Sunday, January 22, 2012

A new work week

What would you say if you recieved an email like the one that I recieved first thing this morning?  Here's what it said?

Dear Dawn

Thank you for the beautiful letter of things going on in your life. I need your help. I have had two bad mammograms and then a bad ultra sound of my left breast. There is something in my left breast and I am to see a surgeon this Wednesday to see when to do a biopsy. I am so afraid of cancer and do not know what to do. Can you help me?
This is what I wrote in reply to my friend's request for help.  I decided to share it in case any of you find yourselves in the same unhappy position that my friend is in.  I realize that it may be filled with information that you may not have been exposed to before so I will pray that you will search out the truth for yourselves.  Remember what God says in His word, "The truth will set you free."
Yours for freedom,
PS.  I used the x's  to protect my friend's identity.
I’m so sorry to hear your news this morning! However, I would urge you not to go the medical route with this thing. I’ve had lumps growing on my body many times, that BodyTalk revealed to be cancer, but I got rid of them naturally. YOU CAN TOO!
First of all, stop thinking about cancer!!! The more you think about cancer, the more energy you give to it. Every time that you are afraid, instead of thinking about cancer think, ‘I LOVE YOU, XXXXXXXX!” Think “I love you, XXXXXXX” over and over and over until the fear goes away. Sometimes you may have to say to yourself, “I’m sorry for all of the time that I spent thinking about cancer but now I am going to love myself instead.” The power of love (from others OR self) is awesome. If it helps any, I love you, XXXXXXX! Think about that—think about all of the people who love you NOT the people who will feel sorry for you if you go the medical route and have them cut your breast off!
Secondly, do castor oil packs whenever you have any pain in your breast. Spread castor oil very thickly on the breast. Run a washcloth under hot water and ring it out. Put this on top of the breast and cover with a towel to keep the warmth inside. Leave this on for 20 minutes and it will miraculously draw out much of the infection. Do this every time that you have any pain anywhere. I learned this from a naturopath who has healed many cancer patients with it.
Thirdly, I would go to the Health Food store and buy either Noni juice or Essiac and start drinking LOTS of it. Both of these have healed me and others of cancer.
Also I would buy THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS and go to their site. Many cancers are caused by parasites and you’ll need to zap them away daily if you have cancer in your family. I do this almost every day and certainly when I have any pain instead of waiting to find out that it MIGHT be cancer. Dr. Clark’s website has a nice assortment of zappers that you can buy:
Also, do not put anything on your body or IN your body with PROP in it. This can be in the form of isoPROPal alcohol or PROPalene glycol or many other forms. If you see the 4 letters PROP together in an ingredient, do NOT use that product. It’s in many personal care products and now also in sour cream, ice cream........... SEARCH for PROP and avoid it like the plague. This is what I do constantly and will do so for the rest of my life if I want to have a life.
Now, you took Access class, correct? Well, your body is saying that it wants you to do Access 3 times a day for 4 days. Then twice a day for 6 days then once a day indefinitely. Also, it is imperative that you come and see me. My only opening this week is at 10:00 on Tuesday morning. I’ve taken all of the required BT classes now so I can help you at the same level that YYYYYYYY can. You need more BodyTalk now than before so let’s get to work.
I will share that Dr. Leonard Coldwell has done research that proves that almost all illness is the result of stress. He does a stress relief program that I listen to several times a day. 20 minutes is like 8 hours of sleep and I just love it. You can buy it for $100 at: Get the Christian version as it is a prayer to God for healing and totally awesome. If you come in to see me, I’ll let you listen to it while I do your session.
Dr. Coldwell has healed many people of cancer with his cancer program. He healed ALL of them who did not let doctors treat them first. Some of those who saw doctors first, he was NOT able to save. Please pray seriously about NOT letting the doctors do anything further with you. The only reason they do testing is to get you into chemo and radiation which make them rich. These techniques are ones that were used in WAR to kill off the enemy and it is CRIMINAL for these doctors to be putting these poisons into people’s bodies! I WILL PRAY FOR YOU TO HAVE PEACE IN THIS!!! I’ve recovered from cancer over 20 times and not once did a doctor touch me. I’m almost positive that I’d not be here at all if I had.
This is what I’ve learned in my battle to stay alive. I pray that you will act in your best interests and stop reacting in fear. 2 Timothy 1:7 says FOR GOD HATH NOT GIVEN US THE SPIRIT OF FEAR; BUT OF POWER, AND OF LOVE, AND OF A SOUND MIND!!! Fear is NOT from God! It IS what the medical system uses to make themselves rich while folks drop like flies from their cancer treatments. There’s something wrong here!!!! Trust in the Lord, XXXXXXX! Trust His natural ways to heal you without drugs; without surgery; and without radiation!!!!
Your friend,
Dawn Bornemann

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