Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I am so very thankful tonight, with the direction that our country can now go, that I find myself short on words--a true miracle.  ;) 
Listen with me to our President elect!

God bless you all,


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I am so very thankful tonight, with the direction that our country can now go, that I find myself short on words--a true miracle.  ;) 
Listen with me to our President elect!

God bless you all,


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

I've been honored

I have been honored by Andrew and Marie's request that I sing this song at their wedding next month.  WHAT AN AWESOME SONG!!!
Please pray that I can do it just the way that they will cherish forever!!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Truth is stranger than fiction

I believe that God is in charge of who rules a nation.  I have to wonder what He was thinking when he put this woman together and put her into power.  The only thing that I can think is that He is using this criminal to wake up His sleeping people!!
If you STILL have not learned about the TRUE Hillary, and you plan to vote tomorrow, then I BEG YOU to watch this video!  For your sake, for mine, for all of ours, we ALL must vote her out of power and into jail NOW!
If I'm missing in a few weeks, you can know that those who are trying to silence Christians in our country thought I was talking too much.  So be it.  If I can play my part in the Lord's work of waking up His sleeping church, then I am honored to be the first Christian martyr in our neck of the woods.  Then at least I don't have to live on the same planet as someone THIS corrupt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  After all, we're all going to die sometime!
PS  Please scroll down and read how God has chosen a man to save our country from a complete take-over by the likes of this creature from hell!!  Watch the video now.

Friday, November 4, 2016


I am old enough to have watched Andy and Barney weekly.  I am old enough to have walked to school safely.  I am old enough to have learned of all the mighty industries that were producing American goods.  I am old enough to know when America was great!
You who are younger may have listened to the other candidates words mocking Mr. Trump's motto, "Make America great again."  She said, "America IS great," but I have to ask who it is great for?  It's great for the Clinton's (so far) and for corporate heads who plunder their staff and let lower level management take the blame for THEIR crimes!  NO THAT IS NOT GREAT!!  What America has sunk to is NOT great!
The education system is this country is stealing it's students knowledge of right and wrong.  How could this ever reap a nation of righteous citizens?  The medical system in this country is stealing citizen's rights to educated choices for their families' health care.  The religious system is totally out of whack patronizing to the vanity which is natural to sinful mankind. 

The family has deteriorated to the point where half of all marriages end in divorce.  Is THAT great?
I could go on and on but I think that I have said enough to have you ponder what is so great about the country that the Clintons and others have forced upon us.
I cried when I watched this video.  I know that many of my self-righteous brethren will point out that Mr. Trump is no choir boy and his wife probably didn't' grow up attending and later teaching Sunday School as I was fortunate enough to do.  However, I am thinking of King David--a man after God's own heart.  He committed adultery AND murder and raised some of his children to do the same--to take what wasn't theirs.
YET Yeshua came from the line of David!  How could God choose to send His only son into the world through the line of an adulterer and murderer?  That's a good question to ponder, isn't it? 
To be blunt.  I am voting for Donald Trump and am encouraging every American to do the same.  Why?  Well, this video is the best one I've seen yet to summarize why.  If you've watched the former video I shared, you know that God has chosen Trump to save our country from complete and utter destruction. 
 Open borders mean there's no country at all.  Anyone can come and take while our own citizens are left paying for their care instead of our veterans needs.  I could go on and on about this but this video covers all my thoughts on why our country is NOT great any more and why I am voting for Mr. Trump. 
Mr. Trump understands the world economy and how to get our country back on track financially! 
Mr. Trump is pro-life!!! 
Mr. Trump is pro 2nd Amendment rights!
Mr. Trump will suggest the same kind of people for the US Supreme Court appointees!
I prayed long and hard about who to support in this election process.  The Lord has helped me to see that His choice for the next President of our once-great country is Donald J. Trump.  If you doubt this, then scroll down and watch the video entitled, "Trump chosen by God to save America from destruction!"
Please take a few minutes to watch this video then PLEASE, for the sake of freedom on Earth, go out and vote for Trump next Tuesday!

Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...