Monday, February 27, 2012

In charge

"God has not gone on vacation and left you in charge."  This is the thought for today on my "Famous Christian quotes" section of my iGoogle home page.  How I wish that many of our government leaders would grasp this concept.  Who really IS in charge of this country and our world?  The Republicans?  The Democrats?  I should hope not.

I think it's the nature of the beast that government corrupts good men.  That's why Thomas Jefferson said, "We must bind them (government officials) down with the chains of the Constitution."  The chains to our elected officials ARE our freedoms.  If we're not constantly reminding them that we are well aware of our rights, then we are weak and they will, and have already, taken advantage of our ignorance. 

There is one man who is fighting hard for the rights of our people here in North Dakota.  I know that you're probably thinking I'm going to say, "It's Ron Paul," but I was referring to Mr. Paul Sorum this time.  Mr. Sorum has gone out of his way to help the people of North Dakota.  We're so ignorant that we don't even realize the ways that fellow North Dakotans are suffering in the Western part of our state.  One friend of mine bought a pistol because she doesn't feel safe anymore in their small town.

Please take a moment to read Mr. Sorum's pledge to North Dakota which I copied off of his website.  Also, if you're impressed with what you read, please make a donation to his campaign at his website:  Like I just told Jacob right now, the young people are going to live in this country a whole lot longer than I am and it's his generation that needs to come on board and start making a difference.  Who's in charge of the world?  God is.  Who's in charge of our great republic--WE ALL ARE!!!!!!!!

For freedom,


Pledge to North Dakota – A Future That Works

In the face of unprecedented opportunity in North Dakota, the inefficient “business as usual” approach to governing must be reversed. I pledge to make the following reforms to ensure freedom and prosperity for a future that works:
Big Spending …Since 2001, State spending has increased 135%; personal income 26%. I will limit state spending increases to the corresponding rate of increase in personal income.
Debt … North Dakota’s debt and liabilities per capita is 4th highest in the Nation ($3,181 per citizen). In my administration, I will reduce the debt and liability per capita NOT increase it.
Tax Burden … North Dakota’s tax burden on business is higher than all states except Alaska. In my administration, this burden will be reduced making North Dakota competitive with other states.
Government Jobs … In North Dakota, 1 new government job (Federal, state or local) has been created for every 3 new citizens since 2000. As governor, I will streamline state government to be a role model of efficiency for all other the states.
Government Jobs … 1 in 5 jobs in North Dakota are government jobs, this is unsustainable. My administration will create an environment where challenging private sector jobs will be available to everyone.
Out Migration … Our young people continue to exit the state to find career opportunities unavailable here. My administration will focus on eliminating the barriers that keep business and industry from coming to North Dakota.
Water & Roads … There is currently no vision or plan for resolving statewide water and road issues. Using my experience in design and construction, I will work in collaboration with engineers and resolve both.
Low Wages … North Dakota has the third highest percent of people in the Nation working two jobs. I pledge to change that so people will only need to work two jobs if they want to do so.
Credit Rating … North Dakota’s AA+ credit rating is lower than 12 other states. I pledge to take the steps necessary to make North Dakota’s credit rating AAA+, the highest in the Nation.
Education K-12 … According to the North Dakota University System’s own study, only 1 in 4 high school graduates are adequately prepared to enter college. My administration will initiate the necessary steps to change this dismal outcome.
Higher Education … North Dakota’s higher education system is out of control — fewer than 22% of entering freshmen actually graduate in four years. My administration will shine a light on why this is happening and provide leadership to change it.
Infrastructure … In spite of rapid growth in North Dakota’s oil industry, leadership has failed to develop a detailed plan for infrastructure to facilitate long-term growth. My administration will immediately implement a strategic plan to finance and build necessary infrastructure in Western North Dakota.
As a candidate for Governor of North Dakota, I bring proven knowledge and experience in all aspects of our state’s needs. I invite you to embrace our vision to ensure that North Dakota’s best days are yet to come.
Paul Sorum, Candidate for Governor of North Dakota
Sorumforgovernor.comrealize that our rights ARE being trampled on!  Please go to

1 comment:

Dawn Bornemann said...

Wonderful! Now it would be helpful if you can share with others about Paul so that he can be on the ballet as the powers in charge do not even want to give people the option to vote for him. I suppose they're afraid that he'll win.
Please pray for us tonight.

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