Friday, November 21, 2008


I just have a few minutes to write--REALLY just a few minutes this time. This may be the shortest post ever, but I just want to thank you ladies for the encouragement to continue. This week my son, Andrew, turned 18. He now has a piece of paper saying that he has registered with the selective service. I said to my friend Sarah, "We raised him to be peace loving and now he must register to go fight if necessary."
My mother's heart is not at peace. Has anyone any comments along this line?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My thoughts on the matter run this way: there are many reasons why one might want to fight to preserve one's own way of life. If my country wanted me to fight, I could do that if it was a just war. And just because we might think that there is a lot of corruption in this nation does not mean that there isn't still a lot worth fighting for. Besides, the chances of being drafted are next to nil with Obama anti-military at the helm.

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