Sunday, July 27, 2014

Very high tech!

Being on Stemtech products this past month has been awesome.  I can just feel the life coming back into my body as my damaged nerves begin to heal!!!  This video tells the story of how it is harvested from a beautiful place on God's Earth!  WOW

Friday, July 25, 2014

Every cry is heard by the Father

Happy Sabbath everyone.  If your heart is heavy tonight, I pray that this song will comfort you.

Love to all,


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Valley of Roses

It's been really hard here lately!  Even though the Stemtech and Kyroback are starting to make major dents in the pain/burning/tingling/numbness/and muscle jerks of MS, it's hard to wait to get totally well!!!  Sometimes I think that it's harder to be patient AFTER the improvements have begun than before.  A little bit of relief is soooooooooo wonderful that I want MOOORRRRRRREEEEEEE!  I WANT TO BE WELL NOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!

That's why the story that I'm about to share with you means so very much to me.  Yesterday, while giving a client a phone session, his mom shared this wonderful story with me.  She said that, as a young woman, she had been on a mission trip and found it not as delightful as she had anticipated.  An older, wiser woman shared this story with her and I am so thankful that she shared it with me.  This is my version and I pray that it blesses all of you who are facing a lot of thorns today!

God bless,


Life is like this.  When we are born we are on the top of a very tall mountain.  Our death lies at the top of another very tall mountain very far away.  In the immense valley which lies between these 2 huge mountains are beautiful roses.  In fact, the whole valley is filled to overflowing with roses that look and smell so stunningly beautiful that we can hardly wait to get started on our journey.

As we begin our life, we are filled with excitement at being alive and we see only the beauty of the roses calling us forward into the valley.  We go forward with great anticipation of how wonderful it will be to live in that valley.  We are in high spirits just knowing that life amongst such beautiful roses can be nothing but wonderful.

However, and there seems to always be a however, as we get deeper into the valley we discover that there are giant thorns attached to the rose plants.  The thorns pull at our clothing and tear our skin and cause us pain.

We find huge boulders that we must go around or over or blast apart to get through somehow.  We find mud that nearly chokes us when we fall on our faces and there is always the knowledge that quicksand may suck us under at any moment. 

There are insects which bite and sting and suck our life's blood.  On top of that, there are others in the valley who say unkind things as they push past us to get to the top of the mountain first with the most rose petals in their pockets.  They may stop just long enough to take our treasures that we've been collecting as we go on our way leaving us even more miserable than before. 

Others may actually try to run us into the thorns on purpose just because they are like that.  The only way to keep going, with that kind in our area, is to forgive them and begin to pray that God will work in their hearts to change them into caring human beings.

Some of these others are kind and travel along with us, helping us when we stumble, but they are few and their paths leave ours all too soon leaving us alone again to try to find our way.

Once in awhile, when we think to look up, we can see the lovely roses just above our heads.  During these moments, we sit quietly just taking in their beauty and being thankful to God for blessing us with the roses!  Soon, however, life forces us to be off again.

Week after week; month after month; year after year; decade after decade we slowly plod through the mud, or the hard cracked earth depending on rainfall, towards our destination.  We learn gradually to proceed more slowly--pausing more often to look at the roses instead of the thorns.

One day after learning to lean on the Father of all, we come out of the valley.  Very slowly now, we climb the mountain of our death.  VERRY slowly we approach the end of our life.  Very slowly we approach that moment that we have dreamed of as "Reaching our reward."

As we wearily make the last few days journey to the very pinnacle of the mountain, we ponder why God was so very cruel to give us such a difficult journey.  We start to think about facing Him and, instead of head held high with confidence, our shoulders slump forward wearily from the journey. 
"Why?" we wonder did He give me such an awful journey?

Then, just as we reach the top, we slowly turn around to take one last look at the valley and our heart thrills at what we see.  There, from that tall vantage point, we can see the valley filled to overflowing with gorgeous roses just like we saw at the beginning of our life.

That was when we understood something that our young minds never could have grasped.  The valley of roses was beautiful ALL THE TIME!!!!!  God's world was beautiful all along!  The roses didn't change at all!  They were always there--we just couldn't see them when we focused on all of the problems of life. 

Look up then, dear reader.  God is there with His beauty and promises all along the journey--even when it doesn't seem like it!  Look up and let His beauty sink into your being and then proceed towards the other mountain called Heaven!  The journey, dear friends, is meant to be delightful!!!

Monday, July 14, 2014

My newest discovery PLUS an invitation

As you know, if you've read here long, I have been plagued with many serious health issues most of my life--the worst being shingles on the brain 8 years ago. 

God Himself has sustained me with many wonderful foods, natural products, and techniques.  However, I have continued my search for a regimen that brings me totally into a state of wellness and good health that I have only heard about. 

Each new discovery brought me a little bit closer to abundance of energy; strength; and clarity of mind but still I lack something.  This elusive "Something" has kept me reading everything that I felt led to read; talking to everyone who seemed healthy about what they were doing and eating and drinking; and praying for God to eventually lead me to the missing puzzle pieces. 

Two weeks ago I saw a client in my office who shared with me about something that helped a friend of hers who was on her deathbed.  I called her friend the next day and learned about this company called Stemtech. 

 What I heard made me very excited so I started reading all that I could about the products and am VERY impressed with what I have learned.

Stemtech makes products which help the bones release our own stem cells which then go into the bloodstream.  They somehow hop off the bloodstream and start growing wherever the body is broken down and in need of repair.  I learned that stem cells can convert to ANY kind of cell the body is needing so they can go to work repairing damage in ANY cells.  TALK ABOUT A MIRACLE!!!

I share this video along with an invitation.  Tomorrow night, July 15, 2014 the man who shared Stemtech with the lady who shared it with me will be sharing these incredible products in Bismarck, ND.  If you are near there, please email me and I will send you the details of the meeting location and time.

I am confident that you will want to learn about these products.  I have never met someone who had 28 diagnosed diseases that his body healed with a product until NOW.  I am sure that you will be just as impressed as I am with these products and the integrity of the company.  Happy viewing and have a great week!


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

How StemEnhance works to promote healing

I just watched this video by the doctor who discovered StemEnhance. I urge you to take a few minutes to watch how this product promotes wellness.

I don't want to bore you with an advertisement but I believe this product can help many of my readers. I want to share with you as I go along so I will say that today I took my very first StemEnhance tablet. I'm taking my up-line's advice and starting out slowly to avoid an uncomfortable detox reaction. NO THANK YOU!

Looking forward to feeling better!


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

My newest hope

Recently a friend who was dying told me about her recovery with this product.  As I await my first order, I have been learning more about the product and about Stemtech.  I'm sure that you will find this worth your time to watch as I did!

Sleep well now!


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Governing my own affairs

I'm sure that all of my readers know by now how very patriotic I am.  By this I mean how much I love the United States of America which has opened it's doors to the homeless and destitute since it's beginnings. 

How well I recall the stories my parents told of their parents coming to this country from Russia and from Germany to follow their hopes of free land in Dakota territory.  I recall that my great-grandparents got here in the middle of Winter.  I can still see my dad's face as he told the story that his father told him about his parents turning their wagon upside down and LIVING on the prairie in the MIDDLE OF WINTER as there was no wood to be had to build a house when they arrived here. 
Later, when the ground thawed, they cut the sod from the prairie and built a house from it and thought that they were RICH!!!

I come from a long line of people who governed their own affairs well.  Most farmers naturally learn how to work the land; raise animals; AND run their families and households well.  I am very proud to be from a people who know how to survive under the worst of conditions! 

At this time of the year, when our country celebrates it's birthday, I am even MORE patriotic than normal.  That's probably why this hit me especially hard!!!  You see, while we have been working to preserve our freedom by learning how to sustain ourselves and NOT be a mooch on ANYBODY, our government has been OPENLY working to make us their slaves!!!

Listen to this and prepare to be insulted.  How dumb does he think we are???????  Well, you can rest assured that to my dying day I will sit at my computer and encourage everyone who will listen to govern their own affairs well so that these words are nothing but a mockery to their owner.

Happppppppppppppppppppy INDEPENDENCE Day, folks!!!

Dawn for freedom

PS.  The only all powerful Sovereign that I will ever submit wholly to is the God of the Bible--God the Father; God the Son; and God the Holy Spirit

Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...