Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Do you know this song?

 I'm sorry I missed my post on Sunday but my daughter and her family were here from MN.  We had the WHOLE FAMILY here!!  YAY--all 13 of us were gathered around our table!!!!!!!! 

 Robert and I celebrated our 42nd wedding anniversary on the 10th of October.  It keeps getting better and better with my sweetie as we see the Lord's rewards for serving Him.  We've had a LOT of lean years with too much work and too little support but God saw us through them all!!

  Robert and I have been blessed with 6 grandchildren.  They are all age 5 and under.  When they get to running through the house, they can make a LOT of noise.  IT'S SO WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  Our oldest grandchild is Elise Joyce.  Her daddy taught her this song with the actions.  I asked Elsie to teach me the hand motions but she WENT TOO FAST.  This morning I decided to find the song and learn it so I can keep up with Elsie the next time we get together!  ;)

  The guys have begun the corn harvest and finished the first field late last night.  Please pray that the equipment all keeps working and the weather keeps cooperating as we have about 450 more acres to go.

  Our other big news is that we're putting up a shop building this year.  The cement crew was here and got all of the cement poured.  PLEASE pray that the weather stays nice and the building gets put up.  It is just way too cold to work outside in North Dakota Winters.

Here's Elsie's song done by older kids.  I couldn't resist this version, though, as they are in hot air balloons.  Robert and I had a blast flying over the Napa Valley grape vineyards on our 30th anniversary trip to California.

Have a great new week serving the Lord!


Tuesday, October 11, 2022

You Mean they STILL Need ME?

 Hi everyone,

  Boy has there ever been a lot of excitement around here!  The cement crew came last week and poured the major part of our new shop floor.  Yesterday they came and poured the apron on the East side of the building where the semis will enter for parking at night.  Today they're pouring the South apron which is where tractors, trucks, or other vehicles will enter to get worked on.  

  OUR GUYS ARE ELATED TO BE GETTING THE SHOP OF THEIR DREAMS!!  No more frozen fingers and toes in the Winters!!  I'm excited, too, as I won't have men pacing for weeks and weeks in the Winters wishing that they could be doing something useful!!

  I'll try to share a few pictures from the pour.   That is IF I can figure out how to do that.  UG.  In the meantime, I'll make a few comments about the article I'm sharing today.  

  I found this article encouraging.  I must have some VERY independent adult children as they seem to  be doing a pretty good job on their own.  As I read this article, though, I had to question my assumption that they don't need me any  more.  You mean those "Little" things that I do to lift them up is really appreciated?  It would seem so.

  Well, I won't ruin the article for you by saying too much.  However, if you're a parent of adults, this article is for YOU.  You are still important to your children!!

  Have a great new week!!


PS.  Our soybean harvest is finished.  Now we're waiting for the corn to dry off a bit more before putting it in the bin!


Parents. What is the deal about needing our parents? As a young adult, I envisioned that one day I would not need my parents anymore. But actually it is the opposite – as we age, we need our parents more than ever. The evolution of how much we need our parents changes with every age. As a child, we rely on our parents to satisfy all of our needs. As we gain independence in early adulthood, we rely much less on our parents. Possibly even to the point where we do not feel like we need them. Then, in adulthood, when we start having our own families and become parents ourselves, we regress. We need our parents more than ever. Why is that? There are many reasons for this…

Adult children need their parents for financial support. Approximately 75% of parents help their adult children financially. Whether this is a result of the recent recession or something else, adult children on leaning on their parents for financial support. In some instances, to the expense of their parent’s retirement.  It is a natural parental instinct to want to help out your children stemming from a place of love. After all, just because your child hits 18 does not mean you are not their parent anymore. More than financial support, more adult children are living with their parents than before. According to the Pew Research Center, Americans ranging from ages 18-34 are more likely to live with their parents than with a spouse or other living arrangement. This trend applies to every demographic group. One explanation for this is because young adults are not getting married. Therefore, they clearly not living with a spouse or partner. Is it a bad thing to be so close with your parents that you live with them? Not necessarily. After all, your parents are the reason you are here.  


No one will argue what a life changing moment become a parent is. However, for me, it is when I realized exactly how much I needed my parents. A new baby is demanding and arrives with a learning curve. During that learning curve, I leaned on my parents more than I had in years. I leaned on my parents, now the grandparents, for their child-rearing experience, guidance, and support. Sometimes it was a simple visit, a phone call, or text.  After all, who better to look to for advice than someone who has done this before, and in my parent’s case four times. I found that my parent’s help in raising my child was essential and it felt natural. It is a natural flow for parents to “parent” their adult children at any age, particularly as their children have children.


Your children need your parents.  Grandparents have a special unique role to play in your child’s life. So regardless of whether you think you need your parents as an adult, your parents have a role to play in your children’s life. Grandparents offer your child love, adventure, and they pass on family traditions. As your children age, your parents will be able to tell stories of what life was like when you were a child.  Plus, grandparents have the time, at least more time than they had when they were raising their own kids, to spend on your children which creates a sacred bond between the child and grandparent, and is rewarding for both.


We need our parents for emotional support. It doesn’t matter if they live geographically close because it is easy to keep in touch in the digital age.  For the first time, parents are able to provide emotional support from any distance. Who better to affirm that you are “adulting” properly than your parents? You can trust your parents to listen and give advice that is in your best interest.  Let’s face it – most likely your parents have seen you at your worst. They still like you even after surviving your toddler tantrums, your awkward middle school days, and endured your teenage years. You can truly bare your soul to your parents when you confide in them in a way that you might not be able to with a friend.

We need our parents as adults more than ever for the same reason we needed them as kids. We are always evolving yet our parents will always be a permanent figure in our lives. They are our first friend, our first love, and the most enduring relationship in our lives.

For more informational posts about grandparents, follow our FAMILY category. 

Sources: Why Are So Many Adults Living With Their Parents?

Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...