Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day 1 of the Master Cleanse

What a glorious day my first day on the cleanse was. I got to go to Bismarck ALL BY MYSELF!!!
After delivering 2 quarters of our organic beef to friends, I got the most incredible BodyTalk session I have ever had from my practitioner, Elizabeth Hanson. My dear friend, Ellen Schultz, was there too which turned out to be a blessing as I went into anaphalixis again. I didn't need the epipen or even the cayenne--the session took care of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The session even went into cellular repair to deal with the anaphalixis tendency that I have acquired over time. Now I have faith that it will be the LAST TIME THAT I WILL EXPERIENCE THAT VERY FEARFUL EVENT!!! I should note here that the anaphalxis was from the emotions that I experienced earlier in the session that were stirred up from the abuses of my childhood.
After things settled down, I went to the BodyTalk practice and met some new people and learned new concepts which will make me an even better practitioner. Totally neat is that Ellen had brought some of our summer sausage along for supper, which she set out to share with the group as she hadn't had time to eat her supper because my session was quite long. Out of that experience, I think we'll sell another quarter of our wonderful beef. :)
Best of all was that I only drank the lemonade all day and I felt great!!! Whenever I got hungry, I just drank another sip and my blood sugars stayed level all day. I got home at 10:30; had prayer with my family; and was too excited to drift off to sleep right away as I realized, at yet a deeper level, the wonderful tool the Lord has given to me to help others recover from the streses in their lives. PRAISE THE LORD FOR BODYTALK FOR I KNOW THAT I WOULDN'T BE HERE TO WRITE THIS BLOG AND TO ENCOURAGE OTHERS IF HE HADN'T BROUGHT IT INTO MY LIFE!!! I pray that all you who come here and read this will consider adding BodyTalk to the list of alternative health options that you are considering. PLEASE go to the International Body Talk website or the ND one, by goggling Body Talk, and find a practitioner near you. Chances are either they, or a loved one, have come to BT through a major illness or trauma and have an interesting story to tell you of their own. Feel free to call me, if you are in my neck of the woods, as I would be ever so happy to help you as Elizabeth has helped me. :)


Anonymous said...

Surprise! It's "Me". I just thought I'd write you a comment and say, "Keep up the good work!"
We're all glad you're improving in health every day.
Love always,
PS. Have ideas for supper? Just kidding... :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Cora,
What on earth would I ever do without your support throughout these 2 1/2 years of horrible pain? You are a pricelss daugher and friend. I treasure all of your wonderful meals and every beesting that you gave to me to help preserve my life. You are a wonderful cook and I'll try better to help you at least plan the meals during this next week.
Love you beyond imagination,

Have you met the "Mighty Deliverer?"

 Hello everyone,   It's been a busy week here as many people are sick and needing my help.  I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for o...