Thursday, May 29, 2014

God's amazing timing

God is so incredible and His timing so amazing!!  I was just going through the last of my dad's things when I couldn't hold back the tears anymore.  Then He showed me THIS song and it was PERFECT!  If Dad were still on Earth, I'd say, "Thanks for taking me to church to learn about Jesus, Dad!  Thanks FOREVER!!!"

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

This is graduation week and it's crazy!!!!!!!!!

PLEASE keep us in your prayers as we try to finish seeding AND get everything ready for the graduation. 

Here are the shirts that we ordered for the guys BUT they sent the wrong size.  We ordered 2 Mediums for the boys and a Large shirt for Robert.  Well, they sent 2 Mediums and an EXTRA large for Robert.

Not sure what to do, I had Robert try on one of the Mediums and it fit perfectly.  WHAT TO DO NOW?

After considerable trouble we got in contact with the company and asked if they have a SMALL one for Jacob and offered to send the extra large one back to them.  They said that, in all of the United States of America, they do not have ONE small stars and stripes shirt.  UGH!!!

This leaves us with the terrible problem of trying to alter the extra large shirt down to a small to fit Jacob.  It makes sense to leave the 2 Medium ones alone as they fit Robert and Andrew. 

Seeing as I am an absolutely TERRIBLE seamstress, I am wondering if anyone out there in cyberspace is a seamstress who has enough time to alter the shirt by Sunday for Jacob's graduation.  I will certainly pay.  Please message me if God is laying it on YOUR heart to help us in this fashion.

God bless all of you as you busily plant your gardens and crops!

Dawn for the Bornemanns

Sunday, May 11, 2014

A special gift from my daughter this morning

I just received this special gift from my daughter and, YES, it made me cry tears of joy.  I don't know how many of you moms out there feel like you just give and give and nobody notices.  That's how I've felt many times but now I see that this just isn't true! 
I'm especially grateful, after having watched this, to have been spared an early death.  I'm especially grateful that my family didn't become motherless in '06.  I'm especially grateful to all who helped me through those wretched years of recovery from shingles on the brain.
I'm especially grateful for my children--all 20 of them!!!  May God give all the ones who passed before me hugs from their mama today.  I'll take care of the rest!  ;)
Happy Mother's Day!
Love you all! 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

A Mother's Vision

This is awesome!  I share it with all who are mothers or those who have mothers who love God!  What higher calling is there for a woman?
Oh God, I pray tonight that my children will serve you all the days of their lives!!  Anything less would be failure!

Happy Mother's Day!


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Harvey Chester Delzer

I wish that I could say all that I am feeling in my heart about my dad's death but I need to go feed a couple of calves electrolytes.  I share these pictures instead. 
 Please cover me with your prayers as we head for Eureka tomorrow to bury my father on Thursday. 
I spent 3 of the last 4 days of his life in this room.  Our last hour together I spent showing him photos of my family and he and mom with us. 
 Then I sang for half an hour and it was so strange.  I felt like the whole world was holding it's breath listening to my father listening to me.  It was a strange, calm feeling and I liked it knowing that I was paying tribute to a great singer who now sings no more on Earth.  I wonder what Heaven's choir sounds like with their new bass?  How I long to hear it!!!
I love you Dad!!!  Please take good care of him, Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!  I suppose you've introduced him to my children by now.  I like that thought!

Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...