Sunday, January 29, 2012

NPSAS unites folks

I everyone--I'm home again.  WOW--was it ever a fantastic weekend!  The children managed the farm while Robert and I went to Aberdeen, SD for the organic convention.  The name of the educational organization for organic farmers, in our part of the world, is called Northern Plains Sustainable Agricultural Society.  I can' even count how many years we've been a member of this organization but we'd be so lost without them. 
 Farmers tend to stay home a lot as their farms ARE their lives.  This can lead to isolation and a sense of despondency.  Truly many farmers are depressed and some have committed suicide.  A big part of the annual convention, then, is to touch base with other organic farmers so that we know that we're not alone out there in the struggle against the chemicals that surround all of us.  I have heard it said that we're adrift on a sea of chemicals and that THIS, plus all of our stress, is what's killing us.  When I'm with other organic farmers, I am the strongest, as these are the folks who fight the same battles that we do every day.  It was VERY uplifting and I came home strengthened.
Here are a few pictures that I took while at the convention.  I was pretty busy with soaking up all of the information that I possibly could, OR visiting with friends, so I didn't think much of taking pictures. 
This was a special moment though that I had to capture with my iPod.   Every year the organization votes for one of it's members to receive the "Steward of the Year" award.  This family is one who puts forth great effort to help preserve the Earth from the surrounding vultures.  This year Dennis and Dianne Shill, from up by the Canadian border, won the award.  That's Dennis in the yellow shirt but I'm not sure why Dianne wasn't able to be with us.  I sure did miss visiting with this sweet woman of the soil.
 We were sitting at the table with the Jacobsons. who are dear friends of the Shill's. when the award was announced.  You would have thought they had received the award themselves as they clapped with gusto for their friends.  Janet Jacobson is seen in the red jacket.  Janet and her husband, Terri, have led NPSAS for many years through all sorts of trials. 
 Robert and I were pleased to meet these 2 old buddies.  We had lunch with them both days and we really enjoyed visiting with them.  These man had hand shakes like the ones that I used to get in church as a child from those old German farmers.  I mean that, when they shook your hands, you knew that you had been greeted by a REAL man. 
How do I know that they're good buddies.  Well, Kevin with the black hat, shared that David with the green hat, milks his cow for him when he wants to go away.  Then David said that he milks her in the stock trailer because she's so mild that she doesn't mind him getting in close to her.  You can tell how mild mannered a man is by how mild mannered his cow is.  These 2 men added such delight to the conference for both of us! 
 In many ways, the best part of the conference was the fund-raiser auction sale.  People donated items and then other members bought them.  The best seller was a gorgeous triangle dinner bell that Dennis Shill had created in his shop and then donated to the cause.
  The bidding was stiff and I thought that our friends, the Hoffmans, might get it but they stopped bidding at $625.  That's right, that dinner bell sold for $650!!!!!!!!!  Emily S. paid $350 for 10 pounds of garlic which Steve Zwinger had donated so she was the second highest bidder of the night.  Her son, Ben, added a lot with a pair of socks made from the wool from his sheep.  That pair of socks brought $220 to the organization.  One other big sale for the group was 20 straws of semen from a bull that this guy has and that sale was $700.  We talked to Steve (who is an old friend of ours and was one of the auctioneers) right before we left and he estimated that the sale made NPSAS $4,000.  WOW!
Although all of that bidding was too rich for my blood, I very happily paid $75 for a cute old-fashioned wash tub full of organic produce.  Then, too, there was the book DEEPLY ROOTED which tells the story of the Podell family of North Dakota.  My only regret about the weekend is that I never got a picture of Theresa and myself as we go way back through many hard times.  I love her so!
One special part for me was when I bought this basket, the auctioneer said, "Sold to the lovely lady who has been bidding on all of the baskets tonight."  I just laughed.  It made my day to be thought of as a "Lovely lady!"
 After the sale, we headed for our room as it was a VERY long day and we were VERY, VERY tired.  Here Robert is checking out the schedule for the following day.
Have I ever talked about not sitting on the comforters in hotel rooms?  They say that they are one of the very largest collectors of all kinds of pathogens.  All kinds of people sit on them in all stages of dress so, do yourself a favor and do NOT sit on the bedspreads in the hotel rooms that you stay in.  It's also a good idea to keep your socks on for the same reasons.   

 I guess I should have opened the door to get this picture but I really didn't want to as there were lots of people out by the pool.  How we got a pool side room, I'm not sure, but we did.  I'll just say that it's a good thing that we were really tired as people were out there making lots of noise until very late and then, early the next morning, they were cleaning with something that sounded like a loud vacuum cleaner.
Anyway, Cora would have loved this pool as they have a huge frog slide.  Little people can climb through the back end of the frog and then slide down it's tongue into the shallow end of the pool.  You can see his big pink tongue in the background.  Closer to our room was this round green tube which squirt water on you.  On top were these 2 huge frog eyes staring at you.  I think you can make them out here.  It was very cute.
I guess you can see what's next on my reading list.
Truly the most remarkable thing about the weekend, came after the convention.  I believe that I've shared that I've had people praying for and doing sessions for my dad and my relationship.  Well, when I woke up Friday morning, this thought went through my head, "Maybe you would like to go and see your dad on the way home from the convention."
I talked to Robert about it, on the way to Aberdeen, and he said that he would go along with me if that was what I wanted to do.  I prayed a lot about it all weekend and felt led to take this step towards a relationship with dad.  I'm glad that I did it but I don't want you to get your hopes up.
Robert and I agreed that Dad is still the same jerk that he's always been.  After he got over his shock that I would actually come to see him, he said to me, "WHEN DID YOU GET GREY HAIR?"  That's my dad--always doing his best to help me feel good about myself.
Dad never greeted us and didn't say a word to Robert--his only son-in-law.  I did learn from him that my younger brother, Rick, is planning on getting married this Summer.  His speech was very slow but his brain was right there once he worked through what he wanted to say.  I kept doing cortices for him (in my mind) so that he could collect his thoughts better.
The only thing that seemed important to him was for us to meet his girlfriend.  I had heard, through a text from Duard, that he has a girlfriend.  It must not be too serious, though, as he couldn't remember her name.  I guess she pushes him around in his wheelchair when he wants her too.  Robert said on the way home, "Even in his old age he's a taker!" 
I did ask the CNA if we could meet his girlfriend for dad's sake.  She went and checked and found that the girlfriend, whom we learned is named, "Alice" , had gone to sleep already so Harvey didn't get his wish.  All in all, we stayed about 20 minutes with the man who is my biological father.  He, pure and simple, is an old, wretched man who was so pathetic that I couldn't help but lean over and kiss his forehead when we were leaving.
HOWEVER, I told Robert as we left the nursing home, "So many times I have wished that I could work on those old heads that Cora takes care of in the Napoleon nursing home.  I am going to pray and see if God wants me to start working on MY old father's head."
Robert sent me a warning glance which I knew meant not to get my hopes up of ever receiving Harvey Delzer's love when no such love exists. 
Still, I have seen BodyTalk do all kinds of miracles.  PLEASE URGENTLY PRAY THAT I HAVE PEACE ABOUT WORKING ON MY DAD OR NOT WORKING ON MY DAD!  All prayers are appreciated.
Best get lunch ready now.  Thanks, once again, for listening.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Milking the cow

How many of you are going out tonight to milk the cow?  I just called Robert to see if the guys will be home in time for chores.  He said, "It would be nice if you would milk the cow."  I said, "OK," so I am heading there now.

It made me curious, though.  I am wondering how many of my readers could, "Go out and milk the cow?"  If you could milk the cow, on the drop of the hat, you win!  With all of the stupidity going around calling it a crime to sell one of nature's finest foods, you win if you can go out in your own back yard and get the milk from your own cow or goat!  YOU WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just recieved an email from a NDSU Extension Weed specialist stating that they are now going to be using Roundup in cancer care.  HOW CRAZY IS THAT??????????  I swear, every day the world gets stupider and stupider.  YES I DO KNOW THAT STUPIDER IS NOT A WORD!!

Want some raw milk?  Go out and milk the cow!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A new work week

What would you say if you recieved an email like the one that I recieved first thing this morning?  Here's what it said?

Dear Dawn

Thank you for the beautiful letter of things going on in your life. I need your help. I have had two bad mammograms and then a bad ultra sound of my left breast. There is something in my left breast and I am to see a surgeon this Wednesday to see when to do a biopsy. I am so afraid of cancer and do not know what to do. Can you help me?
This is what I wrote in reply to my friend's request for help.  I decided to share it in case any of you find yourselves in the same unhappy position that my friend is in.  I realize that it may be filled with information that you may not have been exposed to before so I will pray that you will search out the truth for yourselves.  Remember what God says in His word, "The truth will set you free."
Yours for freedom,
PS.  I used the x's  to protect my friend's identity.
I’m so sorry to hear your news this morning! However, I would urge you not to go the medical route with this thing. I’ve had lumps growing on my body many times, that BodyTalk revealed to be cancer, but I got rid of them naturally. YOU CAN TOO!
First of all, stop thinking about cancer!!! The more you think about cancer, the more energy you give to it. Every time that you are afraid, instead of thinking about cancer think, ‘I LOVE YOU, XXXXXXXX!” Think “I love you, XXXXXXX” over and over and over until the fear goes away. Sometimes you may have to say to yourself, “I’m sorry for all of the time that I spent thinking about cancer but now I am going to love myself instead.” The power of love (from others OR self) is awesome. If it helps any, I love you, XXXXXXX! Think about that—think about all of the people who love you NOT the people who will feel sorry for you if you go the medical route and have them cut your breast off!
Secondly, do castor oil packs whenever you have any pain in your breast. Spread castor oil very thickly on the breast. Run a washcloth under hot water and ring it out. Put this on top of the breast and cover with a towel to keep the warmth inside. Leave this on for 20 minutes and it will miraculously draw out much of the infection. Do this every time that you have any pain anywhere. I learned this from a naturopath who has healed many cancer patients with it.
Thirdly, I would go to the Health Food store and buy either Noni juice or Essiac and start drinking LOTS of it. Both of these have healed me and others of cancer.
Also I would buy THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS and go to their site. Many cancers are caused by parasites and you’ll need to zap them away daily if you have cancer in your family. I do this almost every day and certainly when I have any pain instead of waiting to find out that it MIGHT be cancer. Dr. Clark’s website has a nice assortment of zappers that you can buy:
Also, do not put anything on your body or IN your body with PROP in it. This can be in the form of isoPROPal alcohol or PROPalene glycol or many other forms. If you see the 4 letters PROP together in an ingredient, do NOT use that product. It’s in many personal care products and now also in sour cream, ice cream........... SEARCH for PROP and avoid it like the plague. This is what I do constantly and will do so for the rest of my life if I want to have a life.
Now, you took Access class, correct? Well, your body is saying that it wants you to do Access 3 times a day for 4 days. Then twice a day for 6 days then once a day indefinitely. Also, it is imperative that you come and see me. My only opening this week is at 10:00 on Tuesday morning. I’ve taken all of the required BT classes now so I can help you at the same level that YYYYYYYY can. You need more BodyTalk now than before so let’s get to work.
I will share that Dr. Leonard Coldwell has done research that proves that almost all illness is the result of stress. He does a stress relief program that I listen to several times a day. 20 minutes is like 8 hours of sleep and I just love it. You can buy it for $100 at: Get the Christian version as it is a prayer to God for healing and totally awesome. If you come in to see me, I’ll let you listen to it while I do your session.
Dr. Coldwell has healed many people of cancer with his cancer program. He healed ALL of them who did not let doctors treat them first. Some of those who saw doctors first, he was NOT able to save. Please pray seriously about NOT letting the doctors do anything further with you. The only reason they do testing is to get you into chemo and radiation which make them rich. These techniques are ones that were used in WAR to kill off the enemy and it is CRIMINAL for these doctors to be putting these poisons into people’s bodies! I WILL PRAY FOR YOU TO HAVE PEACE IN THIS!!! I’ve recovered from cancer over 20 times and not once did a doctor touch me. I’m almost positive that I’d not be here at all if I had.
This is what I’ve learned in my battle to stay alive. I pray that you will act in your best interests and stop reacting in fear. 2 Timothy 1:7 says FOR GOD HATH NOT GIVEN US THE SPIRIT OF FEAR; BUT OF POWER, AND OF LOVE, AND OF A SOUND MIND!!! Fear is NOT from God! It IS what the medical system uses to make themselves rich while folks drop like flies from their cancer treatments. There’s something wrong here!!!! Trust in the Lord, XXXXXXX! Trust His natural ways to heal you without drugs; without surgery; and without radiation!!!!
Your friend,
Dawn Bornemann

Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Promotion?

Promotion: the act or fact of being raised in position or rank: preferment
OR the act of furthering the growth or development of something; especially the furtherance of the acceptance and sale of merchandise through advertising, publicity, or discounting.
So, if you're NOT being paid to do something is it a promotion when you are put forward--shown preferment?  I guess it doesn't matter but I'm curious as to what you all think about this.
Whether it's a promotion or not, I am VERY excited about what fell into my lap yesterday.  You see, the John Birch Society field coordinator had asked me to call him when I had some time to "Chat."  I thought it was concerning the meetings that I'm scheduling for him here and in Bismarck.  Although it was about this as well, there was a big "Bonus" for me in the conversation as well.
In case you haven't noticed yet, I LOVE to write.  By the way, we ARE still working on our New Year's letter.  Anyway, Mr. Stevens called to ask if I would be the editor for the John Birch Society during the legislative session! 
He said that he is in the process of choosing 6 to 12 legislative watchdogs who will need to be at the capitol when bills that concern freedom are being discussed.  They will then email me the information and I will write impassioned emails to folks to let them know how to inform their Senators and Representatives what they expect them to do about the legislation. 
  I warned Mr. Stevens that I am NOT politically correct and that I will NOT hold back when I am strongly concerned about our eroding freedoms.  He must have been smiling as he warmly said, "That's what we want!"  So was that a promotion or a con job?  ;)

I'm thrilled because I want to do SOMETHING to help the cause of liberty.  However, I see clients every day (except on the Sabbath) and I know that my main purpose in being here (other than being a wife and mother) is to offer BodyTalk sessions to the public.  Now, writing emails is something that I can quickly do in between clients, schooling, or chores.
"But you're a good writer yourself," I protested yesterday to Mr. Stevens.
"I do ok," he admitted, "but it is drudgery to me and you actually LIKE to do it," so I relented.
Now, there's no pay for this service; no gold watch at the end; probably not even any "You did a great job," so IS it a promotion?
John 13:16  Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him.
Tonight we need your prayers as we go to our redistricting meeting and see what the Lord would have us do for Him there. 
For the King I humbly submit my life to go where ever He sends me.  I pray that all who read this will do likewise.  Isn't the concept of "Promotion" worldly anyway?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Unforgettable weekend

Some unforgettable young men;
 and unforgettable young ladies;
 Some unforgettable dads;
 and unforgettable moms
 and totally unforgettable children EVERYWHERE; 
 all met at Crystal Springs Baptist Camp last weekend and we were there too!
 Mr. Kevin Swanson was the speaker and he, too, was unforgettable.  How he encouraged us parents to keep our nose to the grindstone of parenting with ETERNAL results always in our minds.

This is a view of the lake.
 This is where we stayed.
 There was outside fun,
 and in-door fellowship,
 and lots of wonderful places to explore. 
The campground has changed a LOT in the 20 years since we camped there last but it is still a hallowed spot where God is felt in the stillness and the quiet beauty of the countryside.  I loved my time there with my family--it was just PERFECT!
I wonder if we'll ever go again?  ;)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

No matter how small

Yesterday was a GREAT day!  I loved going out to chores and helping Robert to feed the newly weaned calves.  It wasn't too cool to find that the dogs had spooked the calves in the night and the fence was knocked down and some had escaped.  Still, it was such a beautiful morning and I was very excited about what lay ahead.

After showers, we had a quick church service and headed for Steele.  We met Chris Stevens there and our trip to Bismarck was filled with political talk.  It was great to prime the pump in that way as we jumped into politics quickly over pizza--which I avoided alltogehter.  YEA ME!!!

Jeff Greenspan, who had given the delegate training in Fargo that Andrew and I attended last year, was giving his same great presentation to folks who are commited Ron Paul delagates.  It was an awesome experience and all three of us are pursuing becoming Ron Paul delegates but also Paul Sorem delegates.  Paul, a home school dad, is  running for Governor and Cora said, "He even looks like a Governor!"

In the whole big political process, one can begin to feel pretty small and unimportant.  Listening to Jeff, though, changed my thinking on that.  "Politics is a numbers game," he kept repeating and I started getting excited about being a part of the majority who truly do love our country and want to see it thrive for generations to come.

While visiting during break, someone said that we really ARE important.  That was when I recalled this awesome story, HORTON HEARS A WHO.  I hope that you'll listen to this cool little video and start your "Save our country" juices flowing. 

All 3 of us, Cora, Andrew, and myself, are needing people to step forward and vote for us so that we can become delegates so that we can vote for Ron Paul in the Republican convention coming up at the end of March. 

If you are a member of the Republican party; are willing to drive with us to Linton for the meeting; and are willing to vote for us so that we can become delegates, PLEASE send me an email at:

Why does it matter that you add your voice to all of the rest who are saying, "Down with ObamaCare type politics?"  Watch this cartoon and you'll see why.  If you absolutely aren't willing to give your country that much time, then I'll summarize Horton's thoughts for you here.


Yours for freedom,


Saturday, January 7, 2012

The reason why

Happy Sabbath everyone!

If you've been reading here for long, you know that I have decided to do all that I can to get Ron Paul elected as our next President of these United States.  Today in fact, Cora, Andrew, and I are going to the delegate training which is being sponsored by the North Dakota Ron Paul campaign headquarters.  By the way, it's being held in a church because there are too many folks attending to fit into the campaign headquarters office.  We think that it's so awesome that the meeting was switched from the office to the church--PRAISE THE LORD!

Recently I found this statement of faith on the, "Ron Paul for President" site.  I urge you to take a few moments to read this statement and decide for yourself if this man isn't a much better choice for President of the United States than the one that we currently have. 

  Is Ron Paul perfect?  NO--but neither is anyone else.  Is he a man of God?  I believe that you will see that he is by reading through his words here.  I urge you to do so and then become involved in the race for a true man of God.  "I have fought the fight, I have run the race.........."  At the very least, my prayer is that you will begin to pray for this man daily as he has shown his devotion to our country with his 100% voting in line with the Constitution over decades. 

  Be blessed,


Statement of Faith

“I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, and I endeavor every day to follow Him in all I do and in every position I advocate.”
-Ron Paul
My faith is a deeply private issue to me, and I don’t speak on it in great detail during my speeches because I want to avoid any appearance of exploiting it for political gain. Let me be very clear here: I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, and I endeavor every day to follow Him in all I do and in every position I advocate.
It is God Who gave us life. As He is free, so are those He created in His image. Our rights to life and liberty are inalienable.
I’m running for President of the United States because I believe that our traditions and way of life are under attack from an out-of-control federal government and reckless politicians who show no regard for what our Founders entrusted to our protection.
America became the greatest nation in human history because a dedicated band of Patriots believed their God-given rights were worth fighting for, even if it meant challenging the world’s most powerful nation in what many deemed a “hopeless” cause.
Being free meant so much to our forefathers that they put everything on the line – and thousands sacrificed their lives – to give the promise of liberty to not only their children and grandchildren, but to generations they knew they would never even meet.
Their courage and determination guaranteed they would defy the odds and achieve victory.
In this critical election, you and I must decide if the principles of limited government and personal freedom are worth fighting for once again.
Since I’m asking for your vote and your trust to lead this nation, let me tell you a little bit about my background and beliefs.
My parents raised my four brothers and me on a dairy near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where they set clear examples for each of us about faith, honest living, and individual responsibility. Their Christian values helped inspire two of my brothers to eventually enter the ministry, and provided me with the foundation I needed to practice medicine and one day become a U.S. Representative.
In addition to my time in Congress, I am proud to have delivered over 4,000 babies as a country doctor in Texas. As I trained to practice medicine, I became convinced without a doubt that life begins at the moment of conception. I never performed an abortion, and I never once found an abortion necessary to save the life of the mother. In fact, I successfully helped women struggling with their pregnancies to seek other options, including adoption.
I am running to Restore America Now, and by that I mean that it’s time to protect and promote the basic God-given rights inherent in the promise of America.
We must pass on our heritage of liberty to the next generation – not tens of trillions of dollars in debt and liabilities.
We must stand for life – not allow millions of innocent children to continue to be slaughtered with the government’s approval.
We must follow the Biblical mandate of using honest weights and measures – not printing money out of thin air in almost complete secrecy and then handing it over to oppressive dictators.
We must only send our men and women to fight for our country when the mission is clear, every necessary tool needed to win is provided, and we respect the Constitution by declaring war.
Once war is declared, it must be waged according to Just War principles. We should only fight when it’s in our national security interest, and we should no longer do the corrupt United Nation’s bidding by policing the world.
In Congress, I never vote for any piece of legislation that violates the Constitution’s strict limits on government power. I also do not participate in the congressional pension system.
As President, I give you my word that I will only exercise my authority within the confines of the Constitution, and I will work every day to rein in a runaway federal government by binding it with the chains of that document.
For my stands and beliefs, I am told that my efforts are “hopeless.” Like those who were proud to stand up for what they knew was right to create our nation, however, I firmly believe that now is a better time than ever before to reclaim our liberties. No situation is hopeless for those who receive their strength from their faith, family, and freedom.

And like those Patriots, I have no doubt that liberty will prevail.
I invite you to join me and millions of other Americans in taking our stand to honor our forefathers’ sacrifices and Restore America Now.
For Liberty,

Ron Paul

Monday, January 2, 2012

Just like yesterday

I need to get to work on my New Year's letter, but I so love poetry.  When I saw this one, I saw how much it ties in with what I wrote about yesterday.  No matter what we do, it is only by surrdenering our lives to God that we will ever win the war against the sins that keep us prisoners.
To the ultimate freedom--salvation.
Christian New Year’s Resolutions

How can I use the New Year
To better serve my Lord?
I’ll read my Bible every day,
And be more in accord.

I’ll find new ways to serve others;
I’ll love my neighbor, too.
I’ll focus on "give" instead of "get"
In everything I do.

I’ll forgive the people I’m mad at;
Angry feelings I’ll discard;
I’ll try to love my enemies,
Even though it’s hard.

In the new year, I’ll lift people up,
Instead of putting them down.
I’ll fill my heart with love and joy,
And never wear a frown.

I’ll let go of my worries;
I’ll put it all in His hands;
I’ll repent and try to sin less,
And obey all His commands.

These new year’s resolutions
Are difficult, at best,
But there’s something I can do each day
That will put my soul at rest:

I’ll love my Lord with all my heart,
With all my mind and soul,
And if I do that essential thing,
All the rest will be in control.

By Joanna Fuchs

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year EVERYONE

I realize that not everyone wants to see everyone happy, which is so incomprehensible to me, but to those people I wish a happy new year too.  In so doing, this ought to make them happy, as they like to be miserable, so my wishing them happiness will make them miserable which will make them happy.  How do you like that warped thinking?  Still, I have become aware that some of you out there truly do think this way.
We just finished watching the 8 hour version of Nicholas Nichelby which the Royal Shakespearean Theatre produced.  It is ABSOLUTELY the most incredible acting that I have ever seen!!  The uncle demonstrated this principle quite clearly--the more people that he could make miserable, the happier that he was.
 I am certain that I must know some people like this and, truly, I pity them.  How wretched these are who desire the demise of others--particularly when it is their own flesh and blood.  How soon they will reap what they have sown, no one can tell, but they DO reap sooner or later, as we all must.
This may be gloom and doom but I say, if the shoe fits, then I am writing for your benefit with the hopes that you will repent.  Turn to God while there is yet time; confess your sins before Him; ask His forgiveness for them all; and enter into the family of the living children of God.

If you lack inspiration to do so, I am including the following video for your consideration.  For the rest of  you who already know the truth inside this video, REJOICE!  Those who have walked in darkness have seen a great light.



Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...