Tuesday, November 6, 2012

What will you do for your country today?

God has given us the most free nation of any EVER!!!

 We have a Constitution which has preserved the freedoms of our people for over 200 years.

We have the chance to go and vote today for the people that we think will best represent us in our legislatures and in the White House.

We even have the right to run for public office if we don't like any of the choices out there!

  We also have the right not to go out and vote and then sit and bitch for the next 4 years about how things are run. We have that right!!!

We have the right to pray for our country and criticize people who are political activists for not observing the "Separation of church and state." I know many people like this who falsely interpret that phrase to mean that Christians should not be involved in politics. The only time the phrase, "Separation of church and state" was used at the start of our country was to teach the people that the government had NO RIGHT to establish a government led church as the Church of England which they had just escaped from.

  We have the right to sit back and do nothing today. We can just twiddle our thumbs while communism seeps further and further into our government. We can dig our heads in the sand a little further and say, "It's not my problem."

Can't you see that that is why we ARE in this position with a corrupt government? For generations and generations Christians in this country have simply "PRAYED" that God would bless America without realizing that He already had when HE gave us freedom from England AND our incredible Constitution.

  I challenge you to get out and vote today.

  Pray about how to vote and then drive to your voting precinct and vote.

  If this is too much effort for you, then I challenge you to go to JBS.org and spend some time reading about ways that you can get involved to help save our country.

 Pray and then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I pray that God will save America from the destruction it deserves for no longer defending life in the womb.

  I pray for my country's leaders to call upon Him constantly and to keep their oath to the Constitution which they swore when they took office.

I pray that my country will always remain FREE but, I'm sorry to say, praying is NOT enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I urge you to listen to this awesome song and then get out there and vote the way God leads you to vote.



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