Sunday, August 20, 2017

World Wide Healing

I just read this email from a friend who uses energy healing tools every day to bring peace to plants, animals, and the Earth.  He's the friend who taught me his life's motto is "Team work makes the dream work!"  That attitude is SO right on and I smile every time I think of his words!
This email explains his newest notion for helping us all!  If you are a radionic operator, and you want to be a part of this super project, I invite you to join us all tomorrow. 

PS.  As a radionic reminder, if there is anyone reading this who would care to have the opposite affect, I wouldn't try it.  If your instructor never taught you this, I'm going to do you a favor.  What you put out comes right back at you!  The last thing I would want to experience is all of this intention in reverse coming my way!  That's really something to think about!!! 
Hello Friends!

Tomorrow a solar eclipse will cross North America, passing in totality from Lincoln City, Oregon, to Charleston, South Carolina. Historically, eclipses have been regarded as an event of Death and Rebirth - the sun is consumed by darkness, only to return triumphantly to the sky later that day.

We find ourselves in pattern where the headlines are filled with incredible negativity, with friends and family split asunder by external forces.   I invite you to help put an end to this destructive cycle by participating in a worldwide, synchronized broadcast using your radionic instrument.  The focus of our intent will be to add resonance to the positive rebirth of our nation and our world throughout this celestial event. Here's the plan:

1. Follow this link to a NASA photo of the Earth, then print it out and place it in the sample well.  If you cannot print the photo, simply write "Planet Earth" and "Everyone" on the piece of paper and put that in the well.

Planet Earth

2. Anytime tomorrow, but especially between the hours of 6:00 am to 4:30 pm Eastern Standard Time, set your instrument to:

Bank 1:  "Divine Love":  39.00 - 43.00
Bank 2: "Harmony":  54.00 - 47.50

If you have an additional bank on your instrument, feel free to cold scan for a supporting rate that maximizes the positive impact of the first two rates.  Also feel free to add any symbols, herbs, colors, oils, or other reagents that add the energies of light, love, healing, and unity to our worldwide broadcast.

3. Turn on your amp and broadcast for the duration.

Together we can turn the tide and restore the purifying light of Love to the darkest corners of this planet!

Thank you for your help!

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