Sunday, August 25, 2013

Drink Kangen water or else.........

Andrew just found a new toy on his smart phone and it is hilarious!  I am even MORE determined to drink at least a gallon of Kangen water EVERY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Andrew was quite shocked when I asked him to let me share it as it really is quite repulsive.  He can advance the age of a person with his new program up to 50 years.  It was a hoot to see him but WOW not so pretty to see me 50 years older. 

If YOU want to reverse aging, come on over and pick up some Kangen water.  Go ahead and ENJOY a laugh at my expense.  I can take it having seen around 100 people in their 50's 60's 70's and 80s who drink Kangen water every day.  They did NOT look like this. 

The laughing aside, today was the 9th day of my Master Cleanse and it's going better now.  It sure has been rough so I'm glad that tomorrow is the last full day.  Things are hanging more loosely on me so I'm happy.
Love to all you Master Cleansers out there tonight!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Don't watch these

Don't watch these while eating!  I'm serious!!!

Never-the-less, I urge you to watch this video as it IS remarkable!  However, I MUST share this disclaimer.

Have you ever noticed how people look at the world through the view of their mindset or worldview as some people call it?  Well, Dr Shinya's mindset seems to me to be that animal products cause all of the health problems in this world.  ):

Now, as much as I admire his work, I would have preferred that he had shared this video from the perspective of what Kangen water did to help these folks.  It doesn't take much discernment to see that his bias against animal products is stronger than his love of Kangen water and I couldn't DISagree more!!!!!!!!!

Decades of research shows that grass-fed beef, and it's products, are absolutely essential to our health.  The brain cannot function without these in our diet!  I used to think it was just because I was raised on as much as I wanted of great grass-fed beef from my dad's ranch that I grew weak without it.  Now I know that it is NOT "Just me."

One client of mine told me that she asked her naturopath, "Of all the changes that I need to make in my life, which is the most important for me to make with the resources that I have?"  Do you want to know what the doctor said?

"GRASS-FED, ORGANIC (IF POSSIBLE), BEEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Dr. Mercola was the first one who confirmed from his research that our bodies MUST have healthy animal fats or suffer.  Children's brains especially must have the fat from animal products to keep growing normally.  How thankful I am that God placed me in a ranch family where I had unlimited access to all of the great beef and raw milk that my body needed then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, as you listen to this, I would urge you to ponder what it is that folks have with their beef.  Have you ever gone to a fast food restaurant; ordered a burger; and NOT gotten it with MORE bread in the bun than there was beef in the burger?????????????????

Dr. Mercola, and many others, recommend absolutely NO grains in our diets.  It is MUCH better to feed the grains to animals who make far superior products for our bodies than grains ever could be!!!

On the Trim Healthy Mama diet, AFTER you have lost all of the weight that needs to go, you can have sour dough bread like the pioneers used to feed their children.  With all of the obesity causing all kinds of problems for Americans (and now world-wide thanks to us), we need to look at the real culprit and that is refined carbohydrates including BREAD!!! 

For this reason, I urge everyone to buy THM and start following this proven weight-loss plan.  Further, start eating more vegetables.  I learned in Sally Fallon's book, "Nourishing Traditions," that not all vegetables are healthiest in their raw state but, for Pete's sake, don't boil them all to death as I was taught to do. 

I encourage you to read "Nourishing Traditions" for another reason.  She teaches you how to lacto-ferment grains before you eat them which removes the phytic acid coating which irritates so many people's intestinal tracts.  Until you reach your ideal weight, though, I cannot encourage ANY eating of grains whatsoever as THEY irritate the intestinal tract and cause many of the problems which Dr. Shinya (because of his anti-animal products stance) attributes to the problems in these scenes.

Go ahead and watch now.  In fact, I dare you to.  It's always a good thing to know what may be going on inside your body. 

Here's another video with proper English.  I AM becoming aware that we are linked to everyone in the world and I AM grateful beyond measure to the Japanese people for sharing Kangen water with
us, but it still bugs me a bit to hear English used poorly.  SIGH!!!

Happy Sabbath everyone!

Here's to an ABUNDANT healthy life for all of God's children!!!


Monday, August 19, 2013

Day 2 and 3

Day 2 and 3 were exact opposites and I loved them both.  Yesterday was quietly spent at home picking chokecherries and processing them.  Day 3 today was busy running all over Bismarck and seeing clients PLUS the 2 hours on the road of course.

The best part about today, though, was weighing myself and finding that I have lost 4 pounds already!!!  Either the Kangen water or jump starting my metabolism with Trim Healthy Mama have made the difference.

Most people will lose from 15 to 20 pounds in 10 days on the MC.  My metabolism was so stuck, though, that I did it for 30 days last year and lost 12 pounds--UGH!  Needless to say I am delighted with the progress so I press on.

Sleep well my loves!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

This is GREAT!

We just found this explanation of how Kangen water works in the body to heal like nothing else.  It's true and Dr. Michael can explain it in under 12 minutes so please open your mind; sit down; and truly listen.  This information can change your life as it has mine and so many others!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Master Cleanse 7--day 1

Hi everyone,

I trust that your Sabbath rest was refreshing and that your fellowship was enlightening.  I had a nice day with my family quietly enjoying farm life. 

Cora and I decided to do another master cleanse together and this was the first full day.  This means that we have been working our way into it for the past 3 days which is the only safe way to begin and end such an intensive time of cleansing.

We learned something very valuable today.  I have been all excited to do this cleanse with Kangen water.  I thought, "It'll be so neat to cleanse more quickly," but it wasn't!!!!!

Today Cora and I discussed the fact that neither one of us has been feeling very well.  She said, "Maybe we shouldn't combine the Master Cleanse with Kangen water.  Maybe it makes us detoxify too quickly.  Being it is capable of blasting apart medications, maybe it is getting the lemonade into our cells too quickly."   HMMM 

That was when we got the idea to Goggle master cleansing with Kangen water.  When Cora found an article about doing the lemonade cleanse with 7.0 water, we knew what to do.  Of course, I don't know why I didn't think about this 4 days ago, but now we know that we CAN combine Kangen water with the master cleanse--only use 7.0 instead of the stronger waters.

I am so happy that I don't have to give up my Kangen water over the next few weeks of master cleansing.  I am so happy that Cora is doing this with me.  I am so happy that there are so many wonderful ways to help our bodies to get well.  Now for some food......  WRONG!  I just thought I'd check to see if anyone is listening.  :)

Have a great week!


PS. Here is something that we did this past week--took family pictures.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

One smart woman

Wow--this doctor is one smart woman.  I learned so much more about water listening to her and I am thankful for the chance to take one more step towards becoming a molecular hydration specialist like Michael and certain of my friends.  My day is coming.  :) 

If you've been wondering about water clustering or the hexagonal shape of Kangen water, the answers are here.  Also, why RO water is BAD for you and how to get rid of addictions and stop plagues with Kangen water. 

BTW, if you happen to be in Bismarck on Monday night, PLEASE come by the Ramada and take advantage of the Kangen water class which I am coordinating for those friends mentioned above. 

Here's to getting younger every day with Kangen water!  Want to give it a try for 30 days--it's on me!


Saturday, August 3, 2013


"Help me, Lord?"  You mean this works?  If you're not convinced, watch this 7 minute video by Pastor Prince explaining why God is NOT impressed with loooooooooooooong prayers.

Happy Sabbath everyone!

Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...