Friday, March 25, 2022

Have you Met Dr. Zelenko Yet?


Here’s How To PROTECT and REBUILD Your Immune System If You Took The Poison Vaxx (Dr. Zelenko)

Zelenko: Z Stack is specifically designed to promotes overall immune health, scientifically formulated for best results, made in the USA, Kosher certified, GMP Certified
Z Stack is specifically designed to promotes overall immune health, scientifically formulated for best results, made in the USA, Kosher certified, GMP Certified

Did you take the poison vaxx and now regret it?

Wondering what can be done — if anything?

Are you looking for any way to strengthen your immune system and restore it to prime performance?

Allow me to connect you with our good friend Dr. Zelenko.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko’s work to protect the immune system has led to a new breakthrough: Z-Dtox.

Your immune system can be weakened by over 300 different primary immunodeficiency disorders, poor diet, lack of sleep, and adverse reactions to various vaccines.

That’s where Z-Dtox comes in…

Z-Dtox is Dr. Zelenko’s proprietary combination of EGCG, NAC, Zinc, Vitamin C and Vitamin D.

If you or a loved one has a compromised immune system as a result of their lack of a healthy lifestyle or if they suffer from adverse vaccine side effects – it’s time to try Z-Dtox (ordering through this link and the links below benefits We Love Trump).

Here is Dr. Zelenko explaining the benefits of Z-Dtox (transcript is below):

1:09 / 1:49

From the video:

“Z-Dtox is a nutritional supplement and immune booster. It has something called “N-A-C” in it, which is wonderful in preventing blood clots. Lately that’s been an issue with certain people. And N-A-C functions as an antioxidant, which prevents oxidative stress from infections – it helps the immune system clear infections.

It has EGCG which is a very powerful green tea extract and functions as a zinc ionophore. Which allows for zinc to get into the cells in the right concentrations, thus inhibiting the common RNA viruses such as COVID and influenza and RSV and maybe, potentially, even Marburg.

And since a lot of people’s immune systems are dysregulated at this point – either overactive or underactive – it’s nice to provide patients with a tool that allows for the clearance of these common viruses without the use of the immune system, which is already damaged.

And so, while the long-term solution is the rebooting of their immune system – that technology is coming in next two to three years – but until then, to provide a bridge to the patients who have the dysregulated immune system – or are at risk of blood clots – I created Z-Dtox to detox them from the complexities and excessity of the world.”

To order Z-Dtox directly from Dr. Zelenko, click here.

When you get to the checkout, look for this box:

Put code “WLT” in that box for a discount!


Thursday, March 17, 2022

Is Your Family Your Priority?

 Know this:

The days of building empires is over.
There is no more juice left in that wineskin. The grace period to keep prioritizing bricks and mortar over sons and daughters is over.
The heart of God is brooding over family and if you are looking for what Gods pulse is on right now - that is it.
Not fake family. Not plastic, inauthentic, religious cliche family, but real family.
We have been so good at building structures and administratively creating perfect organizations, systems, and people management but have lost the very heart of the father.
If you are wondering what to build - build family. Repair family. Champion the family. FIGHT for the family.
That’s why the enemy is warring so hard after the family and the values of kingdom family because he sees that it is the future.
He sees that it is the key that unlocks harvest and an army of uncompromising burning ones.
The tide of culture is right now warring against the family but we get to be the wave that pushes it back.
The days of the enemy tearing down our homes is over. It’s been an injustice and one that God is correcting.
That’s why religion can’t be our idol and ministry our mistress. We have to protect the home.
We can’t be lovers of the boardroom more than the family room. We can’t keep sacrificing our children on the altar of “doing kingdom."
We can’t keep letting Disney raise our kids while we are off doing fire-tunnels.
We can’t keep letting Netflix and computer games numb our kids to the reality of the spirit.
We must build the altar in the home again. We have to lead our families into the presence and into real encounter.
This is a change of gears season where God is anchoring us back to what really matters.
That’s why you have felt an internal shift of priorities and your appetite has changed. Thats God showing you where He wants you to move.
It’s a season of stepping into a different flow, off the hamster wheel and into the slipstream of the spirit.
It’s a season of less is more and you will be so surprised by what God produces with your yes to the less.
It’s a season of taking back the family mountain for the kingdom and stripping false kings of their titles and evicting them from their thrones.
It’s a season of finally coming into a stability and an establishing for families who have been in the long hallway of transition for many years.
He is planting you so he can make you into a pillar and a shade and refuge for so many others.
This is the birthing place of revival and this is what the pioneering was all for.
This is season we are moving away from the manicured to the messy. The ducks in a row to the completely reliant on the spirit. But the fruit will speak for itself.
Empires have successfully created clones and obedient servants, but have failed to raise friends of God that know His voice.
Family is restoring everything that religion has defiled. We are on a take back mission and the lost are coming home.
The isolated and those camped out on the fringe, rejected, outcasted, and those who don’t fit the criteria of the system. They are coming home.
The table is being spread and the prodigals are already beginning to run. And we have to be ready with a ring and a robe. It’s that time. He is getting you ready.
Right now He is severing all unhealthy attachments and ties to you. He is setting the record straight over your home.
The generational dysfunctions you grew up in are no longer yours to continue in. This is a season that God begins a new thing in your home.
Kingdom legacy is beginning. He has started a new blood line that begins with you right now in this moment.
I prophesy;
Legacy begins here and now. This is where it changes.
Our kids will not grow up tormented, demonized, gender-confused, addicted, or unsure of who they are. They will be sons and daughters of God who know their identity, and purpose, pursuers of Gods heart, and restorers of those who are broken.
Our marriages will not be attacked any longer, assassinated, broken down, and destroyed. Our marriages will be holy and set apart. Not like the worlds ways but built upon the rock - in JESUS name!
~ Nate Johnston

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Are you fearful?

 Hello everyone,

  It's been a busy time as we welcomed TWO grandsons into our family in the past couple of months.  PRAISE THE LORD!!!

  Politics are heating up locally too.  If you read the last post, you know that my son was running for District Chairman.  He was voted in by a very strong majority last Spring.  However, the state re-districted him out of his position.  Imagine that.

  To make a long, story short Andrew lost the Chairman's race in our new district by 3 votes.  He did win the Treasurer spot, though, and so he is still on the board.  At first I was so disappointed but, seeing as his third child was coming into the world, Andrew was needed at home.  God knows best.  This way Andrew is still influential in the district but far less is required of him as Treasurer than if he had been re-elected to District Chairman.  

  Everyone on the board is a Patriot so we're praying that the new green-haired Chairwoman will be influenced to pursue freedom for the people!  The ND Young Republicans held a public debate in which all of the Patriots came and NONE of the Rinos came.  They didn't even come to share their viewpoints with the District.  That told the people a LOT!!

  My client load is up.  It amazes me that 3 of my friends have broken their ankles in the past couple of months.  I wonder what's behind these enemy attacks on God's people???????  I'm looking forward to Spring when the snow and ice that covers the Midwest for half a year will be gone.  

  I just read this prophecy from the Lord.  We MUST keep close to God this year!!  Yes, that has been the case every year but the deep state is going down.  We need to pray for protection for all the little children of the world!  We need to also pray for the White Hats who are battling for freedom to prevail on our planet.  We must pray for our President to have great wisdom and protection.  We MUST pray for the church to WAKE UP!!!!

  I could go on but I will conclude with a request for prayers for myself and for my family.  My work is bringing wellness to many.  My family is a part of the Patriot movement taking over government at the local level and soon at the state level.  My family are farmers and corporate agriculture has tried all of my life to put family farmers out of business.  We covet your prayers especially as our family has grown to 13 souls.  

  I love you all with the love of the Lord!  I pray that this message will encourage you but also bring instruction that is so badly needed at this time.


  PS.  I pray that the song I've chosen for you today reminds you that God is making a way for us on this Earth.  It's His job to lead us.  It's our job to follow.  Amen?

"Prophetic Alert: Lock Your Doors from Enemy Intrusion!"

On February 10, 2022, I had a dream where I found myself in a big house that wasn't mine. (I have had several dreams where I have been, or appear to have been, translated into different homes and places, where the Lord would often give me assignments to set people free.)

In this home, the door was left unlocked when it should have been locked. A woman entered the house who carried an evil and oppressive personality and atmosphere (I believe this was an evil spirit in the form of a woman).

It appeared as if she had come to look for the owner of the house. She introduced herself, telling me her name was "Kaja," and told me the name of the person she was looking for. Almost instantly, as she declared her intention, I could feel the intensity of the oppressive spirit around her increase. The Lord took me out of the dream encounter and I woke up. I began to pray, especially for the person the evil being in my dream had come looking for, knowing she meant the person harm.

After the dream, I looked in an online dictionary for the meaning of the word "kaja," as I had never heard of this before. The dictionary gave several different meanings, including the jackdaw, or dark bird. I also read that, in Hindi, kaja means the shadow of death, or to fall under the shadow of death. In essence, this spirit in my dream was a symbol of death that was looking for someone whose covering, or door of protection, was unlocked and compromised.

The house I saw in my dream was a symbol of our abiding place where we feel most secure. Our abiding place can be a physical home, relationship, marriage, church, city, etc. Houses in dreams can also be symbolic of our hearts. I therefore felt led to send an important prophetic alert to guard and lock your door this year.

Here are five keys to lock your doors from enemy intrusion:

1. Make Sure There Is No Breach in Your Prayer Life

This is a time to rebuild the walls of your prayer life so that there is no exposure that would allow the enemy in who is looking to devour. (Photo via Max Pixel)

Be watchful in prayer in all seasons. The place of prayer is a place of revelation where you can discern the plans of the enemy and guard against them.

2. Ask the Lord for an Increase of Wisdom and Discernment

The second key area is discernment. Ask the Lord for an increase of wisdom and discernment. Discernment will redeem our lives from evil days.

Late last year, I had prayed for a brother who seemed to have a mild case of Covid. However, as I prayed, I discerned a spirit of death hovering around him. I addressed and rebuked the spirit, commanding it to leave, as the brother's life did not belong to him. However, this brother (who, again, seemed to have a mild case of Covid) rapidly deteriorated within a week and ended up on a ventilator at a hospital. We continued to pray for him. Thankfully, he made a miraculous recovery and is now recovering well and breathing on his own.

After recovering, he told me that he believed my prayer to rebuke death on his behalf before he went to the hospital had saved his life. He told me that the medical team said he almost died several times while he was on the ventilator.

I believe the Lord's discernment, which allowed me to discern the spirit of death around him and take authority against it, had guarded the doors of this brother's life against the spirit of death that attempted to take it.

3. Let His Word and His Voice Be Your Guard

Be keenly aware of His voice, as God's voice will protect you from evil even when you have no knowledge of it.

I will always remember with humble gratitude a time when the voice of the Lord guarded me from evil. In 2019, I had just moved to a new place in London. The following morning after moving in, I got up and started getting ready to attend my home church. The travel operator had advised me to be en route to my church at a particular time that morning in order to get their on time.

As I was getting ready, the Lord spoke to me and told me to stop getting ready for church and to just stay with Him. To the natural mind, this didn't make sense, but I knew His voice and obeyed. I stayed and worshiped.

That evening, in the news, I was shocked to see that at the time I would have been on a particular road on the way to church, a psychopath was on that same street, looking for someone to kill.

Sadly, he stabbed a man who was on the road at that time. The enemy's intention was to harm my life that day, but heeding the Lord's voice guarded and protected my life.

I encourage you to be intimately acquainted with the Lord's voice and the Scriptures. His voice is a necessary provision to guard us from evil.

4. Put on Your Full Armor - Especially the Belt of Truth

Be watchful to put on your full armor, especially the belt of truth that sets your armor in place. Be watchful to guard your heart with God's truth, especially in the areas that the enemy will want to attack, where you have already had victory in the past. (Photo via Piqsels)

I was supernaturally healed of high blood pressure in 2017 (you can read the full testimony of my healing in this article published by the Elijah List: "Facing Battles? God Has Your Back! His Voice and Glory Are Your Rear Guard"); but recently, on December 26, 2021, a day before my travel back to England from my ministry trip to the USA, my blood pressure had a very high reading of about 180 – even though I had been having readings of 120/80 or less since I had been healed. Upon telling a good friend about this, she told me to be very worried, as terrible things could happen to me while traveling the next day at such high altitudes.

I was not worried, and throughout my journey on the flight back to England, despite increasing headaches and the enemy's attempts to put thoughts in my heart about the consequences of traveling with high blood pressure and without any medication, I resisted him with the truth of God's words – that the enemy was not allowed to afflict my body with what the Lord had already healed me of.

I rebuked him with this scripture in my heart: "What do ye imagine against the LORD? He will make an utter end: affliction shall not rise up the second time" (Nahum 1:9). By doing this, I was putting the belt of truth around my heart while decreeing God's truth against the enemy's lies. God's truth had locked my heart from the lies of the enemy, so he could not gain access through my heart and put sickness in my body.

I returned to London with all headaches gone and blood pressure perfectly normal – even up until now – without any medical intervention. Be careful who or what you allow to have access to your heart when you are at your most vulnerable, as even words from dear friends and family, though meant well, might put fear into us instead of faith.

5. Keep Away from Offense, Discord, Fear, Unforgiveness and Impurity - Resist the Enemy!

There is a demonic strategy to cause you to fall in these areas in order to compromise your covering. Resist the enemy!

Beloved, I pray that any doors in your life that need to be locked would be locked with Heaven's keys so that the devourer can not enter in. I pray for His Spirit of truth to guard and keep you, for your walls of prayer to be restored, and for the power of the Most High to overshadow you in His covering of protection.

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Ella Onakoya
Harvest of the Nations


Ella Onakoya is the founding leader of Harvest of the Nations and the director of Harvest of the Nations School of Ministry. She is an evangelist, a prophetic watchman and an author. She preaches a message of revival and awakening in various churches and conferences in the UK, Europe, America, Africa and Asia. She also teaches at equipping schools where she trains and equips the Body of Christ. She often ministers as a prophetic speaker to release God's heart and voice to churches, communities and nations. God releases salvation, miracles, prophetic insights and various moves of the Holy Spirit where she ministers. For further information about her ministry please visit

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Can't You Talk Louder, God?


Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...