Thursday, September 28, 2017


OK, I get it!  Summer is over and it's best for my health if I stop fighting it--so much.  When a person lives in North Dakota, though, and we often have 4 to 5 months of Winter, you learn to suck out of Summer every golden moment!  You learn to embrace every hot sweltering day as, in the back of your mind, there is the constant knowledge that Winter will arrive all too soon!
In between is Autumn.  Last year Autumn stretched up to November and then BOOM--IT WAS WINTER!!  I sure didn't like that too much!
My son, Jacob, tells a joke that goes like this.
North Dakota has 4 seasons: almost Winter; Winter; STILL Winter; and road construction. 

That summarizes pretty well what I'm talking about here.
I complain about Autumn being the end of Summer so much that it's entirely possible I have not taken the time to totally embrace Autumn on it's own merits.  HMMMMM
So, I decided to find a poem that would sell ME on Autumn.  I read a few of them but just couldn't go there.  Like if you ever try to find a card for someone that you sort of know but you feel obligated to buy one for them.  All of the cards that say, "You're so wonderful," or "You're a fantastic person," or "I'm so happy we're friends," just don't cut it. 
That's how most of the Autumn poems were for me just now.  SERIOUSLY, people LOVE Autumn?
SO OK--get over it, Dawn!
I finally found this one that suited me a bit.  Autumn was not ever really restful for me as a child because that's when school started.  As a home school mom, it was even LESS restful.  However, I can truthfully say that not having garden and yard care IS a nice break. 
So, I'm TRYING to enjoy Autumn this year.  I really am!!!  I wonder what glorious moments it will bring to me before below 0 temps hit us here on the prairies of North Dakota??
One thing I'm looking forward to is the baby shower for Elsie and Timothy!  We set the date and are working on the invitation design now.  YOU KNOW HOW I LOVE A PARTY!!!
Still, if I'm honest with my readers, I must say that I am missing Summer ALREADY!!!!!  Big Sigh.
                                      Autumn Blessings ~
Autumn brings to the soul relief,
as hot Summer days, slip to an end.
God sent the season for weary hearts
to restore, repair, and mend.
Unlike the Autumn trees,
that shed their changing leaves
God sent the season for failing hearts
to adhere, embrace, and cleave.
Just as with the Autumn winds,
there comes a new refreshing rain
God sent the season for fraying hearts
to increase, grow, and gain.
The Autumn sun is slow to climb,
and dips much earlier into the night.
God sent the season for sleepy hearts
to rise, shine, and awake in His light.
God gave to us the Autumn season,
so we could have a respite and rest,
for it is the season for our beset souls
to see how much we are blessed!

Monday, September 25, 2017

Welcome Timothy With Me

 How I wish that my computer worked like it did when Andrew was living with us, but it just doesn't seem as smart as it was then.  ;)

Anyway, Andrew and Marie have a little son named Timothy.  Timothy was born on September 13th.  Here's what Andrew had to say about the arrival of his son. 

Well folks, here it is:
~~Drum roll~~
Little Timothy Andrew Bornemann was born on Wednesday, September 13th at 5:58 pm! We were blessed to be able to have him at home, and that he was a healthy 8 lbs 6.5 oz. ...
Please keep Marie and Timothy in your prayers, as it was a somewhat difficult delivery, and there were some minor complications, but both are doing well now.
We sure do love our little bundle of joy!
Oh, look at this, I figured out how to load his photo.  Isn't he adorable with his sweet little cheeks?  Welcome, Timothy, to our family!
I've done a lot of healing work for both of my grandchildren to enter the world and I'm pretty wiped out.  I've worked on our new family members as I was able to.  Right now we still need a lot of prayers as mamas heal from their difficult labors and as babies adjust to life outside the womb.

God be praised for ALL of HIS blessings to our family.


Friday, September 22, 2017

Missing Melanie

This gorgeous woman was used by God to help save my life when I was dying from shingles on the brain in 2006-2007.  Melanie came to Bismarck, ND and taught the Fundamentals class which got me off of bee venom therapy and on to a healthy life.  Later I took many of the upper BodyTalk modules from Melanie because of the way that she taught them.
Melanie looked at everyone as equals.  I can imagine that there may be many readers who view themselves as superior to others for any number of reasons but that is all a myth.  Christ came and died on the cross for ALL of us! 
I never met anyone who looked through all of the crap I believed about myself as just that--so many lies and not worth holding on to! 
I will always remember the session that she was giving me in class when the miscarriages came up.  She paused to regain her composure and then went to work on me.  That session she gave me helped me, and all of the women in the room who had miscarried, to know that those pregnancies were NOT failures!  They were just what they were supposed to be.  THEY WERE LAYING UP TREASURES FOR US IN HEAVEN!!
Now Melanie herself is one of them and I grieve the loss of such a wise and gentle soul from our world.
Dawn Bornemann  Certified BodyTalk Practitioner

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Meet our granddaughter Elsie

I suppose that this is cheating.  I hope that Cora doesn't think so.  ;)  Look, this is the mother's own words about her birth.  What could be better?

I invite you to follow this link to my daughter's blog and read her first post about her daughter.  It's full of delicious photos of little Elsie.  She is such a delight already!!

Grandma Dawn

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Grandparenting is hard work!!

After 2 difficult births in 3 weeks, I am exhausted.  I have done all the work that I possibly can do to help moms, dads, and babies to adjust to each other. 

I regret that I have no photos but I can say that Elsie Joyce Dalquist is doing very well and her cousin, Timothy Andrew Bornemann, is also adjusting to life outside the womb.

Both moms can use prayers as they both had 2 day labors and 1 ended in a C section and the other needed lots of stitches. 

Grandpa and Grandma Bornemann are adjusting to new demands on our time and Uncle Jacob is staying away as he caught a nasty bug.

We rejoice in new family members and, when I hold them, nothing else matters much!

Happy in my weariness,


Friday, September 8, 2017


As a survivor of childhood abuse, I NEVER thought this way!  I kept my mouth shut in order to keep from drawing any attention to myself.  I shrunk in my seat at meals so hopefully the game show,
THE PRICE IS RIGHT, would draw their focus away from their evil designs for me.  I never had an opinion, that I'd voice, in fear of them noticing me and starting to think about how much pleasure it was to "Have fun with Dawn!" 
To keep quiet was the only defense I had.  To try to disappear became my goal--thus suicide became increasingly appealing as the violence grew.  I said nothing and I survived.
This woman of God freaked me out when I first heard her.  "How does that work?" I wondered.  How does speaking up for the Lord cause good things to happen?
I wondered a lot about this type of thinking and this type of living.
I'm sure that you are going to wonder, too, if you take the time to watch this.  It goes against our upbringing as nice, little Christians. 
SHOULDN'T WE JUST PRAY???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I could go into how praying didn't stop the molestations.  I could go into how aiming a rifle, and stating clearly that I would use it if they came any closer, DID make it stop but I think I've said that all here before.
You see, I've come to see that the victim's mentality serves the abusers!  Keeping my mouth shut is what kept it going for 7 years!!  Playing small did NO GOOD for me or for anyone else!!!
So, if you want to be a part of something that just may stop Hurricane Irma, then watch this video.  Just repeat what Kat says.  Say it from your heart.  Use your voice that God gave you to speak against the evil spirits who are stirring up this storm!!!!!!!!!!!  SPEAK UP while you can still help to break up the storm. 
Join all our voices taking control over all power of the enemy.  WE MUST UNITE to stop the devastation and destruction that will come to our country once again.

Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...