Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Happy anniversary to us

Hi everyone,

Today is Robert's and my 32 anniversary and we are enjoying the day.  We slept in late; opened presents from the children; and played the game, FUNGLISH which was in the package that I opened.

 It is a super fun game and, once we started to get the hang of it, some of us decided that they like it better than Taboo.  I'm not so sure as Taboo has been my favorite game for years and years.  FUNGLISH was fun, though, so I'm sure it will grow on me once I figure it out a little bit better. 

Robert just informed me that he's taking me to Bismarck right after lunch so now I am curious.  I know that curiosity can get a person in trouble but I just cannot help myself.  This past weekend, when I saw that Alex was scoring Cora's AQT, I stood nearby watching him until he folded the paper over so that I couldn't see.  Later, when he gave it to Cora and I saw that it was a Rifleman score, I was glad that I hadn't seen it before she did.  Curiosity can certainly get a person in trouble.

Anyway, I got this letter from my US Senator this morning.  I was curious to see what he had to say and decided to share it with you all.  I'm not sure if it amazes me or amuses me that even in the White House people don't know how to write anymore.  The substance was quite what I would have expected from a man who votes Constitutionally 10% of the time even though he took an oath to uphold the US Constitution 100% of the time.

All I can say is we're headed for big trouble in this country--big trouble.  Is anyone aware of this???  If not, I urge you to carefully ponder what my Senator said to me in this letter.  Is it just my imagination or did he say absolutely nothing to me???

With that thought, I close with a simple song to Robert and me on our 32nd anniversary.

Happy anniversary to us;
Happy anniversary to us;
Happy anniversary, dear Robert;
Happy anniversary to us!

Love to all,


1 comment:

Kimberly said...

I am excited to hear what you did in Bismarck for your anniversary. How nice that you spent the day together like that.

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