Monday, June 27, 2011

First day of class

WOW--it's been an exiting but tiring day.  Yesterday Jacob and I drove to Bismarck to pick up our friend, Ed Kelly, at the airport.  We then went to the Kelly Inn to unpack all of those boxes and then drove here with him to show him our organic farm.

We had supper together and then Ed treated us to an inside peek at our machines which his father designed and built and now Ed builds.  Then it was to bed and up super early this morning.  Here he is with our guys around the supper table last night.

Class was great today with 12 in attendance--10 students; one coordinator; and fantastic instructor all the way here from Georgia.  This is the Bornemann side of the room.

This is the other side of the room with several of these being close friends from BodyTalk. 

 Here is our wonderful friend and instructor on the first day of class.  I have no idea why my blog is NOT putting anything where I want it but you get the idea. Andrew and I came home together.  He's out doing chores now and I am heading for the whirlpool.  I am VERY tired but don't seem to be in as much pain as I have been.  Andrew thought maybe it was all of the great energies in the room today. 

I was soooooooooooooo happy to have my whole family there--what an awesome experience.  I remain in need of your prayers as I long to jump into class and be the best coordinator in the world.  I guess I'll have to be happy being the best coordinator that I can be.  Perhaps that is enough?

Love to my special friends out there who pray for me and show me their support even when they're not quite sure where the Lord is leading me.  How I wish that you could all be in this class with Ed and our family--I miss you!

In the arms of the King,


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Today is the day!

Today is the day that our special guest is flying in to see us!  I haven't said much here about our radionics class, which will be held Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week, because I've been so busy seeing clients so that I can be available to coordinate the class for Mr. K. 
  I realize that it IS possible that someone out there has not gotten my emails inviting you to participate in the class.  That is why I decided to copy the email which our instructor sent out recently to everyone who is taking the class.  Feel free to skip this post if you are certain that radionics is not for you at this time.  However, if God is nudging you to join us, feel free to leave a comment to this post and I'll get you into the class (without publishing the comment, of course).  There is still room in the class for YOU.
  Here's to a healthy planet!

Dear Friends,
I am very excited about the opportunity to meet you in Bismark in a couple weeks and wanted to write a note to say hello to everyone, as well as say a few words about radionics and the workshop that Ms. Dawn has worked so tirelessly to organize!  
At the core of radionics is the idea that at the most fundamental level everything in the universe is a combination of vibration and energy. This idea is nothing new for most people - in high school chemistry classes we learned that supposedly physical objects are actually composed of tiny atomic particles - neutrons, electrons and protons - that fly in orbits so fast that they seem totally solid to us. It is only the specific arrangement and frequencies of these tiny components that dictate whether we perceive a particular compound as a tabletop or a banana. The radionic instrument is simply a tool that allows the operator to measure and quantify the subtle energy fields emitted by the tiny subatomic particles.  
And because these energetic fields have innately harmonious or discordant relationships with one another, the information captured with the instrument allows the operator to make informed decisions about how to maximize the degree of harmony while minimizing the "sour notes" that can make life unnecessarily complicated and difficult. I know all of this sounds very mystical and mysterious to the beginner, but it is actually no different from the farmer who uses an AM radio to tune in to the station that is broadcasting the weather forecast, equipping him or her to make decisions accordingly.
As for the structure of the workshop, I want to impress on everyone that my primary objective as an instructor is to equip everyone with the practical knowledge and information they need to be able to apply the radionic instrument to their daily lives. This will be achieved through a combination of demonstration, discussion, one-on-one support and plenty of hands-on practice that will help you to feel confident about what the instruments do and the many ways you can use them. Inherent in this approach is the promise not to waste your time! This is not one of those workshops where the participants are constantly being fed a sales pitch for other items or products. I believe it is my job to deliver the knowledge that you have already paid for, not spend time convincing you to buy something else.
Finally, if you are "on the fence" about whether or not this technology is right for you, I encourage you to attend one of Ms. Dawn's introductory meetings in the next couple of days so that you can see and try her instruments for yourself - get a preview of just how easy they are to use. I also welcome each of you to visit the KRT website where you may download a FREE copy of our brand new book, Radionics Book 2: Applied Radionics. Here you will see not only the driving principles of radionics as we understand them, but also the specific step-by-step instructions for using every instrument we produce. There are also sections that detail advanced techniques and strategies for using radionics in real life, all with a continuous emphasis on practical application.

Thanks for your time and consideration!
Best rgds

Thursday, June 23, 2011

A bit discouraged

Hi everyone,
  So much has happened since I last wrote and even now I have only a few moments to write.  I find myself a bit discouraged, though, and I'm writing to ask for prayer. 

You see, I'm dealing with cancer again.  Yes, I KNOW that it is cancer because I've dealt with it numerous times before AND my body says that the cancer is in it's active stages.  I almost had it licked, after a month of working on it, before we left for Prairie Days.  However, I didn't drink much water there as the bathroom seemed miles away as the cancer is in my foot which ached quite a bit.  We all agreed to use the trees at night but that didn't help much during the day. 

Anyway, I'm pushing hard this week as I'm not seeing clients next Tuesday as I'll be in class.  I've told all the people whom I'm close to about the cancer now so there is no danger of them finding out about it here.  When I realized that, I decided that I'd share about it here as I know that there are many of you who have prayed for me in the past. 

The good news is that I've found Dr. Leanoard Coldwell whom I shared about in my last post.  His "Stress reduction for Christians" and "The Only Answer to Cancer," have arrived.  Yesterday I listened to the stress reduction CDs over and over as I lay resting.  I can tell that it is doing some healing at a very deep level  as today I feel a little better.  I can heartily share this man and his products with you as there is clear proof that he is a man of God.  His website is: and I urge anyone who is dealing with stress to go there and study what he has learned about illness. 

I covet your prayers as I have 5 sessions to do today on top of the 5 on Tuesday and 4 yesterday.  How I love doing this work as each session I do helps me too because my brain takes any of the links it hears that it is needing.  I recall learning about that 4 years ago when Elizabeth was trying to convince me to take the training when I was yet so very ill from the shingles on my brain.  The human brain is sooooo incredible but stress is able to conquer it so WE need to learn to conquer stress.  Dr. Coldwell has so I hope that you'll check out his site.

Best get going now.  I love you all so very much and draw great comfort from knowing that my readers care about me and my family.

God bless those who love and serve Him,


PS.  I'll post pictures tomorrow of all of the boxes that arrived here yesterday from KRT for our class.  There is still time to register for the class if you're feeling that little nudge from God to do so.  :)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hi everyone,
My cousin, Kristi and her family got here last night around 8:30 after traveling with 4 children for 12 hours. I was impressed that they all were so calm when they got here--I must have to learn to chill out more.

Anyway, we've been getting ready for Prairie Days today. I want to take this moment to say that Cora Beth Bornemann is the most awesome female on this planet!!!!!!!! For real, she keeps things going and never misses a beat! I am so proud of my girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, we're almost ready and we plan to leave soon. Robert is staying behind to do the chores as he is already a great shot and needs to get caught up on taking his turn with the milkings. :) Thank you, sweetie, for giving us this chance to get away from all of the work and go have some sweet fellowship.

You are all invited to join us at the Dagley farm this weekend. My precious Cora is the designer of the website promoting this special event. Feel free to go to and read about the great fun that we've had in the past at Prairie Days. The map to the Dagley farm is on the website too.

In case you already know the way but want a quick look at the schedule, I decided to post it here. Seriously, we have all felt so close to God when we gather there so I hope that He will give the nudge to whomever is supposed to join us there this year. Here's what's happening.

I'm sure that there'll be lots of pictures here soon.

Join in Prairie Day Practices
2011 Theme: Worship the Lord with Gladness
Friday June 17th
8:00-9:00 Shared Picnic Breakfast (Cleanup help, young ladies)
8:00-4:30 Marksmanship & History Event-must pre-register
12:00-1:00 Shared Picnic Lunch (Cleanup help Jan-Feb birthday people-all ages)
3:00-4:00 Meetings
4:30-5:15 Trapper Isaac
6:00-7:00 Shared Picnic Supper with Surprise (Cleanup help March-April birthday people)
7:00-8:00 Spelling Bee Game
8:00-9:00 Was the American Revolution Biblically Justifiable? Talk and discussion
8:00-10:00 Campfire discussion and Jam
Registration upon arrival-valuable

Saturday June 18th
7:30-8:30 Shared Picnic Breakfast (Cleanup help, young ladies ages 10-20)
8:30-6:00 Trading Post
8:30-9:00 Recorder Class-beginners & intermediate(harmony pt.)
8:30-9:30 Rope making, Stilt Walking, Race across park, and organized games
8:30-9:30 Zipline, & Pond fun(With parental or approved supervision/permission
throughout the day)
8:30-9:30 Morning Herbal or Garden Walk
9:30-10:30 Instrument Petting Zoo-Honor & Rewards for 1)All who tried to play an instrument 2)
who tried playing the most instruments 3) All who shared an instrument in the zoo 4)
Who shared their instrument with the most people & 5)Most unique instruments
9:30-10:30 Worship Workshop-Instrumentalists, Singers, & Dancers
10:30-10:45 Basic Song Writing with Darcy Gibbins
10:45-11:45 Archery
10:45-11:45 Handiwork Teach & Learn Circle-Bring your homemade apron & decorated envelope too
11:45 Round up-Gather for All Prairie Day-Attendee Photo-Family Photo Shoot by Appointment
12:00-1;00 Shared Picnic Lunch-Family Entertainment (Cleanup May-June-July birthday people)
1:00-1:30 Recorder Class-beginners & intermediate(harmony pt.)
1:00-1:30 Zipline & Pond fun(parential supervision/permission throughout day)
1:00-1:30 Chat with the Cowboys
1:30-2:15 Horse Training
1:30-2:15 Archery
2:15-2:30 Surprise
2:30-3:30 Legacy of Faith with "George Washington"
3:30-4:00 Jumpropers/with Songs
3:30-5:15 Archery
3:30-4:15 Demo Time-Cloth Diapering, Oldfashioned Hair Do's, Journaling, etc…
4:15-5:15 Worship Workshop
4:15-5:15 Folk & Worship Dances
5:15-6:00 Healthfuly Growing in Grace-Bibical Spiritual Roots of Diseases & Recovery
6:00-7:30 Shared Picnic Supper-Entertainment-Contest Winners (Cleanup Aug-Sept-Oct birthdays)
8:00-9:00 Price of Freedom with "George Washingtion"
9:00-10:30 Campfire Jam time
Sunday June 19th
7:30-8:30 Breakfast (Cleanup help, young ladies ages 10-20)
8:30-9:00 Men Gather, "What is Ekklasia?"
9:00-10:00 Men Gather, "Fathers of the Kingdom"
9:00-9:45 Women and Girls Gather at the big house
9:45-10:00 Races across the Park, etc…
10:00-11:30 All Together
11:30 Daddy's Surprise
12:00-1:00 Lunch-play"What the Good Man Does is Always Right" & Open Mic (Cleanup Nov-Dec)
1:30-2:30 "Father of the Nation-Fathers of the Nation" with "George Washington"
2:30-3:30 Handwork Circle continued
3:30-4:30 Cleanup Everybody
4:30-5:30 Volleyball etc…
6:00-7:00 Supper (Cleanup help, everybody ages 10-20)
7:30-9:30 George's Surprise & discussion time
9:30-10:30 Campfire Jam Time
Bring: blankets, friends, food, handwork, instruments & voices ect.
We acknowledge God's blessing, presence and protection
for you while you are here.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The human brain

Believe it or not, I actually know quite a bit about the human brain.  After all, I've lived with one in my head for 54 years (counting my fetal life).  In addition to that, I've been a BodyTalk practitioner for 4 years now and have watched BodyTalk repair the damage that shingles did to my brain 5 years ago.  I've studied the human brain in all of my classes and am in awe of it's healing capacities.  Each week I watch others heal as their brain gets in touch with what's going on in their bodies--totally miraculous things are happening!

Recently, my dear friend and BodyTalk practitioner Elizabeth, sent me a gift of a book called, "Instinct Based Medicine."  Being I'm not feeling the best these days (lots of stress with my family of origin; the weather affecting seeding; Prairie Days this coming weekend, but mostly with lining up our radinoics class at the end of the month), I've been resting more and I've taken the time to dig into the meat of this new method.

The first half of the book was not all that informative as I am well aware of how dreadful the results are of the modern American medical system.  Dr. Coldwell calls it the medical mafia and he hits hard at their greedy tactics which kill and cripple many people every year.  Still, it was good to get some of these statistics although, I must admit, I wish that Dr. Coldwell had asked me to edit his book for him.  It's not the best writing in the world but he does get his point across.   

Anyway, I'll be honest and say that I skipped the second half of the first part which he has written to show people that they need to do their very best to stay away from doctors.  This morning I jumped to the second half of the book so that I could get an idea what his system entails.  This is where I learned some very interesting things about the human brain.

Now, keep in mind that I just recently became a BETAR ( dealer with KRT.  I am absolutely in love with my sleep unit (delta waves) as I FINALLY sleep like a log after 5 decades of not sleeping well.  I also love my relax unit (alpha waves) and it helped to keep me calm all those long days of driving tractor this Spring.  I use it in the kitchen to try to keep calm as I frantically put a meal together in 10 minutes and I have been using it in my office up until this point.

I found it absolutely fascinating, when I read on page 244 of INSTINCT BASED MEDICINE, this information about the human brain.  First Dr. Coldwell explains why he is adamantly opposed to hypnotism.  He says "the obvious manipulation through hypnotism can make you do the exact opposite of what you intend or it can make you dependent, schizophrenic, and can cause lack of self-esteem."

Dr. Coldwell further goes on to explain this fascinating information about our brains. 

To achieve a lasting change in the nervous system, your brain needs to switch frequencies in a very specific order.  In other words, your brain needs to move between frequencies delta (0-2MHz), theta (3-6MHz), alpha (7-133 MGz) and beta (14-30 MHz) in a specific sequence. 

When in an alpha state, there is no way to make a conscious decision; you have to switch to beta at exactly the right time when you are making a decision to change a behavior otherwise it cannot be effective over the long term.  Then you have to switch into lower states in the right frequency to build dendrites (new microchips) in your brain for effective long term results.  This is the natural way of brain function.  It is only when you use the natural way, that we are intended to function, that you can achieve healthy and long term results.

The only system I know to continuously produce lasting results over and over is the IBMS programs.  This is due to the combination of the specially created music along with the newest technology of brain function, working together to effortlessly help create the exact state of mind required to produce lasting results. 


Honestly, the perfectionist in me was really screaming here as I have always been so proud of myself for not jumping ahead in books.  However, I got to thinking, "Oh, there's music mentioned so there MUST be a CD involved here somewhere." 

I made another leap forward in the book and found the site address which is: 

Did I mention that Dr. Coldwell saved over 35,000 lives which the modern medical system had termed, "Hopeless?"  One of these was his mother and she wrote the introduction to the book which was just wonderful!  She told about how her son at age 16 was driven to study every natural approach to healing when she was given 2 years to live as she had liver cancer.  She's now in her 70s; is his receptionist; and signed her story with, "Mama Coldwell." 

Well, Andrew just asked me to go do some writing on our farm's website so I suppose I ought to finish this up.  Basically, I went to Dr. Coldwell's website; studied their list of DVDs; and was thrilled to find that Dr. Coldwell has put his system into a format for Christians to be blessed with.  It says that he asked many pastors to guide him and, of course, I felt led to buy it.  Here's the link if you are feeling the nudge to check it out for yourself:

I praise God for HE knows all of our needs!  He knows how we are made and he knows how to help us to get well.  I felt totally blessed reading Dr. Coldwell's book as he has such a deep respect for the human body.  He said over and over that WE CAN HEAL OURSELVES if we only know how.  He reiterated a basic BodyTalk principle which is that we have an innate wisdom which has kept us alive to this point and which knows exactly what is needed to get well AND stay well!   That's what I 'm interested in learning.

In other words, being healthy IS our natural state.  It's only stress which weakens the links in the body/mind.  Dr. Coldwell says that 85% of our health problems are because of emotional and mental stress and only 15% due to poor diet; lack of exercise........ This means that even the natural health world is barking up the wrong tree if they fail to deal with the affects of stress on us.  This helps me to understand why BodyTalk is able to do so many miracles--it helps to relieve old stresses.  Of course, like Melanie says, "I want as many tools in my toolbox as possible," so I know that I will be a life-long learner of God's wonderful healing ways!

I'll let you know how this affects my health when it comes.  In the meantime, I urge you to go to the website and read about the doctor who is Europe's foremost alternative doctor with more degrees than Carter has pills.  Dr. Coldwell REALLY knows his stuff and has been helping people to get well since he was 16 years old--what a remarkable man!

I will pray that God will open hearts through this post and that many will get the help that they're needing to get well AND stay well!

Yours for abundant life,


PS.  If you are needing any organic wheat or flax, please feel free to visit our family's website at:  We named our farm, "Seeds of Honor" as we believe the organic seed to be honorable in God's eyes. 

Monday, June 6, 2011


I just spoke with my dad or rather it would be more accurate to say that I spoke TO my dad.  First I spoke to his physical therapist, though. 

  I learned that dad had paralysis on his right side yesterday, when he arrived at Avera St. Lukes in Aberdeen, and that this has improved a little bit today.  Dad's speech is very slurred but they let me talk to him a few moments.  His therapist told me that within a few hours he will be moved out of ICU into the third (medical) floor.  I asked him what that meant and he said that it's a step down from ICU.  He  told me that this is a good sign as often they don't move out of ICU that quickly.  THANK YOU TO ANY WHO PRAYED FOR HIM--PRAYER HELPS SOOOOOOOO MUCH!

When I told dad that our family is praying for him, dad said, "THHHHHHHHHHHAAANNNKKKK
you."  He also tried to say more, but it was all gibberish, and I told him that he didn't have to try to talk. 

When I prayed for him just now, the Lord revealed to me that He IS working in this.  To a man who never cared to build relationships with people, his NOT being able to talk just may get through to him the value of communicating.  I realize that that is a BIG maybe, but isn't that what faith is all about?

I've prayed for my family of origin to get saved for 42 years now and that's a lot of prayers with no results.  Still, what else is there to do?  So I press on.......................

Coveting your prayers today,


Sunday, June 5, 2011


My dad had a stroke today and is stable in the hospital.  Please join me in praying that he will take this opportunity to repent of his sins!  God only knows how many more opportunities he's going to get!  Please pray for me, as well, as I try to sort out how a daughter to such a man behaves at a time like this.  Today I am desperately missing my surrogate father, Harris.  He would know exactly what to say and do.

 Oh God, please give me the wisdom that I need to reach my dad with your love!


Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...