Monday, February 15, 2016

A Song for Mothers

This morning Andrew blessed me with a song from the movie he helped film last year which is called "Refuge!"  It's a song about saying that we're sorry to God when we realize that we have let Him down.  It's very beautiful and maybe some day I'll have access to share it with you here.
In the meantime I've been pondering the power of a song to touch one's heart.  Wouldn't you know it,  as I opened my mind to this concept in a new and special way, He shared with me a new and special song.  Anyway, it's new to me so I want to share it with all of you mothers who are in the trenches of raising small children.
Although I LOVED home schooling my children, sometimes it really DID feel like it was never ending.  From one task to another, with much left undone in each area, it was enough to madden any perfectionist. 
If this is where you are in life, I share this song with hopes that you will grasp in a new and special way that you are serving God when you care for His wee ones!!  Hugs dear mamas!

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