Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Are you Glum?

 Hi everyone,

  Our weather in North Dakota has been sooooooooooooo beautiful for this time of year.  It's been nice and warm (20s and 30s) without wind and we are thankful!!!  Of course we mourn with those who mourn but we also rejoice with those who rejoice.

  I'm thinking that there are a whole lot of people rejoicing that they stood firm and didn't get the jab.  I am so proud of each one who risked even their income to say, "NO WAY ARE YOU PUTTING THAT CRAP IN MY BODY!!"

  I've been praying for months how to help those who did.  My naturopathic doctor, who helped save my life when I was dying from shingles on the brain, told me that she has had success with this product.  I use it whenever I'm around those who were jabbed and it helps my body deal with the shedding that they were giving off.  I highly recommend everyone get some.


  This morning Father has been helping me focus on being happy.  I'm a little glum because we thought we had found the right dog for us.  Gizmo, a gorgeous German Shepherd, lived with us for almost a week.  He and my men loved each other already.  However, that ended up being the downfall to our keeping him.

  On Sunday, the guys were moving the equipment around to get it parked in the right spot for Winter.  Jacob was in the cab of our biggest tractor when Robert observed Gizmo.  He was running around and around the tractor trying to find a way to get up to Jacob in the cab.

  This means that Gizmo ran in front of the tractor and behind the tractor--neither is good.  In front, he could get run over by the tractor.  In back, he could get run over by anything the tractor was pulling.  Robert saw him even hit the tractor tire with his side.  UGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

  So Jacob took Gizmo back to his owner and we're all glum--Jacob especially.  Seeing him this morning made me sorry that we even brought Gizmo here.  Then Father got me thinking of the good that came to us during the week that Gizmo was "Our dog."

  Pretty soon this song was running through my head.  Then I knew that I needed to share it with my readers.  There is always something to be glad about!  That's what Pollyanna taught the world.  If you haven't read about or seen the movie about Pollyanna, and you have a hard time being happy, then I REALLLLLY recommend you meet Pollyanna Whittier.  You'll be GLAD you did.  ;)

  I pray that this song cheers you up if you're a little glum, too, and even more so if you're a whole lot  glum.  I loved the image of one smiling face in a world full of glum.  Just watch how that one glows in the darkness all around it.  That's what WE are when we shine God's love to EVERYONE!

  Happy shining.


Wednesday, December 1, 2021

December is NOT party month!!!

 Did you ever watch people running a race.  As they grow weary, someone usually has saved some energy for right at the end.  Then they use those reserves and kick it in gear.  It's amazing to watch someone who didn't seem like a real winner suddenly BECOME the winner.

  That's what I thought about as I read this word from the Lord.  We're all weary.  We've probably all buried someone we love this year--or perhaps more than one.  Many of us think that President Trump should have come back into the open as our President by now.    

  Many people think that December is party month.  I used to spend days and days decorating my house for the holidays.  Then there was endless shopping and baking not to mention the Christmas cards.  OH MY!  Was I busy carrying on the traditions of my parents and their parents before them.  

  This word from the Lord says that it is NOT time to kick back and relax!  It IS time to dig deep into the promises of God!!  It IS time to remain active in helping those around us through their deep grief.  For me, as a Christian alternative therapist, there is MUCH to be done!!  Isn't there something that God is wanting YOU to be doing now?

  As a team of fellow believers in Yeshua, let's ALL pull together!  Let's all focus on God's word to keep calm.  As the world trembles in panic over things like a massacre at a Christmas parade; famous people being exposed as pedophiles in the child sex "Trade;" and mandates telling people that they have to wear a mask or put a poison in their bodies WE WILL LISTEN TO THE STILL SMALL VOICE OF GOD!!

  PLEASE people, stop watching the main stream media's lies.  They are the propaganda machine for the deep state.  Just go cold turkey and STOP taking in their poison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  Instead, I recommend the FRANK SPEECH app which is FREE!  Many patriots are aired there with the truth about the stolen Presidential election.  This news source is encouraging not discouraging.  Like all things with God at the center, there is hope offered.  The hope lies in the people of the world standing up and saying "NO, this is MY body!  These are MY children.  This is MY home."  

  Duty calls.  Please cover me with prayers as I try to save lives every day.  I grow weary but then Father says "Push on.  You can do it!"  SO CAN YOU!  You can save a little more energy for December to win the race well!  Let's all go for it together!!


  PS.  I'm sharing below one of my very favorite songs about keeping on going to please the Lord no matter WHAT crap the devil throws at us.  DIG ANOTHER WELL!!  

            "Dig Deep in December"

I have had quite a number of recent encounters and dreams with the Lord where He has highlighted the month of December to me. As I sat with the Lord seeking His heart, I heard Him say, "DIG DEEP IN DECEMBER." When the Lord spoke these words, it was not a light encouragement – there was an urgency upon what He spoke.

Don't Doze in December

I then heard the Lord say, "DON'T DOZE IN DECEMBER."

We are entering a period of time where it is imperative, more than ever before, that we are deeply positioned in the Word of God and at the feet of Jesus, listening to what He is saying. In the month of December, as God's people, it is even more important that we are really diving deep into the Word, seeking and asking the Lord for greater wisdom and discernment as we pursue and uncover the truth.

From December onward, the Lord is going to bring some things that have been hidden in darkness and 'under the table' into a greater place of EXPOSURE and UNCOVERING.

There is a demonic assignment to bring in a greater deception of the enemy from December onwards. It is IMPERATIVE that we, as God's people, sit at His feet, asking for the wisdom and discernment that flows from His heart. We must listen to what He is saying for NOW and for the days to come; how to prepare and be positioned.

Nestle Yourself in His Truth and Listen for His Strategies

He kept saying these words over and over: "NESTLE YOURSELF IN MY TRUTH." Don't move from His truth. Stay DEEP in His Word. Listen, listen, listen! (Photo via Pixabay)

The Lord said to me, "There are things that I am releasing in December that will be NEEDED for the time ahead. There are very specific strategies and revelations that I will be releasing in December, that as My people follow and obey, they will be brought into a deeper place of My glory and the crevices of My heart. There is a deeper place of provision, protection and positioning that will be found in Me as My people dig deeper in December."

There is a deeper and higher place that God is bringing those who have eyes to see and ears to hear; those who are leaning in to seek His heart and sit at His feet. It is ABOVE the storm. It is a deeper place of peace, security, vision and provision that is found in His Word and in His heart. This is not a time to be complacent; it is not a time to be casual or distracted. It is a time to be deeply devoted to Christ and ferociously focused upon Him and what He is saying.

Allow the Lord to Set Your Table

The Lord reminded me of a dream that I had recently. In the dream, I heard the prophetic voice of the Lord coming forth with such authority and weightiness. He was speaking about what He is doing now and what He is going to do. But the person to whom He was speaking was SO distracted in the dream. They were trying to fix a table setting in the way that they wanted. They were not listening to the prophetic voice of the Lord, but were completely distracted and unaware.

I then heard the Lord say, "The enemy will come with greater DISTRACTION IN DECEMBER, but I am saying: DIG DEEPER IN DECEMBER."

I could hear the ferocious winds and the sound of an increasing storm, but I saw this beautiful place of strength that was found for those who dig deeper in December. They were founded upon the ROCK of Jesus and the Word, living by the MANNA of His MOUTH (Matthew 4:4).

The Lord kept saying, "December to September," over and over and over again.

This is the revelation I received from my dream:

It will be VERY important to dig deep into the Word this December, to listen to what God is saying and to seek and obey His divine wisdom and strategies. For what the Lord is doing in December, and will ask you to do, is going to prepare you and correctly position you until the next new Hebraic year (at Rosh Hashanah in September). It will be IMPORTANT to remember what God has said in this time, from December to September. It will be important to ALLOW THE LORD TO SET YOUR TABLE this month and onward. (Photo via Pixabay)

The Lord is shifting, changing, and rearranging some things this December, and if we are the ones trying to 'set the table' in the way we think things should look, we will become distracted by this and miss His prophetic voice speaking into our lives. God is calling His people to dig deep and walk through this month with an open hand. Allow Him to set the table.

As we draw closer to the Lord, digging deeper into His Word and His ways, we will see a greater manifestation of Psalm 23:5: "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies..."

In 2022, Be Still and Know That He Is God

The Lord told me that one of the Scriptures He is speaking over 2022 is Psalm 46, especially verse 10: "Be still and know that I am God..."

Be Alert at His Feet

I encourage you to DIG DEEPER IN DECEMBER. Do not be distracted, do not doze in complacency or apathy, but dig deeper. There is greater discernment, deliverance, and depth that the Lord will bring in December. An increase in the wave of travail will come upon many in December. As we go deeper into the depths of where He wants to take us, deeper into His divine intel and strategies, we need remain undistracted, deeply and ferociously focused on Him.


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Lana Vawser
Lana Vawser Ministries
Email: info@lanavawser.com
Website: www.lanavawser.com

Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the Body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on The Elijah List and in Charisma Magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who is traveling regularly with her family, seeing powerful moves of God. Lana has a strong, prophetic voice and has a heart to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they live in Adelaide, South Australia with their family.

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