Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My new brain

Yesterday, when I was cleaning up my office, I found the notes that Elizabeth took during Dr. Veltheim's session on my brain.  I was so happy as I was discouraged when I learned that my iPod wasn't recording during the session.  I had hoped to play that for you here as I wanted you all to hear the session as though you were in person during this great moment in my life.  Here, instead, is a summary of Elizabeth's notes. 

It was a week ago on Monday, that would be May 21st, 2012, that I had a session from BodyTalk's founder, Dr. John Veltheim.  I was glad that I wasn't the first one of the 30, who had each paid $150 for a session, as I was terribly nervous.  In fact, I had gone anaphylactic twice the week before as I pondered whether or not Dr. Veltheim would be able to restore my brain or even to bring further healing. Many of you and I have prayed for 6 years for my brain to be completely restored and now I know that it will be!

When you get on the table, Dr. Veltheim instantly puts his hand on your navel.  Our navels are satellite receivers and are constantly taking in information.  He tunes in to your energies and, when he has pondered for a few moments, he turns to you and asks, "Is there anything that you would like to tell me?"

When asked that question, I told him, "Yes.  6 years ago I almost died from shingles on my brain.  I've had 750 bee stings in my head to keep the immune system going but still I would have died if I hadn't met Elizabeth Hanson and started with BodyTalk."

He chuckled, and looked at her then approvingly, which I know meant a great deal to her.  Then he turned back to me and said,  "Well, let's see if I know any more than Elizabeth does," at which the whole class roared.

Dr. Veltheim put his hand on my head then and tuned into my brain.  He said, "I can tell that there has been heavy duty shock to your brain," in his wonderful Australian accent.  I wasn't shocked at that statement.

He said that the affects of residual inflammation has led to tightening of the muscles in the entire neck, shoulder, head areas.  No shock here either.

He said that there is nothing remaining of the actual shingle virus so I was happy that my BT sessions so far have completely killed it off.  However there is a LOT of internal scar tissue which he said, in the brain, is called a lesion.

Dr. Veltheim taught us all that normally lesions are 3/4 of an inch long at most and about 1/8 inch thick.  He said that my brain is full of this size of lesions but that there are 2 massive ones besides all of them.  He said that the biggest one is about 4 inches long and about 1 1/2 inches thick and that he'd never seen anything like it before.  He said they're like ropes down by the spinal cord and that I can be thankful that the big ones were not down that far or I'd not have made it.  "Nobody can take THAT kind of pain," he added

What he did with these was to tell the brain to fragment them--break them up.  He specifically said that he was going to break up the many lesions in my brain with neutrons in the pre-frontal cortex area of my brain.  It's like he told them to go into those thick, dead areas and eat up the Lincoln Logs that were taking up a lot of space in my brain.  Now I understand why I had such poor memory.

Next Dr. Veltheim told my brain to do rehab to itself.  He told it to use Astrosites to start to fill in the areas that the neutrons were cleaning out.  He said that we have twice as many Astrosites as neutrons in the brain and that is the only place where Astrosites live.

He said that the Astrosites act as an antenna to help keep the brain healthy.  He said that they can switch to stem cells and then they themselves will turn into my new brain cells if need be.  Dr. Veltheim said that the body does this automatically if the damage isn't too severe--mine was! 

I am not ashamed to say that right now I find myself sobbing for joy.  Isn't it amazing what our wonderful bodies can heal from?  I praise God for BodyTalk and for bringing Dr. Veltheim to Brandon to work on my brain. 

Dr. Veltheim said that he set up a program for my Astrosites to make new brain cells for 10 to 14 days. 

He then talked about how sometimes people loose their session's benefits because people's brains get stressed out before the program has run the full time.  He urged us to check to see if a client needs to do cortices to the program for a certain number of days to keep it running no matter what other developments arise in a person's life.  I had to do mine for 23 days so I am still doing that several times a day.  I do NOT want that program to stop running until I have a brand new brain!

Immediately, after I got off the table, my head felt tipped.  I asked Elizabeth if it was tipped to the left but she said that it was still upright.  We figure that the super large lesion was holding my brain away from that side of the skull.  Once the neutrons started eating up the lesion, there wasn't anything holding it away from the side of the skull anymore so it leaned over into it's rightful position which made me feel tipped for about 6 hours after the session.

The next day, when fellow class members asked me how I felt different, I mentioned that but added, "Now I feel as though there is more in my head--it feels more full."  We surmised that my brain was already building those new brain cells and we marveled together.  How cool is that?

Since then, I've noticed that I'm more tired than usual so I assume that building a new brain is hard work.  Of course, I want to help it out all that I can so I keep tapping out, "Cortices to John's session," several times a day as he instructed me to do.

Isn't this absolutely amazing?  Even with extensive brain damage, such that Dr. Veltheim himself has never seen the likes of before,  my brain can heal.  Indeed it IS healing as I write and what's more, many of the sorrows of those months is pouring out of me in great big sobs.  It feels so good to finally feel safe enough to let it out--now that I know that even that severe brain damage can be repaired through BodyTalk.

I covet your prayers as the program continues restoring the years that the locusts have eaten from my brain and my entire life. 



PS  I'll post the pictures I took of class later.  Robert is needing a session now as he's dealing with that awful cough that's been hanging around here.    I covet your prayes for our entire family!!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Freedom anyone?

How much are we going to take before we say, "Down with tyranny?"

 Please help by praying for the Ron Paul campaign. 

Please help by donating either to the main Ron Paul campaign or the one that my son is working in.  This is a grass-roots effort in South Dakota to get Ron Paul elected as President of the United States.  Here's the link to donate:

 Lastly,  PLEASE volunteer your time to call folks or go door to door if you live in the Sioux Falls area.  If you know of anyone in the Sioux Falls area, you can help by sending them to the site.

 We ALL have to work together to stop this power grab by Big Brother.  Oh yes, if you haven't read George Orwell's, "1987", that's another thing that you can do to help your country.  I read it in High School and it has motivated me to speak the truth in love ever since.  We MUST speak out against tyranny while WE THE PEOPLE still can!!!!!!!!!!!

Go, Andrew, go!  Go, everyone, GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  STOP THE TYRANNY!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Too gloomy

I find myself too gloomy to write about my trip this morning.  Andrew just left for 10 days to help take South Dakota for Ron Paul and Cora just left for baby sitting for the day--AND the weather is morbidly gloomy.  Is it any wonder, then, that I was drawn to Andrew's blog where I found this video.

 Last Sabbath, when Cora and I were playing piano duets, we decided to ask Andrew to video us as I've been wanting to share out piano duets here. Of course, we chose one of his favorite songs, "Be Thou my Vision" to bless Andrew as he patiently listened when he had many other things on his mind.

How I miss my Andrew today!!!  I rejoice, though, that he loves God deeply and is obeying God's call on his life. I rejoice even more that "Be Thou my Vision" IS one of Andrew's favorite songs, for it assures me that my son has his eyes on the one who made him--the one who loves him even more than I do.

Please, dear Lord, keep Andrew safe and please bring him back to us victorious!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Amen?


Friday, May 25, 2012

I'm home from Canada with a new brain.  I had a great office day in Bismarck yesterday and then I heard this.  He's going to make it!  Go Ron Paul!!!  Can you tell that I'm excited about life?

Have a great day everyone and have a happy Sabbath.  Tomorrow I'll post pictures of my trip and share more about the fantastic session that Dr. Veltheim did on my brain.  I'm truly grateful to God for making me a BodyTalk practitioner--the miracles are happening every day!  :)


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Today has been a peaceful day of rest and worship.  I am so glad that Andrew's voice is strong enough again to be heard singing Tenor during our hymn sing!  That was a nasty bug.

I'm excited because tomorrow I leave for Brandon, Manitoba to take another BodyTalk class.  This one is being taught by Dr. John Veltheim who is the founder of BodyTalk.  In other words, he developed the program that saved my life!  I am one of 30 who get to have a personal session from Dr. Veltheim during the class. 

I am eager to see if Dr. Veltheim can fill in the missing puzzle pieces to the brain damage that I suffered in 2006-2007.  I've received BodyTalk sessions from many different practitioners over the past 5 years to whom I say, "Thank you and God bless you all."  However, my brain STILL is not where it was before the illness.  My memory is not what it was before.  I say, my memory is not what it was before and I still have pain in my head if I keep it down too long.  Please pray with me that this can be a thing of the past.

In the meantime, I'll share with you an email which I received this morning from a friend/client from Georgia.  She sent an elderly man, who is 85 years young, from Canada to me this week and I began working with him.  I was greatly encouraged by this feedback so I decided share it with you all.

Please be in prayer for my journey.  I am very eager to spend time with my friend, Elizabeth, as well as learn more techniques to help the sick.  We both are so busy doing BT nowadays, plus everything else that a home school mom needs to attend to, that we hardly ever get to talk anymore. 

I love you all!


PS.  I'll post pictures of class when I get home.  I also have some pictures with my dear old friends from our Linton days which Andrew took last night.  It was sooooooooooo wonderful to be with Terri and Sylvia at the graduation reception in Hazelton.  WOW--it sure was a long time since we talked!  Have you noticed how old friends can just pick up conversations that they left off a decade ago?

Hi Dawn,

Thank you for your kindness. I hope you and your lovely family are doing very well. Can we wait to schedule my next session until you get back from Canada? I would like to be introduced to what you will have learned. When is your trip planned?

I suggested XXXXX give you a call to check on the radionics workshop and the feasibility of his attending and to explore BT which I thought could do a great deal for him. You have made quite a start with him, he has reported to me your instructions and he is following them. This is wonderful! I believe he is seeing progress, although he tends not to show that in full detail.

I keep hearing good things about your increased proficiency with BT, you are making a difference!

Love to you and your family, and please say hello to Jacob for me,


Monday, May 14, 2012

I'm ready

Yesterday was great.  My children are awesome and Robert took me to Bismarck to spend some time with his mom and dad.  Before we went there, though, we went to eat at Denny's.  Truly I ate a lot less than I would have had I not started putting my weight problem under God's grace instead of under my condemnation--thanks to Pastor Prince.  I truly believe that this is the answer to solving any of our problems.

HOWEVER, when I washed my hands in the restroom, I took a good look at myself in the mirror--and went right back to self-condemnation.  I stopped exercising in frustration with no real improvements about 5 months ago.  Then 2 months ago I began working on the hypothyroidism and I sat back to see how that would change things.  UGH!  Did you realize that one symptom of hypothyroidism is that you despise exercise because it doesn't help to solve the problem. 

Anyway, this was just on Facebook and it inspired me to start THINKING about getting back to daily exercise.  Please pray for me--better yet--please write and share how exercise is benefiting you.  I need some inspiration!

I'm willing to do my part.  Tonight, though, we're having Robert's birthday party and we're cooking all of his favorite foods.  Maybe I'll start tomorrow?????????????????????????

Let's start supporting each other in this, folks, by stopping looking down on other people who have weight problems.  It's just so hard to start to work on this problem with self-contempt fueling the eating!



Saturday, May 12, 2012

Guess what wonderful thing God did for me on this beautiful Sabbath morning.  I woke up to this email in my inbox.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Hi everyone, What a great day I had yesterday wi...":

Your blog has been awarded at

How cool is that? 

I'm sharing this with you all as a resource for you to find other bloggers who write of their love for God.  I'm sure that there will be some new blogs on my sidebar soon. 

Speaking of which, I want to point out a new blog on Jacob's sidebar:  This young  man is 14 and a friend of Jacob's from the LSUK website which is the forum for people who like to play Farming Simulator.  Now, Tyler decided to start blogging because Jacob was blogging so hat's off to Jacob for his good fruit.  ;)

Tyler is a farm boy from Nebraska who makes lots and lots and lots of hay like Jacob does.  I think that they have around 250 head of cattle.  Because Jacob has spoken of him so much, I feel as though he's part of the family and so I'm adding Tyler to my sidebar.  Welcome to the blogging world, Tyler!

We're all happy as we finished the seeding yesterday.  For as long as I've known Robert, which is 33 years, he has had a goal of getting the seeding done before his birthday.  This is the first time that we're actually DONE seeding BEFORE his birthday which is on Monday.  Everything is early this year due to the mild Winter so we're all excited.

During the wet moments of this past week, we ripped out our old rotten deck and the guys got us some new deck boards.  Cora, Jacob, and I stained them when things dried out.  I have one hint for anyone who is going to stain new deck boards--make sure that the stain is thoroughly mixed before you start staining.  We have quite a mixture of colors on our boards but, thankfully, there is an underside to deck boards which nobody will see.  I'll try to get some pictures on here soon concerning our deck project.

It's been a stressful month, even though exciting.  The other morning, as I waited for my client to come to the house here, suddenly I found myself covered in hives.  OH NO--I haven't gone anaphalactic in about 2 years but I know enough to know that instant hives is the first step to my going into shock.

Cora was doing my hair, as I wrote here, and suddenly my face was hot.  Each time it goes faster so it wasn't long until the hives were all over my arms and legs also.  Fortunately, we've had enough experience with shock to know what to do. 

Instantly I took some water with cayenne pepper tincture in it along with a few bites so that it doesn't burn my stomach.  I started my deep breathing exercises and went to work washing the dishes.  I find that I do better if I'm doing some brainless thing instead of laying in bed paying attention to how shaky I'm getting.  Jacob also ran rates for me on his machine for shock.

I was still a little red when my clients came but the shakiness was gone and I just smiled a lot and let them talk as I waited for the radionics to firm up my thinking.  By the time the session was over, the hives were gone and I was only weak.  Cora and I laughed, after the client left, that my sunburn disappeared mighty quick!

I praise God for getting me through it once again!  Oh, I forgot to mention that I also took 4 Loratadine which brings the histamine levels down.  I told Cora that I've been doing so well that I haven't taken any Loratadine in about 8 months.  I guess I'll probably take 1 a day for a few weeks to ward it off.

Did I mention that I slept for 3 hours that afternoon and took it easy the rest of the day?  There hasn't been any sign of it's return so I rejoice in that!  Thanks to Cora for keeping calm and helping me to think my way through the experience.  Praise God for His healing ways!

One other praise is that I got a new client from the sign that I put up at Terry's Health Food store in Bismarck.  This woman said, "The whole world needs to know about these healing methods!"  I told her, "You go ahead and tell them," and then we laughed together.

I was encouraged, though, that I may have found the person to man my office when I'm down here.  There are so many wonderful things that I want to do out of that office but can't because nobody can be 2 places at one time.  We'll see what she thinks of my work after her first session next week.

Once again, I am honored to be chosen for my encouragement to others in the faith!  That is the reason that I started this blog 3 years ago--to give others hope of a better life as a follower of Christ.  Now, to bless your day as much as mine has been blessed, I'd like to share this awesome poem with you!  If you haven't given your life to Christ yet, I pray that today is the day that you too will join the family of God!

God bless all who open their hearts to His amazing love!

Happy Sabbath everyone,


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hi everyone,
  What a great day I had yesterday with 5 fantastic sessions in my Bismarck office--praise God!  I am surprised how many people out there were raised by alcoholics--4 of the 5 I worked with yesterday were. 

How it must grieve God's heart that so few people really feel His love for them.  I cannot urge you enough to start digging into Pastor Prince's resources at: if YOU want to start experiencing God's love in a richer and fuller way.

I'd like to share his devotional today as it was just perfect for me--but then it usually is!  You can sign up to get Pastor Prince's daily devotional on the site too.  I've learned that, by filling my mind with his thoughts on grace, I have much more energy to run on.  I suppose it's because I'm not constantly shooting myself in the foot with thoughts of all my past failures. 

Before the devotional, though, I'd like to invite any home schoolers who live in the Fargo, ND area to ponder attending the AppleSeed Shoot which is being held there this weekend.  I just attended my 3rd one last weekend and I qualified at the Sharp Shooter level--AGAIN.  Some day I am going to make Riflewoman.  How do I know?  Because I won't ever quit until I make it and then I won't ever quit shooting as I am really starting to enjoy it.

Did I tell you that one of the guys at the shoot last weekend, who made Rifleman at the January shoot in Minot, saw my AQT.  He said, "Nice groupings!"  Now that's what I'd call inspiration. 

If you can't attend, please join me in praying for nice weather for the event.  Also, Andrew needs continued prayers as he isn't getting much rest this week with pushing to finish seeding by the weekend.  I'm out to spend the day in the tractor, after packing 4 lunches, so I could use some prayers too as that has often been rough on my neck--but now I'm under grace.  ;)

Love to all.  I hope that you'll enjoy Pastor Prince's morning devotional and that you'll get in the daily habit of filling your mind with his encouraging words too.

God bless,


Jesus Is Your Sweet Aroma To God
Leviticus 1:13
… the priest shall bring it all and burn it on the altar; it is a burnt sacrifice, an offering made by fire, a sweet aroma to the Lord.

In Old Testament times, when a burnt offering is killed, its head is severed, the fat removed, and the entrails and legs washed. Then, everything is placed on an altar and burnt, and the sacrifice is a sweet aroma to God.

All this speaks of the death of Jesus, who has “given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma”. (Ephesians 5:2)

The head of the sacrificed animal speaks of the mind of Christ offered as a covering for our minds. This means that although our minds are often clouded with unbelief, worries, foolishness, filth and human reasoning, God treats us as if we have the mind of Christ, without wrong or displeasing thoughts, bringing pleasure to Him like a sweet aroma.

The fat of the animal speaks of the riches of Christ, His best, for God equates the fat of something with the best of that entity. (Genesis 45:18) The fat of the burnt sacrifice speaks of Jesus giving us His riches, His best, as our covering. So God does not see us in our lack, but in the riches and excellence of Jesus going up to Him as a sweet aroma.

The entrails or intestines speak of Jesus’ motivations, feelings, affections and desires. We often feel fearful, anxious, stressed out or angry (and it affects our stomach and intestines). But God sees only Jesus’ feelings and desires, which are always pure, beautiful and acceptable to Him — a sweet aroma.

The legs refer to Jesus’ perfect walk — His power to serve and obey the Father — imputed to our weak and faltering walk. And the fact they are washed shows that even our crooked walk has been cleansed.

Beloved, God does not see your foolish mind, weak nature, inadequate feelings or faulty walk. Instead, He sees you in the perfection of His Son, who gave Himself up for you as a sweet-smelling sacrifice to G

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Just Breathe

Yesterday was a day of intense pressures.  On the other hand, it was a day of intense delights in that Cora and I got to spend the entire day together in Bismarck.  All I can say is that my tailbone is in the right spot at the end of my spine for the first time in 41 years.  Jessica Irelan, of Butterfly Therapeutics, is one whopper massage therapist! 

At one point, as I recalled the abuse that put my tailbone out of line, I stopped breathing.  I did NOT want to have to relive that hour but it came out anyway.  Many things, through BodyTalk sessions, can be gotten rid of with the client not even recalling the incident.  Sometimes, though, they need to be remembered for whatever reason. 

First of all, Jessica worked on my back side and thighs to get all of the surrounding muscles as loose as possible.  Then, when she felt that it was ready to move, she started working it's way over and did it ever hurt.  I must have quit breathing as Jessica's stern command, "Breathe," brought me back to the situation.  Still, I couldn't breath so Jessica said loudly, "Breathe, Dawn, BREATHE." 

  When I did that, suddenly my tailbone began shifting to the left and tears started flowing.  It hurt but the memories hurt more for I hadn't realized that those memories were stored there.  Jessica said, "Our sexual traumas are stored in our buttocks, so it makes perfect sense that those memories would surface when I'm working back here."

  It was really rough and I wept like I haven't wept in a long, long time.  I was comforted when Jessica started talking about all of the people that I have helped.  She said, "I know that it's hard to go through this again but think about all of the people that you have helped because you understand what sexual abuse is like."  It did help.

  Now, what was totally awesome this morning is that a new friend of mine sent this link to me out of the blue.  I urge you to read the story about this song and then listen to it by putting it into the context of what I have just shared.  Praise God for His awesome ways of bringing comfort to us when we are low.



Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...