Monday, November 7, 2016

Truth is stranger than fiction

I believe that God is in charge of who rules a nation.  I have to wonder what He was thinking when he put this woman together and put her into power.  The only thing that I can think is that He is using this criminal to wake up His sleeping people!!
If you STILL have not learned about the TRUE Hillary, and you plan to vote tomorrow, then I BEG YOU to watch this video!  For your sake, for mine, for all of ours, we ALL must vote her out of power and into jail NOW!
If I'm missing in a few weeks, you can know that those who are trying to silence Christians in our country thought I was talking too much.  So be it.  If I can play my part in the Lord's work of waking up His sleeping church, then I am honored to be the first Christian martyr in our neck of the woods.  Then at least I don't have to live on the same planet as someone THIS corrupt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  After all, we're all going to die sometime!
PS  Please scroll down and read how God has chosen a man to save our country from a complete take-over by the likes of this creature from hell!!  Watch the video now.

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