  I want to be well and I want it NOW!!

I used to dream of a mythical time when I would no longer hurt from incest!  I thought that it was like putting a puzzle together.  I reasoned that once I had found all of the needed tools, I would somehow no longer be torn apart inside when I hear of children being sexually abused.

I imagined that there was a way for me to become a stronger person.  This mythical person would not be affected by children with faces like mine was--blank, empty, hopeless.  Now I can see that God was strengthening me to be able to help those who suffered as I did--not forget about them!!!

Still, those faces from far away places where I can't go, get to me.  That's why I support the work of the ACLJ.  This world wide Christian organization is helping to free women and children who are caught in cultures who believe that abuse is normal.  IT IS NOT!!!!

Being I work with abused women every week, sometimes it gets me down.  When I see how "JUST ONE" rape can totally cripple a woman her entire life, I feel like I am bailing water out of the sinking Titanic with a thimble.  I certainly want to do more to help but I am only one person--one person with MS nearing 60!  When I get to thinking this way, I hurt even MORE!!!

The good news is that I have learned how to restore myself during the weekly Sabbath rest!! God gave mankind the weekly rest on the 7th day of the week at creation.  I am 100% positive that the only escape for me from being overwhelmed at all of the evil in this world is by resting at the end of every week!!  God blessed the 7th day as a day of rest for all people and I JUST LOVE IT!!

Not only is the Sabbath about resting from my labors but it is about worshipping the Creator of all and the giver of the Sabbath.  When I think of how God has blessed mankind with such a beautiful place to live, I run straight into the arms of Jesus and worship Him and His father! 

When I worship God, I am STRONG!!  When I come into His presence, all hopelessness and weakness flees!!  Somehow His strength seeps into me.  In a way that I cannot explain, worshipping God frees me from all hatred of child molesters.  Mysteriously, when I worship God, I can even accept myself--that ugly little raped child!

So on this beautiful Summer Sabbath morning, when I found myself alone in the house, I sought to worship my God--the Father; the Son; the Holy Spirit.  So, I went to YouTube and typed in "Sabbath worship music" and look what I found!!

Would you like to join me as I watch this again?  Would you like to have your burdens lifted too?  Would you like to experience the immense love that God has for you?  It all begins with worshipping the Creator who made us each so unique and each so special to Him!



Wednesday, July 5, 2017


I've worn many hats in my life.  First I was a daughter and also a sister.  On the day I was born, I also became a granddaughter, a niece, and a cousin.  Later I became a wife; a daughter-in-law; and sister-in-law.  Then I became a MOTHER!!!  

 Seeing as my daughter shared on Facebook today about their baby which is due in about 2 months, I now can discuss the fact that very soon I will become a grandmother!!!  ME--a grandmother!

 I got to wondering if there weren't a few words of advice on the web about how to graciously step into this new role.  Low and behold, I found this article.  It's the first one I found, and I liked it, so I decided to share this with anyone else who may be facing becoming a grandparent at this time.

 It all seemed like good advice, so here's to being a successful grandmother to the littlest members of my family--AND to their parents!!

 Getting excited!!



10 Tips for Grandparents-to-Be

Your career as a grandparent begins even before your grandchild is born. From the moment when you get the good news, your actions and reactions matter. These ten tips for grandparents-to-be will earn you the gratitude of the expectant parents and make a smoother transition for all. Just be aware -- you'll be in a period of adjustment as well.
  1.  Smile when you get the news. When the expectant parents share the good news with you, act pleased, even if you are concerned about issues such as finances. Be sure to inquire before telling anyone else, and let the parents be the ones to tell close friends and relatives. If the couple would like to wait a bit before announcing the news to others, respect their wishes and don’t tell their secret.
  2.  Let them do it their way. A grandmother may not be invited into the delivery room. The new parents may even opt not to have visitors in the hospital. No matter how you feel about their choices, don’t question them. Your future relationship with your child and your grandchild may depend upon your being supportive of their decisions. Your time to bond with your grandchild will come.
  3.   Emphasize the positive. Tell funny and sweet stories about your experiences with your own babies. Stories about his or her own babyhood will probably especially interest the expectant parent. Never tell horror stories about your birthing experiences.
  4.   Be understanding of the mother-to-be. Expectant mothers are often very centered on what is happening with their bodies and their lives. If your daughter or daughter-in-law seems uninterested in your activities and thoughts, accept that this is a natural stage. She will regain her interest in the wider world some time after she gives birth. After the birth, be alert for signs of post-partum depression or any persistent sadness. 
  5.  Go easy on the shopping. Buying for the baby is fun, but gift-giving has its pitfalls. Pick up a few minor things and gauge the reaction. Some expectant parents welcome all contributions; others would prefer to make most of the choices about clothing and equipment themselves. If there is going to be a baby shower, work with the parents to make it fun and successful. 
  6.  Hold off on major decisions. Don’t make dramatic changes in your own life in anticipation of being a grandparent. Don’t quit your job or plan to move until you see how much you are going to be needed and wanted in your grandchild’s life. Don't agree to provide full-time child care without considering the decision carefully.
  7.  Do help out, but don’t overdo it. Especially at the end of the pregnancy and right after the birth, the new parents will need some assistance, but don’t do too much. The mother or father who comes for a visit and insists on working the whole time is sending a message to the expectant parents that they can’t adequately take care of their own needs. 
  8.   Put doubts about the spouse on hold. If you have misgivings about your son or daughter’s mate, try to overcome them. That person is going to be your grandchild’s parent. Give the spouse a chance to prove his or her worthiness in this new role. 
  9.   Be prepared to share. Remember that in most families there is another set of grandparents (and sometimes two or three sets!). If you’ve not been sociable with the other family, you might want to plan a social occasion to get to know them better before the new baby arrives. Use diplomacy in handling possible conflicts over grandparent names. Communicate with the other grandparents to coordinate visits. A little planning and discussion before the birth will keep the new parents from being overrun with grandparents immediately after the birth.
  10.  Make peace with your ex. If you are divorced from your child’s father or mother, you may need to prepare to share grandparenting honors with your ex. This potentially ticklish situation can go smoothly if you plan ahead and prepare yourself mentally. You will probably have to be in each other’s presence upon occasions such as the grandchild’s birthday, so why not start by being cordial before the birth? The same goes for other blended family issues.

Monday, July 3, 2017

God bless America

Look at this.  They removed my video.  Somebody doesn't like freedom for all!  GRRRRRR

One benefit of being as old as I am is knowing a lot of the actors who sing in this video.  Whoever put it together did a brilliant job--a brilliant American job.

Those younger ones who may chance here tonight or tomorrow, who don't recognized the faces and the voices of these who are singing in this video, you can just know that they are all special people.  I can say that as a matter of fact because we are ALL special people.  If we could only know how very special we all are to God, there would be no violence; no crime; no abuse; no murder; no rape............

Watching this video makes me feel like I felt when I was young!  It made me remember a time when people worked hard and had self-respect.  It made me remember when people who lived next door to you were friends and they were there for you and you for them.

I miss the old America I knew as a child!!  However, these days, when I listen to our President speaking (a man who is even older than I am), I get a twinge of delight!  I realize that he has memories similar to mine when Americans truly cared about each other.  We must share memories of when children walked to school; learned all day; and became better people.  Memories when couples worked out their differences and grew more and more in love with time.  Memories when families eat their meals together every day!!

I miss that old America!

I miss that more simple time in my country when things were less techie--before there were even cell phones.

On the other hand, though, if it weren't for technology, I wouldn't be sitting at my computer writing to all of you now would I?

So, I close with this thought, God bless America!!  His blessing it in the past is what made it a land full of heroes and His blessing it now will do the same!



Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...