Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Turning 60

Yesterday, December 25, 2017 I turned 60 years old!  Sometime I will write an upbeat post about the wonderful surprise birthday party my family gave me 5 weeks back.  Tonight I feel the need to share something else.

It's an awful lot to squeeze into 1 day--Christmas and your birthday.  It's been a bummer most of my life.  As a kid I'd get combined birthday/Christmas gifts.  Then on my brother's birthdays, they would get the same gifts PLUS they got Christmas gifts.  It doesn't take long for a Christmas birthday child to realize that their birthdays are just a pain to already over-stressed parents and grandparents during the "Best time of the year!"  Excuse me for being born, right?

So tonight, I'm sitting here working on my New Year's letter and waiting for this computer to decide to cooperate.  I decided to go on a search of post-Christmas depression articles and there were actually quite a few to choose from.  I liked this one because the writer was encouraging people to write and so I am.

I hope this article blesses someone in the world who is less-than-thrilled right now.  All of the Christmas hype cannot be fair to December 25th.  How can 1 day be THAT incredible?  How can this day, December 26th, be so drab and wearisome when it is just 1 day past that incredible time when Christmas magic abounds?

The thing that I have enjoyed in the past about Christmas is the families gathering together.  However, this year I have neither father nor mother and the brother closest to me in age died this April.  My daughter went to Minnesota with her husband to his family; my son is planning a trip and forgot to wish me happy birthday; and my youngest spent most of his day on the computer.  I'm very thankful for a thoughtful husband but my mother-in-law must have forgotten to call and extend birthday wishes even though that's a tradition of hers.  This article does say to get out our Scroogey thoughts so I'm sorry if I'm making you even more gloomy. 

ANYWAY, my oldest brother remembered my birthday and called me to say so.  It was great hearing someone from home!  Also, my youngest brother texted, "Happy birthday" from Las Vegas so I wasn't completely forgotten.  Another plus was that my son and his wife cooked us supper and spent time playing games (my youngest played too) and watching movies with us!  Actually, though, over the years my clients have become my family and they (plus many Facebook friends) wrote to say how much I mean to them.  So, as always, I must choose between Gloomsville or Pollyanna. 

I'm hoping that my writing here will help you to choose to express any dark Christmas thoughts so that they don't hang around and cause future health problems for you.  Actually writing a gripe letter to Santa Clause doesn't sound like a bad idea.  ;)  At any rate, you can know that you're not alone today if you're feeling that the let down isn't worth the exhilaration for 1 day.

Hugs my dear friends,


The Best Way to Overcome Those Post-Christmas Blues

This is a difficult season, the week after Christmas. It’s a mini-season of limbo, an awkward in-between time, and people have different ways of dealing with it.
Post Christmas Blues
Photo credit: Anthony Kelly (Creative Commons)
Some are still running on fumes from the emotional high that opening presents and seeing family brought. They may even try to extend the holiday an extra week, with varying degrees of success.
Others feel guilty for over-indulging in holiday sweets and are on a weeklong shame fest. They are already starting to make those New Year’s resolutions.
Even others are dealing with the disappointment of another year gone by, another December 25 come and gone, and a lingering feeling of emptiness after the last gift is unwrapped.
For years, I felt this way about Christmas, and to an extent, still sometimes do.
There is so much hype and expectation, building up to a single day. How does it live up to its potential? And what do we do the days after Christmas, when for many of us, a good old-fashioned case of the blues settles in?

Write about it

Capture your thoughts — yes, even your angst-ridden, Scroogey thoughts — and share them. Do it honestly and unapologetically.
If you feel something deep and dark, maybe even cynical, write about it. Use a notebook or laptop, and let yourself process the feelings without restraint.
In other words, grieve.
Did you have an amazing Christmas and you’re sad to see it go? Write about it. Did everyone get into a fight and yell at each other? Write about that, too.
Did you end the day, cynical and frustrated, not believing in the so-called “magic” of Christmas? Yes, write even about that.

And as you write, let go

As the memories and frustrations wash over you, let the feelings slip away. Honor them as they come. But don’t dwell on them. Be present to your emotions. And then, let them fade.
This is what grieving is for: not hanging on, but letting go.
Maybe you need to write a lament, like I did. This is a sort of anti-Christmas carol. Instead of singing of the joys of the coming holiday, mourn its passing — whether you loved it or hated it.
Have a funeral for this day of wonder and awe. Because it’s gone. And it won’t be coming back. You will never get this Christmas back.
So shed a tear or sing a “hallelujah.” Do whatever you need to do to let it go. There are 364 other days that need your attention; don’t dwell in the past or on the future. Focus on where you are right now.
Writing (or any creative act) can help you with this.

Ways to work through the blues

If you get stuck, here are some ideas:
  • Write a poem about the feelings you felt right after opening presents. Disappointment? Anger? Release? Capture them in words.
  • Write a complaint letter to Santa Claus about your disillusionment. What really miffs you about this holiday? Tell the old fat man “how it is.”
  • Write a blog post, describing Christmas day, without all the fluffy exaggerations. Be honest. If you didn’t like a gift, say so. Write what we’re all thinking.
  • If you’re so inclined, write a sad song and sing it aloud — for yourself or others to hear.
  • Pray a prayer that allows you to grieve the passing of the day, while still honoring its importance.
  • Paint a picture, listen to music, or do some woodworking. Just create something. Anything.
This is how we work through disappointment and overcome tragedy. We grieve. We process. We pay attention to what we’re feeling, so that we can move on. We own our feelings, so they don’t own us.
This is healthy. This is right. This is necessary.
Be brave today (and the days following Christmas); learn to grieve and let go. There is a wonderful lesson about life and loss to be learned here. If you will be present. If you will press in, mourn, and move on.
Or you can just go shopping and watch TV. It’s your call.
How do you overcome the post-Christmas blues? Share in the 87 Comments.

About Jeff Goins

I write books and help writers get their work out into the world. I am the best-selling author of four books, including The Art of Work. Each week, I send out a newsletter with free tips on writing and creativity.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

What's Blocking my Healing?

UPDATE:  I noticed that somehow I shared the wrong video when I posted here last week.  This is the video about healing I was referring to in this post.  If you watched the other video, that's great--it just wasn't about healing.  SORRY ABOUT THAT!!
That's a question that I've been asking the Lord constantly these past 11 years since I nearly died of shingles on the brain.
As I watched this video just now, I came to understand some of what may be involved in preventing my total recovery.  Why have the countless prayers and anointings with oil that I have had done on my behalf not worked?  HOW COME I'M NOT WELL????
I love what Mr. Henderson says about blaming people for their lack of recovery.  He says that to say someone isn't healed because they don't have enough faith is just plain STUPID!!  How is THAT supposed to build your faith?
Well, I'll tell you, I just watched this video for the first time.  I grasped the concepts and I repented of all the sins of my ancestors and of my own that came to mind.  It's been so long since I believed that healing was even possible for me that I am reluctant to share my observations.  All I know is that I have more peace in my heart than I've had for a very long time.  Surely THAT is good for one's health!!
If you're hurting, I strongly urge you to take the time to watch this video.  I believe that Mr. Henderson has certainly been given insights from God about how to operate in the courts of Heaven to bring about healing.  When we know what we're doing, we can open up the possibility of God's healing power to flow into us, too, as is His desire.
Wouldn't it be incredible if, on my 60th birthday, I'm more healed and strengthened than I have ever been in my entire life? 
I praise God for this hope,


Thursday, December 14, 2017

Easy Castor Oil Packs

This seems silly but I feel like I'm supposed to share something with all of you.  I've been writing here since November of 2008.  In case you may be interested in reading more of what I've written, on the right side of this page you will find a category called BLOG ARCHIVE. 

You can go there and choose a year and you will find all that I wrote that particular year.  I may as well say that I'm sure even I wouldn't agree with 100% of what I've written over the years.  ;)  At any rate, this has always been about journaling for my healing and I hope that at least some of what I've shared here these past 9 years has been edifying to each one of you.  So feel free to check out the blog archive if you're really bored.  lol

Also please keep me in your prayers.  I just found another lump and this one on the outside of my right foot.  I've been ignoring it for a few days but it was too painful to ignore today so I figured that I better do a castor oil pack.  I am amazed once again at how quickly it shrinks tumors or any inflammation.

If you're in pain, I suggest that you rub some castor oil over the area.  Run a washcloth under very hot water.  Wring out the rag and place over the oil.  Put a hand towel over the washcloth to keep the heat in.  Leave on for at least 20 minutes.  If the pain returns later in the day, do another castor oil pack.  I've done up to 4 in a day once I learned how simple they are to do and how well they work!

This is the easiest way and I hope that you'll try it for any pain or swelling.

Back to work,


Sunday, December 10, 2017

You DIDN'T imagine it!

I can imagine that there's not a single person on this planet who hasn't been offended by someone or something at sometime.  Offense is NOT imaginary so all of the jokes about offended people really aren't funny.  I can imagine that my last statement may have offended some people and for that I apologize and ask forgiveness.  I meant not to offend but rather to point out that our entire culture IS focused on being offended.  I think this author I'm about to share with you has truly been inspired by God in this matter!!

A whole book is emerging in my mind as I ponder what I just read about being offended.  My whole life is becoming clear to me when looking through the lens of how offended my parents were, at the end of their lives, to the degree that it ate them up and ruined ALL of their relationships!  My mother stood in front of the whole church and yelled at the congregation because nobody had sent her a card when she was a patient at Mayo clinic.  I was offended at her as I listened to her bragging to my children about the way she scolded the entire church from the pulpit!

My own mind is starting to open as I ponder this concept--being offended affects our health??????  I begin to see how my offended nature has been holding me back in so many ways!  I am certain that this tool of the evil ones has indeed affected every aspect of my life!!!  IT HAS NEARLY DESTROYED ME--TO TELL THE TRUTH!!!

This all makes me even MORE grateful for the healing tools that I've been given--the greatest one being forgiveness!  Still, it makes sense to get to the bottom of this--to get to the root of the problem.  The truth is that I am offended a lot! The more ill I've become, the more offended I've become.  I CAN SEE THAT NOW!!!

Why don't they care about me?  Why don't they help me?  Why didn't she smile at me?  Why won't they support me emotionally?  ALL DAY I COULD LIST THESE AND THEY WOULD BE TRUE!

and I have,

and I'm sick and in pain all day EVERY DAY!!

I'm also writing to ask for forgiveness from those I've hurt while on my offended downward spiral.  Please forgive me!

I'm writing to share that knowing my enemy gives me hope.  This MAMMOTH enemy called "BEING OFFENDED" just may be the source of your life's problems too.  Please prayerfully read this article.  Please prayerfully consider repenting of listening to the voice of, "I'm offended by...."  Please join me in shunning this monster and rebuilding our relationships while we can!

Hopeful once again,


"A Vision of the Spirit of Offense"
Ryan Johnson, Fort Payne, Alabama Offense!

It's a word that we have either experienced or seen others walk through. It's a hot topic word as it seems more and more individuals are going through battles of being offended. Whether it is being offended over politics, religion, freedom, protest and choices, etc., the list is long with so many dealing with being offended on some level.

To understand more about how offense works against individuals who have a relationship with Jesus, I began to consider how the mindset of offense works. That's when I saw an octopus. Yep, I know it sounds strange, but it was the image that first came to me. I began to see how offense operates like the arms and the legs of an octopus.

Offense has the sole purpose to attach itself to you (to entangle you), and I believe that the Lord is detailing how a spirit of offense will come against you in 8 different ways.

1. Mind "Guard your heart, your mind, and keep your spirit devoted to The Father." "For those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace, because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so, and those who are in the flesh cannot please God." (Romans 8:5-8)

When offense takes root, the first place it's coming after is your mind. If offense can attach itself to your thoughts, it owns your ability to process understanding. The moment offense attaches itself to your mind, the ability to have clarity and peace is diminished, as everything now becomes about feeding every thought that is only directed at the hurt through offense.

2. Sight/Vision "Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he" (Proverbs 29:18 KJV). "If people can't see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; but when they attend to what He reveals, they are most blessed." (Proverbs 29:18 MSG)

The problem now becomes about what you are seeing verses what isn't actually there. Once offense attaches itself to your vision, you now become bombarded by everything that you see. You begin to see things as though they are something that they are not. Every post, every picture, every action is something that you see as a direct attack against you. What is a general or a normal statement now looks as a direct shot against you. Offense shifts your vision from fulfilling your purpose into a place of opposition—from everyone/everything. You're now unable to recognize what God is doing as you're devoted to see what is being done to you. (Photo via Flickr)

3. Heart "There are six things which the Lord hates, yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that run rapidly to evil, a false witness who utters lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers." (Proverbs 6:16-19)

This is a very dangerous place to find yourself. The moment that offense attaches itself to your heart, many things you do becomes toxic and dangerous. It's out of the abundance of your heart that everything about your true intentions are revealed. It's the moment that your heart becomes so infected that your actions become destructive to those that are around you.

4. Relationships "Love prospers when a fault is forgiven, but dwelling on it separates close friends." (Proverbs 17:9)

This has to be one of the saddest things to witness as offense attaches itself to your relationships. Offense will eventually put a wedge between you and your family or friends. Your relationships will change over time as you search out certain people to tell your side to who will be on your side or who is now your enemy. Offense will divide your most devoted friends to now become an enemy because they didn't see it your way. ElijahList Prophetic Resources

5. Hearing "This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God." (James 1:19-20)

Offense will attack your ear gate! A spirit of offense will attach itself to your hearing in such a way that not only will your natural hearing be affected, but also the ability to hear spiritually will be tainted. Naturally, we will begin to hear what others are saying and process those things to be slanderous towards us. More dangerously is when that affects your ability to hear what the Lord is saying. Your spiritual ear will become more tuned to the lies, manipulation and deception of the enemy.

6. Body/Health "Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." (Proverbs 16:24)

Many don't like to talk about it, but the truth is, offense will begin to become a natural issue in your body. The negative thoughts, bitterness, unforgiveness, rage, frustration, unwarranted worries, strife, etc., eventually take a toll on your physical health.

7. Time "Offense shifts your vision from fulfilling your purpose into a place of opposition—from everyone/everything." "Honor your father and mother (which is the first commandment with a promise), so that it may be well with you, and that you may live long on the earth." (Ephesians 6:2-3)

If honor produces life, what will offense take from life? Time! When offense attaches itself to you, your time becomes consumed with proving others wrong and you right. You become consumed with payback or restitution to what was done to you. Instead of being about the Father's business, your number one priority is you. Therefore your time is now robbed from your own offense.

8. Finances "God gives wisdom, knowledge, and joy to those who please Him. But if a sinner becomes wealthy, God takes the wealth away and gives it to those who please Him. This, too, is meaningless—like chasing the wind." (Ecclesiastes 2:26)

I know that it's a touchy subject these days, but money is still a relevant issue that must be acknowledged in the Kingdom. Part of the lack you will experience when it comes to finances can be rooted to a spirit of offense. When offense attaches itself to you, you soon welcome bitterness toward others in ministry, pastors, apostles, prophets, networks, churches, organizations, etc. When that offense digs deep, you will begin to withhold your finances from what you once supported. Offense will convince you to do so as a plan of strategy. Offense will convince you that they will come crawling back to you because they need your money. Truth is, offense attacks your finances and not the finances of those who are pleasing God.

Don't Let the Spirit of Offense Destroy You A spirit of offense has but one purpose: to DESTROY YOU!

 Offense is straight from the enemy and if you allow an open door, it will not be long until you see how it affects one of the 8 (or more) ways mentioned above. Guard your heart, your mind and keep your spirit devoted to The Father.

 When offense comes knocking, and it will, please walk out what the Bible declares. Don't be the type of person who calls everyone without going to the one with whom the offense first began. (Photo via Wikipedia)

"If your brother sins, go and show him his fault in private; if he listens to you, you have won your brother. But if he does not listen to you, take one or two more with you, so that by the mouth of two or three witnesses every fact may be confirmed. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector." (Matthew 18:15-17)

Ryan Johnson Ministries Email: servant4yahweh@gmail.com Website: www.ryanjohnson.us

Ryan Johnson is mantled in equipping the Body of Christ to awaken the nations with a prophetic call of arising Ekklesia. Ryan ministers with a prophetic voice of revival and awakening with the demonstration of God's purposes in regions, individuals and the Church. Throughout years of ministry, Ryan has been blessed to develop relationships with many great men and women of God who taught him difficult and real-life lessons to their family so that they can continue to work for the glory of God. It's these relationship that Ryan credits to his development of a leader who walks in authenticity, honesty and integrity. Ryan strongly believes and walks in the understanding of accountability. Ryan is a member of New Breed Revival and TRIBE Networks

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Monday, December 4, 2017

Recollections of a blizzard

Having grown up in South Dakota, and now living my adult life in North Dakota, blizzards are not unfamiliar to me.  I'll always remember the blizzard of '66 which paralyzed our whole state for 3 days!!!  It took many livestock and most homes were cold. 
 Being we heated with coal, we were toasty warm, but Dad worried about the cattle.  On the third day of the blizzard he and my brother, Duard, set out for our farm which was 1 mile South of Eureka. The wind had let up so they took the chance to check on our herd which was locked in the barn.  My brother, Russell, stayed home to help mom carry the coal to the furnace so we would stay warm. 
About half way down to the farm, Dad and Duard got the pickup stuck in a snowbank and walked the rest of the way.  They found our cattle just barely alive and almost out of oxygen.  I stood in that barn this Summer with Jacob and told him the story I was told so often. 
 Dad and Duard managed to climb the snow mountains and got to the barn.  The cattle had lost so much weight from no feed or water for 3 days that they hardly looked alive--but they were.  God was merciful to us!!!
The snow had piled up 8 feet high and there was only a small air hole for them.  It is doubtful that they would have lived another day.  Dad and Duard dug by hand a large enough hole to throw some hay in to the starving animals and to refresh their air supply.  The hay had to be dug out of the snow and then carried to the herd as the tractor was buried. They figured that the cows could eat snow to keep hydrated until the storm had ended. 
As the grateful herd munched on the hay, my father and brother headed back to the pickup.  They were extremely cold upon their arrival back at the vehicle and were very grateful to be inside once again.  However, although the vehicle started, it was badly stuck and refused to move.
We at home were praying hard that not only the cattle but our family members would be ok.  It was taking too long.  We didn't know that they got the pickup stuck and had to make much of the journey on foot!!  The looks on the faces of my mother and brothers told me that things could possibly be bad--that Duard and Dad may not return AT ALL!!! 
Mother lit some lamps as the blizzard snuffed out the late afternoon sunlight.  WHERE WERE THEY???  WHY DIDN'T THEY COME???
My little 6 year old mind began to fret as I heard my mother talking to my brother.  Should we call for help?  Would anyone be able to help them in the blizzard.  TIME DRUG ON!!
Out in the blizzard, Dad and Duard realized that they had better head for home on foot before it got dark.  There wasn't enough gas in the vehicle to keep them warm all night and there was no cell phone to call home and discuss the situation with mom. 
After warming up in the running pickup, father and son again went out into the swirling snow.  It was half a mile and cold and hard to see but they pressed on!! 
FINALLY we heard the outside door open and they were home.  What rejoicing but it didn't last long!  
My dad had frostbite on his face and Duard, being the younger/smaller one had frostbite on his hands and face.  I was scared.  I couldn't stop crying because they were so stiff and quiet and cold. 
My mom was in shock but I can still remember dad mumbling through his frozen cheeks to get snow.  Mom got a pan and Russell got snow and I watched as they slowly warmed up the frostbit limbs by rubbing them in snow.  I learned later that the transition from frozen to healthy must be done slowly or extreme pain follows.
 After awhile, the color started to come back into the faces of our heroes and some of the weariness lifted from the faces of those who carefully watched them.  THEY WERE GOING TO BE OK!!!!  When Dad was finally able to speak, he shared that the herd was safe.  I'll always remember my mother's yelp of delight!! 
Never had our home seemed such a refuge to me than that evening as darkness closed in and we were ALL TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!  "Thank you, God, for bringing them home safely," I prayed as I drifted off to sleep!!!  Tears of gratitude dried on my cheeks in the frigid air--the same tears of gratitude that are flowing down these old cheeks right now!!!
So, during every blizzard since then, I pray for those who must be out in it to care for others!  Even now I have begun praying that my guys get home safely from the plant this evening.  PLEASE FATHER, GET EVERYONE HOME SAFELY TONIGHT!!!
So, our home school did a little study of blizzards years ago.  We learned that a blizzard is when there is at least a 40 MPH wind while it's snowing.  That's pretty simple to understand.
I decided to share this article with any of my readers who have not had to deal with blizzards.  Perhaps it will inspire you, too, to pray that everyone who is in the path of a blizzard takes precautions and are safe!  Also, please pray for all livestock in the path of blizzards--that God will protect them and nourish them during these wretched storms called blizzards!!

PS.  This is what a blizzard looks like from the safety of my living room.  Snow coming down with LOTS of wind.  If I only could share the sound of the wind with you.  The wind's howling makes everything seem colder!  PRAY FOR US ALL WHO LIVE HERE--PLEASE!!!  I already saw reports of accidents on the interstate North of us.  );

What Defines a Blizzard?

By Grace Muller, AccuWeather.com Staff Writer
February 15, 2013, 7:40:25 AM EST

What is a blizzard?

Blizzards are dangerous winter storms that are a combination of blowing snow and wind resulting in very low visibilities. While heavy snowfalls and severe cold often accompany blizzards, they are not required. Sometimes strong winds pick up snow that has already fallen, creating a ground blizzard.
Officially, the National Weather Service defines a blizzard as a storm which contains large amounts of snow OR blowing snow, with winds in excess of 35 mph and visibilities of less than 1/4 mile for an extended period of time (at least 3 hours). When these conditions are expected, the National Weather Service will issue a "Blizzard Warning". When these conditions are not expected to occur simultaneously, but one or two of these conditions are expected, a "Winter Storm Warning" or "Heavy Snow Warning" may be issued.
Blizzard conditions often develop on the northwest side of an intense storm system. The difference between the lower pressure in the storm and the higher pressure to the west creates a tight pressure gradient, or difference in pressure between two locations, which in turn results in very strong winds. These strong winds pick up available snow from the ground, or blow any snow which is falling, creating very low visibilities and the potential for significant drifting of snow. 

Where did the term blizzard come from?

In the 1870's, an Iowa newspaper used the word "blizzard" to describe a snowstorm. Previously, the term blizzard referred to a cannon shot or a volley of musket fire. By the 1880's, the use of the word blizzard was used by many across the United States and in England.
The Upper Midwest and Great Plains of the United States tends to be the region that experiences blizzards most often. With few trees or other obstructions to reduce wind and blowing snow, this part of the country is particularly vulnerable to blizzards. However, blizzards can occur in any location that has a climate that experiences snowfall. Northern Arizona can experience blizzard conditions when a strong low pressure system moves across southern Arizona and high pressure builds strongly into the Great Basin. However, these conditions are rarely met due to the infrequency of strong low pressure systems moving through the state.

What makes a blizzard dangerous?

Blizzards can create life-threatening conditions. Traveling by automobile can become difficult or even impossible due to "whiteout" conditions and drifting snow. Whiteout conditions occur most often with major storms that produce a drier, more powdery snow. In this situation, it doesn't even need to be snowing to produce whiteout conditions, as the snow which is already on the ground is blown around, reducing the visibility to near zero at times.
The strong winds and cold temperatures accompanying blizzards can combine to create another danger. The wind chill factor is the amount of cooling one "feels" due to the combination of wind and temperature. During blizzards, with the combination of cold temperatures and strong winds, very low wind chill values can occur. It is not uncommon in the Midwest to have wind chills below -60F during blizzard conditions. Exposure to such low wind chill values can result in frostbite or hypothermia. For more information, go to the NWS wind chill web page.
Blizzards also can cause a variety of other problems. Power outages can occur due to strong winds and heavy snow. Pipes can freeze and regular fuel sources may be cut off.
Source: NOAA

Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...