Wednesday, December 13, 2023

BEST possible news

 I'm sorry that it's taken me so long to share my good report from the doctor.  It's taken me a while to recover my strength from the pancreatitis that put me in the hospital for a week in September.

Last Monday Robert and I went to Fargo and I had a procedure called an EUS.  That stands for Esophageal UntraSound.   If you are interested in what I had done, you can look at my preceding post.

This could be a long story but our neighborhood ladies are having our monthly Bible study tea today.  I need to get ready to go so I'll give you the sweetened condensed version.


The doctor saw nothing that indicated cancer so he didn't need to do a biopsy at all.  This is terrific news and we are all soooo happy.

The doctor said that the pancreas is a "Wimpy organ" and isn't much interested in healing itself.  He said that a case of pancreatitis like I suffered can take a YEAR for the pancreas to recover from.  A YEAR!!!

He did say that there is a small group of cysts that could be putting pressure on the pancreas.  He said that the largest one is about half the size of when he usually drains them.  The surgeon also said that, to drain them at this size, could REALLY irritate my pancreas.

They need to be watched, though, so he is recommending another MRI in 3 to 4 months.  That's what I'll do then because any one of those tiny to small cysts could turn cancerous in the future.

The best news of all is that Doc M said the color of my pancreas is much healthier than it was in September.  IT IS HEALING!!!  YAY but it is going to take a long time to fully recover.  

This means that the ultra low fat diet the hospital dietician put me on is still a priority and will be for months yet.  My primary doctor encouraged me to explore regions of fat consumption above 30 grams a day.  I tried 38 grams the other day and almost regretted it.  I was able to get the attack stopped with charcoal capsules BUT I learned that it's best to stay as low fat as possible--so I will

In our farm news, the guys finished harvest a couple of weeks ago.  YAY.  We had snow earlier and that stopped things.  I kept praying for warmer weather and IT CAME!  The snow all melted and there was no snow on the ground for over a month so harvesting went easy except for the many combine breakdowns.  sigh.

Well, last week our second Winter started.  See.  This all came in one night.  

Here's a poem I just found about Winter.  I like the part where it says the dead flowers of Summer are seeds hidden under the snow.  YAY

Lots of love,



A Winter's portrait, so bountiful,

Nature's gift indeed...

Though lurking are the lifeless flowers

Returned to earth as seed.

All sacred gifts sent unto us

Are made by God's own hands -

And always, they are precious ones

To love just as He plans!

While lilies in the valley rest,

And clad are crystal trees...

A lifeless day revives the soul

Through snowflakes on a breeze.

These heavenly troves to come our way,

So beautiful, big or small...

Will touch our lives through each new day -

God's gifts... they're best of all!

Dianne Cogar

Thursday, November 30, 2023


 I got a call yesterday from the nurse in Fargo who works at the endoscopy center.  I had an EUS scheduled for December 18th but now it got moved up to next Monday.  

  My pancreas still freaks out if I got much over 30 grams of fat a day.  It feels like the worst days of flue; the first day of one's cycle; or a terrible gas attack.  SOMETHING IS WRONG. 

  Please pray for me to be safe through the procedure and for us to get some answers as to what is going on.  Why did I get pancreatitis that put me in the hospital for a week in September.  Why am I unable to eat even a small amount of fat without suffering terribly?

  The things they will be looking for are tumors or a gall stone blocking the pancreatic duct.  I'm sure hoping for the gall stone.  They will be able to do a biopsy at that time of whatever they see is causing all of this misery.

  I found a couple of  EUS videos to share with my readers for information purposes.  Also PLEASE keep me covered with your prayers.  Please pray for Robert, too, as he needs to know that I'm going to be ok SOON!!

  God bless all of you prayer warriors out there!


Sunday, November 26, 2023

Here's to being THAKFUL every Day!!

Hi everyone,

  We had a marvelous Thanksgiving complete with an organic turkey from my daughter's farm in MN.  Cora and her family came over early so we feasted the weekend before Thanksgiving.  Robert's Mom came then, too, so we had everybody here and it was WONDERFUL.  We even took family pictures which are still on Andrew's camera.  I will share them here as soon as he sends them to me.

  This past Friday night our guys finished combining the corn so we are DONE with harvesting for the year!!!! It was the best corn crop EVER but we had break down after break down on the equipment.  Still, the weather held until we were finished and got everything moved home and in the shop or in the bin.  YAY

  I follow SEUKLOW for one of my news sources.  They are doing amazing things all over the world for freedom including representing numerous of the hostage families in Gaza and negotiating for their release. Let's all pray that everyone is returned home to their families soon!!

  With all of the heaviness in the world, I was pleased to see that Sekulow produced a new movie for Christmas.  I haven't seen it yet but the Sekulows shared on their weekly news program that this movie exposes the Woke agenda for all the evil it is hoping to foist on the world.  Here's the link to purchase the movie to be streamed and you can watch it over and over.  Order at

  I continue to covet your prayers in regards to my health.  On December 18th, or sooner if there's an opening, I will be traveling with Robert to the largest medical facility in the state.  Because my pancreas continues to cause misery if I eat more than 30 to 40 grams of fat per day, an EUS has been ordered by my gastroenterologist.  

  They will put me under and then insert a scope down my throat.  This is the best way to get a picture of my pancreas which showed considerable stranding when I was in the hospital in September.  This can be a sign of pancreatic cancer or something else.  I was told that they will do a biopsy if there is a need at that time.  It all makes one a bit nervous to ponder what they may learn.

  So I bought an air fryer as that is a way to get food crispy like fried but without the fat.  I'm still learning how to use it.  I have incentive because I've had 4 extremely painful episodes since I got home from the hospital.  

  Well, I've said enough about pancreatitis and will add that I'm glad to be alive.  I learned since my return home from my week long stay in the hospital that it can be deadly if left untreated!!  

  I guess I'll close before this gets really long.  May God bless all of you families out there.  You parents are doing the most important job there is in raising your children to love Jesus.


Tuesday, November 14, 2023

How Old are You?

 From the author of FAST LIKE A GIRL, we have this wealth of information.

Although I had been following EAT STOP EAT for over 2 years, my weight did not budge. My health improved in many ways, as I tried to recover from shingles on the brain, but my weight did not budge.

Now I have lost over 10 pounds and it's the first time in probably 3 decades that I am loosing weight!!

If you're over 40; having trouble sleeping; and your weight is frozen PLEASE take the time to watch this video. You'll want to take notes as it is loaded with information.

Here's to abundant health now that somebody has taken the time to look at women's health as we age. Further, there's something that can be done about being "STUCK!"

Lots of love,


Sunday, November 5, 2023

Are you Grieving too?

 Hi everyone,

  It's been a much better week with my pancreas.  I'm learning to choose no pain over even ice cream!!  No pain is better although I'm hoping that I won't always have to be THIS low-fat all my life!!

  We had a wonderful Sabbath yesterday.  I rode with Andrew and his family over to church.  Then a dear friend had invited all of the women to her house for a potluck meal and fellowship!  

  The hours flew by as the ladies and wee ones ate together; played games; shared our faith; and did show and tell.  I took along the pin that my mother always wore on her good coat this time of year.  How can she be gone 14 years already?

  We are rejoicing because the early snow is melting in these mid-30 temperatures.  Hopefully the corn will dry out now and the guys can get back to combining.  PLEASE pray for dry weather here in the Mid-west as MANY crops remain in the fields.  

  Today we are celebrating our youngest son's 28th birthday.  We're having the birthday party on Saturday with Andrew and some friends who share birthdays with our guys. 

 It's a tradition to have a joint party with their family even though this year won't be the same.  Their dad, Paul, started the tradition about 5 years ago.  Recently Paul passed away in his sleep.  Being the kids mom passed away a couple of years ago, they are orphans now.  At ages 19, 21, and 23 they're rather lost so we're hosting the join party again.  

  I pray often for anyone who is grieving the loss of a loved one! Once again I went in search of a poem to express my sentiments. I found this one about the loss of a friend who I KNOW is in Heaven with Jesus right now!!  May God comfort all of the grieving ones with these thoughts!

  Love and prayers sent around the world,


PS.  This encouraged me today.  God IS in charge of this world!!

Kim Potter: "God Signs Are Ahead!"

Kim Potter
Nov 5, 2023

Recently, I was reminded of a trip my daughter Breanne and I once took out of town. It was a bright, sunny day, and we were driving to a nearby city to pick something up for a birthday party.

I was the passenger that day. I was quietly riding along, looking out the window and simply enjoying the ride. I began to see road signs; the first one read, "Work Ahead." (At the time, we were traveling about 60 mph.) I didn't think a lot about this first sign, and we continued driving. After another mile or so, there was another sign; it read, "Road Work Ahead." We continued on – at the same rate of speed, I might add.

A few miles later, another sign appeared. "Flagman Ahead," it read. About a half-mile later, another sign caught my eye. It was the final sign I saw that day. It said, "Prepare to Stop"!

As we went into the next curve, we encountered the road work and flagman. Breanne quickly hit the brakes. Frustrated, she said, "Well, that's nice! No warning at all!"

I said, "Are you kidding me? There were several signs for the past few miles. There were warnings all along the way."

"I didn't see them," she responded. "I had something else on my mind."

Immediately, the Lord spoke to me and clearly said, "Many will NOT see the signs."

That day, God began to give me insight about signs.

What Are Signs and Why Do We Receive Them?

Psalm 74:9 says, "We do not see our signs; there is no longer any prophet; nor is there any among us who knows how long."

I was surprised at how many times throughout Scripture God used signs. He is the same God; He still uses signs today. It is up to us to recognize the signs and heed their warnings. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

The Hebrew word for sign in Psalm 74:9 is defined as a "banner," "miracle," "memorial," "omen," "token," or "pledge." It comes from a root word that means "to give consent" or "agree" (see Strong's Concordance).

You see, we must watch for signs from God. Then, we must come into agreement with them. They may be signs of direction for us or signs of warning for us. Either way, our agreement is required, just as it was that day with Breanne. She didn't see the signs. If she had, she would have come into agreement with them and slowed down.

God began to show me some key factors concerning signs that day.

Three Ways to Recognize the Signs and What to Do with Them

1. Slow Down! Don't Miss the Good Portion

I am reminded of the story of Mary and Martha.

"Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet and listened to His teaching. But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to Him and said, 'Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.' But the Lord answered her, 'Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.'" (Luke 10:38-42)

Martha was so busy trying to make sure everything was just right, she missed the most important thing that day – the one thing that was necessary: the good portion. She missed the precious time of sitting at the feet of Jesus, the time of learning from Him.

If we are going to hear God clearly, we must spend time with Him. We cannot allow ourselves to become busy with so many other things that we miss the signs. Daily work, family and even ministry demand our time, so much so that we miss the moments when Jesus wants us to sit at His feet and learn from Him. Yet, these moments are vital if we are going to walk with God in His peace and wisdom.

Jesus said, "Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light" (Matthew 11:28-30). Make it a priority each day to spend time with God – to rest in Him and to learn from Him. It is there alone that you will find rest for your soul.

2. Keep Your Eyes and Mind on God

Remember, Breanne didn't see the signs because she had her mind elsewhere. It is vital in the days we live in to keep our minds on God, to keep our eyes on God and to look to Him in all things.

"I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken." (Psalm 16:8)

"He will not be afraid of evil tidings; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD." (Psalm 112:7)

"'If you'll hold on to Me for dear life,' says GOD, 'I'll get you out of any trouble. I'll give you the best of care if you'll only get to know and trust Me. Call Me and I'll answer, be at your side in bad times; I'll rescue you, then throw you a party. I'll give you a long life, give you a long drink of salvation!'" (Psalm 91:14-16) (Photo via Unsplash)

"You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You." (Isaiah 26:3)

As we see from the Word of God, keeping our eyes and our minds on Him is most of the battle. Don't meditate or focus on the problems. Keep your mind on the solution. Don't think on the bad report. Meditate on the Word of God. Meditate on His faithfulness. There you will find peace.

3. When You See the Signs, Heed Them

God uses signs; our part is to see them and obey them. The blessing doesn't come just by us reading His Word. The blessing comes after we begin to obey His Word.

"You shall walk in all the ways which the LORD your God has commanded you, that you may live and that it may be well with you, and that you may prolong your days in the land which you shall possess." (Deuteronomy 5:33)

"He who keeps instruction is in the way of life, but he who refuses correction goes astray." (Proverbs 10:17)

"If you love Me, keep My commandments." (John 14:15)

"But He said, 'More than that, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it!'" (Luke 11:28)

Friends, I encourage you today, watch for your God signs. They are there! God is speaking. Listen closely for His voice. Watch diligently for His signs. The more you heed His signs, the more signs there will be. Watch for them and agree with God's plan to bless you!

I will leave you with this final Scripture: "How great are His signs, and how mighty His wonders! His Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom, and His dominion is from generation to generation" (Daniel 4:3).

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Kim Potter
A New Thing Ministries


Kim Potter is the founder of A New Thing Ministries, which sends a daily teaching to over 10,000 people all around the world. Her articles have appeared on The Elijah List, Charisma, Spirit Fuel and Kim's message is one of hope. She speaks to the heart of those who have grown discouraged and disappointed by the circumstances of life and imparts the desire and ability to stand against all odds; to stand for victory. She encourages people to press into God and discover that He is who He says He is.

To receive more words like this in YOUR inbox, subscribe FREE to the Elijah List at this link:


Thursday, October 19, 2023

Green Tomatoe Tips

 I don't know where you are at in the gardening season where you live but we are picking/digging the last of our produce here in North Dakota.  

 Being I found quite a few green tomatoes out there, I went in search of what can be done with them.  I was so happy to find this video.  Not only is there an awesome demonstration of how to make green tomatoe pickles but a tip for what can be done to help them ripen to be enjoyed later.

  About half way through this video, the gardener shares that she wraps each green tomato in newspaper.  Then she puts them in small boxes and put the boxes in a cool place.  In this way, her family is able to enjoy ripe tomatoes for weeks to possibly months.  I now have 2 small boxes of wrapped tomatoes to enjoy later and LESS work right now.

  Here's to gardening and finishing the year well. 


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

I'm doing BETTER and so can You!!

 Hi everyone,

  How are you all doing?  I'm sure that you, like everyone I know, is burdened for Israel.  May the Lord watch over ALL of His people around the world!!  We do have the benefit of knowing, if it's our time to go, that we get to spend eternity with the Lord in His beautiful home.  That is IF we have surrendered our life to Him completely. 

  I've been doing pretty well considering that I was in the hospital for 6 days last month.  The diagnosis was pancreatitis which totally floors me as 75% of people with this problem drink a LOT of alcohol and/or have gallstones.  I don't drink AT ALL and 0 gallstones were found.

  I have a procedure scheduled in December where they will put a scope down my throat and see what's going on.  The GI specialist that I saw said that sometimes gall stones don't show up on MRIs, CT scans, or ultrasounds all of which I had done while I was hospitalized.  I'm praying that this abdominal burning and cramping is completely gone by then so I don't have to do that.  I would appreciate your prayers for that too.

  I am going to share a video that has given me so much hope and direction.  I don't want to say much about it so as to attract as little attention as possible to it.  PLEASE if you have lingering affects from COVID, please take the time to watch this.  I recommend taking notes so that you get it all.  Here's the link.

 the-antidote (

  On the farm news.  We finished harvesting the soybeans (photo below) and now we're waiting for the corn to dry down.  It didn't help that it rained during the night.  This is so hard for me to do, as we live in a dry area, but I'm praying that it stops raining long enough so that our guys and our neighbors can finish harvesting.  

   My prayers go out for all of you wonderful readers.  May God bless His people with His protection; with nice warm homes; with healthy nourishing food; and with family and friends who love and support you through the hard times.  He loves us so much and wants to bless us more than we can imagine.  Just look up and say to Him, "I receive ALL of your blessings with deep gratitude."  Then pass along your abundance with those who have less.

  I'm so deeply grateful to be alive and to be a part of God's family with all of you wonderful saints!


Monday, September 25, 2023

Hope for Menopausal Women

 This doctor has helped a ton of women through the principals of dealing with our hormones through fasting.  May this bless all of you women out there who don't understand why you can't loose weight or think as well as you used to.  This information could change your life!



Sunday, September 24, 2023

I'm doing better!

Hello Saints,  
I am finally feeling better but still exhaustion and cramping can come on suddenly.  I covet your prayers for a total restoration from the severe attack of pancreatitis that put me in the hospital for 6 days last week.


Have a great new week serving our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ/Yeshua


Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Oh BOY was I sick

 Hi saints,

I just returned home from 6 days in the hospital.  I had a severe case of pancreatitis.  Now to figure out how to keep a pancreas more happy when I hardly eat any sugar.  There must be more to it than that.  It was confusing to me as my gall bladder had no stones and my liver was happy.  

I was put on narcotic level drugs for the pain and for the nausea for 5 days.  I was also on the IV/ice chip diet for 4 days.  This was to give my pancreas a chance to totally rest.  Then I went to broth and finally to soft food.  Now I have no diet restrictions except not to eat much fat.  

It was confusing to all of the nurses and the doctor I was assigned to that I would have pancreatitis. The usual causes are high alcohol consumption; gall stones; high triglycerides, or a stone on top of the pancreas. Being I had none of those, why was I so sick?

A bit of light came when I mentioned to my doctor that I have MS which is an auto-immune disease.  "OH," he said "It must be autoimmune pancreatitis!"  And off he went to study that.

When the doc returned the next day, he told me that he had learned that there are 2 kinds of autoimmune pancreatitis.  I guess there is a test to differentiate which one I have.  When my good doctor tried to order the test, he wasn't able to because he's not a gastroenterologist.  sigh

So he's sending me to one and I need you all to pray that I can get in soon.  All of the nurses said that it's almost impossible to get in to one but our God is the God of impossibilities.  PLEASE pray that I can get an appointment with a person who can give me the test; find out what this is all about; and set me on a path towards healing.

I am not well yet.  I still have pain and today there is a fever brewing so I thought I would come here and ask you to pray for me.  I bless you for thinking of me to the Father.

Other than that, harvest is right around the corner.  I so want to be strong so that I can help with the harvest.  

I love you all,


PS  This picture is not me but how I must have looked in the hospital.  I was in extreme pain with nausea and exhaustion.  May God bless each nurse and my doctor for getting me through the worst of it.  

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Which Harvest Matters MOST?

 I've just returned from 10 days in Minnesota with my daughter and her family.  I was needed to help them through sickness and their gardening rush.  As usual, it's hard to tear myself away from them but my work needs to be done here.

  It's September now and the days are shorter.  This week the temps are going to be in the lower 90s, so Summer is still here, but we can feel it slowly slipping away.  I went in search of a poem about how I am feeling and found this one.

  It's so true.  We have tons of work on a farm and especially at harvest time.   Recently a friend had his father die in a farm accident.  Please pray for that family but also pray for the safety of all farmers everywhere.  

  Being my garden is calling me, I will leave you all with this lovely poem.  The harvest that matters the most is the empty souls needing Jesus.  Let's share Him with everyone if it's only through a smile.  I've had smiles change my whole day for the better.

  May God bless your week,



Saturday, August 5, 2023

Does the Translation make a Difference? TWO samples

Happy Sabbath everyone,

  This week was so wonderful!!!  My daughter, Cora, wrote on Monday that she and her Littles were coming over THE NEXT DAY to pick choke cherries.  I praise God for her amazing mother-in-law who likes to drive.  It's a 5 hour trip so Kathy drives and Cora keeps her 3 children content as they travel.

  We had joint meals with Andrew and his family so the food wasn't an immense burden to anyone of us.  We picked choke cherries and made choke cherry juice.  We went to the park.  We had tea and Cora went and visited her dear friend who was just hospitalized.  

  We got to use my new chairs that Kathy picked up for me recently at a thrift shop.  It was adorable watching my grandchildren walk into the room and look around.  Then they spotted the little chairs and went and sat on one.  It was their own little place to be comfortable.  Sometimes they still sat with us at the big table but most of the time they sat here.  What fun we had together!!!  

  I'm writing today to share "The Passion Translation" of the Bible with all of you who are aching to know how much God loves you..  I was raised memorizing and quoting Scriptures from "The Revised Standard Version" of the Bible.  You know how it is when you learn something one way then all other ways seem "Strange?"  

  Later on it seemed strange to memorize Scriptures from "The King James Bible" but that was what everyone thought was the best version.  When Robert and I got baptized in our mid 20s, our church gave us "The New King James" version of the holy Scriptures.  That at least read the way that people talk.

  Then I got involved in the whole war between the "King James" only folks and "King James changed a lot of things in his translation to keep us from having any power" folks.   He was, after all, a King.....  I wasted a lot of energy in that battle and ended up just as confused as I was when I entered it.

  About a decade ago I purchased THE COMPLETE JEWISH BIBLE even though I'm not Jewish.  I LOVE how the names of God and the people and cities are pronounced as they would have originally been.  I really cherish that perspective of Christ as having been Jewish and our Messiah.  That seemed to fit in well with our changing from Sunday keeping to Sabbath keeping 27 years ago.  I still enjoy reading this version once in awhile.

  However, why is there always a however?  However, I felt alone when I read these versions.  When I'd go to Bible study, I loved hearing what the Scriptures mean to my neighbor ladies but they just didn't mean that to me.  I didn't get out of it what I was needing or what they were getting out of it.

  Because of having been raised by a father who hated women (which led to the incest) God the Father always seemed cold and a bit stand-off-ish.  Jesus I was madly in love with but His Father was something else.  True, God the Father is our final Judge but, also true, He loved us so much that He allowed His only son to come to this Earth to die for us on the cross!!!!!!!!!

  To make a long story short, I needed a different Bible.  Then I heard about the Passion Translation.  People would share passages from it on Facebook.  At first I snooted my nose at it as it didn't sound like the Bible I've been memorizing all my life. As it started to sink in, though, my heart started to open up to the Father.  I started to feel His love for me! I started to heal!!!

  So, with great joy I share with you the passage that He just had me read.  Think about God the Father loving you this intimately.  Sometimes tears of joy begin as I ponder how much HE LOVES ME!

  Happy Sabbath everyone.

Song of Songs 2:10 - 15.  From God the Father's perspective to His child on Earth.

Arise, my dearest, Hurry, my darling.  Come away with me!  I have come as you have asked to draw you to my heart and lead you out.  For now is the time, my beautiful one.  The season has changed, The bondage of your barren Winter has ended and the season of hiding is over and gone.  The rains have soaked the Earth and left it bright with blossoming flowers.  The season for singing and pruning the vines has arrived.  I hear the cooing of doves in our land filling the air with songs to awaken you and guide you forth.  Can you not discern this new day of destiny breaking forth around you?  The early signs of my purposes and plans are bursting forth.  The buddings vines of new life are now blooming everywhere. The fragrance of their flowers whispers "There is change in the air."  Arise, my love, my beautiful companion, and run with me to the higher place. For now is the time to arise and come away with me.  For you are my dove, hidden in the split-open rock.  It was I who took you and hid you up high in the secret stairway of the sky.  Let me see your radiant face and hear your sweet voice.  How beautiful your eyes of worship and lovely your voice in prayer.  You must catch the troubling foxes, those sly little foxes that hinder our relationship for they raid our budding vineyard of love to ruin what I've planted in you.  Will you catch them and remove them for me?  WE WILL DO IT TOGETHER! 

  Can you feel the Father's love for you?  He passionately wants us to trust Him.  He has so many blessings for us but we must know that we can trust Him---that He is the one who has brought us through EVERY trail so far!!!  

  BUT WE MUST DO OUR PART!!  We must hunt down every lie that has been planted in us thinking that God the Father is a big, bad meanie.  That is a LIE from the enemy and perhaps the biggest one EVER!!  

  HE LOVES US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh what bliss!!

  Go to Him and tell Him what you believe about Him.  Ask Him to tell you the truth.  Ask Him to show you where He was when you were being raped or beaten or slandered....  HE WAS RIGHT THERE HOLDING YOU AND SHELTERING YOU FROM THE BLOWS OF THE ENEMY.  He has brought us ALL through every attack of the enemy and He will continue doing so.  It's up to us to trust Him for we can when we know the truth.

  May God bless your new week and bring you His richest blessings that He has planned for you.  Just open your arms, look up and say, "I receive your blessings today."

  I leave you with this song about how massive God's love is for ALL of His children.



PS.  Father said to add this passage from THE PASSION TRANSLATION as it fits so well with His message above.  It's from John 16:22-24

So you will also pass through a time of intense sorrow when I am taken from you, but you will see me again!  And then your hearts will burst with joy, with no one being able to take it from you  For here is eternal truth: When that time comes, you won't need to ask me for anything, but instead you will go directly to the Father and ask Him for anything you desire, and He will give it to you because of your relationship with me.  Until now you've not been bold enough to ask the Father for a single thing in my name, but now you can ask, and keep on asking Him.  And you can be sure that you'll receive what you ask for, and your joy will have NO LIMITS!!!                                                                               .

Sunday, July 30, 2023

What am I doing WRONG???

 Good morning everyone,

  We've gotten 2 showers in the early morning hours these past few days.  It is TOTAL BLISS to wake up to rain gently falling on the roof when the crops are so desperately needing rain.  I praise the Lord for this HUUUUUUGGGE blessing!!!  We got .15 on Friday morning and nobody has been out to check the rain guage yet this morning but it must be at least that much again.  


 I think I may have mentioned here a time or two that I am following the program called EAT STOP EAT.  You eat nothing after 8:00 PM until 12:00 PM the following day.  I drink water but, if I am weak, I will have a little protein powder with it.  

  In order to keep the body from thinking it's starving, you then eat a meal at noon and another one at supper.  There are no requirements except to avoid foods that you're allergic to.  The mind has to be free to eat those 2 meals until the body is full or it will shift the body into starvation mode and weight loss becomes impossible.  You will find, though, that after fasting that long every day the stomach is much smaller and the meals are smaller too.  

  Eating like this the past 2 years has brought many wonderful health changes to my life but, alas, weigh loss has not been one of them.  That's why I keep thinking I must be missing something.  My wonderful daughter may have supplied the needed information when she mentioned the book "Fast like a Girl."  Apparently, females need additional information in order to receive ALL of the benefits of fasting.  I urge you female readers to check out the book here. Fast Like a Girl: A Woman's Guide to Using the Healing Power of Fasting to Burn Fat, Boost Energy, and Balance Hormones: 9781401969929: Pelz, Dr. Mindy: Books

  In the meantime, Cora sent me to the author's videos on YouTube.  This one is full of helpful information that hopefully will get this old body shedding unwanted and unhealthy pounds here soon.  I'm already fasting so I'm eager to fill in the needed information and see what changes. 

  Have a great week all of you wonderful readers!


Thursday, July 20, 2023

Look at what God is DOING!!!


God Equipped an Army in Colorado Springs

by  | Jul 20, 2023 | ColoradoFire and Glory TourLiving Proof Tent CrusadesMario Murillo Ministries | 22 comments

What a way to end out the Fire & Glory Tour in Colorado Springs! It might be the greatest night I’ve ever been a part of under the Tent.

As they’ve done each night Catherine Mullins and her team kicked off the meeting with an incredible time of worship. As Mario said, no one sings “I Speak Jesus” like Catherine does. But for their final song of the night they pulled out the old classic, “Look What the Lord Has Done!” and the place exploded!

It was the right song to sing after all the wonderful things we had seen over the course of the week, and it ushered a spirit of joy into the room. The atmosphere was light, but God’s presence was very real, and people were being touched even during the worship.

Mario began by saying that there is segment of the body of Christ who don’t believe healings occur today. He said it is very shameful for someone to stand in a pulpit and declare that.

He recounted the story in scripture where the paralyzed man was lowered through the roof to Jesus. And said the statement Jesus made right before healing the man is a silver bullet against the cessationist theology that says God doesn’t heal today.

“But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins”—He said to the man who was paralyzed, “I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house” (Mark 5:24 NKJV).

He then told about a cessationist preacher who sat next to him on a plane and told Mario that his gift was a fraud. Mario asked him, “Does the world need to know that Christ forgives sin?”

If forgiveness of sins is a catalyst to Christ healing, then we are overdue for more healings now than even happened in the Bible, and that almost every cessationist who believes the gifts stopped, still believes in demonic miracles. They are saying indeed the supernatural has left the world except for the devil’s part in it.

Why would God in America’s darkest hour want us to fight with one hand tied behind our back?

Mario asked us all: ‘Why would God in America’s darkest hour want us to fight with one hand tied behind our back?’ Adding that all the gifts are at work today in great power.

He said that what you have to learn as a weapon in the hand of God, is WHEN to prophecy, WHEN to give a message in tongues, WHEN to heal the sick, WHEN to preach repentance, and WHEN to cast out devils.

Mario then told about a time at San Jose State University he was preaching to university students. While he was preaching a young man came into the room and screamed an agonizing scream, as if he was being burned alive.

Mario said there has never been a good time to be without Jesus, but we are now living in the worst day in history to be without Jesus…

He ran down the aisle, fell on the floor, and began writhing on the floor and foaming at the mouth. Mario didn’t know what to do, but God told Mario to do everything He told him, so, as God directed him, Mario knelt down by the man and whispered into the man’s ear and command this thing to leave. There was no shouting, screaming, ranting, or raving. It was nothing like in the movies. It was instantaneous. Mario led him in the sinner’s prayer and the man was set free and saved!

Mario said there has never been a good time to be without Jesus, but we are now living in the worst day in history to be without Jesus, because the Bible states that in the last days the battlefield will shift from sickness, to the mind and emotions. 75% of American’s are on a prescription medication and the overwhelming category is antidepressants.

There has never been an American public that has such contradictory declarations: ‘I am enlightened as no other.’ ‘I’m more Woke than any previous generation.’ There has never been an American public that boasts so proudly of their knowledge and yet has so much depression alongside of it.

It begs the question, “If you’re so wise, why are you so miserable?”

So he asked, “If I’m so dumb and I’m so delusional—living in a fantasy world with a book that is nothing but a pack of myths. Why do I have so much joy? Why is my marriage so strong? Why is my direction so clear?”

It begs the question, “If you’re so wise, why are you so miserable?”

You cannot live a life where what you believe is so ineffective and so terrible, where you can’t see that what you are doing again and again hurts you, unless demonic power is involved.

Mario said, “There are two things I’m trying to do. I’m trying to win souls and trying to teach you how to witness.”

He talked about how Scripture says, “Perilous times will come” and that another way to look at it is, “Demon-possessed times will come.” Unless you as a pastor learn to have authority over demons, you’ll be irrelevant in the next five years, if you’re going to win the lost in America.

He said you can take all the antidepressants you want, but your depression is not going away. You don’t understand, you think you know why you’re depressed but you don’t. It’s not because you broke up with a girl, or didn’t get the job, or any other reason other than you are separated from Christ.

Mario then told a story about an event he attended in Marin County, called The Holy Man Jam. They had invited a representative from every major religion to speak for five minutes and try to convince everyone that their religion was the true one.

As he listened he noticed none of them had mentioned Satan. So when it was his turn, he told them he was going to tell them what Buddha and Muhammed can’t say, what none of them can say. It is what Jesus said, “I saw Satan fall! And until your faith can break the power of the devil it is useless.”

He asked them, “Who here has power over Satan? When the Devil comes at you, what assurance, what reality, what do you have that will stop him? I have the blood of Jesus!”

It is what Jesus said, “I saw Satan fall! And until your faith can break the power of the devil it is useless.”

He began his altar call by saying, if you want to get rid of the demonic power that’s trying to control you, then you need to respond. He said sanity is not guaranteed to anyone who does not have Christ.

The worst person to talk to is the modern intellectual who tells you humanity has the wisdom to get rid of the power of Satan, because this problem came from the curse that was put on man and was confronted on the cross by Christ. It is the cross where your misery and agony ends. It is at the cross where the devil has to leave.

Mario made the appeal, hands went up everywhere and then when he called them forward, they kept coming and kept coming. It was one of the largest crowds I think I’ve ever seen at the altar.

At first I thought it was similar to the crowds I’ve seen before, how they stretch across the stage out the sides and down the aisles, until I remembered that this tent is twice the size of the previous tent. What a response! It was a beautiful sight!

Mario described conversion as: needing to convince the devil that you have surrendered to Christ. The devil needs to know you are the property of Christ.

Mario led them in the following prayer:

“Lord Jesus! You defeated the devil. You defeated his lies, his power, his tricks, his addictions, his destructive emotions. You defeated them. So I know that if I admit that I am lost, that I need to be saved, that I’ve done wrong. And I need You to forgive me and after You’ve forgiven me I want You to live in me. I want to live by the power of Jesus. I want to be cleansed. I know you died for me, I know You rose from the dead. I know You are the Lord of Lords. And today I am a new creation. I belong to God! I don’t have the problems I used to have, I don’t have the fear I used to have, and I will not be depressed or anxious like I used to be. Because You are in me now and the devil is gone! and the demons are gone!”

Then Mario declared to the people, “You have witnessed a mass deliverance!”

After this the people were led out to be ministered to by our many wonderful workers. Then Mario began to give exhortation and instruction about the importance of a deliverance being active in our lives.

And then there was a shift in the atmosphere as God began to move. It has become a very familiar feeling when the Spirit of God begins to move on His people and to heal their bodies.

But tonight was very different from last night where Mario walked throughout the Tent highlighting individuals and calling out the various illnesses and diseases. Instead tonight, he equipped and charged the people.

“For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift, so that you may be established” (Romans 1:11 NKJV).

He said, “Maybe if I called out healings you’d walk out and say, ‘Mario is a man of God.’ But I want you to walk out and say, “I’m a man of God, ” or “I’m a woman of God.”

Mario told the people that tonight we were going to create 4,000 healing ministries. He effectively turned the Tent into a mass healing site. He said it would divide the demonic power, because they wouldn’t be able to focus their attack on just one person.

Mario had the people put one hand in the air and to pray out loud in the language of the Holy Spirit.

“And these signs will follow those who believe” (Mark 16-17).

He told the people that within the next 30 days they would lay their hands on someone who would be physically healed. He said, “Each one of you will lay their hands on someone and they will be healed.”

I loved this because it’s what needs to be happening in every church in the country. Each of us are to be equipped to go out and do the work of the ministry, healing the sick, and saving the lost. And we can do it if we just allow God’s power to flow through us.

He told the people that within the next 30 days they would lay their hands on someone who would be physically healed.

He said that this is a new era of supernatural power, and then had the people repeat the following: “I believe that I am going to be healed of my disease, when the army of God touches me on my shoulder. I believe I am going to be healed of everything that is hurting me, no matter how long it has been hurting me. It’s going to go away by the power of the prayer of God’s people. These signs will follow them that believe. I believe. These signs are going to follow me.”

Then he told the people, if they needed a miracle in their body, they were surrounded by ministers of healing. He had the people who needed a miracle raise their hands, then instructed everyone to lay hands on those around them who were holding their hand up, and to pray for them with authority!

There were groups of people all throughout the Tent praying for one another. And it wasn’t a casual, simple prayer. There was power flowing through that tent like nothing we’d felt all week. It was incredible, and I can’t wait to hear the many reports I know are going to result from this night.

Mario ended the night by having Catherine and her team come back and sing “Look What the Lord Has Done” one more time. And, once again, the place erupted with joy. It was the perfect end to a perfect week.

It was the perfect end to a perfect week.

If you were not able to be there you missed an incredible time. You can always look back through Mario’s Facebook page or on YouTube to watch the replay of the streams from each session.

But I would really encourage you to make plans to be in Los Angeles, in September, especially if you were one of the volunteers during this crusade. It is something no one is going to want to miss—because Jesus is going to do many mighty works in the Tent, once again!

Volunteer for Los Angeles here!

Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...