Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Let HIM change you

Some may be facing death this very day. 

Some don't know when it will come but it will be soon.

 I know because I've been there. 

If any of you haven't given your life to Jesus, please do so today!

 I pray that this song will convince you how very much God loves you and wants you to be a part of His family. 

Just come to Jesus and ask Him to forgive all of your sins. 

Then invite Him to come into your life and fill it with His beauty and forgiveness. 

He is aching for you to receive Him right now!


Monday, March 30, 2020

It works both ways!

If that video inspired you, you may want to take a little more time and watch this one too.   You mean it's possible to look better and better with time?

Happy pondering,


Live to 100?

I shared with my Facebook friends yesterday about this amazing product.  I learned about it from Serene and Pearl, founders of Trim Healthy Mama.  PLEASE take a few minutes to watch this video.

I was slowly conquering the Corona Virus at home with the help of my Christian Energy worker friends and social isolating.  However, my heart continued to be a real concern.  As the virus tightened my chest, my lungs put pressure on my heart and THAT is NOT lovely.

So I thought I'd try this baobab boost product from the THM ladies.  Within half an hour to an hour of consuming it in a cup of tea (or any hot beverage) my heart settles down. Soon after that my chest loosens up and I can breathe so much more easily.

I urge everyone to get on this product whether you have the virus or not.  There are generic brands on Amazon, too, but I like to support the people who tell me about something if I can afford to do so.

I saw on the news today that the US alone may loose 200,000 people if projections are correct.  That's WITH social distancing and the number is much higher had the President not begun and then extended the shutdown until the end of April.

As I listened to the Presidents Corona Virus press conference last night, I was impressed with the measures that everyone is taking to try to contain the virus.  However, I keep waiting for the country's highest health officials to say one word about building up your immunity.  Have you heard anything about this coming out of their mouths?  ME NEITHER.

So please don't assume that it's not important.  Maybe it's a given with them.  As one little old Certified BodyTalk Practiitoner, who's fighting the virus herself, I don't seem to carry  much weight in the battle.  HOWEVER, that should not minimize the importance this video could play in your life!

I urge you to watch Serene and Pearl share about this AMAZING immune booster and order some today.  I mean DO IT TODAY!  The President shared last night that this thing is going to peak in our country in about 2 weeks.  It will be too late then to build up your immunity for when it will be the absolute worst here in the States.

Build your immunity.  Let it protect you when you need it the most.  Try Baobab.  I am positive that you'll be glad in a couple of weeks that you took measures ahead of the peak of this thing to strengthen your immune system.

God's best to all of my readers,


Sunday, March 29, 2020

Almost conquered it now

I am almost fully recovered from the Corona Virus which hit me hard about 3 weeks ago.  I praise God for my Christian Energy Practitioners who worked on me over and over until my immune system was able to kick it out!!!!!!

Social isolation hasn't been much different than my usual days as I mostly work from home.  I'm not going to Bismarck to see clients, though, so I miss the face to face sessions with the folks who turn to me in their hour of need.  Hopefully this won't take months to clear out but only God knows that. He IS with His people wherever we are.

As I thought about writing here again, the Holy Spirit led me to this song.  There are quite a few versions to choose from but this one is amazingly beautiful.  I have always craved beauty and have found it in music; in nature; in family; and in poetry as you may recall.

This version seemed unusually comforting as I grew up watching the Lawrence Welk show.  Every Saturday night, as I helped Mom with the supper dishes, we listened to this wholesome family show.  I would sing with the choir every week at the end of the hour, "Good night. Sleep tight. And pleasant dreams to you.  Here's a wish and a prayer that all your dreams come true.  And though it's always sweet sorrow to part.  You know, you'll always remain in my heart...."  Perhaps I'll share it here another day.

Today I want to bless you with this grown up version of the Lennon Sisters.  I sang this song with my church choir during my collage years  at "Brookings Weslyan Church."  I felt the presence of the Lord there in a very special way that I've always remembered.  May He bless you with His peace today as you listen to these lovely women singing how comforting it is to draw near to Jesus.

God bless you all,


Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Getting through at home

After 3 weeks of dealing with the Corona virus at home, I can finally say that I'm almost back to normal.   My Advanced Bodytalk Practitioner, and my friends at the Holistic Hub in Grand Forks, ND worked on me tirelessly to pull me through.  Now I'm able to get back to work on a limited basis.

What has helped me immensely as the fever stole my thinking and the pain in my chest stole my will to live, was the desire to praise the Lord until I draw my last breath.  I know that some people are blessed by finding humor, but there just wasn't much, as I listened to the reports of the virus crossing the globe.

When I worship the Lord, it's not me anymore.  It's my inner being getting in touch with my Creator and that, my friends, is VERY strengthening.  He's not weak or sick or afraid.  So praise music lifted me through the Corona Virus when my mind couldn't take in the meaning of the words in my Bible.  Music like this lifted me to Heaven and it will for you too.

May this song, raise your spirits up to the One who knows everything about you!  He knows if you need Vitamin C, chlorophyll, or Baobab powder.  He knows if you need to rest or get outside for some air.  He knows if you should do a conference call with your neighbors for tea or forget the whole thing--definitely have virtual tea!

God IS working to help His people through all of this.  To those who smirk at the whole idea of social distancing, I'm sorry that you are missing out on the special alone time with God that I've known these past 3 weeks.

I pray that all of my readers will turn to Him with your every burden.  He WANTS to help us through this world-wide pandemic called the Corona Virus.  Here's to praise music!  Here's to spending alone time with the one who made us!

Getting stronger,


Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Too tired to wash?

While I wait for my blow dryer to arrive in the mail, I'm resting a lot and drinking lots of water.   Last night my ACBP reminded me that my heart will be happier if I add more protein into my diet so I'm doing that this morning. 

I can't recall if I shared that the little twist the Corona Virus has thrown at me is that my heart is not happy again.  You see, the tightness in my chest from the Virus seems to be putting pressure on my heart.  So Elizabeth said that I have to be extra kind to my heart and add in extra water, rest, and protein. 

The most irritating thing is that I can't do EWOT--exercising with oxygen therapy.  Both of the Christian energy workers helping me through this said the same thing.  It's a bit puzzling why extra oxygen could be harmful but I guess it would put even more pressure on my lungs.  UG.

So, in between working on my clients and doing light housework, I've been reading what I can do to shorten this thing.  This article has some food for thought.  I hope that it blesses someone besides me.


Still needing prayer,


I had no immune system for months after my bone marrow transplant. Here’s how I avoided viral illness, and how you can, too. It’s easier than you think.

A.M. Carter
A.M. Carter
Mar 22 · 12 min read
Photo of the author receiving chemotherapy before bone marrow transplant, October 2017.
Everyone is scared of COVID-19 (the disease caused by novel coronavirus). I get it. I’ve been in the hospital a lot in my life, and I definitely don’t want to go back. But a lot of the advice that I’ve seen lately about how to stay safe is pretty ridiculous. I’ll address some specific myths at the end, but first — let me tell you how I know what works and what doesn’t.
I had a bone marrow transplant in 2017. Most people don’t really know what that is. In the simplest possible terms, it means that my doctors gave me a new immune system.
I had a genetic defect in my immune system, one that I was born with. It meant that my immune cells weren’t good at combating infection or illness. It meant I got sick a lot more often than most people.
The transplant process is basically a blood transfusion, but instead of blood cells, I received new immune cells, which then took over my body and made it their new home, thus giving me a new immune system that worked normally.
In order for the transplant to work, I had intensive chemotherapy to kill off my original defective immune cells. For a month before and for many months after my transplant (until the new immune cells fully took over), I did not have a functioning immune system. This means I was vulnerable to EVERYTHING.
Many transplant patients get weird infections that most people have never heard of. Many common viruses, that healthy people easily clear without a single symptom, become deadly in a person with no immune system to fight them.
This is the situation I was in after my transplant.
You might think that there were a bunch of crazy rules I had to follow, and maybe that I had to live in a bubble, or travel around in a hamster ball. As fun as the hamster ball might have been, that was not the case.

I followed three basic rules.
1. Constant, thorough hand washing and hand sanitizing.
2. Constant, thorough cleaning and sanitizing of surfaces that I touched.
3. Completely avoiding primary vectors of transmission.

Hand Washing and Sanitizing

At this point, you’re probably sick of hearing people tell you to wash your hands. It sounds so basic. It’s easy to think that it can’t possibly be that effective. I mean, this is a PANDEMIC. If hand washing is so effective, how could it get so bad?
Because people don’t do it. People think hand washing is silly and basic, and they don’t do it often enough or thoroughly enough.
Hand hygiene is probably one of the greatest innovations of 20th century medicine, behind only the discovery of penicillin and widespread vaccination. It prevents countless infections, and its importance cannot be overstated. Your hands are everything.
After my transplant, I washed my hands constantly, and I washed them thoroughly. I washed the palms, the backs, my wrists, each finger individually (concentrating on the finger tips), and then I scrubbed my fingernails in my palms. The whole “wash your hands for 20 seconds” thing made me laugh when I first heard it. If you truly wash your hands thoroughly, with the goal of removing any trace of pathogen you may have touched, it always takes at least 20 seconds, if not more.
I washed my hands like this after every time I used the bathroom, before I ate, after touching anything in a public place, immediately after returning home from being out anywhere, after working out, after driving my car, after working on my computer, after feeding my pets, after cleaning my house.
If I wanted to scratch my nose, or I needed to put in my contact lenses, I washed my hands first, before ever touching my face.
If my hands didn’t physically feel freshly washed, I washed them.
If I couldn’t remember the last time I washed them, I washed them.
I only used hand sanitizer when I didn’t have access to hot water and soap.
If this sounds extreme, consider how much simpler and easier this is than being sick. Washing your hands constantly is just a matter of habit. You have to make yourself do it for a while, and you have to really focus on remembering, but once you do that long enough, you create a habit that will protect you for the rest of your life. In a globalized world ripe for pandemics, this is a necessary 21st century practice.
I have that habit now, because I didn’t have a choice. The hospital is not a fun place to spend a few months. Being sick is not a vacation. I was in constant discomfort and pain. It was difficult to eat. It hurt to move. It was exhausting to simply take a shower. I did not want to prolong my transplant recovery by acquiring an infection that could have been prevented if I had just washed my hands after I touched that door handle (or whatever). You have to have clarity about why it must be done, and then all that remains is doing it, every. single. time.
If you find yourself wondering whether you’re washing your hands enough, then you aren’t. You know when you are. You carry hand lotion around everywhere you go (because your hands look like a crumpled paper bag), and you go through hand soap like (should I say it?) toilet paper.
Every time you wash your hands, imagine trying to poop in a bed pan. Be grateful for the chance to wash your hands.

Cleaning Surfaces

The best way to give your dry, crumpled-paper-bag hands some relief is to meticulously clean the surfaces that you touch, so that you know you aren’t continuing to spread germs or virions (virus reproductive particles) onto your freshly washed hands.
If you’re isolating at home, clean everything thoroughly once, and then continue to clean each surface that gets touched when someone enters or leaves the house. If you make a habit of washing your hands immediately upon returning home, you won’t have to keep wiping down everything in your house.
This is what I’m doing now, to protect myself from COVID-19. It’s similar to what I did in the months after my transplant.
Upon returning home from any excursion, I wipe down my keys, phone, credit card (if I used it), car door handle, car steering wheel, garage door handles and front door handles. I keep Clorox wipes in my car and right beside the front door to make this easy.
Once I’ve done that, and before I touch anything else in my house, I wash my hands in the kitchen sink. Now everything I’ve touched with my hands is clean, and my hands are clean. I don’t wear outside shoes in the house.
When I go grocery shopping, I take my wipes into the store with me. I wipe down the handle of the shopping cart and the credit card swiper buttons before I touch either one. When I get back to my car, I load my groceries, and then wipe down the car door handles, my credit card, keys, and phone, and finally use hand sanitizer before I touch my steering wheel.
If someone in your house is sick, wipe down everything that people touch, and do it every single day. The sick person should avoid touching things as much as possible to make this easier. When I was recovering from transplant, we wiped every touchable surface in my room and the bathroom, every evening.
I get that this sounds, again, extreme. But consider how uncomplicated it is. Germs and viruses are not mysterious. They are microscopic organisms that hang out on things you touch.
Clean the things you touch. That’s all. Do it consistently. Don’t avoid it or get annoyed about it. Just do it.

Avoiding Contact (vectors of transmission)

The primary vector of transmission of novel coronavirus is people.
People, and the things people touch.
You can’t tell if an elevator button or a bar stool has been contaminated.
So, stay away from everyone, and don’t touch public surfaces. When you have to be around people, do not get close to them. When you have to touch public things, don’t touch your face or body until you wash your hands.
I open doors and push elevator buttons with my elbows. I open the bathroom door with the paper towel I just used to dry my hands after washing them. I do not lean on or touch countertops in public places.
Most of all, now, I do not go out to places that have elevator buttons, or public door handles, or public countertops, unless I absolutely have to.
If you work an essential job that prevents you from isolating at home, focus on the first two rules. Do them perfectly. The only time you should EVER touch your face is AFTER washing your hands, literally before you touch anything else. If you can keep 6 feet of space between you and other people at all times, do it. The virus can linger in the air (although not for very long), so don’t breathe other people’s air.
For the rest of us, the most foolproof protection is to stay home with the people you already live with, and have no contact with anyone else.
Being outdoors in the sunshine is safe and healthy — as long as you’re not near other people. Go for walks, hikes, runs and bike rides. Just don’t get near other people. Cross the road instead of walking past someone on the sidewalk. I know it feels weird. Do it anyway.

It’s a lifestyle change

Believe me, I know. I’ve spent many more months painstakingly following these rules than you have spent even thinking about maybe having to follow them. When I was recovering from transplant, I had to avoid a whole long list of potentially dangerous illness vectors, including fireplaces, potted plants and strawberries (no joke). I know it can be done, and I know that it works.
But there is one major problem that people have, when it comes to following these 3 simple rules:
People resist simplicity and consistency.
Whether out of fear or arrogance, some people insist on complicating things by trying to add rules that may sound logical but ultimately don’t make a significant difference. This creates anxiety over keeping track of all the stuff you think you should be doing, and worse, the inability to focus on the things that really matter.
Take, for example, one suggestion I’ve seen, to shower immediately when you get home from being out.
(If you work directly with sick people, then by all means, take a shower when you get home.)
For the rest of us –
If your body hasn’t touched other people, and you didn’t rub yourself all over the deli counter at the supermarket, how would the virus have come in contact with unexposed parts of your body?
If your answer is, “because I opened the public bathroom door and then touched my face, and then scratched an itch on my neck, and then finger-combed my hair and adjusted my septum piercing” then you need to focus WAY more on the 3 rules we already discussed.
You are not going to be safer with multiple showers a day than you would be by just being vigilant about washing your hands, not touching things, and not being close to other people.
Similarly, coming home and immediately taking off all your clothes at the front door is not necessary (though it may amuse your housemates, which could be good for isolation stress? Idk, you do you.)
If you’re practicing social distancing, hand washing and surface cleaning, your clothes and hair will not be a significant vector of transmission. (Again, healthcare providers are an exception, but this is part of the reason why they wear scrubs.)

Below is a long list of crazy rules I’ve heard people suggest as safety precautions against COVID-19.

As someone who had the mighty responsibility of preventing herself from contracting all manner of illness for a long time, I can tell you that none of these things are useful.
(If someone you know is advocating any of these, please tell them to read this article, or, better yet, get their preventative advice directly from the CDC, and stop giving credence to random lists of things on Facebook that supposedly come from an unnamed “friend of a colleague who works at a hospital.”)
  • You cannot kill novel coronavirus by heating up your nasal passages with a hair dryer, sauna, steam from your tea or soup, etc. This is probably the most hilarious suggestion I’ve heard. The flawed reasoning goes like this… “Coronavirus dies at 133 F, and it enters through the nose, so if I heat up my nose to 133 F, that will kill coronavirus.”
There are so many issues with this, but here are two major ones:
Novel coronavirus doesn’t confine itself to your nose, waiting for you to blast yourself in the face with a hair dryer. When your mucus membranes (eyes, mouth, nose) are exposed to it, it enters your cells. It populates your lungs and may live throughout your GI tract. You can’t “catch it” before it reaches your lungs. If you’re positive, you’re positive. Everything after that is your body’s immune and inflammatory response to viral infection — including the pneumonia that causes so many deaths.

Pro-tip: If the inside of your nose reaches 133 F, you is burning 🔥😬
133 degrees Fahrenheit is the temperature of scalding water. The inside of your nose is a watery mucus membrane, so if it ever got that hot, you would need medical attention. But it never gets that hot under normal circumstances, even in the desert, even in a sauna. Why? Because you’re a mammal, and your body regulates its internal temperature independent of the environment it is in.
  • Drinking hot liquids does nothing to prevent viral infection (but they do warm you up and make you feel good, so enjoy!)
As a brilliant emergency medicine physician (and collaborator on this article) said,
“You can’t disinfect the entire inside of your body unless you are dead and embalmed.”

In conclusion: Don’t be scared.

When people aren’t over-complicating prevention, they are doubting that something so scary can even be prevented with such simple methods, and so they act as though it’s hopeless, and there’s nothing they can do.
In reality, if you can just commit to these 3 simple (albeit, tedious) recommendations, you will dramatically reduce your risk of infection and transmission.
If you do the three things I’ve outlined here as though your life depends on it, then you don’t need to feel afraid. I know it sounds exhausting, but I promise you that you can do this. You just have to become consciously and constantly aware of your contact with things and people, at all times.
I had WAY less natural immunological protection in my body than most of you have, right now, in your bodies. The hard thing is, you have to do these 3 things we’ve talked about, and do them well, every single time. The easy thing is, it’s just these 3 totally uncomplicated, straightforward things.
Wash your hands, clean the things you touch, avoid people (and the things people touch).
You’re gonna be ok.

Author’s note: I collaborated on this article with a medical expert, Dr. Brandon Faza, M.D., who is a physician of emergency medicine in Tampa, Florida, and a wonderful human being.

Monday, March 23, 2020


I'm dealing with the Corona Virus now.  I figured it out on Saturday while talking with my Advanced BdoyTalk Practitioner.  In BodyTalk we're trained to tune in to the information in the subconscious mind.  Everything we've ever experienced in life is stored there.  After we pray for wisdom, the Lord shows us the information that we're needing to improve the health of the client.

Back to my having the Corona Virus--you see, I had a fever for 3 days a little over 2 weeks ago.  I had no respiratory symptoms but I do LOTS for that part of me as it's been weak all my life.

What I did experience is heart symptoms and have been ever since it started.  My friends at THE HOLISTIC HUB in Grand Forks, ND have been doing distance sessions for me and that's how I've limped along.  I covet your prayers for a total recovery.

I've been studying this beast and it's terrible!!!  The most recent piece of unwelcome information I've learned is that people can be carrying it for up to 40 days after they have no more symptoms.  We have to use every tool at our disposal to shorten that time.

Below you can find the link to a video that I think will help.  Just copy and paste into your browser.  I ordered a blow dryer to see if I can dump this monster who is trying to stop my heart permanently.  Please ponder it.  The above video is to inspire you to think of ways that we can stay connected while social isolating is required for many of us to be able to keep living.

Lots of love,



Friday, March 20, 2020

It's FREE?????

Hi everyone,

 I just watched this video with a BodyTalk Instructor. I have never taken a class from Ben, but I think he did a great job with this session, and I definitely am much more calm now!! 

As a Christian, I start my sessions with prayer for wisdom and I definitely do not use the F word. I speak of "Prayer" instead of "Meditation" when working with my clients. However, that doesn't mean that Ben's session won't help people's immune system just because he's not a Christian. 

It's important to keep in mind that, when we tap things into our 3 brains, OUR intention is what we're tapping in. BodyTalk cannot harm anyone in ANY way because each person's focus, at the time of the tapping, is what gets saved in the body/mind. 

This is a GREAT and very informative session which Ben was kind enough to give for free to anyone who is anxious at this time. Thanks Ben!

 I hope that all my friends will take a few quiet moments to benefit from Ben's session and to gain an understanding for just how much BT can do to improve your health. It saved my life when I was dying from shingles on the brain in 2006-2007! 

Sure do love BT

Have a great Sabbath everyone!

Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...