Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Governing my own affairs

I'm sure that all of my readers know by now how very patriotic I am.  By this I mean how much I love the United States of America which has opened it's doors to the homeless and destitute since it's beginnings. 

How well I recall the stories my parents told of their parents coming to this country from Russia and from Germany to follow their hopes of free land in Dakota territory.  I recall that my great-grandparents got here in the middle of Winter.  I can still see my dad's face as he told the story that his father told him about his parents turning their wagon upside down and LIVING on the prairie in the MIDDLE OF WINTER as there was no wood to be had to build a house when they arrived here. 
Later, when the ground thawed, they cut the sod from the prairie and built a house from it and thought that they were RICH!!!

I come from a long line of people who governed their own affairs well.  Most farmers naturally learn how to work the land; raise animals; AND run their families and households well.  I am very proud to be from a people who know how to survive under the worst of conditions! 

At this time of the year, when our country celebrates it's birthday, I am even MORE patriotic than normal.  That's probably why this hit me especially hard!!!  You see, while we have been working to preserve our freedom by learning how to sustain ourselves and NOT be a mooch on ANYBODY, our government has been OPENLY working to make us their slaves!!!

Listen to this and prepare to be insulted.  How dumb does he think we are???????  Well, you can rest assured that to my dying day I will sit at my computer and encourage everyone who will listen to govern their own affairs well so that these words are nothing but a mockery to their owner.

Happppppppppppppppppppy INDEPENDENCE Day, folks!!!

Dawn for freedom

PS.  The only all powerful Sovereign that I will ever submit wholly to is the God of the Bible--God the Father; God the Son; and God the Holy Spirit

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