Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Happy blogiversary to me!

Happy blogiversary to me!

Happy blogiversary dear Da-wn!


How can it be a whole year since I began this blog? How is that possible? I can honestly say that it was one of the best decisions that I ever made--better than any therapist I've ever seen. I suppose that would only apply to someone who likes to write though. :) Right, Jacob?

It'll be a super busy day for me as I have clients lined up from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM with a few breaks in there. Then there's the one hour trip before and after so I'm sure I'll be REALLY tired tonight.

Well, I made a blogging decision that I hope one of you will enjoy. Several of the young ladies who blog have done give-aways in honor of their blogiversary. I said to Cora, "What do you think that I should give away in honor of mine?" Without a moment's hesitation she echoed my thoughts and said, "A free BodyTalk session." So this is how it will work.

Anybody who would like to win a free BodyTalk session must write a comment on this post. Keep in mind that I have had the training necessary to be able to work on anybody anywhere in the world so it's good no matter where you live. I will draw one of the names out of the hat and that person will be notified that they win. How's that? It actually is a $30 value if done by distance or $35 value if done in my office. It will be a nice way for you to try a BodyTalk session on me. It'll be fun to see who wins.

Best get moving,

PS. Oh by the way, that picture was taken of me one year ago on Andrew's 18th birthday. I weighed 40 pounds more then than I do now. I like this year better!!!!!!


Kimberly said...

Happy blogiversary to you! It doesn't seem like it could be a year! I sure have enjoyed getting to know you in this way. Blessings!

Cora Beth said...

I'd be interested in a free session! :) (Just so everyone knows though, I thought I'd mention that Mother doesn't charge me for any sessions! :) )

Also, I thought I'd share a testimony here... The first night that I was in Montana last week, I picked up a box from a wrong angle and hurt my back. It was pretty painful, but I tried to ignore it. However, the next day when I talked to Mother, I asked if she'd do a session, as the pain wasn't going away. She did 2 sessions for me--1 that day and 1 the next. As I was zooming around helping with everything, I didn't really notice that the pain was going away, but suddenly realized that it was gone! What a blessing!!!

Kristi Murphy said...

Hey Cora, I hardly think it's fair that you entered the giveaway drawing when you've had so many sessions! :)

Dawn, I thought it was interesting that sessions can be done long-distance. I guess I don't have a clear picture of Body Talk yet.

But I had been wishing that I were closer to North Dakota for a "free session", so this would be just great. I'd love to see what your Body Talk sessions are all about after all that I've read on your blog. I have been praying for your certification and a successful testing process.

I have had so much interest in your blog. This is only the 4th or 5th time I've checked it out, but I can relate to so much of what you write and how you feel.

I loved looking through your favorites lists for common interests. But the most interesting one to me was Weston A. Price and Nourishing Traditions, as I've really been into that over the last three years. I actually wondered if you could be into kefir and kombucha like me (being on a farm and "into health"), but I was still surprised when I read it on your blog. Such a small world! I kept looking for more on the subject on your blog, but I could only find bits and pieces by checking your index called "Labels".

I practically feel like I've been visiting you guys in North Dakota with all the reading of your blog I've done recently. It looks so ideal living out there (me being in the city).

So Happy Blogiversary. This is the first time I've ever heard that word and only the third time I've ever checked out a blog. They're kind of new territory for me. I spend enough time just emailing!

Cora Beth said...

You're right--it's not very fair! :) Mother and I had already agreed that, if my name is drawn, she'll just discard it and draw another! I just thought I'd leave a comment to help get the ball rolling... :)

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