Sunday, November 28, 2021

God Speaks?

 It's been a very busy month.  We have 4 November birthdays in our family PLUS Thanksgiving.  How I love family get-togethers!!!!

 This year I baked an organic turkey which was grown on my daughter's farm in MN.  He was a huge creature weighing in at 22 pounds.  It took both Robert and I to lift him out of the oven!!  Of course, I missed seeing Cora and her family for Thanksgiving again BUT at least she was with us in that we got our bird from her and her husband.  

  I haven't written here for awhile as I've been helping many sick people to feel better.  One woman we know, as her husband works with our guys at our seed cleaning facility, discontinued her treatments with me.  Her decline was a VERY hard thing to watch and we buried her this month.  Please pray for Elaine's family!

  I'm very excited today as we may be going to get a German Shepherd on a trial basis this afternoon.  I've been praying and praying for another dog ever since our Beamer got hit by a car in May.  What an emptiness there is on a farm without a dog!!  

  In case you're wondering, yes I remain convinced that President Trump never left office.  He had to let the traitors supposedly steal the election so that they would reveal themselves.  Those who remain asleep will soon wake up to the sad reality that our country was nearly stolen from us.  I praise God for His plan to save the world from communism.  Watch with me and see His hand at work preserving freedom on the Earth!

  I still urge everyone to subscribe to THE ELIJAH LIST   Steve and Doreen Schultz have been sharing the words that God gives people for over 25 years.  What an encouragement they have been to me this past year!  I'm sharing below today's message I received in my email.  Did I mention that there is no charge for this service?

  Please continue to pray for those sick with COVID and those sick with pneumonia or the flue.  Do you remember those?  Also, I covet your prayers as I work with the sick from a distance.  Fourteen years ago, when I began my BodyTalk training, I never could have grasped the value of being able to work on folks from a distance.  God knew, though, that there would come a time when distance healing would become essential as so many are contagious with bugs or are shedding from the jab.  I praise God for giving me the skills and healing tools He has!!  Also indispensable to my work is the technology making it possible for me to be face-to-face with someone hundreds of miles away!

  I pray that this prophecy blesses you as it has me!  May God bless you as you continue serving Him.  To any new Christians reading this, welcome to the family of God.  I'm sharing a song below the prophecy just for you!

  God bless you all,


"4 Things to Expect in 2022 and Beyond"

Nathan Shaw, Dunedin, New Zealand

Here are 4 things we can expect to see in 2022:

1. New Winds

New winds of the Spirit will blow in unexpected places and unexpected ways. These winds will shift the directions and even transform the characters of cities and nations. Even as the early Church was incredulous about the transformation of self-righteous Paul, people will be incredulous about the dramatic transformation of cities and nations that presently resist God and His purposes. The miracle and message of redemption will be seen, known and experienced on a personal, national and international level.

In the opening scene of the book of Acts, expectant intercession led to wind, fire and new wine (see Acts 1-2). The result: The miracle and the message of the Cross went viral.

2. New Ways

God's ways are higher than our ways. He has ways of doing things that no one has even thought of yet. Heavenly strategies will come forth that will miraculously transform and avert economic, medical and social catastrophes. The impact of these transformations will be talked about for decades to come. (Photo via Max Pixel)

Anointed entrepreneurs will discover and implement 'new ways' in areas where there seems to be no way. Some of these 'new ways' will be surprisingly simple; others will break open new, complex areas of science and technology.

3. New Waves

New God-ordained movements will sweep across nations, boundaries and barriers. These movements will touch every sector of society. They will contain the DNA of life and a bright hope for the future.

Waves carry weight. It's the weight that shifts and transforms everything in a wave's wake. There is a new 'woke' coming that will counteract the present counterfeit. This heavenly 'woke' will be carried in the wake and the weight of the new waves. The demonstration of God's justice will cause the shackles of the counterfeit to be thrown off and abandoned by many. A radical generation of evangelists is arising.

4. Divine Disruptions

The years 2020 and 2021 have been marked by many disruptions to everyday life. In 2022, divine interventions will disrupt the disruptions. In some cases, this will lead to even greater chaos. However, God has an endgame in sight. God is not intimidated by the 'raging' and neither should we. The storms will be stilled and the cancer of corruption will be cut out.

It's time to rejoice over God's plans for the nations! He sits in the heavens and laughs, because He has anointed sons and daughters on the earth who carry His heart and do His bidding (see Psalm 2).

Whatever you do, don't miss another ELIJAH LIST email! Subscribe at this link:

Nathan Shaw
Heart of David Ministries

Nathan Shaw helps bring individuals and churches into dynamic encounters with God's indescribable love. Over the last twenty years he has been instrumental in ushering in significant moves of the Spirit in over ten different nations. Many have experienced life-changing prophetic encounters and dramatic visitations from God. Nathan is the author of two books: Passion and Fire and Unto the Least of These. Nathan is senior pastor at Fire and Destiny Centre, Dunedin and Celebration Church, Mosgiel.

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Monday, November 8, 2021

God Knows How to Comfort Us!

 I am grieving today.  My friend, Elaine, died on Saturday morning.  She'd been battling cancer this year.  At times I thought she'd make it but then the cancer took over.

 Elaine's cancer was in her jaw.  Her father died with this same cancer.  I pray that her children won't also.  

  Please pray for Elaine's husband and 3 nearly grown children.  I realize that many are grieving and many will grieve.  However, I want to take a moment to acknowledge that my friend lived; raised 3 children; but will not live to see her grandchildren.  

  Elaine's memorial service is on Thursday night and her burial Friday morning.  I covet your prayers at those times for all of us who loved her.  What a hole it leaves when someone we love leaves us.  What a never-ending hole.

  I pray that the Lord will comfort all of you who are grieving the loss of someone you loved.  He's very good at bringing comfort.  He has a special way of knowing what will lift us up and then doing it.

  In the meantime, I pray that this message will bring comfort and hope to all God's children.  He IS moving to free the world from the strangle-hold of all of those "Isms".  Let's join in prayer that all of these words come true at just the right time!!

  So sad,


  PS  I pray that you are blessed by the Booth Brother's song I'm sharing as a reminder that God hears us when we cry..

Hi friends,

Recently, I was caught up in a powerful encounter with the Spirit of the Lord during a time of worship and prayer. Suddenly He showed me 18 specific locations within the United States of America. Why these particular places? I do not have revelation on that, but what I received, I submit by faith and trust that in time the Lord will fully reveal His reasons and more of His plans.

In the meantime, I will be praying strategically and intentionally for these 18 highlighted locations; and certainly the rest of the nation of America will also be in my intercessory cross hairs in the days ahead!

1. New York

First, I saw New York suddenly being brought to its knees in humility and surrender before God.

Then I heard, "The stiff-necked shall be broken, and the land shall be purged, purified and made a resting place for My redemption and reforming power!"

2. Pennsylvania

Then I saw Pennsylvania laying prostrate on its face, petitioning Heaven for the rule of justice and righteousness as the sound of liberty bells could be heard ringing across the nation.

I heard, "Pennsylvania! Pennsylvania! The sound of your petitions and praises have penetrated the very heart of the Father! Watch, for divine reversals draw nigh!"

3. Philadelphia

I saw Philadelphia and heard these words: "Freedom shall ring out of Philadelphia, a land that shall become a beacon of hope and light for a nation in deep darkness and despair.

"Philadelphia, you shall lead the way in troubled and challenging times ahead. You shall make a stand for righteousness and justice. You shall not relent in the pursuit for truth.

"Watch! For your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt. You shall raise up the foundations of many generations. You shall be called the 'Repairer of the Breach,' the 'Restorer of Streets to live in.'"

4. Michigan

I saw the eyes of Michigan looking to the great Mountain of the Lord, seeking help and rescue in the midnight hour. I saw the scales of justice tipping over the land of Michigan.

I heard, "Michigan, let not your heart be troubled, for a double door stands open before you. And the sound of a voice shall be heard crying aloud, 'Behold, for the glory of the Lord draws near!'"

5. Arizona

I saw Arizona with its arms lifted high into the air in the power of praise and thanksgiving, putting a demand on Heaven to move in great might and power in the days ahead.

Arizona, you will see the strong and governmental hand of God move on your behalf. A large and effective door is opening up before you, Arizona. (Photo via Openclipart)

I then heard these words: "Step in! Step in and see My wondrous working power to save and rescue!"

6. California

Then suddenly, I heard a loud cry of weeping coming from the state of California as deep repentance and surrender began to take place. I saw a great shaking over the land. Harvest angels with sickles in their hands were moving strategically across California. I saw the waters of the sea being violently stirred up.

Get ready, California, for a wave of His glory and grace is coming to wash you clean and purify the land. The soil is fertile and a time of great fruitfulness is upon you.

7. Florida

I saw that the harvest fields of Florida were white. I knew that a multitude of warring angels were now being assigned to this land. A great uprooting and tearing down of demonic strongholds is taking place.

Watch! Florida will fall upon its knees under the weight of His glory. It is a place sealed and set apart for a mighty demonstration of signs, wonders and miracles. Florida will be seen rising up from her sickbed, clothed in the glory of the Lord and going forth to awaken and raise up other states that are sleeping and dead.

In the spirit, I saw the state of Florida as a fuse and the fire of His glory suddenly igniting that fuse. Watch! For there is an explosion of His glory and power coming out of Florida that will touch all four corners of the nation.

8. Alaska

I saw Alaska and heard these words: "What good can come out of Alaska, this land covered with ice? But I say: Look! For an army of great reformers and radical Kingdom revivalists, filled and fueled with the fires of My glory and power, will arise from this frozen and often forgotten land.

"Listen! For out of Alaska will come the sound of the roar of the Lion of Judah. It shall shake Canada and cause a ripple effect across the nations; a sound that shall awaken the sleeping giants to their feet!"

9. Georgia

Then I saw Georgia dressed in royal garments of glory and wonder; a new wineskin state filled with the new wine of the Spirit which will flow forth like a mighty river upon the nation.

Georgia shall wear the mantle of the manifold wisdom and Spirit of God. It shall become a state that shall demonstrate the might, power, wisdom and fear of the Lord to all the four corners of the nation.

10. Washington DC

Then I saw the district of Washington DC like a sleeping giant being awakened and rising in the governmental authority of Heaven. With the key of David laid upon its shoulder, it shall take its rightful place within the nations.

A territory fiercely contended for shall become a place of divine 'overturning' and 'overthrowing' of demonic thrones and satanic strongholds. Sudden and swift changes to laws and legislation will take place, cause a greater shaking across the nations that will bring forth revival and a great harvest of souls.

11. Hawaii

I saw Hawaii as a lighthouse; a beacon of hope and divine deliverance in the midst of the dark storms that will rage across the nations in the coming days.

Hawaii will see an explosion of God's glory that will capture the attention of the world. A tidal wave of God's redemptive power will hit Hawaii, causing the islands of the earth to be shaken and shifted into perfect alignment with the end-time purposes of God.

12. Nevada

I saw Nevada becoming a spiritual oasis in the desert, where many will come to drink from the waters of revival and restitution. It will be a place of divine encounters and supernatural visitations.

Nevada will become a hotspot for revival. It will no longer be a land in the valley of decision, but a land that shall become a holy habitation for the glory of Heaven, bringing supernatural change and transformation to the land.

13. Wisconsin

I saw Wisconsin walking under the weight of His glory, yoked like two strong oxen with the Spirit of wisdom and the Spirit of the fear of the Lord.

A land of promise, flowing with milk and honey, Wisconsin shall be saved and delivered. It is a place where the whirlwind of God shall bring a gathering of the harvest and a scattering of the wolves dressed in sheep's clothing. (Photo via Pixnio)

14. Texas

I saw Texas filled with deep wells of the oil of revival and restoration for the healing of the nations. It is a land that has been sealed and set apart by God. It is a state that has been divinely handpicked as a forerunner state for Kingdom reformation, transformation and change. Texas shall become a trumpet for truth, righteous rule and freedom.

15. Nashville

I then saw Nashville. A new sound will be heard coming out of this state which will herald a new healing and restorative movement. It is a place that will become a hub for supernatural signs, wonders and miracles, astounding and awaking the world to the manifest power and authority of the living God.

Nashville shall become an altar of awakening and revival.

16. Ohio

I saw Ohio as a small, smooth rock in a sling, held in the hand of a mighty giant slayer. Ohio will become a rock of offense to the wicked plans and purposes of the enemy. It will be as a sharp, two-edged sword, severing demonic cords of entanglement and entrapment over the nation.

Listen for the sound of a sudden 'thud' in the realm of the spirit, for the heads of giants will roll. The very sword of the enemy shall be taken up by the hand of the righteous and used to cut off the head of the serpent spirit.

17. Nebraska

I saw Nebraska standing tall as a lightning rod. Nebraska will become as a catalyst for a new move of the Spirit of truth and justice. The light of His glory shall break forth from this state, causing the darkness within the nations to be fully exposed and uncovered. For out of Nebraska will come a sound that shall herald the coming of a billion-soul harvest in the nations of the earth!

18. Kansas

Finally, I saw Kansas under an open Heaven; a place of supernatural encounter, divine translation and angelic visitation. I saw a stairway appear over this land that connected Heaven and earth; angels were ascending and descending. This will be a birthing place of dreamers and visionaries.

Kansas will be a place where Heaven kisses earth; a place where supernatural suddenlies and divine shiftings take place, ushering in a new move of the Spirit of the Lord in the nations.

Whatever you do, don't miss another ELIJAH LIST email! Subscribe at this link:

Veronika West
Ignite Ireland Ministry

Facebook page: Click here

Veronika West has been anointed and appointed by God as a prophetic voice to the nations. Veronika has a heart to see everyone in the Body of Christ fully activated and released in their Kingdom identity, purpose and destiny. Being born and raised in Africa, she also has a passion for deliverance ministry and seeing the hand of God set free the captives that are bound. She enjoys teaching the Word of God through practical application and supernatural impartation. Veronika heads up Ignite Ireland Ministries, and currently teaches a broad range of prophetic truths to those who are actively seeking to walk in deeper realms and dimensions of the prophetic ministry and office. Veronika is married to Andrew West, and together they have two children.

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Can't You Talk Louder, God?

Tuesday, November 2, 2021


 I find myself at peace at long last!  This song says it all for me.

                     NEVER SURRENDER!!!

Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...