Thursday, February 28, 2019

Fun in the cold?

OK   Enough of this grumpiness.  For those of you who don't live with cold weather half the year you may not get this post.  However, being many of you do, I found a video that may inspire you to get outside and create some fun for you and everyone who sees your yard!  ;)
Keep warm,


Friday, February 22, 2019

A little warm weather please

Life with MS
by Dawn Bornemann
February 22, 2019
And then there's pain
My constant companion
I used to say,
"Take it one day at a time."
What good is that
When I know that tomorrow
Will be just as full
of pain as is today?
I wish I could remember
all the things I've tried
to get rid of this constant
never ending PAIN in my legs.
I guess I don't really
as that was just more disappointment.
When you have Multiple Sclerosis,
it's a life sentence of pain.
The medical system offers only
more and more drugs without hope.
The alternative world offers
at best pain control.
When your immune system
attacks the coatings on your nerves
there is no protection from pain
as the nerves rub against each other.
It's a lifetime of pain
That is my sentence without hope
So I search for ways
to reduce the pain
Anything to get away
from constant pain
OF PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, as I am attempting to deal with all of this pain this morning, I decided to see if there was any advice on Google on how to minimize this pain. I read a number of articles on the affects of cold weather on increasing pain. It seems that it's not just the cold but the barometric changes that may play a role on increased pain.
  In addition to that, increased stress is probably a factor plus not enough sleep. Well, let me share the best article I found on this. Every article I read agreed, though, that if you live in a cold climate and have lots of pain keeping warm will certainly help. So here's to warm beverages; heating pads (NOT ICE); layered clothing; soaks in the tub; and SOUP. Did I mention horseradish?
Keep warm my friends,
Colder Weather Increases Pain Symptoms  
By Dr. Sender Deutsch
Published on November 14, 2014
Pain caused by cold weather and weather changes can sometimes be the culprit of our pain. In our practice, we find that many patients will complain of increased pain during times of weather changes, as there is a direct affect on the barometric pressure (atmospheric pressure).
Research has shown that changes in temperature and barometric pressures can increase stiffness in joints, sensitize nerve endings and can influence mood changes in some people, indirectly increasing pain perception (verges et all, 2004). That could be why chronic pain sufferers often feel much worse with damper, colder weather as the season changes into fall and winter.
It is normal to feel this increase in pain sensitivity, as our bodies are adapting to stay warm and cope with the decrease in barometric pressure causing our joints and areas that are injured to swell. This causes inflammation resulting in pain.
Chronic migraine, back pain, and arthritic patients prefer the heat as the warmer, dryer weather promotes blood flow, increased circulation and barometric pressure on our bodies preventing swelling, which helps reduce pain. High pressure tends to help and low pressure tends to hinder our bodies causing more pain.
Arthritis, chronic inflammation of a joint, is often accompanied by structural changes. These changes decrease the amount of space we have between our joints, thus; when there is an increase in pressure from the weather, bones begin to rub on each other causing cartilage tissue irritation, an inflammatory reaction and nerve pain.
 Chronic pain sufferers already have what is termed “central sensitization” or a heightened sensitivity to pain, therefore even slight changes in environmental pressure, can cause significantly more pain. Cold weather causes stiffness, muscle tightness and our joints to become more irritated. Postural positions will change to rounding and lifting of the shoulders, and lowering of the head, in order to try to conserve heat. This indirectly causes rounding of the spine, neck tension and neural tension, which will promote pain.
Slow changes in weather patterns make it easier for our bodies to adapt. The extreme changes in Toronto’s weather this past year has caused chronic pain and migraine sufferers to have an overload of sensory nerve impulses into their brain, causing headaches and more pain in our joints
 Our goal as therapists is to decrease the neural and tissue tension on the body in order to help control the pain. However; not every patient is going to be the same. One thing we know for sure is that pain is perceived by the brain. Sometimes, our nerve firing patterns can be disturbed and signals amplified causing migraines, headaches and joint pain.
Ways to Combat Pain Associated With Weather and Barometric Pressure Changes:
1. Dress warm and use dry fit clothing as base layers to keep the body warm just as athletes do to enhance performance
2. Use heat to promote the feeling of warmth
3. Wear compression clothing such as compression socks or neoprene sleeve around a sensitive joint to help reduce expansion of soft tissues and joints
4. Meditation and breathing exercises to increase tissue perfusion and reduce stress
5. Exercise therapy that is pain free to increase motion and synovial fluid to help lubricate the joints
6. Hot water pool therapy again to increase blood flow and circulation and unload the joints
7. Stretching session to increase pliability of tissues and reduce soft tissue compression
8. Physical therapy techniques to reduce swelling (e.g. acupuncture, electrical muscle stimulation, TENS, etc.)
9. Manual therapy to alter sensory input
10. Massage therapy to decrease inflammation, increase lymphatic drainage and promote circulation

Monday, February 18, 2019

Enjoy the moments together

This is for all the little ones I love. 
 Let's all let the little ones just be children--imperfect children.  Let's let them keep their sweet, innocent little lives.  Let's not force them into competitive activities before they can handle it around age 12.  Let's support their childhoods with all of the things that we never had but what will make them happy.
This is for Christina who came home from the hospital last night!  I love you Christina!
Grandma Dawn

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Off the oxygen!!!!

Please pray for my daughter, Cora, and her daughter, Christina.  Both need lots of prayers!  Cora is staying at the hospital now to nurse Christina as often as possible. 
Michael and Elsie brought me home last night so it's good to be home.  The puppies are growing.  The plant is picking up speed in spite of the terrible cold.  Andrew is leaving for Michigan with his family and Jacob is sick.  Is it possible that I have post-partum depression?  Well, it's some kind of depression.
Christina is a 1 week and 1 day old.  I found this poem to express how I felt last week when I saw her for the first time.  She couldn't handle her daddy and her grandma standing on either side of her incubator.  Her breathing grew even more shallow and sporadic.  Well, this poem hopefully will express what I felt then.
Thanks a million to all who have prayed for my little granddaughter to live!  She's off of oxygen now and is starting to nurse--both major improvements!  We sure hope that she'll be able to come home soon!

As I Love You Through The Glass

By Elena Murphy

As I love you through the glass
a tiny hand sweeps across the blanket
reaching out to me.
You lie there in the stillness
of your slumber clinging to life;
I reach inside to touch you
and you stir slightly;
I feel a tiny breath like a feather
caress my fingers
as I love you through the glass.
One eye opens
easily staring into mine;
Can you see me?
Can you feel my presence
as I love you through the glass.
I ache to hold you;
I await the moment
when you peacefully rest in my loving arms.
A silent tear rolls down my face;
I slowly turn to walk away
only to glance back one more time
as I love you through the glass.

Monday, February 11, 2019

One wee little girl

I never could have known, when I wrote my last post, that I would need the reminder myself.  God sees us through EVERYTHING but one week ago today I wondered.
You see my daughter went into labor 5 weeks early.  They didn't know it either when they left to get an ultrasound around noon on February 4, 2019.  Cora hadn't been feeling well so her midwife made arrangements with a doctor she had worked with quite a few years to request an ultrasound.
As I walked in Michael and Cora's door about 10:00 AM, I noticed that Rosie had one puppy born already.  Cora said that she had just checked her about an hour before.  I pulled the dog bed containing the VERY large mama into the entry way so that the puppies could be warm as they entered this world. 
Cora seemed fine and truly excited that the puppies were coming but that's not all who was coming. 
Michael and Cora left for Bismarck around noon while I stayed with Elsie and Rosie.  Cora had the ultrasound which revealed that the baby was breach. It was noted that Cora was dilated to a 1. I never heard of the midwife in this saga again except that Michael wondered if she was stuck in her yard as we are having LOTS of snow!!!
Labor progressed quickly and INTENSLY while puppies were popping out of Rosie at the rate of about 1 per hour.  Finally we got a text about 8:00 PM that a C-section was needed.  I was thankful that my BodyTalk Practitioner, who was a midwife for many years in her first life, was preparing Robert and I for the fact that this would not be a home birth once again!  );
About bedtime we moved the puppies into the laundry room in a pen that Robert had set up for them.  They were warmer there plus people could come and go from the entry way much easier.  As we moved them, we counted the tiny creatures.
The last count I had made for sure was 6 but Jacob had counted 8 when my men came over for supper.  As Robert and I moved the puppies, we counted NINE of them.  Then Robert went to move the mama but she wasn't very comfortable.  He picked her up in the blanket she was on and moved the whole bundle.  When he laid Rosie down in the new pen, she had had ANOTHER puppy.  That was the last one, though, which made TEN!
We prayed for Cora and her baby.
Elsie just could not go to sleep although she's usually out by 8:00.  We assumed that the tension of daddy and mommy being gone, and grandpa and grandma being there, scared her.  Then, too, she was NOT very fond of the puppies.  Half the time she cried at their whimpering and the other half of the time she couldn't take her eyes off of the ever growing pile of puppies in her home!
Finally Robert put on a movie and held Elsie while I collapsed on the couch into a very light sleep.  I woke up when Robert said that I should probably check my texts.  There was one from Michael stating that the C section was over and that it went well.  His words, "Mama and baby came through just fine," were an amazing relief!!
Finally Elsie fell asleep and Robert laid her in her crib.  We relaxed but were surprised when another text from Michael soon followed.  "IT'S A GIRL" he announced.  Then these words followed, "No name yet but she is 4 pounds and 5 ounces and 19.75 inches long"
We knew nothing about preemie babies but we're learning.  The next day we were able to see our little granddaughter in the NICU.  I wept inside at all the hoses in her nose and mouth.  Then, too, there were the monitors she was hooked up to.  I loved her so much as I stood by her little trembling body and prayed that she would live. 
Now we're a week later and our little granddaughter is starting to nurse and she's almost off of oxygen.  God provided in marvelous ways for my daughter and her family!!  A dear friend of Cora's just "Happened to be" going on a 12 day vacation with her mom and sisters.  She is loaning Michael and Cora her HOUSE in Bismarck for as long as they need it!   
Miranda's mom brought a crib to the house for Elsie to sleep in and her sister is loaning them her breast pump.  All of this is kindness unimaginable!!!  Michael is fixing some little things in the house so that it is nicer for Miranda when she finally gets her home back!  ISN'T GOD WONDERFUL HOW HE MEETS OUR NEEDS--HOW HE SEES US THROUGH????
So, just in case you're curious, our daughter and her husband named their fragile little daughter
Christina Louise Dalquist.  Michael has someone in his ancestry named Christina and Louise is the name of Robert's mother's mother.  Michael read from the name book that Louise means "Fierce fighter".  I think it's a perfect name for someone who started life fighting for every breath!
Please keep our family in your prayers--especially Christina for she's so very small in a great big world.  The hospital staff has been excellent to work with.  Michael and Cora have a home away from home where they can be together yet away from the hospital.  Our friends are keeping us all covered in prayers!  It's too cold for farmers to bring grain into the plant so we have our men to help us through chores; puppies; watching Elsie; travel to and from Bismarck; and the stresses of having a preemie baby in the family!
Please keep Christina--my third grandchild--in your prayers!

Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...