Wednesday, November 29, 2017


I have only a few moments but I want to share the essential oils that have changed my health.  Do I still have MS?  Yes, you don't ever get rid of MS.  Have these oils helped me deal with all of the trauma of knowing I have a disease that doesn't kill but just cripples slowly over decades.  YES!
This is one of my favorite essential oil blends that GoDesana creates.  It's called TRAUMA RELIEF!  I cannot urge you too much to try TRAUMA RELIEF if you are stressed out.  I can help you get it at wholesale prices if you leave a comment here.

Friday, November 24, 2017

A scary ending

Please keep my mother-in-law in your prayers.  We had a delightful day together yesterday working in the kitchen preparing Thanksgiving feast for our family.  In the middle of the night she had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital where she stayed as a heart patient.  She has no history of heart problems that I am aware of!!!
As I ponder how quickly life can change, I have to gasp how my selfishness has kept me from truly enjoying my mother-in-law in the past.  Her 8th grade education next to my collage one kept us from connecting.  Perhaps it was her insecurities about not going on to high school, which she shared with  me over the Thanksgiving Holiday.  Perhaps I was arrogant that my English was perfect? 

The point that I'm trying to make is that we never truly know someone else's story.  We don't know what was going on at the time that major life decisions were being made.  We have no right to value ourselves above others because of opportunities that we had that they did not.  I'm preaching to MYSELF here!
Anyway, the day that she and I had yesterday is a treasure for me!  I'm not sure how many more we'll have together.  It was terrifying to spend the whole day feasting; playing games; watching a movie; and singing around my new piano with a perfectly healthy mother-in-law.  Three hours later to see her breathing with difficulty and having chest pains..............
PLEASE PRAY FOR HER!!  Yesterday I called her, "Mother," and she smiled.  She's waited a long time to hear that!  I'm praying that she hears it many more times in the future!
I know that this poem is late but we were so busy cooking as we hosted the family here.  Still, it says what I am feeling right now.  I hope that you enjoy it too.  Also, I hope that you will enjoy this photo that Cora took recently of my mother-in-law holding my 2 grand babies.

Thanksgiving's Coming

Over the river and through the woods
Thanksgiving's coming just as it should
The day to be thankful for the year
And for all the blessings that we hold dear

Time for families to get together
No matter what the weather
Mom and dad, sisters and brothers
Time to show we love one another

Grandma and grandpa and all the kids
Aunts and uncles and cousins amid
All the confusion and fun of the day
And lots of food in the midst of disarray

Sweet memories we make as the years pass by
We think of loved ones who've gone to God on high
The circle of life which is so very dear
As our family changes and grows each year

This is a special day we should all thank God
For the abundant blessings of the life we trod
Thank Him for the family you hold so dear
And that within your heart you can always feel them near

Thank Him for the laughter and tears you've shed
Thank Him for His daily provision of bread
Thank Him for living in this country that's free
And for the freedom to worship Him spiritually

Most of all thank Him for Jesus Christ His son
And that He loved you so much His father's will was done
Thank Him for the very life He has given to you
And pray that your life will glorify Him in all that you do

Over the river and through the woods
Thanksgiving's coming just as it should
But remember to thank Him every day of the year
For all the many blessings that to you are so dear!


Friday, November 17, 2017

He gets it

Sabbat Shalom everyone!
As I prepare for Sabbath, often I am discouraged with all that I failed to accomplish during the work week.  Often I am frustrated with how little I was able to do for my Lord.  Mostly I'm disgusted with my body for not being able to perform the way that it did 30 or 40 years ago. 
 How does this really help anything?  I know better and yet my heart keeps wanting me to do more for the Lord than my body is able to do. 

This morning the Father really touched me with Pastor Prince's devotional!  It's ok that I'm an earthen vessel.  He KNOWS that I am an earthen vessel.  He gets that I can only do so much in a day to serve Him.  You know what this said to me, "IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU, DAWN!"
I hope that you will be as blessed as I am as I ponder these concepts today--on Preparation Day.  I can only do so much with the rest of this day BUT my heart can sing praises to God who keeps me alive!  The oil of gladness can pour from my heart into those who are hurting more than I am!!  May it be so!
Hugs everyone,


The verse tells us that we have “this treasure” in earthen vessels. Who is the treasure? Christ! Who are the earthen vessels here? You and I! Thank God the treasure is in the earthen vessels.
My friend, Christ the treasure is in you. So don’t get frustrated when you see your “earthiness”. You will always be “earthen” as long as you are in your mortal body, but remember that Christ the treasure is in you.
Should you lose your cool with your spouse or children, remember that Christ in you is your patience. When I feel impatient, I don’t pray, “Lord Jesus, give me!” No, I look to Jesus and I say, “Lord Jesus, I thank You that You are my patience.”
In my younger days and even when I first got married, I had a bad temper. I tried all sorts of anger management techniques, but I never got very far until I told God, “God, I am so frustrated trying to overcome my anger. I give up! I cannot. You can. I rest and depend on You.” Not too long after that, my wife commented, “You know, you have improved in the area of your temper.”
I thought about what she had said and realized that I was not even conscious of the change in me. When family members can see the patience of Christ manifesting through a naturally impatient person, God gets the glory.
Perhaps you are frustrated with your smoking and drinking habits. Or maybe you are discouraged by your feelings of jealousy, distrust, bitterness, depression and defeat. Don’t condemn yourself for being earthen. Don’t try to “cast out” your earthiness. Just realize that you have Christ the treasure in you.
The more you see that treasure in you, the more Christ’s brilliance shines forth in you. And in the midst of your earthiness, God gets the glory as you yourself are transformed from glory to glory! (2 Corinthians 3:18)

Monday, November 13, 2017

November blues

       It's been a rough week for me.  The weather got cold way too fast and our walkway remains 75% completed with snow filling in the cracks where the pavers should be.  I'm not sure why little things like that get me down in a big way.  It's just that too many unfinished projects leave me feeling like a failure.   );
       At this very moment I should be folding last week's laundry; finishing yesterday's dishes; saucing last month's apples; ordering our family Thanksgiving cards (which I've been trying to do for over a week with computer problems preventing it) or writing a birthday post about my 2 son's November birthdays.  All of these I wouldn't mind doing IF I could just figure out where to start AND have the strength to accomplish God's purposes for this day!!!
      When all else fails, WRITE!!  Unless you're a writer, you cannot imagine how writing can be therapeutic.  It's like AT LEAST I CAN BE DOING SOMETHING USEFUL!  Some may argue that writing isn't useful for making money--not yet anyway.  However, I'm not paying to see a therapist in order to get rid of pent-up frustrations, so it's saving money, and that's as good as making it or better.
       All that to say that I am not going to be able to do a nice, long birthday parties post at the moment.  Hopefully I'll be able to get to that later in the week................  So what do I write here that would be something that anybody would want to read?  Poetry of course.
       I went in search of November poems and found this one.  I had been wanting to write something for Veterans Day so this will have to suffice.  It's not directly about Veterans but, if one reads it with that in mind, it's there. 
       My prayer today for myself; my family; my country; and the entire planet is that we would all come before God with gratitude for those who gave their lives so that we can be free!!!  We have no idea how much they suffered so that we may know liberty!
       God bless you all as you do what is right in serving our loving Heavenly Father at all costs!  In this way, we are just like the heroes mentioned in this poem.
Lift Every Voice and Sing
Lift every voice and sing  
Till earth and heaven ring,
Ring with the harmonies of Liberty;
Let our rejoicing rise
High as the listening skies,
Let it resound loud as the rolling sea.
Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us,
Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us.  
Facing the rising sun of our new day begun,
Let us march on till victory is won.

Stony the road we trod,
Bitter the chastening rod,
Felt in the days when hope unborn had died;
Yet with a steady beat,
Have not our weary feet
Come to the place for which our fathers sighed?
We have come over a way that with tears has been watered,
We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered,
Out from the gloomy past, 
Till now we stand at last
Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast.


God of our weary years,
God of our silent tears,
Thou who hast brought us thus far on the way;
Thou who hast by Thy might 
Led us into the light,
Keep us forever in the path, we pray.
Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met Thee,
Lest, our hearts drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee;
Shadowed beneath Thy hand,
May we forever stand.
True to our God,
True to our native land.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Here's an easy tool for you

Hi Everyone,

  I have had a delightful morning with a new client and 2 of her lovely 80+ year old friends.  They loved learning how to connect their brains and they felt better within half an hour.



Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Next class?

Yesterday I was invited to take this class with a very special friend.  OH BOY, AM I GETTING EXCITED!!!
I have had several BreakThrough sessions with a friend who passed away in an accident.  It was amazing how this questioning process helped me illuminate a problem in one of my main relationships.
Gotta go make supper. 

PS.  Please be in prayer about me taking this class!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Operating in The Courts of Heaven

That's the name of the book I mentioned last week.  A super special friend could not get to sleep one night.  She tossed and turned and could not relax.  Finally she asked the Lord what He wanted her to do so that she could get some sleep.
The Lord told Paula that she MUST go to her computer and order the book which she had been reading and send it to me.  The name of the book is OPERATING IN THE COURTS OF HEAVEN!
After she did so, she fell fast asleep.
This book is a life changer!  I MEAN IT!!!!!!!  Any born-again believer in Jesus Christ can use it's contents to help God take the world back from evil!!!  IT REALLY WORKS!!!!!!!
So, today I prayed about what to watch over my solitary lunch, and the Holy Spirit urged me to see if the author is on YouTube speaking.  Lo and behold he IS!  Want to watch with  me?

Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...