OK, I get it! Summer is over and it's best for my health if I stop fighting it--so much. When a person lives in North Dakota, though, and we often have 4 to 5 months of Winter, you learn to suck out of Summer every golden moment! You learn to embrace every hot sweltering day as, in the back of your mind, there is the constant knowledge that Winter will arrive all too soon!
In between is Autumn. Last year Autumn stretched up to November and then BOOM--IT WAS WINTER!! I sure didn't like that too much!
My son, Jacob, tells a joke that goes like this.
North Dakota has 4 seasons: almost Winter; Winter; STILL Winter; and road construction.
That summarizes pretty well what I'm talking about here.
I complain about Autumn being the end of Summer so much that it's entirely possible I have not taken the time to totally embrace Autumn on it's own merits. HMMMMM
So, I decided to find a poem that would sell ME on Autumn. I read a few of them but just couldn't go there. Like if you ever try to find a card for someone that you sort of know but you feel obligated to buy one for them. All of the cards that say, "You're so wonderful," or "You're a fantastic person," or "I'm so happy we're friends," just don't cut it.
That's how most of the Autumn poems were for me just now. SERIOUSLY, people LOVE Autumn?
SO OK--get over it, Dawn!
I finally found this one that suited me a bit. Autumn was not ever really restful for me as a child because that's when school started. As a home school mom, it was even LESS restful. However, I can truthfully say that not having garden and yard care IS a nice break.
So, I'm TRYING to enjoy Autumn this year. I really am!!! I wonder what glorious moments it will bring to me before below 0 temps hit us here on the prairies of North Dakota??
One thing I'm looking forward to is the baby shower for Elsie and Timothy! We set the date and are working on the invitation design now. YOU KNOW HOW I LOVE A PARTY!!!
Still, if I'm honest with my readers, I must say that I am missing Summer ALREADY!!!!! Big Sigh.
Autumn Blessings ~

Autumn brings to the soul relief,
as hot Summer days, slip to an end.
God sent the season for weary hearts
to restore, repair, and mend.
Unlike the Autumn trees,
that shed their changing leaves
God sent the season for failing hearts
to adhere, embrace, and cleave.
Just as with the Autumn winds,
there comes a new refreshing rain
God sent the season for fraying hearts
to increase, grow, and gain.
The Autumn sun is slow to climb,
and dips much earlier into the night.
God sent the season for sleepy hearts
to rise, shine, and awake in His light.
God gave to us the Autumn season,
so we could have a respite and rest,
for it is the season for our beset souls
to see how much we are blessed!