Sunday, May 30, 2021


 Hi Everyone,

I just got home from spending 2 weeks with my wonderful daughter and her wonderful family.  That's the good news.

My husband got pretty sick while I was away so that's the bad news.  Please pray for him.  My research this morning indicates that he's dealing with Lyme's disease.  It looks like I'll be busy working on him for awhile.

I saw my blog this morning and thought, "Oh well, I don't have time to write now."  Then Father said "Share this video with your readers," so here goes.

President Donald John Trump will be back in the Presidency soon.  May this video encourage you all!


Wednesday, May 12, 2021

God's changes are good!

 Please be in prayer for our family.  We're in the middle of seeding time and the problems in the fields have been unreal.  Yesterday the TIRE FELL OFF OF THE TRACTOR!!

 There is good news though.  We had our District 28 Republican meeting on Saturday and my son, Andrew, was re-elected Chairman.  He does a great job as he brings in technology to make the meetings flow better.  Best of all, he keeps the meetings fair with each side getting the same number of minutes to speak. He even used his gavel when discussion got hot to control the group!!

  I don't even know how to say this next part so I'll just say it.  What was the heated discussion about?  Our District voted 69 to 16 to censure our Representatives in the Legislature.  They ignored who we chose to represent us a year ago and campaigned as if the stuffed shirt they wanted had been endorsed.  Our district said "You're not going to get away with over-riding our vote!" 

  Censorship doesn't keep them from doing their work in this term.  However, it is highly unlikely that they will ever be voted in again.  Good riddance to our Reps doing what the Governor wants them to do instead of what "We the people" want them to do.  Now to shake up the Governor!  Please pray for wisdom in that.

  So I loved this word from the Lord this morning.  I pray that it blesses you with the courage to step into your destiny.  I never would have thought that I could speak in front of a room full of people as the cameras rolled.  However, I had to speak up and do what I could to pull down deeds done in darkness.   If you would like to watch the 3 hour meeting, you can do see here.  I spoke at 2 hours and 40 minutes.

  I pray you can welcome the changes God wants to bring into your life!  It's not really so terrifying as you might imagine.  My mother used to say, "Just put one foot in front of the other and go towards what you want."  What God wants for you IS for the best!!!!!!!!!!!

 To the changes necessary to silence satan in my life today!


The enemy is after your blessing on the trading floors of Heaven. He wants you to exchange your blessings for curses. He is using your emotions against you, tempting you to make decisions based on feelings rather than faith. He is sowing division, not only in your relationships but also within your soul. He is an accuser, going to the trading floors of Heaven and using your emotional exhaustion to bring about curses of discord and strife within your mind, will, and emotions.

How the Enemy Is Gaining a Foothold on the Trading Floors of Heaven

Right now, in this hour, the enemy is using a fixed mindset to come against a faith mindset. What does this mean? God is always working to change us from the inside out. He has given us a new life and Spirit in Christ Jesus. After this new identity is received, the enemy knows all he can do is come against your mind, will, and emotions—causing division within you because he can't separate you from God.

"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?...Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." (Romans 8:35, 37)

He cannot touch your new Spirit, but he can mess with your mind. And right now, he is working against the changes the Lord is doing within you. Satan is on the trading floors of Heaven manipulating and deceiving, attempting to get Believers everywhere to trade the promises of God for lies that satisfy the flesh. The enemy is gaining a foothold on the trading floors of Heaven by getting you to resist change.

Ask yourself:

• Am I resisting change?
• Am I emotionally fatigued?
• Am I repeating habits and patterns that aren't glorifying the Lord?

These questions help assess where you are and can reveal a fixed mindset if your answers are "yes." (Photo via Pixabay)

But there is good news! The Lord is exposing the lies that the enemy is speaking on the trading floors of Heaven so you can walk in victory and empowerment!

Here's What You Need to Know About the Trading Floors of Heaven in This Hour...

Take a moment: Get quiet before the Lord and decide today that you will embrace the change the Lord is doing within you during this season. Proclaim, "I am embracing change!" You cannot take the same habits and patterns of yesterday into your tomorrow. God knows this and wants to release you into your promotion, which means you will need to let go of the thoughts and attitudes that create a fixed mindset.

Know this: Taking back the blessings on the trading floors of Heaven is a journey. The journey started during Purim, a time of preparation, and then we came to Passover when 9 blessings were released. Then comes a 50-day time of introspection, the counting down of the Omer. This is the time the enemy is pressing in. He is using distraction and exhaustion to steal from you. He wants you to quit. But we are going to move forward in this journey with a faith mindset, and we will be victorious in Jesus, reclaiming all that has been stolen!

"So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten...You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, who has dealt wondrously with you; and My people shall never be put to shame." (Joel 2:25-26)

5 Steps to Reclaim the Blessings on the Trading Floors of Heaven

Step 1. Cancel the fixed mindset and receive a faith mindset.

"But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." (Hebrews 11:6)

When you have a faith mindset you can better understand the divine moments established by the Lord. He releases these divine moments so that you can hear His voice and accept the changes He is doing within your soul.

Step 2. Meditate on Joshua 1:7-8.

"Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go. This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success." (Joshua 1:7-8)

When Joshua took over as leader for the children of Israel, there were obstacles he faced. When obstacles come—those lies that seem too big for you to push through—meditate on God's Word.

Step 3. Seek God's Kingdom first.

"But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." (Matthew 6:33)

The enemy wants you to quit. When the pressure comes, remember Matthew 6:33 and seek God's Kingdom first. The Word won't quit. Jesus, the Word in flesh, isn't quitting. When you feel like giving up, push through and "seek first the Kingdom of God," and He will provide what you need to overcome. (Photo via Pixabay)

Step 4. Remember nothing is impossible for God.

"But Jesus looked at them and said to them, 'With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.'" (Matthew 19:26)

When you are at the trading floors of Heaven and the enemy is pressing in, it is time to remember the strength of the Lord. You cannot overcome this emotional demonic onslaught of division without the power of God. What seems impossible is overturned and made possible through Jesus.

Step 5. Activate your faith.

"And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands for us; yes, establish the work of our hands." (Psalm 90:17)

Make a plan and commitment to walk in this truth. When the lies press in that this change the Lord is doing is hopeless, replace it with truth. Declare you have a faith mindset, and your effort will produce a pathway to God's victory, success, and glory.

The Takeaway

Don't allow the enemy to steal the abundant life Jesus has for you. Be aware that the accuser is out to steal your blessings on the trading floors of Heaven. But also, be encouraged. Your hope and victory are in the Lord.

Stay close to the Word and guard your heart. Be careful of the words that you speak and ensure they align with the Lord's.

Follow the steps above and trust the Way Maker to make a way for you. He is doing a new thing in you. Allow the Spirit to change you.

He wants to promote you, but you must be willing to let go of the habits and patterns of yesterday so you can step into your destiny tomorrow.

Whatever you do, don't miss another ELIJAH LIST email! Subscribe at this link:

Rabbi Curt Landry
Founder, Curt Landry Ministries


Curt Landry is the founder and CEO of Curt Landry Ministries, an apostle and founder of House of David Ministries, and the acting CEO of My Olive Tree and Dead Sea Moringa. Curt and Christie Landry travel extensively, operating in the gifts of healing, signs and wonders, and teaching about the Jewish roots of the Christian faith and the One New Man. Curt is also active in raising support for Israel throughout the Evangelical community as he desires to be a bridge of unity and restoration between Israel and the Church.

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Can't You Talk Louder, God?

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Sleeping Church Arise!!

 "The Lightning of God Will Strike the Mark!"

Dutch Sheets with Brian Simmons and Jane Rumph

A New Breed of Believers

I am becoming more and more aware that the Lord has raised up a remnant company of Believers in this new era who know their God and will do great exploits (Daniel 11:32).

I have spoken before of how the Lord has been changing the Body of Christ since the 1990s, teaching us to pray. Back then it was hard to get a handful of people to a prayer gathering. Today, multitudes are praying, and doing so effectively. Our prayer gatherings have gone from a handful, meeting in churches once a week, to hundreds of thousands praying together via electronic means. Many of us are involved in multiple prayer meetings, some daily, like Give Him 15. Many more are praying together on a weekly basis. Millions are living lifestyles of intercession now, talking to the Lord as they go about their day.

We are quickly becoming a people who know our God. And we are beginning to do great exploits. One cannot find oneself talking to God all day long and not be changed. As we pray in power daily with a faith-filled Body of Christ, our understanding increases, our faith grows, and we are motivated by Holy Spirit to act on the conversations we have with Him.

Brian Simmons said, "The season of God's mighty power has arrived! A new day has dawned, and with it emerges a new breed of Believers." (To read the full word on the Elijah List, click here.)

This new season will involve an incredible season of signs and wonders. They always accompany and confirm the Gospel when God's Word is acted on; even more so during seasons of great revival. The following story is a wonderful example of what is coming.

Strike the Mark!

Jane Rumph, in her book, Stories from the Front Lines, writes this:

"Hearing Jun Mon's cries of grief, the neighbors in this slum district outside Phnom Penh, Cambodia, knew that her husband, Khev, had died. It came as no surprise, as his health had been steadily deteriorating, and he had been unconscious for the last few days. The witch doctor and herbal medicines – all the family could afford – had not been able to revive him, and now he was gone. (Photo via Jane Rumph)

"A couple of weeks earlier, a Christian house church group had brought some hope. They had observed the wife's despair as she sat outside her tumbledown, one-room home, and upon learning that her husband was about to die, Theavy had led them in prayer for her. After hearing the Gospel message, Jun Mon and her sister gladly accepted the Lord and were encouraged by the words of the Bible they received.

"But now Khev was dead. Late that night, while sitting with Jun Mon and her sister to comfort them, Theavy felt led to pray and to share Scripture passages with them about Christ's victory over death and the grave. After she left this young Believer, Jun Mon continued to read about Jesus' miracles and then knelt by her husband's body. For three hours, she and her sister wept and pleaded with God to restore life and health to Him.

"Although they had been praying for this miracle, they were shocked when Khev suddenly sat up in bed and declared he was alive! And also healthy and hungry! After eating he shared with them what he had experienced. Evidently at the same time that he stopped breathing, two men in black came and escorted him through darkness to a wide river. On the other side was a man with two books, one containing names of people who had died and the other holding names of people about to die. Khev was questioned but then told to go back home.

"As he began his journey home, he realized his escorts were gone and that his spirit and steps lightened as he went. Suddenly he came to a fork in the road – darkness on one path and brilliant light on the other. In the background he could hear voices debating which way he would choose. He chose the path of light and, as he stepped onto it, he heard a door slam. The next thing he remembered was suddenly sitting up in his own bed.

"When Theavy and others came later to help Jun Mon, they were ecstatic to see Khev alive and walking. Rejoicing at the resurrection power of God, they shared with Khev about Jesus Christ, and he committed himself to the One who had restored his life. Not surprisingly, the home church grew from 4 to 32 in just a short time. Khev, healthy and strong, is a walking testimony to the grace and power of God." (Jane Rumph, Stories from the Front Lines [Grand Rapids MI: Chosen, 1996], pp 187-191.)

Amazing power can be released through intercession. A powerful verse in Job pictures this. "He covers His hands with the lightning, and commands it to STRIKE THE MARK" (Job 36:32, emphasis added). The phrase "strike the mark" is translated from paga, the Hebrew word for "intercession." When light or glory flashes from God's presence, striking the desired target, this depicts intercession.

Like Lightning

Have you ever seen a tree struck by lightning? If so, you've seen a picture of intercession. I love to pray in forests and woods. At times I come across trees struck by lightning. The lightning is so hot, it literally changes the molecular structure of trees and twists the trunks until they look like the stripes on a candy cane. The temperature in a lightning bolt can reach 30,000 Celsius (54,000 degrees Fahrenheit), hotter than the surface of the sun. That's hot! And God uses that to exemplify the power of intercession!

Habakkuk 3:4 also speaks of light flashing forth from the hand of God: "His radiance is like the sunlight; He has rays flashing from His hand, and there is the hiding of His power." The Amplified translation is also very descriptive: "And His brightness was like the sunlight; rays streamed from His hand, and there [in the sunlike splendor] was the hiding place of His power."

Our prayers are actually used to release this power, causing both God's judgments and blessings to be brought forth.

Pray with Me:

Father, we thank You for the power of Holy Spirit. We thank You for the great honor of being filled with this power and of being allowed to partner with You in releasing it to people. Your Word makes it very clear that in times of revival, awakening and outpourings of Your Spirit, this power is released in greater measure to perform signs and wonders, pointing people to Christ.

We ask for this increase now. Bring it forth to convince people of our good news message. We pray for boldness to come to the Church, confidence to pray in the name of Jesus for people needing miracles. Awaken Your people to renewed faith in Your promise that You will confirm Your Word with signs and wonders.

And Lord, one more thing. Just as we did yesterday, we pray regarding the audit taking place in Arizona. We pray for truth to prevail. We pray for those working there, that they will operate at the highest levels of skill and integrity. We pray that their equipment will work well. We pray that all of the volunteers needed will be available. We ask You to release Your lightning against every attempt to sabotage this audit, including fear and intimidation, violence or lawsuits. And again, we ask You for the financial provision needed to finish it fully. We thank You for this and ask this in Jesus' mighty name. Amen.

Our Decree:

We decree that the power of God will accompany the preaching of the Gospel, and be released exponentially in the earth.

Whatever you do, don't miss another ELIJAH LIST email! Subscribe at this link:

Dutch Sheets
Dutch Sheets Ministries

Email: click here

Dutch Sheets is an internationally recognized author, gifted teacher, and conference speaker. He travels extensively, challenging believers for passionate prayer and societal reformation. Seeing America experience a sweeping revival and return to its Godly heritage is Dutch’s greatest passion. Dutch has written over 23 books, many of which have been translated into over 30 languages. His international bestseller, Intercessory Prayer, has sold over 1 million copies worldwide. Dutch has pastored, taught in several colleges and seminaries, and served on the board of directors of numerous organizations. He is fondly known to many as Papa Dutch. Treasuring time spent with their family and grandchildren. Dutch and Ceci, his wife of 40 plus years, enjoy quiet walks in the woods, reading, and playing a little golf. They make their home in beautiful South Carolina

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Let's persist in our fight against evil!!

 "America, Remember Who You Are!"

Wanda Alger, Winchester, VA

Now is not the time to grow weary or be faint of heart. Your spiritual adversary curses you with words to weaken your faith and strip you of the power of Christ. He blinds you to the truth and fixes your gaze on his works of destruction.


But, he cannot overcome if you just PERSIST.

America, This Is the Hour of Deliverance! Remember Who You Are

You have been commissioned and appointed for this very hour of deliverance! The nations are looking to you. Do not be silent or hold back. Today is the day to SPEAK, to ACT, to RISE UP and DISPLAY the sovereign power and authority of the Most High God through your witness and testimony!

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon YOU, AMERICA, because the LORD has anointed you to BRING GOOD NEWS to the poor. He has sent you to BIND UP those broken by sin, and to PROCLAIM LIBERTY to those held captive by deception and lies. (Photo via Piqsels)

Remember who you are and the purpose you were founded on! He's called you to OPEN THE PRISON DOORS for those who are trapped, and to PROCLAIM THE YEAR OF THE LORD'S FAVOR, and THE DAY OF VENGEANCE OF OUR GOD.

How to Cancel Every Attack That Comes Against You

Though the demonic forces are raging, for every attack that comes against you, speak and act in the opposite spirit to nullify and cancel their spells of witchcraft.

• Instead of recalling death and decay, declare joy and healing.
• Instead of feeling faint of heart, release a spirit of praise.
• Instead of cursing your enemies, heap coals of Heaven's fiery presence on their heads!

Oaks of Righteousness

You are destined to be oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that HE may be glorified. You, America, have been called to BUILD UP the ancient ruins, RAISE UP the former devastations, and REPAIR the ruined cities, the devastations of many generations. This is your destiny and your mantle of grace. For the Lord LOVES JUSTICE. He hates robbery, theft, and deceitful schemes, and will faithfully give His enemies their recompense.

As the earth brings forth its sprouts, so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to sprout up before all nations! This is His promise and guarantee as you stand secure in His truth.

Your words of life will defeat Hell's insolence and deadly decrees, and the armies of Heaven will back you up. (Photo via Unsplash)

Hold Fast! The Finish Line Is Just Ahead!

Be persistent and HOLD FAST. Just as tendons and ligaments must be stretched when exerting muscles, so must your endurance be stretched as He is strengthening your faith. Yield to this stretching and allow Him to increase your capacity to love. For it is His Body and Bride across the earth that will be His reward from this hour of tribulation. Do not give in when the finish line is just ahead!

The Year of the Lord's Favor

This is the year of the Lord's favor. He has called you, America, to proclaim it throughout the earth. Prophesy to the nations the goodness and greatness of our God and see how Heaven responds! Your faith will be VICTORIOUS, your reward will be GREAT, and your descendants will INHERIT THE EARTH. (Inspired by Isaiah 61.)

Whatever you do, don't miss another ELIJAH LIST email! Subscribe at this link:

Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger has been a field correspondent with Intercessors for America, is a recognized fivefold prophetic minister, speaker, and is the author of several books including Prayer That Sparks National Revival and Moving from Sword to Scepter: Ruling Through Prayer as the Ekklesia of God. She and her husband founded Crossroads Community Church in 1998 where her husband serves as lead pastor. Follow her blog at

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