Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Does ANYONE even See ME?

 It's been a tumultuous Summer here.  First I got Salmonella poisoning from eating Jiff peanut butter.  Then I got poisoned from the spray in the farmer's fields.  Then I got a tumor in my right knee.  Always the Lord preserves my life--even when I would rather He not.

  My friend, Candi, and I started praying for our adult children (and others) to give us the honor that is due us.  We both lived for the Lord for decades.  We both home schooled our children to serve God.  We both have fought vigilantly for what is right and good and noble for over 50 years.  

  I don't believe in dwelling on negative aspects of life as I don't want to perpetuate them.  However, there comes a day in everyone's life when you look in the mirror and ask the big question.  For me the big question has been for a very long time: why don't people respect me?  That question popped up again this very morning.  

  I went in search of an article to share with my readers.  I found this one but it has so many ads in it that I don't want to copy it.  Here's the link for you to look up if you feel Father urging you to search for ways to honor people more.  

  10 Ways To Honor Your Parents As Adult Children Honor Your Parents (

   I've been over it and over it in my mind.  Maybe I need to learn to honor others more--set a good example.  Then I work on that aspect of my life and truthfully--just between you and me--STILL I get very little honor. 

   I can honestly say that my children honor me with their lives of service to God.  What more could I want?  They're busy with their own lives.  

  Maybe my childhood of abuse causes me to have a greater than average need to be honored and valued as a human being???   Maybe I should forget the whole deal and keep praising God and wanting nothing for myself??  Maybe NOBODY gets any honor these days?  Maybe I didn't honor my parents enough so I don't "Deserve" to be honored???????????

  When I think of the really BIG problems in the world, what difference does it make if my feelings get hurt?  GET OVER IT, DAWN!!  There are people being mugged/ raped/ murdered... RIGHT NOW!

  So you see, this really is not a post with answers-- just questions.  Maybe it's ok to not have answers.  Then why am I writing at all?  Maybe it's just been too hot and I've lost too many B vitamins through my sweat and so I'm "More touchy" than usual.  Maybe everyone else is too?  

  Maybe I should just forget the whole deal and go back to my pattern.  "I forgive such and such for failing to share how much I did for her last Winter."  I forgive........................................

  So, in all of my questioning today, Father led me to this song.  I pray it blesses you too.  Maybe the whole reason He wanted me to write this post is to show everyone that He doesn't mind us questioning Him.  It is communication after all!

  I covet your prayers!


Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

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