Monday, July 25, 2016

Pretty girls vs ugly girls

Were you a pretty girl in high school?  Were you an ugly girl in high school?  I was most definitely an ugly girl in high school and to this day I still have my doubts that anything has changed!
This song came out the very year that I was 17.  I remember seeing the boy that I thought was the coolest thing since sliced bread driving by with my cute, little cheer leader neighbor girl.  They had just driven by the drive-in and, as I sat crying at how ugly I was, THIS song played on the radio.  It was the first time that I ever heard it and the words haunted me and they still do!

The hope that this song gave me was enough to keep me from pulling the trigger.  The hope that it gave me, though, wasn't real.
You see, I've come to see that those who were pretty girls in high school STILL see themselves that way decades later.  YES, the opposite is true too!!  You see, I've never gotten over being an ugly girl and I feel it's bight over and over.
It can be such a little thing but, when a pretty girl laughs and all the men in my life laugh along with her--I am STILL the ugliest girl in the world.
I don't suppose that it will ever change.  Thanks to my brothers who convinced me that I was so ugly that nobody would ever love me, I have known of my ugliness all my life!!  If I could ever think of a healthy revenge for how they have ruined my life, I'd do it.  For now, though, all I can say to them is this--congrats--YOU WON!!  I know that I am ugly through and through.  Nothing that I ever do will change that fact! 
Ugly Dawn

Friday, July 22, 2016

NO sympathy

I have no sympathy for leaders who fail their citizens!  Check it out at 26 minutes.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

IF this is true

I have no idea IF this is all true or not BUT I agree 100% that we need someone in the White House who will PULL US TOGETHER!  Enough of this government that gains control over us by separating us from each other!

That's all folks,

Dawn for a strong America UNDER GOD!!!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Fascia blaster

Hey everybody,

I am EXCITED to share this information with you all.  I just found it a couple of hours ago and YES I ordered myself one of these awesome new tools.
 The photos on the website are AMAZING!  Just Goggle "Fascia Blaster" and your hope will SOAR!
For health, 

Friday, July 15, 2016


This is one hour off the presses at the ACLJ--the American Center for Law and Justice!!  Read it and weep for the demise of freedom around the world!
Once again, the terrorists have attacked France.
The carnage is ghastly. Last night, a terrorist attack ripped through Nice, France on Bastille Day – France’s independence day – slaughtering more than 84 people (including two Americans).  Dozens more are injured as the death toll continues to rise.
The jihadist used a time-tested terrorist tool – using a large vehicle as a weapon of mass destruction.
Radical Islamic jihadists continue to strike at the heart of freedom day after day.  ISIS (the Islamic State) has repeatedly attacked our NATO allies in France, Turkey, Belgium and beyond.  ISIS has directed multiple jihadist attacks in America – from San Bernardino to Orlando.  The Jihadist cancer is spreading!!
The world is at war!
The global jihad must be destroyed. The time is now for the world to unite to defeat the radical jihadists.
We’ve outlined a crucial 5-point plan to defeat ISIS (the Islamic State) and other jihadists:
1) Name the enemy: Islamic jihadists.
2) Fix our broken intelligence.
3) Ramp up undercover stings to smoke out jihadists at home.
 4) Authorize military force against ISIS.
5) Unleash full U.S. military might to utterly destroy ISIS.
We’re aggressively working in Congress and across the globe to implement this strategy.
The world must unite immediately to defeat and utterly destroy this evil.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

My hero

Jay Sekulow has become a daily hero in my life!  At 11:00 AM I watch him and learn what is really happening in the world.  He doesn't only share the bad news, Jay shares the good news that he and others are doing to fight evil!  He has numerous petitions which we can sign to join our voices together and make a difference against evil!

THIS is why Jay, and his organization The American Center for Law and Justice, are my heroes!  I copied this from my most recent email from Jay.

Lest you think he's just another money grubber, he's NOT.  Look at all of the legal things he's doing for OUR freedoms to remain intact.  Jay has argued for life and liberty for decades at the US Supreme court and won!  Yes, I have finally found my hero!

Check out the ACLJ, and their many triumphs for life and liberty, here:

Yours for freedom,


President Obama's virus of deception has become a pandemic.

His Attorney General refuses to tell the truth to Congress. His former Secretary of State lied to Congress.

His Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is censoring references to "jihad" and "Islam" from its files. His IRS targeted conservatives. His State Department flat out lied about the Iran deal.

The fix is in, but we won't let President Obama get away with it.

We've sent multiple legal demands to the DOJ, FBI, and yesterday to DHS. We're vigorously working on several more critical legal demands in the coming days.

By law, the Obama Administration must answer us. If they don't, we're taking this lawless Administration to federal court. We've already filed a major federal lawsuit against the State Department for its Iran lie.

We're aggressively battling this Administration as it uses your taxpayer dollars against us in court.

But, today, every tax-deductible donation will be doubled through our July Matching Challenge. End the lawlessness.

Double Your Impact: $25 Becomes $50; $50 Becomes $100.

Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel

P.S. Take action with us. Sign Our Petition to End the Lawlessness

Saturday, July 9, 2016

So You're Feeling TOO FAT to be Photoed

What a relief!  I am not the only one in the world who feels this way but WAIT--there's more!
Listen. I hear you. You’re a few pounds heavier than you like (or a 100 lbs heavier than you like). I completely understand how you feel. I get that same blah feeling about myself when I think about booking new head shots or long overdue pictures of me and Justin.
Precious, I even picked a career that has me permanently behind the camera rather than in front of it. Seeing myself in pictures actually produces the faintest sick feeling in my stomach.
Isn’t it amazing we can see the beauty in our best friends, sisters, mothers, and aunts without the slightest thought to their flaws... but can obsess for hours on our own imperfections?
 We fixate on our flaws to the point we shirk at any documentation that our round faces and curvy bodies ever walked the earth. No pictures to show how we LOVE, how we laugh, how we are treasured by our families. How is it possible that a double chin can overpower the beauty of a mother cuddling her child? How does arm fat distract from the perfect shot of a spontaneous hug? I swear y’all... how is it that we can put more value on a TUMMY ROLL than the captivating way you throw yourself into a roar of laughter during a shoot?
In our warped minds pictures become frozen mirrors that we can stare at as we pick apart our features over and over again.
I know girl. I know.
My personal duck-and-cover (or signature “make a funny face”) approach to having pictures of myself changed completely when I had a serious car accident last year (and started over). In the flash of a second (or a flash of the text message the young woman was reading) my entire life changed.
 I nearly left this earth with no physical evidence of the goofy, wide open and loud love I have for my life, my husband, my family and friends. I haven’t had professional pictures done since our wedding in 2006... always waiting for this elusive moment where I would be thin enough (pretty enough) to have such a permanent record of me. Because, you know, HEAVEN FORBID there be any proof that I look the way I actually look.
So here is the harsh truth y’all. Listen good. Our vanity is no longer enough of a reason to avoid the camera. Life doesn’t wait until you “get thin” enough to capture it. Life is happening... it is happening right now and the only moment we are guaranteed is the one we are living.
I shudder at the thought of leaving behind no pictures of my life with ME in it. My mom says of the accident she is “just glad that we’re still a whole family.” My gift to her this Christmas was a family portrait showing just that, nine months post-accident... a whole family.
Do you know what my mom sees when she looks at this picture? Her beautiful family all together.
  Do you know what my husband sees? The family he gained the moment he met me (and how much he looks like my dad...)
  Do you know what my dad sees? The happy family he has worked for every day of his life.
  Do you know what my brother sees? That he got away with wearing shorts...
Shocker: No one is looking at how fat I look.
Can we agree to put the value of family over the value of fat? Can we just accept that the weight you’ve been trying to lose for 5 years might actually just be a part of what you look like... and that if this magical day does come when you’re acceptably thin you’ll STILL regret not having any pictures of you with your kids from ages 5-10? Can we acknowledge that the insecurities we have in our heads will never be a part of how our children, husbands, and friends see us? Can we just please let our loved ones remember the YOU they love?
Your children want pictures with their mom.
Your husband wants pictures with his beautiful wife.
Your mom and dad want pictures of the happy, successful, amazing woman they raised (OK, and more pictures of the grandkids while you’re at it).
And if you’re thinking that high school friend on Facebook will say to herself (“wow she has gained weight”) then... news flash you DID. You gained weight. Shed a tear. Read a book. Drink a sweet tea. Watch Oprah. Whatever it takes. Accept this reality... YOU GAINED WEIGHT. The truth is you’ve gained a lot of other things too (a career, a family, some kids, a house, a love for travel, the ability to coordinate your separates...) and that girl from high school is going to spend a lot more time hating on those things then she ever will on your double chin.
So you’re feeling too fat to be photographed? OK... but you’re the only one who notices. The rest of us are too caught up in loving you.
Teresa is a photographer and blogger. Her work can be found at

Friday, July 8, 2016

Peace I leave with you

The Bible verse which got me through shingles on the brain, now a decade ago, is John 14:27.  Peace I leave with you.  My peace I give unto you.  Not as the world gives, give I unto you.  Let not your heart be troubled.  Neither let it be afraid. 
Peace is God's gift to the world!!  In light of the violence in Dallas last night, my heart was crying out for peace today.  Once again,, it came from the John Birch Society which we have been following for nearly a decade. 
PLEASE listen to this video and understand that we are being played by those who want to destroy personal freedoms in the West!  THIS advice may save your life and prayerfully it will save our country!
Peace to all who love freedom for ALL!


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

How I survived the Summer of '06

  About this time 10 years ago, in July of 2006, I noticed a lot of heat in my head! It would get so hot that I had to go to the kitchen sink and spray my head with very cold water. I likened it to a volcano going off inside my head and nobody knew what it was and then I got dizzy.

  After three weeks, during which time the nerve endings were being burned by shingles, the pain began. It felt like someone was holding a hot iron to my neck for THREE months!

  Although Robert took me to 4 doctors, none of them could identify what was killing me!!! 

 Then I went to a health center to die, so that my children didn't have to watch it any more. 

  Then God sent an angel who whispered the words, "Internal shingles" into my left ear the first Sabbath morning I was there. That was when we started bee venom therapy which jump-starts the immune system; contains an anti-inflammatory; AND it has anti-depressant properties. 
   Over the next year, Cora gave me nearly 750 bee stings in my head so that I could keep living and THEN I found BodyTalk which ended all of that! Slowly my nerves healed and the head bobbing ended and I could begin to think again.

   Slowly I recovered from shingles on the brain but then many of my friends rejected me because God chose to heal me through a method other than "Running to the doctor," which I did FIRST but got no answers from anyway! Some friends!!!

   God saw me through it all but there have been many times that I begged Him to take me home and end all of the suffering. Suicide was often in my mind but He kept me from that too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The small, peaceful voice of God kept saying, "I still need you here!"

   SO I AM HERE! If you ever need a friend OR my professional services as a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner, I AM STILL HERE!

   Sometimes my family asks me why I invest so much time into helping hurting individuals or families. I guess they can forget the Summer of 2006. That's good--I don't blame them for wanting to forget it--I get that. 

   I, however, can never forget! No matter how hard I try, I can never forget the pain NOR how God brought me through it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

   Nor can I forget those who helped me during the most desperate year of my life!!! I want to thank you all again for, without any one of you, I would NOT be here these past 10 years! 

 Dr. John Veltheim

 Dr. Veltheim is the creator of The BodyTalk System of Healing of which I am proud to be a part for the rest of my days on Earth! God bless you all!!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

God bless America

With all that America has sunk to, it is STILL the best nation to live in EVER!  WHY?  Because it was founded on the principals of freedom! 
 No matter how wicked our present government is, they cannot remove the fact that our Constitution gives every TRUE American the right to freedom of speech; freedom of religion; freedom to carry a weapon for self defense; freedom to peacefully assemble; and many others.
What does such a situation EXPECT of it's citizens?  To me, the number one requirement to live here is to acknowledge that every other TRUE American has the same rights that I have.  Nobody's rights are more important than another's!!! 
An unborn child has the same rights as I have!
An aged adult with dementia has the same rights that I have!
A special needs person has the same rights that I have!
A politician has THE SAME rights that I have!
A "Special in their own head person" has the same rights that I have!  Indeed, when freedom prevails, NOBODY has any more rights than ANYONE else!  ALL ARE EQUAL!!!!!
This is the America that I grew up in and the America that I grieve the decline of.  It is also the America that I fight for every day as I kill in me this idea that I am more special than anyone else!

The principals of America ARE worth fighting for and they ARE worth dying for if need be!
May God bless America with a strong shot of reality as to it's true spiritual state!  May God bless America with the Third great awakening with MILLIONS of people turning to Him in repentance of sins.  May God bring America to it's knees in sorrow for leaving Him so that it may remain free for generations to come!!

Happy Independence Day everyone!


Friday, July 1, 2016

The beginners guide to Sabbath

Every week about now my family and I are just about exhausted.  We work HARD for 6 days every week and then on the Sabbath we rest hard!  We do very little other than worship the Lord; fellowship with each other and guests; and REST. 
Our very first Sabbath observance was the week that Jacob was born so we're going on 21 years of enjoying this bliss.  Keeping the Sabbath has been an immense blessing to me and to my family!  If you have never done so, I urge you to do NO work from Friday night at sunset to Saturday night at sunset.  Focus on God and His marvelous creation and you WILL fall in love with the Sabbath as it has been blessed by God since the creation.
Anyway, I was looking for a resource to share with those of you who have not yet become aware of the joy of the Biblical day of rest.  Here is an excellent resource for you that I find easy to understand.  I pray that these words will not fall on deaf ears but that He will water my efforts with abundant growth and sweet peace in many more Sabbath keeping homes!


Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...