Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Finally posting my first video--with Andrew's "Help"

Finally Andrew had some time to sit down with me and show me how to upload a video. I took this on February 13th, when Robert and Jacob were at the organic convention. Amanda Dagley was here with us then and we had a LOT of "Fun" getting the heifer into the calving pen. She almost went in the barn door and then got spooked. She turned around and half ran through and half flew over the cattle panel fence. Andrew took my advice then and got his RamCharger so that we had something out in the pasture that could move faster than she could although he had to be very careful not to get stuck because there is a LOT of snow out there. Andrew had a good idea too--something that I'd forgotten about. He opened the door on the other end of the barn so that it didn't look like she was going into a cave or something. We also took another cow in the barn with her so she didn't feel so intimidated. After Andrew got them in the calving pen, we got her to put her head in the headgate and then we let the other cow out of the barn.

After that I went to the dairy barn and washed up the chains and got a pair of disposable gloves for Andrew to use to pull the calf with. I then decided that I wanted to come to the house; get my camera; and capture Andrew pulling his first calf all by himself. I talked on the video about my frustration because I absolutely could NOT find any batteries in this house to put in my camera. Robert told me later that he had 4 sets of rechargeable batteries with him at the convention so that is why I found myself battery-less. I was VERY disgusted when I finally got out to the calving pen again. Andrew, Cora, & Amanda were just coming out of the barn. Andrew was pulling the messy gloves off and I knew that this meant that he was finished and I MISSED IT!!! Can you imagine that he wouldn't even wait for me to come with the camera? :) I asked, "Is it alive?" and they smiled and said, "Yes." That, after all, was the main point!!!

Well, I had grabbed his camcorder and brought it out so I took this video of the little critter's first moments of life. I will keep trying to catch an actual birth and will post it as soon as I am successful. We were a distraction to the mother as normally she would be licking the little one like mad. This stimulates the calf to get up and drink as it must have the first milk within 12 to 24 hours or it will die. This also gives the mother nourishment as the amniotic fluid is very healthy stuff. I wonder why humans don't do it? :) Anyway, I hope that you enjoy what I was able to capture that morning. The calf is doing well and I'll try to get a picture of it soon.

Today was a wonderful mail day. :) Robert got a check for hauling grain and Cora got a card from her best friend. Tucked inside that wonderful home-made envelope was a note for me from the mother of their family. It made my heart beat with joy as I read of her concern for our family EVEN THOUGH I DO BODYTALK. This has been typical of my Christian friends--they have rejected me because I saved my life through this unknown method. What we don't know about we are suspicious of. I have suffered much from this particular families' rejection because I could not stand it if Cora were to loose her best friend over BodyTalk. So I praise God for bringing healing into this relationship!!!! They are such a wonderful, loving family and I rejoice that they are grateful for the session that I did on their son last Spring when I was trying to help in the fields. To summarize, good things come to those who wait and leave it in the hands of the Lord!!!

Best get to lunch.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Oh my God, why did you take my friend and papa substitute last June? My tears are flowing tonight as I ponder that soon they will sell Harris's farm things. I realized that I've never written about what Harris Kinzler meant to me, as I wasn't blogging then. I can't write much now, as I am needed out in the barn, but I won't have his life and death be lost without saying something about him. So I'll share what his sister-in-law wrote about Harris after his death. I'll share his picture later. Maybe I can find one of he and I together?

Harris W. Kinzler
In honor of his birthday, we turn our thoughts to Harris,
Thanking him for the home he gave, for all the things we have.
We think about the fleeting years, too quickly gone for good.
It seems like only yesterday. We'd go back if we could.
A time when Harris was always there no matter what the weather,
Always strong when things went wrong. He held our lives together.
He strove so hard from day to day and never once complained.
With steady hands he worked the land, and thanked the Lord when it rained.
He taught us that hard work pays off. We reap what we sow.
He said that if we tend our crops, our fields will overflow.
Our harvest has been bountiful. He taught us how to give.
In a firm and steadfast way, He taught us how to live.
Harris's memory dwells among us now, He left us much too soon.
He glides across a golden field, above the harvest moon.
We see him in the fields of grain, He rides upon the wind.
And when our path is beaten down, he picks us up again.
Oh Harris, HOW I MISS YOU! How I wish that I could tell you one more time how much you mean to me. I wish that I could say again, "I love you Harris." I'm trying to be strong for Shirley's sake, but it's just so hard to think about some auctioneer coming to your farm and selling everything that you worked your whole life for. Jacob wants me to buy that old beater green pickup of yours that we bounced around with in the pasture after your death. I don't know if I can do it or not, but I'm going to try because he loved you too!! WE ALL LOVED YOU HARRIS!!!! How can I ever say, "Goodbye" to someone as unforgettable as you? I will always remember your love, especially during my illness, and hopefully I'll be able to love others as easily as you did. I'm remembering now the last Sabbath that we were together and how you put your arm around my shoulder in your fatherly fashion. I remember the smell of your cologne now for it seemed then that it was significant in some way. I never dreamed that I would see you next in Alfred at your funeral. How can I ever go back there without your smile and laugh filling the place with warmth? HOW???????????????????????????????????????? There are no words to express the emptiness that I feel when I think of going to your auction sale on April 1st. I know that life must go on without you, but your abscence has left such a big hole in my life and so many others lives. Shirley is such a special friend but she can't be my adopted papa that you were. The truth is that nobody can. The truth is that life is too short and people hold too many grudges and miss too many opportunities to say, "I love you," and then there are no more chances. The truth is that your efforts to make me a better person would be wasted if I didn't look at everyone that God brings to me each day as a gift. I can just hear you saying, "That includes your parents, Dawn." Yes, I know and, for the sake of our friendship, I will try again.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Just read

Well, I just read that the House passed the home school bill today. This is a victory but, of course, it must pass the Senate's scrutiny too. Already an amendment has been added which says that this is merely a trial period. We will be evaluated again and again and again until it becomes apparent to them that more regulation does not mean better results. Well, at least now more families can get started and that means more children being kept safe at home. This has always been one of my major motivators in conquering my fears of home schooling, especially through the high school years.
We went to Bismarck today to the agri-international to see all of the new farm equipment. I don't know how they think the farmers are supposed to be able to afford all of those outrageous prices when what we get for our crops is way down again. We had our one good year last year, I guess. Anyway, I'm not interested enough anymore to go sit on all of the tractors so I did sessions at Terry's Health Food store. It is sooooo wonderful to see people starting to respond to their sessions. One lady has been able to eat tomatoes after 3 years of abstinence. She used to balloon up with fluid after eating fruit and now her fingers only swelled a little. The human body is mysterious beyond imagination but, praise God, I don't have to understand how BodyTalk works. I don't know how my van works either but care only that it gets me home at the end of the day. I know that BT works and I know that people who are being healed are praising the Lord with stronger voices than they did before--those who praise Him anyway. I can't imagine being healed and not giving the Lord the credit. May He receive all of the praise for what He has done for my healing and all of those I work with.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day 15 of the Master Cleanse/No for an answer

I didn't have the strength to write last night as I was in too much pain. I wanted my last day on the cleanse to be so wonderful. I pondered about writing this, but since you wrote Tamera, I know that somebody is still reading this tale. You, of all people, will understand.
My mother called yesterday and told me that in August of this year their church will celebrate it's 50th birthday. She said that she wants my father's father's family to be in church that day and to sing, "God's wonderful people." She insists that the boys play their instruments, along with their cousin who plays rock & roll. She summarized her demand with, "And I won't take 'NO' for an answer."
Now, most of you would have no problem blowing her off, but she IS my mother. She has thrust this kind of guilt trip on me since my early teens and it has worked repeatedly in her favor over the years. I don't know if any of you have ever heard of a victim's mentality but it's what you inherit when you grow up a victim of abuse and nobody ever tells you that it's wrong for others to treat you that way. I have dealt with a victim's mentality for as long as I can remember and thought it was my "Lot in life."
After having read "Toxic parents" a few years ago, I came to understand that this kind of game coming from parent to child IS ABUSE. My 20 years of recovery work has helped me to see that what I suffered as a child in their home was abuse. I guess that I WANTED to believe that the abuse ended when I left their home, but it hasn't. Thank you so much, Tamera, for your efforts to help me to see this!!! I guess it was so disappointing, after I've been feeling so strong in myself through this cleanse, to find myself still vulnerable to her manipulation. I'm quite certain that she will never read this but, if she ever does, I pray that she will see how she hurts herself by thinking only of her own desires. I know that this is switching tenses here, which is soooooooooo imperfect but I have to wonder, "When am I ever going to matter to you, Mom?"
Well, my inablity to cope with her and everything else going on in my life, led to LOTS of pain yesterday. I did Access right before my family ate supper and that helped somewhat. I skipped Bonanza and did a session too but finally fell asleep exhausted from the efforts of 50 years of trying to gain my parent's love and approval.
Well, I slept and this morning I weighed myself. I lost 14 pounds through the whole thing. This was kind of a disappointment as there are poeple who lose 20 pounds in 10 days. Then I had to ask myself, "Dawn, where would you be if you hadn't done the Master Cleanse at all?" So, I picked myself up again; brushed myself off again; and made myself some orange juice with my Vita-mix.
On the first day after the cleanse, you drink Oranje juice along with the lemonade--no solid foods at all yet. It's very nourishing and also prepares the digestive system to start processing food again. It's nice to have a change from the lemonade but I find myself having no real desire to go back to solid food. I have so much more energy this way but I won't go more than 15 days on the cleanse because then the body switches to starvation mode and makes you gain weight even with only the lemonade.
Well, I praise God for getting me through the 15 day cleanse and especially yesterday. He sent me something else to ponder which helped. I ordered the Advanced asking procedure DVD from the IBA. This course is a requirement so that I can take the upper modules which are calling my name. Even neater is that my friend, Ellen, got hers yesterday too. The Lord has certainly blessed me with a precious sister in Ellen. Actually, as I go on in life and I am willing to be open about my wounds, I find that sisters aren't as rare as I used to think they were at all. :)
Soon I'll write about my final conclusions concerning the cleanse. Thanks for reading and encouraging me with your prayers and your comments. Oh by the way, I am feeling much better from the steer attack. It amazes me to see how the human body can repair itself with God's methods of healing. PRAISES TO THE LORD GOD CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH--CREATOR OF ME!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Day 14 on the Master Cleanse

I'm trying not to get stressed because I know that stress means pain to me, but I am very burdened. It's raining here and the temperature is 34 degrees. This means that the roads will turn to solid ice if it gets much colder. How can the home schoolers get to the capitol tomorrow to speak up for their rights if they have to drive on icy roads? We are disappointed that it most likely won't be safe for others and us to travel. We did take the the time to send out an email urging local people to swamp the capitol tomorrow. Also Robert and I just sent an email to the committee members urging them to support the home school bill which could draw people to our state. It looks as though this may be all we can do, though, for we won't risk our necks for it. It is such a comfort that our Heavenly Father is only a prayer away and He is the one who can help us the most anyway. OH HELP!!
Well, this was my second to the last day on the cleanse. I must say that Cora has been a treasure beyond words as she has done most of the cooking throughout the cleanse. The others have been good too and tried to keep their "Wonderful food" comments to a minimum.
I'll talk about my throat now as it's been bothering me. I'm so glad that I can use BodyTalk to help me figure out what is going on. I guess I am one of those people who needs to follow each glass of lemonade with some water. I didn't always do that, because I wasn't thirsty after the lemonade, but the acid was too much and my throat felt a bit like a burn. After I started drinking a little water every time I drank the lemonade, that cleared up. I want to share this bit of information in case someone else is dealing with that.
Well, I'm tired and I want to get to bed early because we will head for Bismarck by 6:30 if the weather cooperates. I know that this probably won't happen but I still want to prepare for it in case I should happen to wake up to Spring in the morning. :)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Day 13 of the Master Cleanse

What a wonderful day it has been today. On the Sabbath we always are lazy and today was no exception. Although I still have quite a bit of pain in my shoulder, where I fell when the steer attacked me, it is lessening. Many thanks to those who sent prayers and/or sessions. What a joyous thing it is to be a part of the family of God AND a part of the BodyTalk community. I loved our phone visit this afternoon, Ellen!! You already are the sister that I have been missing for sooooooo long! It's absolutely great to see how the Lord is blossoming you too!!!
This afternoon we sang for about 45 minutes and then listened to another one of Pastor S. M Davis's videos. It was exceptionally good and I recommend his teaching pretty much universally. We differ on the Sabbath and the our views of prophecy but, other than that, our Baptist background lines up pretty well with his teachings. We can tell that he loves the Lord and sticks closely to the Bible so he has blessed us greatly. We listened to his video, HOW TO DEAL WITH DISCOURAGMENT and the timing was perfect.
Later, after the family was finished playing games and I tore myself away from Ellen's phone call, we watched the movie FRANKENSTEER. Our guys had seen it several years ago at the organic convention and wanted to buy it. We had found it for sale at several places onlinebut the lowest price was $80. Somewhere Andrew found it and downloaded it and we were thankful to save the money. I'll tell you, I had heard that FRANKENSTEER was an eye-opener but I was not prepared for what I heard. Now I understand why Jacob at the age of 10, after seeing it, told me, "Mom, I don't ever want to eat any corporation meat again." He meant it too as he's very seldom even thought about going out to eat or buying meat from the store since then. It made me soooooooooooo thankful for the rich abundance of organic beef that we eat every day.
Now, speaking of eating. It was VERY difficult for me to pop the popcorn tonight knowing that I would have not one kernal. I think that this was the most difficult experience yet on the cleanse. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE POPCORN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last week I had thought that I'd be able to have some this week because I hadn't decided yet to go the extra 5 days then. So I thought about what Raylen had written on his blog about temptations to eat. I saw the big red stop sign that he had posted in his e-book and I put my name in there. IT HELPED. So I survived another day on the cleanse without eating solid food. YEAH DAWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just became aware that the home school bill will be discussed in the House education committee first thing Monday morning in Bismarck. That's 60 miles away so we are debating about going. Then, I realized that this meeting will be held on the last day of the cleanse. I'm glad now that I extended it for the 5 days because I have noticed many times that the Lord takes note when we fast. Several times He has done miracles for us when I fasted. Now I'm praying that He will move our legislators to reduce the requirements for home schooling by passing this bill. ND is the ONLY state in the nation that requires more than a high school education for parents to teach their children. It's about time that changed. Please be in prayer too. Our strict home school law is keeping wonderful people from coming here and THAT is NOT good for our state. I'll let you know how it turns out as another one of my purposes for this blog is to help folks to realize that we need to protect our freedoms while there is time.

Day 12 of the Master Cleanse

I didn't even post last night because I was just too miserable. I had a nice time with Robert in Bismarck. I got to go and dig at "Diggers Delight" where all of the clothes are free on Fridays while he did business. I got 8 bags of things that should be of some benefit to the family.
After that we looked at 2 large square balers and one of them may be the one for us. The Lord definitely led Robert to it, because it wasn't listed on the computers, and yet Robert felt led to go way to the back of the lot and there it sat. He talked to Roger and Roger said that it's a repo so that's why it's not listed on the books. Anyway, it was nice to be together but the pain from the steer's attack kept getting worse as the day went on so I kept popping Tylenol as I haven't taken the time to stuff some clove capsules yet.
Well, we got home and I limped through chores and came in with a heavy heart. "Why is this pain in my shoulder getting worse?" I asked the Lord. Truly, yesterday was the first day that I have really wondered if it was worth all of the effort--the sights and smells of the Sabbath feast that Cora had made didn't help any here. Plus I hadn't lost any pounds so I was bummed.
Isn't it just like the Lord, though, when we're most down that He finds a way to pick us up? My BodyTalk practitioner, Elizabeth Hanson, called just as I got in from the barn to check on how the shoulder was doing. She checked with my body and she learned that the muscles in my shoulder are trying to protect the injured area. They're stiffening up so that I don't move it--this is a perfectly normal response. Well, it just so happens that Elizabeth used to work for an orthopedic surgeon and has experience with such things. She said that I need to keep the shoulder in a sling and she told me how to make one out of a dishtowel. Elizabeth said that this will help the shoulder muscles to relax and that this pain I'm feeling is partly from the tension. Hopefully this will help the wound to heal quicker which I am all in favor of.
Elizabeth has been a God-send to me over and over. God used her to save my life and I am so honored to have for my practitioner. She's the best in the state--probably several states. If she would ever come to my blog again, she would get her compliment. Shall we see how long it takes her? :)
Oh yes, the best news. This morning when I weighed, I was down by 13 pounds since I started. I learned that one must be faithful with the cyllium husks! More about this later as I need to get out to the barn.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Stiff on Day 11 of the Master Cleanse

No, you will not get soar and stiff in the shoulder, neck, and back just by doing the Master Cleanse but yes, it will happen to you if a 505 # steer comes crashing into you and throws you to the ground. I know the exact weight of that nasty critter now because they separated him from the bunch he was with at the sale's barn today--he must have been too ugly to go with the others. ): We all groaned when they did that because he does NOT like to be separated from the others. He bellered and stomped around the ring. The guys got out of his way quicker than I did yesterday when we were loading him, for which I was grateful. I stuck my tongue out at him as he left the ring and felt somewhat vindicated for all of the pain he caused me in the past 24 hours. I haven't felt so childish in a long time but it's amazing how some critters, 2-legged or 4-legged, bring out the worst in me. I guess I'll need to tap that all out tomorrow as I need to get out to the barn now for chores.
First, though, I will share how difficult it was tonight at supper. The Bitz family, who own the sales' barn for generations, usually offer us supper when we bring in our year's work of calves. I was hoping that they'd sort of forget this time and we could go home, but it wasn't to be. Well, our boys were famished and Robert thought it would be good to take advantage of their generosity, while we had it, so he encouraged me to order something and share it with the boys.
I picked something that I thought they might like and a bowl of soup. I thought just maybe it would be very thin soup, mostly broth, but that wasn't the case. Ordinarily I would have loved to sit and eat with my family after the sale, but I AM DETERMINED TO GET WELL!!!!!!!!! So it came and I slurped a few spoonsfull of the broth--good soup. Then I realized that if I didn't quit RIGHT NOW, I would be eating the whole bowl which was filled with beef and noodles. I quickly dismissed myself from my table and went out to the van. Then I poured myself some more lemonade and dreamed of the day when I'll be well. Now, one must be completely sick and tired of being sick and tired to do THAT, and I am. Thanks for helping me through that one Lord and please bless my efforts with greater strength and youth to my step every day. So, in the words of Maria as she stood at the Von Trap family mansion just after she finished singing with great gusto, "I have confidence in...........," OH HELP!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hurt on day 10 of the master cleanse

Well, I said that I'd write about loading calves but I didn't think that I would be writing in pain. I'll tell more later but a 600# steer decided that he wanted to run me over this afternoon and he did a very good job of it. Robert helped me to the house and I soaked for 3 hours. For you BodyTalkers, I've done Fast Aid 3 times and just finished a session on myself. My adopted sister, Ellen, did a session out of the goodness of her heart, and I'm feeling somewhat better. There's still too much pain to go out to chores, though, so I told Jacob that if he covered for me in the barn, I'd do a session for his dairy cow, Gracie, who isn't feeling the best. I'd much rather be outside working than in the house in pain--it gets old.
This was day 10 on the cleanse and it was the highlight of my day to be so in control of my appetitie. I cooked lunch for the family and wasn't even tempted to snitch. I've decided to go 15 days for sure now. I'm not sure how that will work tomorrow at the sale--they usually give us a free supper when we bring in the calves. Still, I am determined to stick with this as Andrew's graduation gives me a motive to stick to this weight loss goal. I haven't weighed recently but my wedding ring was looser when I had it on last and my skirts are fitting more comfortably. WHAT A BLESSING!!!
We put Mabel on the truck with the other calves and I haven't even posted about her yet. Her life is a miracle and Robert said that when they opened the barn door to see if she could go with the others, she bounded out with joy. THANK YOU LORD FOR SAVING MABEL'S LIFE. It's kind of nice because we just got the vet bill today in the mail.
Best get to that session for Gracie. If anyone is reading this tonight, I would appreciate your prayers for a speedy recovery from being hurled to the ground by that vicious beast. I should have moved out of the way but the whole thing happened so fast and I just thought he would give. I guess not.
Love to all!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Day 9 of the Master Cleanse

Well, here I am with my jug. :) One of the ingredients in the lemonade is Grade B organic maple syrup. The lemons do the bulk of the cleansing and the maple syrup provides the nutrients while you are off of food. The third ingredient is a very small dose of cayenne pepper which helps to stimulate circulation to further cleanse all of the systems of the body. If anyone wants the recipie, let me know.
Anyway, I mix the lemonade in my Vita-Mix and store it in the frig. I fill a water bottle with it and, when I'm out in the barn, I take swigs as I feel the need for energy. One day I couldn't find the water bottle so I took this maple syrup jug, which I had just emptied, out to the barn for chores. When my family saw it, they teased me that I was hitting the jug like Granny in the Beverly Hillbillies. I had Cora take my picture then because it will be the one and only time that I'll be accused of THAT!!!
I'm feeling stronger each day but tonight I had a pain on my right side for a few hours. I'm very thankful that I know how to do BodyTalk, as that took care of it. I know that others have said that they had aches and pains, while on the cleanse, but I hadn't felt any that bad. It's gone now, so I'm thankful. It did make me realize that I need to post that nobody should undertake this unless they have researched it thoroughly and feel the Lord leading them to it. One friend of mine told me that she and her husband did it 25 years ago and it helped both of them so much. It sounds as though next time I do this, Cindy may do it with me so that would be REALLY nice. Until that happens, though, I am VERY grateful to those who have shared with me how to proceed.
I am feeling led to go 15 days. Today Andrew glared at me, when I mentioned it, and I was reminded of what I read about surrounding oneself with encouraging people when you do the cleanse. I told him that he can do with his body and I'll do what I feel is best for mine. It felt good to stand up for myself--something that I don't have much experience with.
Best get to family prayer so we can get to bed. Tomorrow we're loading the calves to take to the sale's barn. They'll sell on Thursday so that will be our family day at the sales' barn. I'll get some pictures.
We are mildly optomistic about the price. As everyone in this country knows, our economy is in trouble so we have been praying each week about when to sell them. We had decided to sell them in January but it never felt right. We had decided right before the weekend that it was the right time. On Monday a report came out saying that cattle numbers are down considerably from where they usually are. Now, for 2 days, the prices are up so we are praying that this trend continues. If anyone actually reads this, it would be a blessing to our family if you too would pray for us to get the best possable price for our yearlings.
To any who are on the Master Cleanse with me right now, I encourage you to do what is best for you in the long run. My favorite verse could come in handy right now (for me) so I'll share it with you too. I memorized 1 Corinthians 10:13 as a child and it has blessed me innumerable times. It goes like this, "Therefore hath no temptation overtaken you but such as is common to man. God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that which you are able but will, with the temptation, provide a way of escape that ye may be able to bear it." I encourage you to put your trust in your Heavenly Father who made you and you'll be fine!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Day 8 of the Master Cleanse

Today was such a nice day. Chores went well; the semi actually started with #2 fuel in it, which is a miracle; and I didn't even notice the bread baking until Cora pulled it out of the oven. I had a thought that I could live like this forever. I get more work done, while everyone is eating, and I'm not hungry as long as I keep drinking the Lemonade.
The only side-affect that is really nasty is this coating on my tongue. When I first read about the Master Cleanse, they said that you should keep on it until your tongue comes clean. This could be up to 40 days. Now this other man says that it's best not to go that long the first few times that you do it. You should build up to doing it longer. Still, all things considered, I'm pondering doing it for 15 days. Now that I'm started, and having more energy and less pain, I don't want to stop. I guess I'll keep praying and see how I feel but I really have no desire to quit the Master Cleanse in only 2 days. Enough on that.
Today, being Andrew was gone helping Robert to haul home hay, Jacob and I got done sooner with school. I decided to sit down and work on Andrew's graduation guest list. I was pretty surprised when I saw how many friends we really have--not to mention the relatives. :) I went through my address book; then the church directory; then our neighborhood and put together 3 columns of names. Andrew cut some of them out when he got home, mostly my BodyTalk friends (sorry ladies). Then he added some more names to the list that I wouldn't have thought of. Then Robert did the same thing when I read him the list over supper. We couldn't decide about our aunts and uncles, because there are a bunch of them, so we tabled that part until later. I don't want to wait to work on all of these details, as things get pretty wild around here starting in March and don't usually let up until November.
As the children dressed for chores, they were getting their imaginations involved and I heard some awesome ideas coming out. This graduation is going to be vastly different from Cora's but it should be a lot of fun. One thing is sure, it's going to have a Lego theme as Andrew has been building for a decade. You should see some of the things that he builds. Well, all of the guests who come will be able to see them as Cora is working on the slide show. She's also writing the puppet skit. Andrew has decided to sit out this time so we're trying to draft Robert into playing Jed Clamppit. I'll be Granny; Jacob's practicing Jethro's voice; and sweet Cora is trying to learn to sound like Ellie Mae. I just hope that my shoulders can take puppeteering again--it's been a long time. Oh well, I have faith that the Master Cleanse, will bring me the shoulder strength that I need by that time. If not this cleanse, then the next will bring me closer. After I'm finished with this one, I have to wait 2 months to do it again. That means that I can get another one in before the graduation. It would be sooooooo nice not to hurt and to really enjoy all of the excitement!
Best get out to the barn!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Day 7 of the Master Cleanse

Today was wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!! I stood on the scale and learned that I have lost 9 pounds!!! NOW I AM STARTING TO GET EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The sun was shining; the snow was melting; I hardly ached at all; and I weighed 9 pounds less than I did a week ago. THIS MASTER CLEANSE REALLY WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I must share here that years ago, when I was studying to take the National Teacher's Exam, I read that to use more than one exclamation point means that your emotions are getting quite out of hand. SO WHAT? Must absolutly everything be PERFECT??????????????????????????
This afternoon I took Jacob to his very first 4 H meeting. It was so great to see him holding his own with all of the public school boys who were total strangers to him. Then they served home-made ice cream and I DIDN'T EVEN WANT ANY!!! That is another of the miracles that this cleanse works. I've read that people find that they no longer want things that aren't good for them anymore. After getting rid of those poisons, the body says, "No thank you," without any effort at all. Is that a dream come true or what?
Now, I must say that OUR home-made ice cream is 100% healthy and Jacob said, "Ours is better than anybody else's because it's good for you and is much easier to make than cranking for an hour." If you want our recipie for the best ice cream that we have ever had, just write and I'll send it. I guess I could post it here if any one is intersted--just let me know. You don't even need an ice cream maker. You just stir it up in a large bowl; put it in the freezer; stir 2 or 3 times; and it's delicious soft-serve ice cream. Thanks to the Wiechmann family for that recipie.
Well, I'd best get out to the barn to finish Clara. Have I talked about her?

Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...