Friday, January 7, 2011


I am so excited! On Tuesday, when I was up in my office building, I handed out these invitations to everyone in the building and to all my clients that I saw.

I have decided, even though my new office isn't "Perfect" yet, that I AM going to start the new year by holding regular meetings. Dr. Veltheim, the founder of BodyTalk insists that the best way to build a BodyTalk practice is to hold regular meetings. So I took the plunge and handed out my invitations to my first ever meeting.

I plan on briefly sharing how BodyTalk saved my life and how it works. Then I'll teach everyone how to do cortices on themselves. Lastly I'll give every one present a very short session so that they can get a sample of how wonderful you can feel after a BodyTalk session.

In the future, I'll hold meetings about radionics; my SunSplash machine; my new BETAR dealership; spectro-chrome or anything else that is of interest to folks. I told Robert, "I can even hold a meeting to teach people how to make bread with our wonderful wheat!" I recall being totally fascinated with that when I was in collage.

Well, lunch is ready so I need to close. However, if you're in Bismarck on Tuesday night, please feel free to join me at 2910 East Broadway, Suite #48. This is a copy of what I handed out in Bismarck and it has the details.

Appreciate your prayers,


Make it your New Year's resolution to GET WELL

Please join me Tuesday, January 11, 2011, 7:00 to 8:30 in
Suite #48 to hear how BodyTalk saved my life in 2007!

BodyTalk is a health care system that promotes healing by restoring communication between the body and mind that stress has weakened.

You'll hear my story; learn about how BodyTalk works; experience a short BodyTalk session; have a chance to ask questions; and receive a $10 coupon for your next session.

Seating is limited so please RSVP by calling 701-321-0481 or 701-332-6309 or email me at:


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