Tuesday, June 30, 2020

God has even MORE blessings for you!!

I cannot urge you too strongly to subscribe to THE ELIJAH LIST!!!!!!!!!  They send out a free email every day filled with hope for Christians.  God IS speaking to ordinary people all around the world.  As the Holy Spirit leads the saints, they share the visions that Father shows them and then THE ELIJAH LIST shares the visions with us.

Here is today's!  I pray that you will agree with this revelation from Heaven and be blessed even more!

Have a great day serving our victorious Savior.


A few nights ago, I had a simple yet profound instructional dream from the Lord. In the dream, I was standing in what, at first, seemed to be an intersection of a very busy inner-city district. I could barely see around me because there were cars coming from many directions, and their lights were blinding. I didn't feel unsafe but I did discern that these cars represented the vehicles of men's purposes and the vehicles of culture, movements, and ministries. They were both the vehicles created by man, that carried zero anointing, and also the vehicles of movements anointed by God to usher in the Kingdom of God into the earth.
Then the scene suddenly changed and I was, yet again, in the middle of something that was moving around me, but I found that instead of a busy intersection, I was in a room of moving doors that were swirling all around me.
Now, I have had similar dreams and visions before, but this time I felt an urgency in the Spirit and heard, "SPEAK TO THE DOORS!" But what are the doors and why were they moving? I believe these doors are both the doors of the enemy that need to be shut and the doors of Heaven that need to be opened. The movement represented both the "movement" or transition and change taking place with these doors right now, and also the urgency of the hour for the Church to rise up and speak and command things to align according to the plans of Heaven. (Photo via Piqsels)
So, with that in mind, I want to prophesy OVER YOU but also encourage you to prophesy with me in these areas:
Speak to Slammed-Shut Doors
Firstly, I feel to prophesy over the areas of your life that seem like they are completely shut and out of reach right now. Maybe you came into 2020 full of promise and expectation but have felt like, one after the other, doors have continued to slam shut around you, both in the natural and in the spiritual. Maybe these are doors in your business or ventures where what you were planning now seems impossible or has stopped moving forward. Maybe it felt like these were the doors God was leading you to and now you feel confused as to why they are suddenly dead ends. Maybe this is where you are doing "all you can do to stand" and still it feels like nothing is budging.
I prophesy that those CLOSED and IMPOSSIBLE doors are opening! Don't give up yet. Don't throw in the towel because it looks like there is no way forward. God is going to provide a way forward where there seems to be no way!
I hear the Lord saying, "Get out your song, release your cry, and SPEAK to the doors!" Do this and you WILL lift out of the rut you feel you are in. Every single obstacle surrounding you is going to be level ground, because God is turning the key of FAVOR that will cause every and all doors that you need to swing WIDE OPEN! I prophesy that every door that God wants open, be opened NOW, in Jesus' name. Pray with authority and declare, "Nothing can stop the doors opening that God has destined for me in Jesus' name!"
Speak to the Doors of Delay
We have entered a time of "sped up time" where the spirit realm has increased, and we can see in the earth that what normally would happen or transpire over decades is happening in a shorter span of time. The earth is experiencing birth pangs and God is readying us for the greatest harvest. So, what's in the enemy's arsenal in a time of rapid momentum? Delay. That's why you feel that strange and frustrating tension between your spirit man – which is moving ahead in leaps in bounds, and sensing the movement – and your head, which is constantly dealing with the confusion of seeing earthly doors of delay.
For many, it feels like everything in front of them is slow and tedious. Maybe this is where you feel like you are always taking the long way around, the long route, or the more complicated path. Maybe for you, the doors of delay are the pressures, unusual roadblocks, or the legal red tape and processes where you keep finding yourself stuck in a holding pattern. These doors need to be shut. The enemy can no longer intercept your promises; it's a violation and you need to shut all points of delay and command the angel armies of Heaven to bring you the breakthrough or answer you need right now. (Photo via Pexels)
Speak to the Doors of Resource
I recently woke up feeling that I was to pray over the opening of the doors of extreme resource. What I mean by extreme resource is that I saw God was wanting us to experience not just His faithfulness in this season and for right now, but also for the future and past.
God is wanting to pour out such a blessing that will square away the robbery and famines of the past, but also pour out the needed resources for now and into the future.
I saw that the doors of resources go far beyond finances but open up all the puzzle pieces for those who are needing certain areas to come together for their Kingdom purpose. With this comes the wisdom, strategies and blueprints to know how to step into new ventures, be in certain partnerships, invest, buy, and begin new things. The enemy has wanted this door closed because he has been working hard to starve out Christians, so that they forsake God's door of resource and create Ishmaels in orchestrating their own.
I prophesy for those doors to open NOW in Jesus' name! Pray with me that every door or favor and resource that the Body of Christ and YOU need will be opened and not shut up, in Jesus' name!
* Please don't miss our emerging and newly found prophets! Subscribe here.
Nate Johnston
Everyday Revivalists
Email: everydayrevivalists@gmail.comWebsite: nateandchristy.co
Nate Johnston is a revivalist and worshiper who has a heart to see sons and daughters unleashed into passionate friendship with God and an effective supernatural lifestyle. Through his ministry "Everyday Revivalists," he teaches on intimacy and hearing God's voice which was birthed from a hunger for authentic, real, and powerful relationship with Jesus. Nate and Christy have two daughters, Charlotte and Sophie, and currently live on the Gold Coast in Australia.
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Can't You Talk Louder, God?

Monday, June 29, 2020

Even heroes need prayer

Thanks a million for your prayers. We got about 1/4 inch of rain last night when there was NO rain anywhere on the radar yesterday morning.  It's a TRUE miracle!!!!!!!

 I am so very thankful for ALL of your prayers. Please keep praying that God will send us the rains our crops need to keep growing!

I just read this poem.  Please pray for it's author who has not backed down on his faith in Jesus.  Sometimes I wonder how God cannot destroy our country completely when it is guilty of such great evils.  However, His word says that if HIS people will repent, He will heal our land.

 Let's all repent of whatever sins the Holy Spirit convicts us of.  It's a simple process.

1.  Admit to God that you sinned and be specific.

2.  Ask Him to forgive you for sinning in that way.

3.  Ask that the shed blood of Jesus would cover that sin.

4.  Ask that the recording of that sin be erased from your life's book.

5.  Thank God for making a way for your sins to be cleared away.


I will be in prayer for all of you to find your peace through repentance.  You deserve His peace!

Lots of love,


Some of you may be wondering what Alabama Judge Roy Moore has been doing since he was removed from the bench for refusing to remove the Ten Commandments from his courtroom wall. The following is a poem written by Judge Moore. Judge Moore was sued by the ACLU for displaying the Ten Commandments in his courtroom foyer. He has been stripped of his judgeship and now they are trying to strip his right to practice law in Alabama ! The judge's poem sums it up quite well.
America? the beautiful,
or so you used to be.
Land of the Pilgrims' pride;
I'm glad they'll never see.
Babies piled in dumpsters,
Abortion on demand,
Oh, sweet land of liberty;
your house is on the sand.
Our children wander aimlessly
poisoned by cocaine
choosing to indulge their lusts,
when God has said abstain
From sea to shining sea,
our Nation turns away
From the teaching of God's love
and a need to always pray
We've kept God in our
temples, how callous we have grown.
When earth is but His footstool,
and Heaven is His throne.
We've voted in a government
that's rotting at the core,
Appointing Godless Judges;
who throw reason out the door,
Too soft to place a killer
in a well deserved tomb,
But brave enough to kill a baby
before he leaves the womb.
You think that God's not
angry, that our land's a moral slum?
How much longer will He wait
before His judgment comes?
How are we to face our God,
from Whom we cannot hide?
What then is left for us to do,
but stem this evil tide?
If we who are His children,
will humbly turn and pray;
Seek His holy face
and mend our evil way:
Then God will hear from Heaven;
and forgive us of our sins,
He'll heal our sickly land
and those who live within.
But, America the Beautiful,
If you don't - then you will see,
A sad but Holy God
withdraw His hand from Thee..
~~Judge Roy Moore~~
Let’s sustain Judge Moore in prayer. He has stood firm and needs our support.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Rainy thoughts

Dear friends,

Will you please pray that God will open up the Heavens and shower our crops with rain?  PLEASE!!

Robert and Jacob went to look at our crops yesterday and they were quite pleased.  The corn is nearly up to the guy's hips.  I don't know if you've ever heard the expression, "Knee high by the 4th?"  Well, ours is above that so it is off to a good start.

HOWEVER, the temperatures are above normal for June and this is the driest year in North Dakota history.  The plants are already showing signs of stress from the strong winds and high temps we've been having.  We simply must have rain soon or we will end up with no crops at all this year.

As I pondered this dire news over lunch today, I realized that I have to get my thinking straight.  That's when I went in search of this song.  I know that I can't make God send rain.  I know that my guys are right about circumstances as they appear to be at this time.  However, I also know that faith is believing you will get what you need before you get it.

With great faith then, I switch my thinking to this song.  May it bless you, too, if you are unusually dry where you live.

Have a great week,


Sunday, June 21, 2020

To loving fathers everywhere!

I'm having a hard day today. Yes, Mother's Day is hard as I ponder my repeated miscarriages but Father's Day is hard too.  Robert would have loved all of his children, and he will when he gets to Heaven, but it's still hard to have had such short moments with each of our children who left Earth way too soon.

Then, too, my own father was the exact opposite of my loving husband.  My dad did all he could to make sure that I knew I wasn't welcome in his family.  The only loving thing I recall my dad doing was teaching me how to change a tire before I left for collage.  Oh yes, he taught me how to play pool too--such a useful life-long skill.  That was mostly so he'd have someone to play with!

Yes, I have a hard time thinking about my father.  He knew about the incest and thought one spanking of my brothers would end it.  Not once did he say to me, "You have great worth!  You are special!  Nobody should ever hurt you like that ever again!"  or "Come and tell me if they ever touch you again."

Recovery from incest, or anything else I imagine, is strange.  I go along just fine for months at a time and then hearing one word can set me off into bad memories for a week.

I praise God for helping me to buy my BETAR table.  At moments when my emotions are threatening to ruin my day, I spend half an hour lying down on it and listening to music.  What an amazing healing tool it is!

Just now, as I pondered my neglectful father, I knew that I needed some table time.  As I relaxed and let the musical massage do it's work, I again remembered the wonderful father that my children have.  Robert had a terrible father, too, but somehow he took all of those memories and made good ones for our children. He refused to pass on a legacy of self-indulgence and alcoholism.

To Robert then--my amazing husband.  May you know the joys of your family's love for you forever!

To our loving Heavenly Father who has brought us through untold sorrows together.  This song touched my heart just now, as I listened to it on my BETAR table.  There truly is nothing that God cannot take us through if we turn to Him in our hour of need.

To a great new week!


Friday, June 19, 2020

Another great movie for you!

This is another one of my all time favorite stories.  I wonder how many ways this story has shaped my life!!!   It's most amazing because it's true!!

To every teacher who ever loved a hard-to-reach student out there, may God reward you greatly!

Happy Sabbath everyone!


Monday, June 15, 2020

Do dreams have meaning?

This is an encouraging article from THE ELIJAH LIST.  If you haven't signed up for their free emails, I encourage you to do so. 

Ever since Robert's and my family nearly ended in divorce around the time of our 8th anniversary, we have prayed for families.  God loves families and has high hopes that they will produce happy, loving individuals.  The goal is to produce adults who then go on and repeat the cycle.  We rejoice that 2 of our children have found their soul mates and are raising their children for God!  Our youngest is still looking for the one that Father has prepared to be his wife.

If you haven't reaped the rewards of your labors for your family yet, then know that it is coming.  Receive this word from the Lord today and keep going!!  You and your family are precious to God!

Lots of love,


PS   Yes, dreams have meaning if they're sent from God!

"Family Mantles Are Falling on Your Household"

Diane Lake, Missoula, MT

Shift: "to change the place, position, or direction of: MOVE." (Merriam-Webster.com)
In several recent dreams of mine, the Lord has been showing me a shift has occurred. In the first dream I was part of a larger gathering with multiple leaders present. A certain man had taken center stage and been speaking for perhaps half an hour. At that point, from my seat towards the front, I stood up and took control of the meeting, saying, "I think the Lord wants us to shift the focus of this meeting towards families and towards prayer." Remarkably, almost seamlessly and with great smoothness, that's exactly what happened. People began to move in unity into highly anointed levels of corporate prayer—especially prayer for families.
But here's what's funny. I didn't actually remember the dream at that time and certainly hadn't caught its significance. So the Lord gave me another dream. In this one, my husband reminded me of the events that had happened in the earlier dream—how I'd taken control of the meeting and redirected its focus. He said, "Remember how the Lord spoke through you at that meeting and said, 'There's been a shift away from some sort of a one-person-showman-type thing, and a shift towards families and towards prayer?'"
Within the second dream, I began to remember the first and said, "Oh yeah, I remember now! I guess I did kind of redirect the meeting. It may have seemed bold but I just couldn't help myself—I sensed the Lord moving us strongly in that direction." My husband responded, "That's okay. If you hadn't spoken up like you did, I was about to do the same thing myself."
Several things stood out to me from these dreams. The first is the Lord's sense of humor—that He reminded me in a dream I'd had a dream! The second is that I don't think the dreams had anything to do with my husband or myself personally. From our years in ministry, one thing we've learned is it's best not to take ourselves too seriously, and my sense is we were simply representative of something much larger happening within the Body of Christ.
It is my belief the Lord is releasing a Body-wide awareness that will bring an emphasis on the restoration of families and increased corporate prayer. It will be the Holy Spirit Himself, not any one person or ministry, who orchestrates this change in direction or movement. (Photo via Pixabay)
Perhaps Jeremiah the prophet said it best (Jeremiah 31:33-34 NKJV; see also John 16:13):
"...I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,' for they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them..."
Occupation and Family Mantles
The Lord's also been speaking to me about increase through a rebirth of family mantles. Again, through a series of dreams, He showed me faithful men and women who have been hard at work for the Kingdom and whose efforts have been largely unrecognized and under-appreciated. The setting for each of these dreams was within family structures.
For several weeks now, my attention has been drawn to Luke 19 and the parable of the minas. If you recall, the nobleman called ten of his servants and gave them ten minas, and said to them (v. 13 KJV), "Occupy till I come." This phrase may bring to mind the military usage of this word, as when an army controls a certain population, and while this has some merit, this is not the actual literal meaning here.
The Greek word for "occupy" in this verse (see Strong's Concordance) means: "do business; trading, exchanging (leveraging) one thing for another to make a legitimate gain; (figuratively) 'to bear much fruit,' i.e. the opposite of being fruitless because of refusing to make trades by 'playing it safe.'" In other words, we do not occupy the Kingdom by playing it safe; occupation involves both risk and effort, as we use the gifts and talents the Lord's given us to increase His Kingdom.
Remember the servant who did not "occupy," but who hid his mina and didn't even earn interest with it? About this servant the master said (v. 24, 26 NKJV), "...'Take the mina from him, and give it to him who has ten minas...For I say to you, that to everyone who has will be given; and from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.'"
Friends, the Lord has shown me there is a renewal happening with family mantles right now. Those who have been faithful stewards will receive more. Each one of us ought to ask the Lord whether we have been faithfully stewarding our family mantle(s); and if we are not, it can be like tough love—it might be something we need to hear, not want to hear. (Photo via Unsplash)
If your heart's desire is faithful stewardship but you sense you need to make an adjustment, simply receive His correction as a loving Father, which yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness. I am so thankful the Lord loves us enough to correct us as dear sons and daughters! (See Hebrews 12:5-11.)
Greater Responsibility—Greater Authority in Prayer
As noted, occupation involves faithfulness, effort and fruitfulness—things not always appreciated or recognized by men, but always rewarded by God. In the parable mentioned, the faithful servant had already been given more before he also received what was taken from someone else. Verses 16-17 NKJV (emphasis mine) read: "Then came the first [servant], saying, 'Master, your mina has earned ten minas.' And he said to him, 'Well done, good servant; because you were faithful in a very little, have authority over ten cities.'"
When I woke from the series of dreams about family mantles, I heard the Lord say to His faithful stewards, "Good job. As with the good servant, I am increasing your boundaries today—I am expanding your territory. Be prepared—I am enlarging your territory. You will have greater responsibility, and greater authority in prayer!"
Friends, my sense is that it is the renewal of family mantles that will be the force that fuels this shift towards family restoration and increased authority in prayer!
* Please don't miss our emerging and newly found prophets! Subscribe here.
Diane Lake
Starfire Ministries

Email: info@starfireministries.org
Website: www.starfireministries.org
Diane Lake is a writer, speaker and minister ordained with both Christian International and Generals International. She and her husband, Allen, co-founded Starfire Ministries with a vision to see the Kingdom established beyond the four walls of the traditional church. They serve as Church Mountain, Regional, and Montana Coordinators for the Reformation Prayer Network (led by Mike and Cindy Jacobs), and as Media Mountain Facilitators for Christian International's newly emerging "7 Mountain Kingdom Influencer Network." They have three grown children and are blessed to call beautiful western Montana home.

Sunday, June 14, 2020


Hello everyone,

If you're like me, you have been praying for peace on Earth for decades.  If you're like me, you have watched as the world grew darker and more violent as God was taken more and more out of the public sphere.

All of the pressures from the world on Christians cannot be dismissed as a part of my poor health.  Perhaps your's too?  Perhaps marriages falling apart and family discord can all be partially explained by the ever increasing darkness on our planet.

After Robert and I got over COVID in February, the darkness seemed darker than before.  Perhaps you are there now?  A struggling immune system struggles even more as thoughts of a world-wide pandemic and now riots and total disregard for the accomplishments of humanity are going on in our country.  One city has given up a portion of it's property to these vandals.

So we need some good news, don't we?  My good news came in the form of a friend sharing  the video series THE FALL OF THE CABAL with me.  Since then I've learned a lot about the good guys who ARE destroying this evil that murders children and drinks their blood.  The good guys have a plan to save the Earth from destruction and they go by the name of Q.

Enough of that. I only share it to say that the evil ones ARE falling. God will NOT let freedom die as it would surely die if America would fall.  I urge you to watch this video and take hope that God has heard our cries for help and relief from all of these dark ones in high places.

I pray that this brings you hope and that you pick up yourself; brush the crap off that they've thrown on you; and join in the victory song of saints.  THERE IS POWER, POWER, WONDER WORKING POWER IN THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF THE LAMB!

Here's to hope!


Friday, June 12, 2020

Are you ready for a better life?

Hi everyone,

I cannot believe that I have not written here in TEN days!  Well, I've been busy.  I've been working in the garden; attending Bible study; helping my daughter-in-law with her 2 sons; keeping my family healthy; doing laundry; AND helping clients with their health issues.

The most interesting case I've been privileged to help with is a little baby girl born with a heart defect.  First of all, the birth was long and drug out as daddy has a heart defect.  Some part of those energies weren't joyful about dealing with a child with a heart defect.  So my Advanced Certified BodyTalk Practitioner and I (CBP) helped get rid of those energies and then the birth proceeded.

After baby girl C was born, she needed quite a bit of help adjusting to all of the tubes.........  The Lord led me through a really cool technique of opening up the heart energies so that the valve could open and close. I've done this work many times in BodyTalk but not on one so young. Yes, this work was all done from a distance.

You must imagine my delight when we heard from the parents several hours later, that the valve was working properly and they got to GO HOME!  Now Baby C needs to have open heart surgery in 4 to 6 months or say they say. Will you join me in praying for her heart to heal so that is not needed?  PLEASE!!!!!!!

Father led me to this a few days ago and I finally listened to it.  WOOOWWWW  All of the prophets have been saying that 2020 is going to bring about a new life for all of us on planet Earth. I knew God was working through President Trump, and his team, but even I was surprised to hear this video.  Go ahead, start to dream again!

Happy Sabbath all my loves,


Tuesday, June 2, 2020

I like being fat?????????????

I was drawn to this topic today for some odd reason.  I was normal weight through high school but I always felt like I weighed about 400 pounds or so.  I graduated at a massive 136 pounds feeling about 2,000 pounds.

In collage I got a little fatter and got married at 156 pounds feeling like I weighed about 10,000 pounds.

Baby fat from my pregnancies, those who ended in a live birth and and those who went to live in Heaven, left me at about 175 pounds.  Each miscarriage added more and more emotional weight until I felt like I weighed about 2 billion pounds.

Then I got sick and fell apart in 2006.  I ate practically nothing for months but I didn't loose any weight.  I didn't gain anything either but just stayed at a nice round 200 pounds.

After that,  the MS got worse and I ballooned to 230 pounds which nothing has budged in over a decade.  No Master cleansing; EAT FAST EATing; no Trim Healthy Mamaing; no carb deprivation or fat deprivation or going on my dad's diet (the See Food diet) has done a thing to budge my weight.

Today I wondered if the incest has anything to do with this.  My brother choosing to marry a woman with a little girl sure works me up but then why don't I get fatter? 

The Lord led me to this article which seems to bring me peace.  Perhaps I'll learn something by the time I'm done reading this series.  If what I have written so far, seems to resonate with you, come along for the ride. 

The rest of you who simply cannot relate, you can skip this one.  If your weight responds to what you eat and how much you move, this isn't for you.  However, if you love someone who is like me, you just may want to hang in there.

Lots of love,


PS  I'll try to find the other 2 parts of this article and share it later.



Categories: MiscNews and EventsOther 
The year was 1985. Dr. Vincent Felitti was mystified. The physician, then chief of Kaiser Permanente’s Department of Preventive Medicine in San Diego, couldn’t understand why 55 percent of the 1,500 people who enrolled in his weight-loss clinic every year left before completing the program.
He was especially confused after examining their medical records: Almost all of the dropouts had been losing, not gaining, weight. It didn’t make sense. Why were people who were dropping pounds dropping out?
Felitti had started the weight-loss clinic in 1980 because many Kaiser Permanente members suffered from health problems, such as diabetes and heart attacks, which were exacerbated by their weight. When patient records of the drop-outs did not reveal a pattern, Felitti decided to ask those who had left the program if he could interview them, and 286 agreed.
During the interviews, two clues surfaced: The first was that none of the participants was born fat – all had normal or below normal birth weights. The second was that people who were severely overweight didn’t gain 10 or 20 pounds a year over several years.
“I had assumed that people who were 400, 500, 600 pounds would be getting heavier and heavier year after year. In 2,000 people, I did not see that once,” says Felitti. When they gained weight, they did so abruptly and then stabilized. If they lost weight, they often regained all of it or more, within weeks or months.
The turning point in Felitti’s inquiry came by accident. The physician was running through a series of questions with yet another clinic dropout: How much did you weigh when you were born? In first grade? In high school? How old were you when you became sexually active? How much did you weigh when you married?
“I misspoke,” he recalls. “Instead of asking, ‘How old were you when you were first sexually active,’ I asked, ‘How much did you weigh when you were first sexually active?’ The patient, a woman, answered, ‘Forty pounds.’”
He thought he’d misheard. He asked again. She gave the same answer, began sobbing, and added: “It was with my father.”
The moment remains vivid, says Felitti: “I remembered thinking, ‘This is only the second incest case I’ve heard about in 23 years of practice.’ I didn’t know what to do with the information. About 10 days later, I ran into the same thing. It was very disturbing. It seemed that every other person was providing information about childhood sexual abuse. I thought, ‘This can’t be true. Someone would have told me in medical school.’”
Another piece of the puzzle dropped into place during an interview with another clinic dropout, a woman who had been raped when she was 23. In the year after the attack, she gained 105 pounds. “As she was thanking me for asking the question,” says Felitti, “she looks down at the carpet, and mutters, ‘Overweight is overlooked, and that’s the way I need to be.’”
Felitti began to realize that obese people didn’t see their fat as a problem. For many, it was a solution.
This blog is the first of a 3-part series on the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study. Learn more about the study and Dr. Felitti’s findings here. For more information on the long-term effects of child sexual abuse, visit D2L.org/Statistics.

Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...